My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1130: Find Anyang Daoyou as a boyfriend!

"Xiaoyou and Xue'er are here, have you eaten breakfast so early?" Comrade Xiaoqian raised her head to look at Anyou and Xiao Xue'er, put Huang Lan's hand down smoothly, and hung up on his extremely beautiful face. Wen Wan smiled.

An You was a little embarrassed and whispered: "Not yet."

"Exactly, there is still something in the refrigerator. I made a little more this morning. I was going to eat it for Sister Huang Lan at noon." Comrade Xiao Qian stood up from the sofa and walked along the path, "You eat something if you don't eat it, I will give it You are so hot, do n’t be embarrassed when you come to your house, do whatever you want, eat whatever you want! "

"Cough, that ..." Huang Lan coughed a little embarrassedly, raised his head and looked at Comrade Xiaoqian, "Leave the overcooked meal for me to eat, don't you need to say it?"

"Ah, sorry, I will take care of your face next time." Comrade Xiaoqian turned to apologize, then continued to walk forward, and said to An You and Xiao Xue'er at the same time, "Don't look at Sister Huang Lan's hearty nature I do n’t care about anything, but I love face ... "

"Cough cough." Huang Lan coughed again and looked at Xiao Qian embarrassedly. "You don't need to say this ..."

"Yes, don't talk, don't talk." Comrade Xiao Qian turned on the refrigerator and turned around to meet her.

Anyang also came to help, took the rest of the morning breakfast out of the refrigerator, warmed it up, and put it neatly on the dining table, still a table full of color and fragrance.

An You and Xiao Xue'er were also polite, and soon began to eat.

After eating, An You stretched out lazily: "Ah, it's so satisfying, I feel like I'm not in class today, so boring ..."

Xiao Xueer, while diligently packing up tableware with Comrade Xiaoqian, said: "If it is really boring, take a look at" The History of American Currency "that you have not finished reading!"

"Did not bring."


"dont see."

"You are lazy, then go to the sun by the window." Xiao Xueer picked up a stack of basins and went to the kitchen.

"Good idea." Seeing that Xue Xueer was so diligent, An You didn't want to make herself look lazy, so she grabbed the chopsticks and two forks on the table and walked to the kitchen.

Of course, she came out soon.

Walking to the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, she looked up into the distance, looking at the intercity and golden wilderness, the lush downward lines of the hills, and the turquoise rolling hills in the distance. She could not help but take a deep breath and raised her hands to stretch out Anyang The same lazy waist.

"Huh ~~"

But the dress she was wearing was a little short. As the upper body stretched, the dress hem was lifted upwards, revealing a snowy white around her waist, and also vaguely sketching the tenderness of the small waist.

"This guy really enjoys it!"

The faint sunshine shone her snow-white face, which was crystal-clear and translucent, but she narrowed her eyes and said dissatisfiedly in her mouth, but her face was very comfortable.

Seemingly feeling a little cool around her waist, she hurriedly put her hands down before the dress hung down, and covered the snow-white skin of the small waist with black tights.

Then she withdrew her eyes, turned her head lightly, and looked at Anyang sitting on the tatami beside her, and asked, "Did you see enough?"

Anyang pursed his lips and replied calmly: "It's cold on the mountain, I'm afraid you have a cold."

"That's really thank you!" An You said sarcastically, and then glanced at the tatami covered with sunlight in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Anyang sitting at one end of the tatami, half lying on the other side and squinting lazily. Huang Lan from the sun.

Anyang just picked up the tea cup, lowered his head and blowing the heat from the edge of the cup, the white smoke curled up, the sun was shining, and the side face looked at him. The calm look had a fascinating appeal.

"Well, there's an illusion?" An You shook her head quickly, and then looked at Anyang with a sour look again.

In this kind of weather, being able to sit on a soft tatami, drinking hot tea, lazily basking in the sun, and doing nothing, is simply the greatest enjoyment of life, is it her biggest pursuit?

Why can this guy enjoy it this way, and she has to schedule all the time every day and keep learning new things!


Seemingly aware of her gaze, Anyang turned back and looked at her sour eyes slightly to understand the reason.

So he grinned: "As long as you are willing to call your brother, and sprinkle something like that, you can do whatever you want, whatever you want, and live what you want!"

Not only did Anyou feel warm, but she clenched her teeth secretly.

This guy is definitely provoking it!

Seeing that she did n’t reply, Anyang raised her eyebrows again: “How is it? Turning into a rich second generation, right or wrong, to be precise, it should be super rich second generation plus super official second generation plus super *, and you only need to be a sister It ’s all you need to do, without any loss, is it a good deal? "

"It's a good fart!" An You, a gesture of not bending down for Wu Dou Mi, "you stop thinking!"

Anyang shrugged helplessly: "It's clear that you can be a princess, but you have to work hard like ordinary people for indifferent dignity and face. Even if you finally achieve fame and reach the peak of your life, you might as well bow your head from the beginning. "

"Cut! You're amazing! Didn't you start a company!" An You disdained, "If you have some achievements, you will forget everything. Here is a big word! How do you know that I won't overtake you in the future?" what!"

Anyang shrugged.

Yeah, what's so great about starting a company, what if the Ans Group is rich again, this is no longer ancient, and what can happen to rich countries can only happen in those small countries.

Even if Anshi Electronics becomes the richest company in the world, with assets exceeding trillions of dollars, converted into real-world technological resources is not enough for the equipment of an imperial armored army in the empire. Put it in the real world, so much money is only one year more than the United States. The military cost is a little higher, and if you fight, you will be burned out soon.

So he never looked at this small company.

Anyou paused, seeming to feel that she had just spoken too deadly. With this guy's achievements now, it is really not easy for him to want to surpass him in the future.

She paused and said again: "Even if you are even better, can you take the moon off for me !?"

Anyang was stunned and glanced at the kitchen. Comrade Xiaoqian was washing dishes side by side with Xiao Xueer: "Well, you have to ask if your sister Xiaoqian is willing."

"Inexplicable!" Anyou pouted, turned around and walked in front of him, staring at him predominantly, "Hurry up, I'm in love with this position, I want to sit!"


In desperation, Anyang was just robbed of his position.

In his capacity, no matter where he is, few people dare to call him so rudely, let alone directly occupy his warm seat.

Anyoumei sat cross-legged on the tatami, looked up and saw Anyang, who was very helpless, feeling a bit better, and the sunlight shining on her face through the floor-to-ceiling windows seemed to become warmer and more comfortable.

The corners of her lips twitched, and the stranger might feel very playful when she saw it, and then picked up the tea cup that Anyang had just drank, sipped her tea, and raised her head to look at Anyang as the winner showed off her trophy and sat down cross-legged Stretching your lazy waist, squinting your head and letting the sun shine on your face, succeeding Anyang to enjoy this morning comfort and the fragrance of spirit tea.

Anyang twitched his lips.

Watching this girl sit in her position, drinking her own tea, basking in the sun she should have basked ...

After drinking the cup of tea in one sip, Anyou sighed in satisfaction and smacked her lips: "Ah ... This tea tastes so-so, and it tastes pretty good, better than the unified ice tea."

Anyang: "..."

An You ignored him completely, and then looked at Huang Lan, seeing that Huang Lan was lying motionless, but narrowed her eyes and couldn't help but hold the tea case probe in the middle of the tatami to observe carefully.

Suddenly, Huang Lan opened her eyes and startled her.

"Ah! Sister Huang Lan, you are not asleep, I just want to ask you something!"

"Hmm ..." Huang Lan let out a lazy, soft voice from his nasal cavity, and then his eyes regained their half-squinted look, and said lazily while basking in the sun, "What?"

Seeing this, Anyang ripped the corner of his mouth again.

Go! This nizi also teases her own tiger!

I saw An You flipped out an artistic photo of a actor on his mobile phone, eight abdominal muscles plus stiff chest muscles, and also painted oil, plus the angular face, like an iron-blooded handsome man.

"Sister Huang Lan, do you think this man is handsome?"

"Why? Why did you suddenly ask me this question? Somewhat inexplicably." Huang Lan's eyes widened, but she still gave Anyou a feeling that she didn't take it seriously.

"I just heard that Sister Huang Lan's aesthetic has always been excellent, and I want to ask Sister Huang Lan's opinion."

"That's the truth." Huang Lan narrowed her eyes and looked at the actor carefully before she concluded, "It looks good, it's a handsome guy. I seem to have seen it on TV, but he The muscles are still too small, and the human muscles are not strong, just like the goods, and there is not much real power to say .... I do n’t admire the muscular man, but I have already shown it. A little bit, is it too shabby? "

After she finished, she was stunned: "Xiaoyou, do you want him to be your boyfriend?"

"Ah no, I just asked casually." Anyou quickly took back her phone and changed the photo of Zhang Junxiu's life. She was also a popular star in the entertainment industry, with a handsome face and a tall figure, and a sunny smile.

"What about this?" She handed her phone to Huang Lan again.

"This, I seem to have seen it in advertisements. In all fairness, it looks better than the previous one, and it has a fairly symmetrical figure. Since there is no muscles exposed, I do n’t have to worry about whether he has muscles. It ’s the same thing, whether it ’s the same or not. ”Huang Lan said, and made a conclusion.“ If his picture is the same as in reality, it should belong to a super beautiful man. Why, Xiaoyou wants to find him as your boyfriend ?"

"Nothing! I just asked casually .... What about this?"

"This is a bit general, is Xiaoyou looking for this to be your boyfriend?"

"All said, just ask casually .... You look at this again."

"This ..." Huang Lan murmured before reluctantly saying, "To be honest, he's a bit ugly, Xiaoyou, don't you want to find this person as your boyfriend?"

"Nothing!" Anyou denied awkwardly, and finally reached her purpose.

I saw that she pointed to Anyang and said: "After reading so many people's photos, the aesthetic of Sister Huang Lan is really positive, then what level do you think this guy's looks can be?"

"Is Anyang Taoist?" Huang Lan frowned, looked at Anyou seriously and worriedly, and then said, "You don't think that comparing those people with Anyang Taoist before is a kind of Anyang Taoist Is it contempt, Anyang Daoyou is better than those before in any way! "

After talking, she hesitated and asked Anyou in a low voice: "You ... shouldn't you ... want to find Anyang Daoyou as your boyfriend?"


Anyou squirted out of water, her face flushed!

Huang Lan looked at her reaction and couldn't help worrying more, frowning: "Is it really me, but is it not allowed by humans? ~ And Anyang Daoyou already has Sister Xiaoqian, are you ... really good? "

"Cough cough ..."

An You choked and coughed constantly, feeling that she was going to suffocate on the spot.

Finally, she asked toughly, "Is my aesthetic so bad, what good is that guy, looks good and so annoying, I will never find him like a boyfriend in the future!" "

"Is that true? I think Dao Anyang is very good. It is the best choice for boyfriends." Huang Lan froze, "And I think the first thing you should react to is the blood issue that humans value ..."

"Sister Huang Lan, why do you bite a human and feel so good in Secondary Two? Since this is the case, your opinion does not seem to be worth a reference."

"Are you still struggling with aesthetics?" Huang Lan frowned doubtfully. "It's strange, is blood relationship really not a problem? This is inconsistent with what I know about human common sense ..."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough ..." An You coughed more violently, and her face became pig liver color.

Huang Lan quickly turned over and patted her on the back: "It's okay, I won't leak it. Don't be nervous, this matter is only known to you and me ..."

Before she finished, she couldn't go on.

Anyang, who turned his head to look around and stood with a constipated expression, comrades Xiao Qian and Xiao Xueer who were interested not far away, and the little fox who silently stood aside with his little hands, playing Simulated pets are still throwing curious eyes at the rabbit essence from time to time, and they can't help but smile.

Anyang coughed twice, a little helpless.

After a pause, he looked at Anyou: "Now you know, it really is your aesthetic problem."

"No, no!"

An Youhong blushed with a difficult quibble.

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