My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1092: Mesoaran Federation

"Boom ..."

A series of muffled thunderous noises hit, and the sun and the blazing weather became gloomy and dim, as if covered with a dark cloud.

The horses under the crotch of the robbers and knights started hissing anxiously, almost throwing the knight on his back.

"How is this going!?"

"what happened!"

The robbers were all unknown, so they were shocked and panicked, knowing that the desert was changing fast, but it was not close to this point, and just after a muffled sound, the sky became dark, and there was no cloud, like the sun was shot by someone.

Only a few superstitious businessmen looked at the head in surprise, immediately knelt down, and began to miss words.

The horses are still frightened by the long fizz, even the special warfare horse under the formal knight's crotch is no exception. In this case, both sides stopped the battle wisely, and they can't fight anymore, they can only maintain the previous crossfire. The distance looked staring at the sky with awe in his eyes.

"Mysterious power ... Mystery Master!"

"It must be the power of Lord Mystery. It is said that the powerful Lord Mystery lives in the desert of Daluo. It really is true!"

A moment later, they discovered the source of this mysterious power.

At this time everyone was staring at the caravan, and a man in a loose robe sat on the last cricket. He stretched out a hand, and the endless black smoke came out of that hand, and it was these black smoke that covered the whole sky!

Until he lowered his hand, the sky remained dull, as if swallowed by him, and he stood up and lifted the hood on the cricket, revealing a calm face, with a faint luster flashing in his eyes, and immediately made everyone dare not dare Looking straight, I was afraid that I would inadvertently offend this miracle-creating adult.

He took a step forward and, like a god, made all the knights and robbers lay down their weapons and silently lowered their heads to show respect.

Some knights had their eyes wide open, and there was a look of excitement in their expressions, and the hands holding their arms shook slightly, while some knights showed an expression of admiration and longing, lowering their heads and licking their dry lips. Contrary to them, the bandits, when they saw the mysterious adult standing up from the caravan, they were already ashamed, especially the power of the mysterious person, it seemed much scarier than in the story biography!

Mystery! Their power, their means, their terrible, who do not know who does not know, if they really offend them, death ... Maybe it is the happiest solution.

The musket ... is not enough to challenge the mystery.

When the mysterious adult approached step by step and came to them, everyone was trembling and looked at each other, they all understood the fear in the other person ’s eyes, but they dared not run away. On the contrary, they must hold their breath. I was afraid that I would offend the mysterious lord who was hard to see once in my life.

I really do n’t know if it ’s lucky or unfortunate.

And Anyang only asked them a few questions, then waved his hand to let the robbers go, and then he returned to the caravan with many guards, and called the caravan master.

In front of him, even the insignificant Xiao Knight showed his respect.

With a snap, he threw a rifled flintlock rifle at the feet of the caravanserai, calmly asking: "Do you know when this kind of thing started to rise?"

"Ah? Back to adults, about seven years ago, this weapon first appeared in the Kingdom of Hessos. Five years ago, our kingdom began to imitate it. Now basically all countries have its existence, but the quality is uneven, and some people find it easy to use. Some people think it is not as good as a set of very common bows and arrows. "The principal's face was sweating and raining, and he replied tremblingly.

"Seven years ago ..." Anyang narrowed his eyes.

He had never heard of the Hessian Empire, because when he left this guy was still a kingdom, the coastal kingdom, and the shipping industry was quite developed. The nautical career has a great role in promoting muskets. It is not surprising that such a powerful and simple long-range weapon appeared in the Kingdom of Hessos.

This world is changing very fast indeed!

"What about this kind of musket?" Anyang asked again, pointing specifically to the bandits on the ground.

"I don't know if I go back to adults, but some of our guards also bought muskets, but their power is far inferior to the muskets used by these bandits. I guess it may have been handed down from the Mesoaran Federation in the south."

"Mesoayan Federation?"

"Yes, the Federation of Mesoyaran has vigorously developed muskets and some strange things in recent years. I heard that there are giant muskets bigger than a cow. They have signed a contract with the domestic slave race. Pushing the front line of defense of the army towards the frontier of our country, I heard that in the several frictional conflicts that occurred, even the knights could not stop their rifle formations. "

"Is there any artillery, the Federation of Mesoyaran ..." Anyang's mouth twitched an arc, "What is the weird thing you are referring to, let me listen."

"I've never seen it with my own eyes, but I listened to the colleagues who walked away after tea and dinner." The principal hesitated. "I heard that there are steel boxes running on steel, and there are ships that don't use sails and oars. Some big guns have something to do with lightning iron absorption. I have sold them to iron absorption ... "

"Steam trains, steam ships, electromagnetic reactions ..." Anyang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He knew that he was in the territory of the Federal Republic of Mesoasia. Because the slaves repeatedly violated the border, the whole country was disturbed. The extreme chaos has led to the urgent need for powerful weapons in this country. The advent of muskets will surely be the first to receive attention in this country, but he did not expect that its pace of development could be so large.

Is it thick and thin? But ... there must be the role of a downcast trainee mystery, right? Only with the technical participation of these apprentice mysteries can they introduce the technology so quickly and notice the significance of the electromagnetic reaction!

At this time, I heard the caravan principals say: "I heard that the MPs of the Federal Republic of Mesoaran also set up a treasury, called a new theoretical treasury, as long as someone can invent new gadgets or improve what they already have, You can get a large amount of gold coins from this vault, and if you are favored by the government, you can still get government research support! "

"In the beginning, we were all waiting to see the joke of the Mesoayan Federation, waiting for them to spend all their money, being deceived by those who played tricks, and waiting for the parliamentarians to regret this absurdity made by Modi Decree ... As a result, we only waited for their army and giant firearms. In just a few years, they had defeated the original blue empire ’s fleet in the Coral Sea. Now only a few countries such as the White Plains empire can suppress it. Pass it! "

"And their army has arrived at our border, and the fleet heard that it also stopped outside our coastline, just avoiding the innocent sea outside the desert, which is a restricted area."

As he said this, the caravan master sighed, and even the knights next to him were even more silent-after all, some people still value the glory of the country and the royal family more than anything, and can even pay everything for it.

Anyang nodded and fell silent.

In this way, with the mastery of high-tech, the Mesoaran Federation has begun some kind of transition. On the surface, it is a replacement of technology. In fact, it is a conversion of consciousness. This conversion seems ordinary, but it actually makes a decaying The old country quickly radiates the light that is unique to the new era, and the bursting power is very impressive.

He remembers that the name of the Blue Empire is actually quite complicated. In their language, it is called Blue of the Sky, which originated from the original sky worship, and is simply referred to as the Blue Empire by other countries.

This country was originally a neighbor of the Mesoran Confederation, and the land territory was separated by a large mountain range, which was difficult to read, but recently there was only one strait across the sea. The Commonwealth of Soyaland is only a medium country. Although it is still a martial art, because of the perpetual ravages of the slaves and the constant friction with the neighboring countries, in the face of the blue empire, it has not only failed to return the capital, and even sent a lot of gifts every year to maintain relations It means to be a minister. And now it has not only calmed the chaos of the slaves, it has obtained the rich resource mines occupied by the slaves at the beginning, and it has also defeated the Yongsheng fleet proud of the Blue Empire on the coral sea. This is a sudden rise compared to the real world modern Japan. It's incredible to defeat the Tsarist fleet!

Several countries such as the White Plains Empire are the old empire of the Lacea continent. They are rich in resources, fertile land, and rich in knights, so the Mesoaran Federation, which has risen too fast, has to bow its head in front of them.

Anyang gradually narrowed his eyes.

If he remembers correctly, the Mesoaran Federation is one of the spheres of influence of the Silent Tower. It has developed so fast and is unimpeded. Just like this world is just a mortal world, it has obviously got the Silent Tower. Support, at least with the tacit approval of the Silent Tower, otherwise such a thing ... the Federal Parliament alone cannot do it!

And the blue empire is the enemy of the silent tower-the main activity range of the Smetuo manor ~ ~ Mesoayan Federation defeated the blue empire fleet, it seems to be explaining something.

Anyang raised his head and asked a few more questions.

He determined that the world is on the road to change. Some countries seem not to pay attention to this point. It may be that the mysterious organization behind them does not support this, while some countries are vigorously developing. Domestic life is changing with each passing day, and the rate of change is even faster than The news spread even faster to foreign countries, obviously with the permission of the mysterious organization behind it.

The steam engine has been around for a long time in the Federal Republic of Mesoaland and has started some simple applications. It is said that steam ships with wheels have been manufactured and steam trains are about to appear ...

Other countries do not fall behind the Federation.

For this group of businessmen in neighboring countries, the most intuitive thing is that weird new things come from the Mesoaran Federation every day, but they do n’t know how these things were made, and how long ago they were Manufactured.

They are not yet aware of the concept of 'lagging behind'.

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