My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1139: There is only one truth!

Anyang has reserved enough preparation time for cousin Lydia and cousin Shirley. Even if they are in a hurry, they must prepare some research equipment and carry something that is helpful for the construction of the energy station. They will be afraid when they cross the border. I have to wait a few days. Update quickly without ads.

Instead, let An Qi's heart settle down first.

The snow outside the window has stopped. In the morning, the golden light shines through the window, reflecting the castle is extraordinarily magnificent. Looking at the surroundings, even with the modern high-rise buildings, no taller buildings can be found, let alone the momentum. !

The castle's hundreds-meter-high corridor, overlooking the earth, is all white and vast.

Anyang wore a well-dressed coat, meticulous, and walked side by side with An Qi, who was also wrapped in a thick winter uniform, like a leisurely stroll, and every word he spit out a white mist in the cold air in the morning.

"I found two people, both of whom are mysteries. There is no problem studying the technology of the energy station, so you can relax a little bit next."

"I didn't expect to trouble the general. An Qi was ashamed." An Qi lowered her head. The military uniform was of the kind with a plush sleeve collar. Although it was a little thick, it didn't look bloated.

"It was originally the trouble I gave you, and I just found a few more people to come to lighten the burden for you."

"Anxiety for the general is what An Qi is within." An Qi's pace maintains the rhythm of the Tian Bing, sonorous and consistent with Anyang's speed. "But are those two really so powerful?"

"You don't have to worry about this, although you can leave the difficult points to them, or just let them take the position of chief engineer."

"But this is your secret, General ..."

"It doesn't matter. They are all people I particularly trust. Plus they come from a different world. They can only stay for a short period of time. When the energy station is built, they will go back. Confidential is not confidential, and it makes no sense. . "

"Yes, General." Angie's eyes twitched, and there was some uneasy worry, and they were not the same pronunciation in the Pallans language.

"Oh yes, General, yesterday ... You had a good rest last night. I heard people say that after I left, you still stayed in the office to review the information report, and didn't go back to rest until very late at night." Qi seemed to think of something suddenly, but her tone was a little bit turbulent.

"It doesn't matter if I sleep now or not."

"Thinking about things is easy to get tired, and you always have to rest, so ... General, did you rest well last night?" An Qi continued to turn her head with an undetectable arc and carefully peek at Anyang.

"Very good!" Anyang said.

"That's good then that's good," Angel said quickly. "Then ... Is that lady rabbit resting well?"

"Huh?" Anyang looked at her suspiciously.

"Ah, General, do n’t get me wrong, Miss Rabbit is not easy to come here, and Angel and Miss Rabbit see the same as usual, even if the general is busy, as a general ’s vassal, An Qi always cares more about the general for her. . "

"Really?" Anyang became more puzzled.

"Of course, so, didn't Miss Rabbit rest well last night?" An Qi looked at Anyang tentatively.

"Wait, before answering this question, I want to make it clear that you just told me not to misunderstand, do you think I misunderstood?" Anyang stopped and stood on the corridor at the top of the castle, as if standing in the clouds, suspiciously. Look at Angel.

"Angel said it casually."


"So Miss Rabbit has a good rest?" An Qi continued to ask unwillingly.

"Very good!" Anyang turned to look at her reddish face because of the cold, especially sweet in the morning light, and then he continued, "You didn't see how excited she was when she went out to make a snowman this morning, If there is no rest, how can such a good spirit. "

"That's good then that's good, then I'm relieved." An Qi took a sigh of relief, and immediately reacted, his own **** will still look at himself.


Her expression was slightly stunned, and she immediately said: "Miss Rabbit can live well, then I'm relieved, otherwise, I'm really sorry, after all, Miss Rabbit is brought by you General."

"Huh? Didn't you say it was the same as before?"

"Cough, of course, of course there is this reason!" Angel said quickly.

Anyang looked at her, smiled, and did not go into details. She continued to walk forward: "The two people I said may take a few days to come. You can rest assured that you only need to show them the Anzi badge. They It ’s natural to understand. But you may have to pay attention to these days, they must come, but they are not sure where they will appear. In short, there is a high probability that they will appear in Silver Moon City, plus they are both For the first cross-border journey, do n’t let the police, the patrols and them clash, and be careful not to let the residents of Silvermoon City feel offended. It ’s better to be closely monitored. They picked it up. "

"No problem, I'll go down and order it immediately."

"There will be no problem next. I should almost go back. There are still people waiting at home. A disobedient girl has also come. Don't make her think that I have been doing something secretly upstairs for so long. "Anyang waved his hand, just stepped forward two steps, and turned around again--

"By the way, those wild grasses were good yesterday, but they fit the appetite of that silly goblin. There should be more. Prepare me a little bit. This kind of thing can be done by a few maids. Pack it. Take the durian away. "

"... Ah?" An Qi froze.

"What's wrong? Is it inconvenient?" Anyang asked.

"That ..." Angel Qizhiwuwu was speechless.

"Huh, didn't you say that these forages are very common weeds yesterday, and even if they can be used as medicines, they are not precious? Why are you embarrassed today?"

"No, no ..." An Qi denounced repeatedly, "An Qi just wanted to be enchanted about the energy station. The general suddenly said that the drafting of the matter, some of them did not respond for a while."

"Then react now?"

"Yes ... yes!" An Qi replied with a bite in her teeth, and a thousand thoughts flashed in her heart.

Lily of the valley contains solid aphrodisiac hormones, so it can't bring more to Miss Rabbit; Hongxiyue only stimulates hormones and hormones to accelerate secretion, and at most it has only a little bit of ripening effect on ordinary rabbits. Moreover, Miss Rabbit likes to eat this type of food so much , It ’s really impossible to get too little ...

Well, bring more forage!

Miss Rabbit is also a goblin anyway. After all, unlike ordinary rabbits, even if these things are pure and natural, I am afraid they will have no effect on her?

You see, nothing happened last night. Presumably it will not be effective in the future?

But if it works ... can't help it, would it be necessary for her to confess to God the ridiculous mistakes made by adults?

Anyang strode in front and didn't see the wonderful expression of his own soldiers at the back. He quickly walked through the short and long air corridor and entered the warm room burning with torches and candlelights.

Opening the window, he glanced down.

Even if there is heavy snow, the guards still stand on the open space outside the Silver Moon Castle. That one mech adds an inviolable killing to this place, but each mech has a pile of sales on the feet. It is not good-looking The snowman, also surrounded by a big red scarf, scattered on the ground scattered a few snowballs.

——It looks a little funny.

Like some masterpieces of naughty children.

Without seeing the figure of the female goblin, I didn't know where to play again. Anyang turned to a maid and said, "Go get the silly rabbit back and tell her that I will go home if I don't go home. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Before long, he led the rabbit spirit back to the real world.

Pallans passed one day and one night, and this day was packed with things. Anyang traveled between several worlds, but the real world only passed more than two hours. Xiao Xueer only turned dozens of pages in a book. You only sat by the window and watched a few TV series.

For Huang Lan, it was just a nap ...

Anyang walked downstairs step by step, and the rabbit essence was ordered to stay upstairs by him before he was allowed to go downstairs. This is the case. Anyou still pressed the pause of the TV series with a keen sense of smell and raised his head to stare at him. .

"Where have you been?" Anyou asked.

"Room, why, I have to go through your report when I go back to rest?" Anyang doesn't care ~ ~ Deceptive! You haven't been in the room at all. I've searched for it. I have searched up and down, inside and out, but I didn't find your shadow! "An You narrowed her eyes and looked at him, and then looked back at him." You were not alone when you went upstairs, why is it that you are alone? "

Anyang felt a painful egg and said, "You really are Conan who has watched a lot. I have nothing to do when I'm idle. Why don't you find me!"

He just thought it was a coincidence at this time. It was the same at home last time. He played casually and disappeared at random, but he came across to find herself like this girl. She usually doesn't care about her life and death at all.

"I'm watching Sherlock Holmes, not Conan!" Anyou still stared at him. "So you are now admitting that you have just been out of your room, and also admitting that you are lying in disguise."

Before waiting for Anyang to speak, she said with an intriguing look: "It's good, why do you lie?"

With that, she glanced upstairs again.

At this time, even Xiao Xueer, who read the book, closed the pages of the book, sandwiched it in the middle of the book with his palm to record where he saw it, and then looked at Anyang doubtfully, wondering what he was thinking.

"And, where are you just now?" An You continued her inquiries, looking directly at An Yang, as if she wanted to see from the eyes whether he was lying, "But my university has taken behavioral psychology and micro-action psychology. Oh."

"Your girl, you can't be too busy. What psychology you have chosen is really too busy to do anything!"

"All I do is what I like to do. I'm busy because I like it, so I feel very happy, and you don't have to worry about it." An You continued to stare at him without blinking. "You When changing the subject, answer as soon as possible, otherwise I will start to reason! "

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