My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 305: Someone is swearing?


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Anyang sat quietly in the carriage, holding a line-up of ancient books in his hands, and looked at it with relish, all in earnest.

The rabbit essence was sitting opposite him, holding a dandelion grass and eating it with great relish. She only bit a little bit at a time, chewed for a while and stayed a while, and by the way looked at Anyang for a while, and then she felt cold. Bite it a bit, and repeat it, I don't know how long she will eat a grass.

This line-up ancient book is a black disciple led by a black demon to invade a large number of Kunlun disciples killed by the demon ... There are two other books, all of which belonged to other casual Santos, who were also touched by Anyang. But Anyang looked through it and was more interested in this one.

Without him, the things recorded above are more interesting.


Anyang suddenly became interested. He glanced at the front curtain. He could see the little back sitting faintly, and continued to read the book.

"Fox is a wary thing in the world. It is inherently elegant and beautiful, and its fur is smooth and soft. Once it has become a fine, it will be beautiful for men and women. Once it enters the world, if it is not controlled properly, or it goes astray, men can It is a great harm for the virgin female Ling Xing to come out of the wall, and the woman can make the king never come early, which is a great harm. Therefore, mortals are clumsy, so Chaotang and dignitaries are not allowed to hide fox spirits. Harm to the world. "

Anyang frowned, are people in this world so repulsive of vixen?

Amount, it seems that even in the real world, the vixen is always a curse word.

But can the vixen really have such a great harm, or such a strong charm, then why did he not find the charm of the world from Xiao Chan?

Well, it seems that even this rabbit that gnaws grass can't compare.

Anyang is puzzled. It can be attributed to Xiao Chan who has not grown up, or this ancient book is exaggerated and looked down.

"Fox foxes are born with clever and clever talents. They have the ability to ward off evil and attract the traces of clouds. They can confuse people's hearts by themselves, and they can also hide people's eyes by magic. This kind of appearance confuses people's thoughts, and even becomes the appearance of the world's closest relatives, in order to achieve the unspeakable purpose.


Anyang was surprised again.

Why didn't I find that Xiao Chan was so powerful?

She is indeed very smart, and sometimes even a little too smart. Fortunately, Anyang has never treated her as a little girl, otherwise a 7- or 8-year-old girl with such an IQ can be called retrograde. She is also really talented, and has the instinct to ward off evil spirits, and the technique of attracting trace clouds with one hand is also very good. It is even more powerful than the orthodox Taoism of Kunlun Mountain. You can get things up to a thousand miles away. Shi Shiran can put it back.

She said that she would do a little magic, but Anyang had never seen her perform it, and the level of her thoughts was not high. As for the book, she was particularly good at the technique of change ... He felt that Xiao Chan seemed to change from fox to man and slave. When a person changes back to a fox, there will be no other changes, and it is simply nonsense to confuse people or achieve ulterior motives.

It seems that the books of Kunlun Mountain are not so rigorous.

If Anyang thought about it, he would simply skip this section and look directly back.

There are also many bizarre and strange talks in the back, which are very interesting, but the recorded spells and cultivation experience are very few, and it will be understood that although Kunlun Mountain is a holy place for monasticism, it also has its own management system and will not allow a disciple to go down the mountain. At that time, he also brought the mountain gate to the ceremony.

Anyang soon saw almost it, put it away, glanced at the rabbit essence that was secretly looking at him, left her alone, took out another book and looked.

This is probably the most valuable book, not so much a book, not a note, many spells are recorded on it, but they are all handwritten, and some are marked "failure to practice" and "imperfect" Waiting for the words, it can be seen that the Taoist recorded it himself.

Turned to the end, Anyang's interest suddenly came.

The above actually records the method of integrating Jindan to increase cultivation!

"Jin Dan, the master of cultivation, or the spirit and spirit of heaven and earth, and the collection of the spirit and even the soul, contains the pure power, which is the supreme treasure. It can also increase the cultivation of the monks in a short time, just slowly Guide the power of Jindan out, and inject his own singularity and eight veins. The power of Jindan naturally reforms itself. The power gained is the same as that obtained from the practice, but the points must be remembered ... "

Anyang's eyes brightened as she looked at her, and she seemed to have determined the authenticity of the method.

It is extremely simple to take Jin Dan's growth cultivation as the foundation. It just changes the way of absorbing energy. Basically, Xiaoqian comes with this skill, and many people in this world are monks. Only he is a parachutist from the real world. Outsiders do n’t know how to ask others.

Is now good.

Anyang quickly remembered the content, closed the book, a golden pill appeared in the hand, quietly radiated light, and did not use a biochip to simulate, so began to try, after all, the experiment is the most test of truth Good standard.

This golden pill is a black armor demon. It is worse than the six filthy demon who died and can be reborn. I do n’t know how many years of cultivation is natural. Not only is the golden pill smaller, but the gloss is dimmer, but it is more suitable for Anyang to try to absorb. , And wait for Xiuwei to be a little more stable, and then slowly guide the power of the six filthy demon Jindan, otherwise it may be dangerous.

Jin Dan was quiet in Anyang's hands, but the power inside moved from static and began to run slowly.

At this moment, it looked like Jin Dan surrounded a light layer of 氤氲, and continued to circulate and circulate, and finally disappeared in the palm of Anyang.

"His ..."

Anyang couldn't help but take a breath, intuition that a pure power flowed into the body along the palm of his hand, and soon he filled every meridian. And this is not the same as ordinary aura, not only as simple as it exists in his body, but also continuously improves his cultivation, even faintly has an understanding, so that he instantly understands many things.

This is a magical thing.

However, he was unable to support it, but only half of the incense stick.

The life of the black armor demon is gathered together. Naturally, it is not comparable to the aura he draws every day. This vastness is far beyond his imagination.

The rabbit's fine hand gnawed dandelion on his hand for a while, and turned to stare at him curiously, not understanding what he was doing.

Anyang put down Jin Dan, thoughtfully.

And the rabbit spirit was startled when he opened his eyes. At the moment when Anyang opened her eyes, she seemed to see a shadow of a vertical pupil flashing like a cold-blooded creature like a snake or a lizard.

There was a rush of horseshoes in the rear. Two Kunlun disciples heading to the small mountain village followed up, and they whispered together with the remaining few Kunlun disciples, not knowing what to say.

The voice fell, and a group of people quickly fell silent, including Yan Li, the head of the group.

"Don't tell the story about this matter and leave it to the Master to report back."


When several young disciples raised their heads, the eyes of the two carriages at the front suddenly changed.

This afternoon, at least met more than a dozen monks or righteous monsters on the road, all ten days ago. Although they had left from Kunlun Town and left each other, they are now here waiting for the disciples of Kunlun.

Approaching dusk, the team has reached nearly fifty people.

Everyone stopped on the top of the hillside. In the distance was a round of sunset and sky full of red clouds. A winding river reflected the dreamlike sky, and the red clouds and the setting sun. The distant forest was plated with a golden glow At the same time, it is reflected in the river water, not far from this Jiuquwan River is a village and town, it seems that there are still a lot of people.

Yan Li led the remaining few Kunlun disciples standing at the front, looking down from a height, holding a compass in his hand, but his eyes stayed in the villages and towns below.

"Dear friends, I would like to thank you on behalf of all creatures in Kunlun Mountain and the world. You are here to give you the instructions of life and death. This piece is where my Kunlun disciples were killed. According to my elders in Kunlun, the devil ’s nest should also be away from here. Far, please be careful. "

Said this, many people present frowned as they thought about it.

They thought that Kunlun Mountain would allow themselves to assist these disciples in exploring the movement of demons, and they were all ready to fight life and death, or even death, but now it is near the place where the Kunlun disciples were killed not long ago, and Yan Li did not invite them to go. Looking for the location of the demon, but let them act carefully, which is a bit unthinkable.

Anyang is also a little confused. The purpose of Kunlun Mountain to let them come is not to detect demons. What is going on?

He looked forward, but his eyes suddenly shrank.

Is not only him, many Taoist monsters who are enjoying this beautiful evening scenery have realized that it is wrong, and they are surprised and suspicious.

"Boom ..."

A distant thunder sounded from the distant sky, and the endless dark clouds suddenly gathered from the sky, either floating from the distance, or appearing in the sky like nothingness, constantly rolling, tearing the red glow just to pieces, and covering the red color of the sunset, The trend is coming.

But everyone looked at the dark clouds that were constantly raging in the distance, making this good sunny day change color instantly. They all knew that it was not that simple.

Anyang's eyes are dignified.

Any stormy weather is accompanied by a sudden change in air pressure ~ ~ However, this dark cloud came so suddenly, as if it should not have been generated, but it was suddenly made by someone out of thin air.

Is a demon's handwriting?

No, it should not be.

Such a large-scale weather discoloration is already a great magical power of wind and rain, not that no one can do it, but with their group of people, if this group of demons really deter them with such a great magical power, it is almost tantamount to anti-aircraft gun Fight mosquitoes.

Could it be that someone is going through the robbery?

Anyang's mouth twitched, and she felt a little bit of pain.

Well, although this world is monastic, there is no such thing as a robbery.

Suddenly came a cry from the ear, Anyang quickly looked up and saw a winding figure looming in the clouds, but the figure seemed a bit unsmooth.

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