My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1103: Ready to go

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"It has happened to me ..."

Merlin didn't answer at first, and said it in silence. Oriental Novel Reading Network

Anyang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became interested, and was a little surprised that Merlin was so direct. After all, in his impression, the mysteries were not only mysterious in front of mortals, but they kept their secrets very strict even in front of the same kind. Merlin just wanted to tell his secrets so much that he felt a sense of trust.

Merlin was surprised when he saw him, and said, "When I was a first-level caster, I found a piece of copper in my hometown. This piece of copper came at least from a million years ago. Time! You also know that although it was still far from the peak of our mysterious and bright time, but such a copper piece from such a long time, its preciousness need not be said much? "

"Yes, it sounds precious." Anyang narrowed his eyes. "Others, is there anything strange about this copper piece? Or is it something recorded?"

Asked such a question of transcendence, he was basically ready for Merlin to refuse to answer, but unexpectedly, Merlin just shook his head and said lightly: "It does have a magical place, and it can also be said that it is recorded, but I think the more important thing is a spirit in it. "

"A spirit?" Anyang was stunned.

"Yes, I initially thought it was the will of the former user of the copper sheet, and later I learned that the spirit body is actually the copper sheet itself. It can be said that it has completely witnessed the growth of the user of the copper sheet, and it is also vague. Witnessing the mysterious ups and downs of the millions of years, but ignoring the academic value, but the historical value is extremely high! "Merlin seemed to avoid him, talking in a chair.

"An old grandpa ... copper, is it the same as a ring?" Anyang muttered to himself, and then hesitantly asked, "What happens later?"

"Later, later I activated it, asked a few words, and tried to unearth its value. At first, it told me that it had experienced a lot of operatives, which made me feel very happy, after all, so many operations Or, it only records a small part of the knowledge of these spellcasters, which is enough for my benefit. "

"Yes!" Anyang agreed.

"Then after my painstaking cognition, it was found that its last caster was probably at the peak of mystery, but according to it, its caster was injured while expedition to an unknown world. After returning to this world, he gradually died, and it has been damaged. It has been repaired, and it is now when he wakes up! "

"Mysterious peak period? Wouldn't it be right!" Anyang kept calm, trying not to let Merlin mistakenly think that he was greedy, "Congratulations to Master Merlin, you must have worked hard to find it from a certain ruin?"

"I found it from a ruin on the sea floor." Merlin's tone was also calm, but his voice always made people feel somber. "Fortunately, this copper piece of spirit is very happy to help the surgeon grow quickly. Any spellcaster who accidentally picked it up does so, and then asks the spellcaster to help him prolong his life, which is what he needs. "

"Very clever."

"Hmm!" Merlin shrugged. "It really told me a lot of knowledge, and with a very proud attitude."

"If he asked me if I knew how to significantly improve the affinity between the surgical model and the energy, I respectfully exemplified the third formula of Vandosse and the embedding method of the Deere model, and did not list others, you know, I was just a first-level spellcaster who was not knowledgeable. "

"It gave you a lot of opinions?" Anyang frowned and looked at Merlin, and after a moment he looked back.

"No, on the contrary, it was silent for about half a month, deeply amazed by the greatness of the Vandosse formula and the subtlety of the Deere model embedding method; after about a month, it was ready to teach me a way to increase physical strength Mystery, look at your eyes, you seem to have guessed, yes, it is our commonly used secret practice method, and it is the most original version; after about two months, it has enumerated many medicinal formulas and production Method, by the way, there are still many secret techniques that need to borrow rare materials to make yourself stronger, such as the mermaid potion, sunflower potion, and the sun focus strengthening method you have never heard of ... "

"Solar focusing enhancement method? You mean that some scholars in remote areas in ancient times used secret techniques to introduce high-temperature light into the brain to stimulate the brain to enhance the ability of the brain? But it has not been proved that this method Is there any incurable damage to the scholar's brain? "

Merlin gave him a deep look, first surprised, then lowered his head unconsciously: "Your knowledge is really ashamed of me, yes, that is the method, it is proud to recommend it to me, and It is said that this method was the secret of many people in its time ... "

"A lot of people's secrets ..."

"Yes, there are also the mermaid potion that was eliminated 100,000 years ago, the sunflower potion whose raw materials have been extinct for at least 50,000 years, and more formulas that have been abandoned by the previous surgeon because of the side effects and the lack of price. . "


"After that it has been silent for a long time. Obviously it is not like us. If it is us, then we must be excited at the time that we will be exposed to many more intelligent knowledge, but it seems that its self-esteem is damaged, especially depressed, and began to beg. I threw it back into the sea again. "Merlin pursed his lips." I didn't agree at first, but finally couldn't bear its constant begging. On a sunny day, I threw it back to the sea where I had picked it up. "

"..." Anyang was speechless.

"So, Master Jesse, now that you have achieved such a great success, why should you be superstitious that even the first-level casters will not believe that only ordinary people will listen to the stories of encounters?"

"Your wisdom has convinced me." Anyang's expression lost to you, bowing his head respectfully.

"Okay, Master Jesser, let me take you to your room to see it." Merlin stood up, but it seemed very hospitable and friendly. "Although the spellmaker's time is precious, if it is Master Jesser. , I am willing to spend a lot of time talking with you slowly in the future, not in a hurry now. "

"You are right."

The two walked side by side to the meeting room.

Merlin's tower is very empty, basically no one can see the presence of people, and it has been dark, if the mortal is estimated to reach five fingers. But in Anyang ’s room, the light was suddenly bright and even dazzling, probably because the height here was too high, but the room was nothing but a bed and a set of tables and chairs, it was really shabby It's okay.

In order to show sincerity, Merlin shielded all the energy fluctuations in this room, and since then this room is no longer under his supervision.

After that, the two often talked together.

On the one hand, Anyang wants to test his fictitiousness and reality, and then take back the second system to facilitate it. On the other hand, as a mysterious person of the same class, Merlin has a profound knowledge and communication with him is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He has great benefits, even if there is no first reason, he is also very happy to communicate with such a mysterious person.

But the business must never be forgotten.

A month later, Anyang already had some understanding of Merlin, and he was deeply shocked by his wisdom.

On the mainland of La Seya, for an academic, the amount of books that are precious and contain truth can reflect the strength and wisdom of this scholar to a large extent, and the Tianta has almost countless collections of books, which are all treasures. He used to exchange the right to visit the Merlin Library at a huge price. He was deeply shocked when he just entered this place.

The quantity and quality of these books are very high, making him even think that Merlin is a magician who has lived for ten thousand years, or that Merlin has obtained the treasure of a certain magician, and he has looted the place of origin. All mysterious organizations.

Because many of the contents of these books are the undisclosed secrets of major mysterious organizations, from the southern border of the origin to the Blue Strait of Dongji Cave, from the fairy forest in the west to the iceberg in the north, from the famous Taxco inheritance, To the sky and sunset city created by the eighth-order magician, or the wisdom of some small mysterious organizations in the southern border, you can find a copy in Merlin's library.

Although there is not much high-level knowledge, it is limited to the knowledge required by third-level academics, but it is really terrible!

Mystery, classics; theory, imagination;

Pharmacy formula, precious data;

Almost everything!

This not only shows Merlin's wisdom ~ ~ wisdom to some extent also shows the strength of a mystery!

Then in January, Anyang suddenly discovered that many of the contents of those collections were not known by Merlin. He had no intention of mentioning a theory at first, and Merlin knew nothing about it. Later, he deliberately mentioned something to try. What I know is only a small part, most of them don't know.

He didn't finish reading such books.

However, speaking of so many books, all the profound knowledge is recorded. If it is not that he has a memory in his body, if he wants to read these books and understand them transparently, the time of one hundred years is probably not enough.

So how did Merlin get these books?

What did he do ... of course! But he didn't seem to have time to watch!

Anyang narrowed his eyes, and he decided to shoot.

On the day there were some overcast clouds, the sky was dull, and occasionally a few snowflakes flew down. The energy diffused above the head was affected by the weather of the world and caused turbulence, making a thunderous sound.

Anyang and Meilin walked side by side in the town, one rickety figure, with a cane, the other was straightened, Qi Yuxuan walked forward, the mysterious people around saw them all bowed down and stood aside , Cast their eyes of respect and fear on them.

Anyang looked at her situation while coping with Merlin's words.

At this time, the fusion energy is complete, and the system has not had any problems for a month and a half. The physical function and mental state are perfect. Several combat spells created specifically for the fusion system have been tested and the effect is very pleasant.

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