My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1125: Feeding

When I think about it, I'm still a little excited!

However, to complete this plan, he first needs a lot of energy points, and secondly, he must carefully select mercenaries. When he can make the space-time mercenaries continue to perform tasks, he can continue to get the system's task rewards.

After a while, Anyang felt that the wind was not so tight before he started to go out slowly.

Going down the hallway and glancing downstairs, Huang Lan was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, holding something in his hand, and bowed his head in a serious bite, biting with relish.


Anyang was relieved a little, still walking nervously downstairs. When he walked to the living room, he immediately pretended to have an indifferent expression and greeted Huang Lan: "Morning, Dao Huang, what are you eating?"

"Chicken claws, it seems to be called Dragon Claws, made by your wife, it's very delicious. You must have eaten them. Would you like to eat more?" Huang Lan also replied with a normal face, seemingly unable to remember What happened before, "After all, I never knew chicken feet could be so soft!"

"You didn't eat chicken feet before, did you eat chicken? I mean, when you haven't gotten the way, when you are hunting."

"You have to be hungry or not. When you are hungry, you don't even let go of feathers and bones."

"very pitiful."

"Yeah, isn't life the word hard?"

"There are many people who admire you wild animals, they probably think you are free, there is no pressure to stand in the society, there are not so complicated social relations and unpredictable conspiracies."

"Hehe!" Huang Lan took the time to sneer. "People who can eat all day, of course, don't know what it's like to be hungry. Those otakus who dream of traveling back to ancient times every day have thought that ancient times What kind of life do people live, wars and medical conditions keep their average life expectancy below 30 years old? "

She took a bite of the chicken paw and continued: "If the animals living in the wild encounter bad seasons or annual life, they can't catch their prey. It's not just starving to death! If they are invaded and challenged by foreign enemies, go out. When facing the enemy, no one knows whether the opponent is stronger than himself! "

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhast's people were thinking of this was nothing more than trying to make themselves more comfortable, but what we thought of was how to live.

"People in the city want to go out, people in the city want to come in. People in the world, things in the world, that's all."

"Oh, uh ..."

After finishing a sentence that surprised Anyang, Huang Lan went on to eat hard again.

This tigress has also seen "Siege"!

Anyang was stunned for a long time, and his heart gradually stopped, and he pursed his lips and replied: "Maybe ... they envy the tigers in the zoo. They don't need to do anything. They only need to watch it every day, so they can eat and wear . "

Huang Lan raised his head: "Are you talking about the hot female anchors online recently?"

"Well, I didn't say that." Anyang quickly denied, "My own company is involved in the live broadcast industry, don't lie to me!"


Huang Lan continued to nibble at the chicken feet.

Soon after, Anyang discovered that Comrade Xiaoqian had come out of the kitchen with two heat preservation boxes in his hand.

He froze for a moment: "What are you doing?"

"Oh! Didn't I do Dragon Claw? I passed the test between you and Sister Huang Lan today and found that the market response was pretty good. I also took some past Xiao Chan's side. She also loves it. Then I also do it. It ’s a lot, so ... "

"So you want to sell it?"

"Don't make trouble!" Comrade Xiaoqian gave him a weird look. "I was thinking that Weiwei was working hard. Xiaoyou and Xue'er are so busy every day, and they are definitely depleting their bodies. I plan to bring them something to eat. In the past, to solve greed and supplement nutrition, by the way, you can also mix a little favor, and you can do more in one fell swoop. "

"Eh ..." Anyang twitched his lips. "Your big house is really good. Well, the sister-in-law is also good. I'm afraid I can be chosen as a good sister-in-law of the country."

Comrade Xiaoqian ignored his ridicule and picked up the two insulation boxes in his hand and said, "Let's go with me!"


"It's a rare opportunity to brush a good impression in front of Xiaoyou, are you going to miss it like this?"

"My goodwill with her can't be brushed up anymore. This was already destined in my previous life." Anyang shook his head and said to Xiao Qian again, "It's you, who has already established the image of a good sister-in-law in her heart. With more effort, the title of China's best sister-in-law partner is just around the corner. "

"Come on, let's go!"


"These two boxes are so heavy, I can't move them!" Comrade Xiao Qian suddenly became powerless, coupled with her gentle temperament, it really seemed like a woman with no deep bosom and weak body.

"..." Anyang shook her head helplessly, not accustomed to her pretending posture, and finally nodded, "Okay, okay, but if the girl saw me deliberately give her food, she would be scared Half dead, and I spent the whole day thinking about where I live in my heart. "

"Xiaoyou watched more Holmes."

"And Conan."

"Huh." Nodded softly, Comrade Xiao Qian's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was behind Anyang, and he inserted two insulation boxes into his hands. "Fu Jun may have to stabilize, There is soup in it, and the taste of each layer is different. Tilt will cause the soup to be confusing, and it will not be delicious at that time. "

"Got it." Anyang said helplessly.

It was then that he discovered that both of these thermal insulation boxes were actually quite large, a full circle larger than the ordinary thermal insulation boxes, and the contents contained in them were solid and heavy.

To Ji Weiwei and An You, she is really intimate.

... and Xiao Xueer.

"Then let's go out." Anyang said to Huang Lan who was sitting on the sofa and eating chicken feet.

"Hmm, go ahead." Huang Lan said without looking up. Until she finished, she froze for a few seconds before she looked up at Anyang, startled, "Well, did I forget something before?" ? It's about you! I always have an intuition like something I forgot to do, but I just can't remember it. "

"Oh, this is just, you just want me to try the spicy chicken feet." Anyang said lightly.

"Ah! That's what it is!" Huang Lan let out a long sigh of relief and gently stroked his chest with the back of his hands not oiled, suddenly feeling more comfortable, "I thought that something important wasn't done, Let me struggle for so long. "

"Well, then we will go."

"Okay, go slowly." Huang Lan lowered his head and gnawed the chicken's paw again.

Even if Comrade Xiaoqian asked her to be a little more at home, she wouldn't hear anything if she came back at noon and cooked her food.

Go to the garage and get on the car, Anyang sits in the co-pilot, Comrade Xiaoqian is familiar with the ignition gear, and the clutch starts, and at the same time, he turns around and says to him: "It is only nine o'clock in the morning. When she arrived at the Weiwei company, she should almost have taken a lunch break, and then opened to Yiying. Xiaoyou and Xueer's morning class was almost over. "

"It's really clear."

Comrade Xiaoqian's mouth twitched an arc, and steadily drove out of the garage and went down the mountain along the small road.

At the beginning of early spring, many fruit trees were planted in the surrounding area of ​​Jinguan, and the branches were covered with pink flowers. Some wildflowers along the road were also gradually opening up. With the cool dewy air blowing in the morning, the humid, let people Feeling particularly comfortable.

After entering Jinguan, they first strolled around, looked around, bought some gadgets and prepared pastry snacks to bring them to Anshi Electronics.

It was 11:20, which was not enough for Ji Weiwei's lunch break, but her work is still free. She is a manager herself, and no one manages her. So Comrade Xiaoqian struggled, or pulled Anyang, directly opened the door of Anshi Electronics with his card, took the insulation box and took the elevator to the floor where Ji Weiwei was, all the way to her office.

"Wei Wei, look at you." Comrade Xiao Qian smiled slightly. The gentle smile was like the wind outside, gently brushing the hearts of a team of employees passing by outside the office. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com regardless of men and women.

"Sister Xiaoqian, and ... why are you here?" Ji Weiwei surprised.

"Come and see you. By the way, I'm idle at home. I made a little food and brought it to you." Comrade Xiaoqian turned and pulled Anyang to the front, and took the heat preservation box in his hand and placed it in Ji Weiwei On the desk, he said, "Chicken claws, and some small snacks bought on the road. You can eat them when you are free, or you can share them with colleagues."

"You came here specifically to bring me these?" Ji Weiwei looked back and forth on Comrade Anyang and Xiao Qian with a stunned expression.

"Well." Comrade Xiaoqian nodded.

"I ... I'm so moved. Sister Xiaoqian, you are so kind to me!" Ji Weiwei swallowed hard. Although the tone was exaggerated, the touch was also true.

"You try it first, we won't stay too much, and there is a box to bring to Xiaoyou. After counting time, they should be out of class." Comrade Xiaoqian said, smiling at Ji Weiwei, just preparing to leave, He turned back and said, "By the way, you have to pay attention to rest when you are busy at work. If you have something to eat, text me. If I have time, I still like to do these things."

"I know! Thank you Xiaoqian sister!"

Anyang said next to him, "How about me? With such a heavy box, I worked hard to bring it all the way!"

"You will stay on the side!"


When they walked out of Ji Weiwei's office, they drove to Yiying again. They were not far apart, but there was a little traffic jam on the road. When they arrived, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Comrade Xiaoqian called them first, but the strange thing was that she did not call Anyou, but called Xiao Xueer directly, said a few words, and drove into Yizhou after driving. Film and Television Academy, to find their non-fixed classrooms.

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