My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 300: Who dares to move her?


Xueliang's blade suddenly flew out, spinning in the air, hitting Ji Mingzi's щww..lā

This angle is unbiased, it is obvious that the owner has moved to kill.

Ji Mingzi's reaction was also rapid, and immediately released the hand that grabbed the rabbit essence, flashed to the side, and simply escaped the flying sword.


The Tang knife was inserted into a large stone on the side of the road, and the entire blade was half of it.

The rabbit essence became unrestrained, and then he fell to the ground, coughing with his hand touching his throat, and his flushed face had not dispersed. I wondered if it was held or too painful, and a line of tears immediately came out.

"Cough, cough cough."

Anyang just landed. I don't know when he had held a short gun that was more than one meter long. He stood two steps forward in the middle of the rabbit spirit and Ji Mingzi, his face as heavy as dripping water.

"Ji Mingzi, I bet you can't live tonight, do you believe it?"

The rabbit screaming with fear and confusion heard the familiar voice, and suddenly looked up, and saw a gun holding her back in front of her. She narrowed her eyes and looked closely. She was stunned, and immediately got up and trot. He hid behind Anyang, coughing violently with one hand over his throat and pulling Anyang's clothing corner with one hand.

Ji Mingzi groaned as he stroked his sleeves, staring at Anyang with a somber face.

"Very well, just for a female goblin, you are going to kill me. Isn't this goblin really a spy of those demons, and you can't succeed with them?"

"Less nonsense, you know it, no one will believe you, and you don't have to make any excuses. I said, you can't live tonight!"

Several Taoists around were shocked and looked at this sudden staggering posture, I do n’t know why Anyang was so angry, is it because of a small conflict with Ji Mingzi this morning? Only a few people looked at the rabbit spirit who was hiding behind him, holding him by the corner of his clothes, which made a vague guess.

Xiaochan held tightly in her small hands, looking at the rabbit spirit who seemed to be extremely intimate with Anyang. Although she was a little afraid of the situation at that time, she was keenly aware of the abnormality.

Isn't this rabbit essence the same one that sent Anyang, who was seriously injured and comatose, back in the village behind the mountain?

And the style of this dress is so strange, she has only seen it in Anyang, and then look carefully at the design and fabric, it should be from Anyang.

She has washed Anyang's clothes for three months, which is not wrong.

The looming village in the far mountain col is not the small mountain village where I lived for almost ten days?

Also lost her. It looked like she was only seven or eight years old. She was so scared, so she could analyze and observe so sensibly.

In front, the Taoist pulled out a whisk from his sleeve, and did not know how he put it in. His wrist shook, and the long beard on the whisk became like a steel needle, looking at him coldly.

"That poor way will kill you first, and then slowly pick up this rabbit essence!"

Anyang didn't speak, the only answer was the long gun with the gun tail and the tip of the gun suddenly in his hand. With a click, he immediately changed from more than one meter to more than two meters.

What he didn't see was that beside the wagon in front, Huang Lan, who was very fit, leaned against the wagon and quietly stretched out his palm. His fingertip brush extended his claw like a machete.

Rabbit Jing suddenly opened her eyes, she was pure by nature, and she didn't know what to do at this time. She had to hold Anyang's clothes corner more and more hard.

At this moment, a group of Kunlun disciples came to separate them from the rear. Yan Li walked to the middle of the road again, and he could see that he did not like to do this kind of thing, but he still had to act as a good person to persuade him.

"Two people, please calm down. Since they are all cultivators, why kill and kill every day ..."

Anyang and Ji Mingzi glanced at him, but did not speak.

Yan Li was quite helpless in his eyes, but he said as calmly as possible: "Two people, hurting harmony is really bad for everyone. It is better to sell us a face in Kunlun and stop here, so as not to be read by so many people in the same way. ,how is it?"

Ji Mingzi sneered and said, "Bad Dao admits that your Kunlun face is very big, especially just gave us favors, but your Kunlun face, the Dao Dao sold too much. You Kunlun said ten days ago To assist you on this trip, the poor Dao came without saying a word. Last night, he gave up his life and forgot his death. There was no complaint. This morning, because of your words, the poor Dao calmed his anger, but now he can't stand it anymore. All the Daoists also saw that this man had to live his life as soon as he came up. After being avoided by the poor road, he also threatened that the poor road would not survive tonight. Now! "

Anyang's mouth evoked a contemptuous arc, too lazy to argue.

It can be seen that the strength of this Taoist should be strong among the people, and unlike ordinary Taoists, he should be a type that is good at close combat, but against him, he can already use it for a thousand years of demon body. Daoists are playing dead, let alone other cards.

Yan Li really didn't know what to say, but Kunlun's face was not small, but Ji Mingzi did not do badly. He died for a month of missionary favors, so dangerous last night, Ji Mingzi Nor did he retreat more than half, even if he left now, Kunlun couldn't find any words.

Thinking, he glanced around.

Immediately, a kind-faced Taoist came out to play in the round and smiled and said: "Yan Li's disciple is right, if there is anything good about swords and guns, if there is a misunderstanding, you can sit down and say."

As soon as the voice fell, the Taoist who came into conflict with Anyang last night stood up and said, "I think Ji Mingzi's director is right. This female goblin is indeed too sneaky to appear here. Fan, if it ’s not a thief ’s guilty conscience, why are you so aggressive? "

Someone immediately objected: "Now is the critical moment to hire people. Last night, everyone saw the power of the evil demons. It is not good for everyone to make conflicts for small things."

Immediately attracted a series of approvals.

"Yeah yeah, why don't you want to dance with a sword now, you can sit down and talk."

"If it is not possible, it is not urgent to go back and decide on life and death. At most, I will come to you as a referee, ha ha ha ha."


Anyang pursed his mouth and listened, but his eyes inadvertently swept over a few people in the distance, suddenly withdrew his spear, and pulled back the rabbit's fine hand toward the carriage.

"I won't do it with you for the time being, but I said, you can't live tonight, this sentence is not invalid!"

Those distant people stared at him very badly, apparently coveting Jin Dan, just waiting for him to clash with Ji Mingzi.

It ’s not easy for him to cope with a Ji Mingzi. If you meet so many people at the same time, it is really difficult to win without using hot weapons. Even if you add Huang Lan who is eager to try next to it, it may even affect her or accidentally hurt Xiao Chan and the rabbit spirit. . It is better to let Ji Mingzi live a few more hours and take another shot at night!

And Ji Mingzi narrowed his eyes and kept staring at the rabbit essence, just as their back was about to approach the carriage, they suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

Anyang's footsteps came to a halt, pulling the rabbit's trench coat sleeves suddenly turned around, and the spear pointed forward: "Why, would you want to die so quickly?"

Ji Mingzi's narrowed eyes opened, sneered, and said: "I haven't reacted before. This is a closer look. It's true that there is an evil spirit in this female goblin. Don't believe it, let everyone see?"

Anyang's complexion suddenly looked awkward, and the hand holding the spear could not help tightening.

He knows it, because the monsters in Houshan are all born from the six filthy monsters, and the six filthy monsters are evils that are born in heaven and earth, and they must have yin and evil spirits. This little bit of evil spirit has been extremely weak, but it was unexpectedly discovered by Ji Mingzi.

This is a little troublesome.

The rabbit essence clearly understood what they were saying, and there was a panic in his eyes. He subconsciously grabbed Anyang's hand and regarded it as the only way to rely on it.

Anyang did not speak, just let her pull.

Sure enough, no matter whether it was just for Ji Mingzi's strong momentum or persuasion, everyone was surprised when they heard this, frowning at the rabbit essence, some people used the technique of opening the hole, some people pinched their fingers, and there was a Taoist. He took out a mirror, turned his hand, and a faint yellow light shot out, shining on the body of the rabbit.

Although Anyang protected the rabbit essence in an instant, there were still some black smoke rising into the sky, which made everyone more discolored.

"Surely there is evil spirit!"

"Is it true that this sprite is really a demon spy?"

"I think it's a little dangling too. Although the goblin looks harmless to humans and animals, it is not allowed to pretend to be confusing us. From the look of this goblin, she usually knows that she is not confusing, but this Taoist A lot of demons could be killed last night. Should n’t they be confounded with the demons? Was it deceived by this fairy? "

This time, even the disciples of Kunlun could not speak, and looked at Anyang and the rabbit spirit with suspicion.

Ji Mingzi walked out with a steel needle-like whisk and laughed and said, "Ha ha ha ha, what else do you have to say, the evil spirit's traitor? Obediently hand over this banshee, and then you will be caught, maybe we can stay for you A whole body! "

The rabbit's body shook ~ ~ Her body shrank completely behind Anyang. She vaguely felt like she shouldn't be on this road, causing so much trouble.

"Who dares to move her, blame me for being unkind!" Anyang sneered, squinting, and squinted at Ji Mingzi. "Don't you just want Jin Dan, so many reasons, who wants to do it? Yes, I stand up and I promise that no one can go back alive! "

A Taoist who seemed very kind thought for a while and stood up and said, "Don't be busy, Daoist first, the female donor behind you is indeed really evil, and as everyone knows, here is just right. It ’s not far from the place where the demon appeared, and it ’s unclear ... Let ’s do this. You should hand over the female donor first. If there is any misunderstanding, let ’s talk slowly! ”

Anyang's eyes were cold: "Come on!"

Ji Mingzi laughed more wildly, he was still afraid that he could not fight, it was young and vigorous, there is no doubt that Anyang's uncompromising character is exactly what he wants.

"Hahahaha, since that's the case, it's useless to say, anyone who wants to work with the poor Dao, all show weapons!"

Brush, many Taoists in the back pulled out of the posture, most of them were coveted Jin Dan last night, a few are people who are really worried about the rabbit spirit and the demon, as for others, most are watching.

PS: This chapter should satisfy you, rabbit, well, it is exactly three hundred chapters, did you come to express it?

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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