My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1142: Reunion


Several witnesses gave a burst of exclamation.

Probably only they noticed the two figures appearing out of thin air at first, but after they exclaimed, the bustling pedestrians on the street noticed them.

Then there was a surprise discussion.

"I've been watching there before. There was no one next to the lamp post, but the two of them suddenly appeared." A woman in a slim red dress covered her mouth and looked around. , "You ... did any of you see it, wouldn't I be wrong, this is amazing!"

"I also saw them appear suddenly. They should be monks. There is nothing surprising. Let's go."

"I don't look like a monk, my son has received monk education, and his teachers from other worlds are not like this, at least not in this style of dressing." A woman who still has charm, "I Look, they look a bit like my daughter's magic teacher. "

After hearing that, everyone looked at the woman.

The two women who appeared out of nowhere seemed to have heard nothing from the people around them. They looked old and quiet, and turned their heads to look at their surroundings. While everyone looked at them curiously, they also looked at them one by one.

Their costumes are strange, even if they are dressed in the Silver Moon Empire Capital, but their costumes are still strange.

At first, one person wore a light yellow copper armor, wrapped in a concave and convex figure, a pair of long legs wrapped in tight knight trousers covered only the important parts of the armor, and a thin cross long sword was carried around the waist There is no decoration on the sword, but the leather at the hilt is polished very smooth, and the corners are even broken.

This is a charming woman.

The other person was slightly behind, but was wrapped in a loose blue-black robe with a hood on his head. If it were not the bulge on the chest and the long strands of gray hair hanging down on both sides of the neck, it was difficult to judge her from the outside Gender.

Both of them were shrouded in mystery, and there was also a natural gas field, which made them attract people, repel them, attract attention, and make people tremble.

Soon, no one dared to stare at them again.

The kind of majesty that seems like a natural superior, the sense of oppression like a natural enemy makes everyone bow their heads——


When the voice of the public became smaller, no one dared to raise any thoughts about the two mysterious women until the surroundings were so quiet that the voice of one of the two women was heard. As for who's voice, they dare not raise their heads to distinguish, and what they said, they could not understand.

That is a strange language.

"Sir Lidia, is this the world that the lord wants us to come to?" Shirley, wearing light armor, looked around. "It seems to be a very interesting world."

"Perhaps, at this point, I really have a rare consensus with you." Lydia also looked up at this interesting world, and a pair of eyes exposed from under the hood seemed like a still lake on the plateau, which was enough It was blue, but it still reflected the blue and cloudless sky.

"The mission is to help this world build an energy station, but we still don't know anything about the technology of the energy station. In this case, should we be in official contact with this world." Shirley calmly said.

"No hurry, just wait for them to come to us."

"Also, we are not in a hurry anyway."

"No hurry, I think, they will appear before us soon." Lydia said firmly.

"Admiral Lydia's tone sounds very certain. What makes you so confident in the world's official reaction ability?" Shirley smiled from the corner of his mouth.

Lidia glanced at her lightly, with a look of contempt in her eyes: "Sometimes you should really have a long mind. I specifically asked the apprentice to go to the North Cape to kill an ancient giant whale for you. You don't eat it. You do n’t eat the heavenly beast brain flowers from the ancient mysterious organization in the place of origin. There are also the secret walnuts and the potion of Life Kang. You all disdain. Now you know that your brain is not enough! "

Upon hearing this, Shirley's expression suddenly sank, and he took a deep breath, and a breath of shock came out.

Everyone around was suddenly terrified. They felt that their souls became transparent and unprotected. A gust of wind could make their souls fly away, and they were shaking in the storm, and they would be wiped out anytime and anywhere.

It is only a mood change of these two women that determines their own life and death.

Lydia turned a blind eye to Shirley ’s anger and continued to use that calm and indifferent tone: "I rarely feel the energy fluctuations from the aborigines of this world, but their survival is organized, not only architectural planning, There are also these vehicles traveling in the sky, pedestrians passing ... The rule is efficiency, everything you see now is explaining that they must have an efficient official organization. "

After she finished speaking, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I have already felt that the people who have something in common with us are approaching, very fast." At this point she paused, her eyes showing a little anticipation, "Maybe, he is also."

Shirley did not answer, but looked up at the sky.

It was at this time that a few silver lights cut across the sky, forming a neat triangle formation, with extremely fast speed, flying in the direction of their location, but quickly slowing down and lowering their height.


"Boom !!"

Several silver lights descended from the sky, and the speed had been completely cancelled by the thruster when approaching the ground, but still made a dull loud noise when landing.

Shirley subconsciously grasped the hilt.

And Lydia reached out and opened her hood elegantly, revealing a delicate face that combined the three-dimensional atmosphere of Europeans and Asians, and a few strands of gray hair fell from the side of her face. She narrowed her eyes and stared at the steel figures, then turned around and glanced at Shirley with dissatisfaction: "Relax, idiot, don't you see the signs on these people? Don't you feel these people Mark? "

Shirley remained motionless, still holding the hilt, loosening and tightening his five fingers without turning his head: "This is my instinct!"

"Come on, you have used this awkward excuse to hide the embarrassment many times." Lidia said, her eyes still glancing at these steel objects. These things are really like some of the things Ain used to use. ! As a traditional academic who is better at research than Shirrel, she can see the categories of these things at a glance.

At this time, a mech stepped forward, the front chest armor clicked open, followed by the cockpit door, and made a snorting noise when exhausting, which revealed a straight figure sitting in the cockpit.

Lydia was still watching them calmly.

Shirley still exhaled a little murderousness.

The Sky Soldier jumped out of the cockpit and faced Lidia and Shirley's aura. After a pause, they saluted: "The two adults have finally arrived. We have been waiting for several days. If it is convenient Then, the two adults, please come with us to see His Majesty and An Qi, do n’t disturb everyone for no reason here. ”

"Where to go?" Shirley cautiously said.

"Okay." Lydia just spit out a word and made a gesture of asking. "Please lead the way ahead. By the way, it's best to fly slowly."

Shirley was choked again without saying much.


The sky soldier turned back into the cockpit.

Lydia and Shirley saw the mech close the doors and the chest armor one by one, and then emitted light blue flames on the soles and backs. The heavy steel body seemed to become light immediately and left the ground. He rose and faced them, seeming to be able to go to the sky at any time as usual, breaking through the sky at a rapid speed.

"Two adults, leave."



Silvermoon Castle, a few hundred meters above the ground, has a convex circular landing pad, which is easily suspended underneath.

Anyang was wearing a thick coat and stood waiting at the edge. An Qi was standing beside him. In addition, there was a team of shadow troops standing beside to guard ~ ~! "

There was a slight break in the sky.

Several mechas flew from the distance, dragging a few beautiful white arcs behind them, followed by an illusory blue light and a shadow of ink, and flew to the front of the castle in a blink of an eye.

"Boom ..."

The mechs landed on the landing platform one by one.

The blue light and ink shadow also fell, and became the figures of Shiril and Lydia, standing in front of him.

Anyang immediately smiled and walked up and said: "Sister Lidia, cousin Shelley."

Cousin Lydia came up, and the previous cold seriousness disappeared, and gave him a fiery hug, then lowered her voice and said in his ear: "Don't be so long, I miss you."

Anyang also hugged her and patted her on the back. When the two were released from the hug, he smiled and said: "Such words can be said directly, there is no need to hide it. Cousin, I am also very I miss you, so I have found you, just as a long-term reunion, you can stay together for a while. "

Shirley pulled Lidia away without a trace, facing Anyang for herself, but a little embarrassed: "Adult ..."

Anyang smiled again, hugged her in a step forward, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time, Cousin Shirley, the wound on your face seems to be healed, and the expression is much more natural."

"It's almost half a year, and of course it's better." Shirley complained a little as he said this.

"Sorry." Anyang lowered his head and said, "The proportion of time in each world is different. In my case, probably only half a month has passed. You know, this thing can't do much, and once you have a chance, I'll take you over to meet immediately. "

"I didn't blame you ..."

Behind him, Angel stood upright, staring silently at the scene, but there was something unpleasant in her heart.

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