My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1117: Revolutionary friendship

With unfathomable routines, super psychological qualities and excellent language organization skills, Ji Weiwei succeeded in making the clergy suspect suicide, and then led the werewolves to kill the last civilian who could stop them. It is impossible to pose any threat to the werewolf.

The system determines that the game has won.

Ji Weiwei put down her phone and sighed: "The people inside ... are so stupid as pigs, what game are I playing!"

The super fierce, rational and law-abiding tigress looks a little ugly.

She didn't know what the game was.

But she knew--

She seems to be a bit unable to play this game.

"It's starting, the second game." Ji Weiwei picked up her phone again, greeted Huang Lan, paused, and urged again, "Actually, you shouldn't reveal your identity so early, whether you are Werewolves are still priests. Do n’t be too impulsive to expose the difference between yourself and ordinary civilians, let alone expose the killer prematurely, so that it is easy to be caught.

"It's troublesome, it's all around!" Huang Lan said.

So the tigress with various personalities continued to be immersed in the game, and Anyang was able to continue to do his own thing.

It did n’t take long for the little fox to walk with three cups of tea in small steps and carefully placed it on the coffee table in front of the three of them. Then he glanced at the three of them quietly and found that no one had noticed himself, so he went upstairs to practice went.

Near noon, a dull mechanical roar came from outside, and a red steel monster was driving into the garage.

An You and Xiao Xueer are here.

The eight people happened to be full of a square dining table, and there was a lot of talking and laughing while eating. In Xiaoqian's words, such a group would sit at a table for dinner and chat to have a family taste.

A simple meal, and it will be finished soon.

Xiao Xueer and An You also had pronunciation training in the afternoon. Sitting on the tatami near the window, they lazily drank a glass of lemonade and were ready to leave.

An You went to the garage to drive, and Xiao Xueer was responsible for saying goodbye.

"Sister Xiaoqian, Sister Weiwei, let's go and eat again at night." Xiao Xueer, who was tall and attractive, stood at the kitchen door and said to Comrade Xiaoqian and Ji Weiwei who were doing the dishes.

"Well." Ji Weiwei nodded.

"Drive carefully." Comrade Xiaoqian turned back.

Xiao Xueer smiled, turned around and walked to the living room, waved to the three female elves in the living room: "Sister Huang Lan and Sister Rabbit, and Sister Xiao Chan, we are gone."

"Good!" Huang Lan also waved his hand.

Rabbit Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a bright and beautiful smile. It seemed that the sister of the rabbit made her ecstatic, so she returned a smile that made pride like Xiao Xue'er feel beautiful.

Xiao Chan raised her head and looked at her with her mouth closed. The shimmering light in her flexible eyes slowly blew, and her hair made a soft, soft nasal sound: "Well."

Xiao Xueer finally turned his head to look at Anyang, revealing the girl's delicate posture, hesitated, and turned around to look around.

Sister Xiaoqian and Sister Weiwei wash dishes in the kitchen.

Sister Huang Lan is concentrating on playing games.

The sister rabbit is teasing her mock rabbit pet.

Only Xiao Chan sat silently with her head down, as if she didn't want to cause anyone to notice, only occasionally raised her head to take a quiet look at this side, and quickly withdrew her gaze.

A little trouble ...

But the little girl usually didn't say anything.

do not care!

Great opportunity! do not miss it!

So Xiao Xue'er emboldened, his heart crossed, and took the initiative to step forward and printed his soft lips on Anyang's face.

In an instant, Anyang opened his eyes wide.

Xiao Chan, who just raised his head next to him and saw this scene, also froze, staring blankly at Xiao Xueer's side face kissing Anyang, as if petrified.

At the same time, as the best hunter in nature, Xiao Xue'er's big and sudden movement certainly cannot hide Huang Lan's perception. So she moved her ears, turned her head instinctively, and just saw this scene.


Huang Lan was instantly shocked by Xiao Xue'er's boldness, opened his mouth wide, and the game could no longer be taken care of. When the reaction came, she unconsciously turned her head to look at Xiao Qian and Ji Weiwei in the kitchen.

Xiao Xue'er was divided at one touch, but the soft and gentle touch and the fragrance of the girl seemed to last for a long time.

At this time there was a urging horn outside.


"Brother Anyang, I'm gone." Xiao Xueer whispered in a low voice and dared not to look at Xiao Chan with her head down. Yu Guang saw Huang Lan also turned her head towards herself. In one scene, I had to pretend to be calm.

Her delicate and beautiful face was still white, and no trace of blush was visible. The crystal-smooth skin glowed with white jade. Before Anyang answered, she turned away without changing her color. The long legs are striding briskly, and the back is still slim.

When she went out, Anyang recovered and touched the place where her face was still itchy. She turned to Huang Lan and embarrassedly said: "Huang Lan Daoyou, you also saw that I am actually innocent ..."

"Do you want me not to tell Xiaoqian's sister?"

"Uh ... um." Anyang admitted decisively.

"No!" Huang Lanyi's rhetoric refused, "You are so bold and arrogant! It's too exciting! No matter what others can't bear, the king can't bear it anyway!"

"Do you have to use the word stimulus?" Anyang felt hurt.

"Uh, sorry, I haven't read the book." Huang Lan lowered his head and apologized, and then quickly looked up, his face has changed from the sincerity of the apology to fierce, "But you don't need to tangle these petty things, know The meaning is just that, people like you who commit bigamy crimes have never been tolerant! "

"... what are you doing?" Anyang is a little bit ill.

Huang Lan stared at him with serious eyes. He stared at him more and more guilty, before he gritted his teeth, and decided to kill his relatives with a big righteousness. He said one word after another: "Report! You!"

"……I'm not married."

"Then you are not just a relationship between men and women!"

"This is a moral matter, and you can't control the police if you report it." Anyang twitched his mouth. "Anyway, any police dare to take care of me."

"Then I will take care of it myself!"

"... you ... what are you doing?"

"Hum!" Huang Lan reached out a hand, his index finger raised, and his fingertips stretched out a long hook like sharp claws, and then his eyes inadvertently looked between his legs, "If I let me see again You are messing up the relationship between men and women while carrying Xiao Qian ’s sister, and I ’m going to leave behind our original revolutionary friendship! ”

"... I didn't let you see it," Anyang muttered. "It was you who turned your head."

Huang Lan's ears trembled slightly as if he heard the movement of a mouse, and then squinted his eyes: "You still have to deal with this! Which law does not allow you to turn your head casually?"

Anyang just wanted to quibble, and heard Comrade Xiaoqian's voice: "What are you talking about, what laws are turning around?"

Turning his head, I saw that Comrade Xiaoqian and Ji Weiwei had come out of the kitchen. The two took off their apron and pulled their towels to wipe their hands. Ji Weiwei's hand was unknown whether it was cold or hot. , Looks red, like the 13-spiced crayfish that has been fried and served on the table.

Anyang and Huang Lan shook their heads almost simultaneously: "Nothing."

The words just landed, and the two looked at each other awkwardly, but Anyang's eyes were filled with a joke, and Huang Lan's eyes were full of threats.

"Does husband and Huang Lan have any private topics to hide from us, then I won't ask." Comrade Xiao Qian covered her mouth and smiled, and really didn't care about this matter, and sat down on the sofa with Ji Weiwei, Asked with concern, "Wei Wei's practice progress has not fallen this month, as if the work above is quite busy."

"It's a little bit down, but I don't think it matters. Anyway, this thing is to stay fit and healthy, prolong life, and not kill or kill like in the middle. With this meal, why am I dying like a sprint for the college entrance examination."

"Same thing." Xiao Qian nodded.

Anyang asked: "What are you busy with recently?"

"Wow! Dad! Daxian! Dashen! You started your own company, you asked me what we are busy!" Ji Weiwei looked at Anyang in a strange way ~ ~ I didn't care much about it. "

"Then you are great!" Ji Weiwei glanced at him and rubbed his hands.

Seeing this, Anyang quickly squatted in front of her, held her hand, and her palms began to heat up, saying: "Although it has already entered the spring, it is still a little cold. You should use hot water. ... , Now you know? "

Huang Lan saw this scene beside him, rolled his eyes suddenly, and then sighed secretly in his heart.

Instantly, she glanced at Comrade Xiaoqian again.

"I just used hot water, but it was a little cold after I walked out, and it was blowing outside." Ji Weiwei said, adding, "Also, even if you don't care about the company's affairs, there should always be a number. Occasionally go to see, sister Xiaoqian can't be busy alone. Now the company is developing steadily, and it has also received a lot of resistance. Every department of every company is very busy. "

"What resistance? Isn't it solved?"

"Please! Brother, what you solve is only those boycotts by unofficial means. Your company has robbed so many people's jobs, and breaking people's money is like killing parents. Do you not allow others to join forces to resist?"

"Oh, that's it!" Anyang nodded and said, "It's just free this afternoon, then I'll take a look."

"Please! Today's weekends are all right!"

"Oh, then I will go tomorrow."

"Brother, why are you so idiot." Ji Weiwei looked down at him, smiled, and then pulled out her hand, "Okay, warm up, later my sister will bring you a lollipop!"

"……Thank you."

Anyang then returned to his position, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Shen Chaowen, preparing to go and see it tomorrow, and at the same time going to meet the group of military and political gangsters.

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