My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 313: Teacher An

<> The genius remembers "→ Net." In one second, and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

When the little flame burning in the mountain forest extinguished, the ground was filled with the bones of the demon, most of them were incomplete.

Was incredible in the eyes of everyone.

Disciple Kunlun looked at Anyang and looked down at the silver-white single-man energy cannon in his hand full of bizarre sci-fi. He seemed to remember that heavy black machine gun that could spout a long tongue of fire. I could n’t help but sigh. The magic instruments are really endless, and each piece has such a powerful force, which is simply shocking.

Anyang put away the energy cannon, didn't talk much, and sat down beside the fire, as if he had only done a very simple thing.

Indeed, this is really simple for the master who can easily set off a vast war in Doomsday and Pallans.

Especially in the world of Doomsday, although the war of Pallans is full of the blood and power of science and technology, in most cases it is only a war between mech and machinery, and there are not many lost creatures, but when he signed in the world of Doomsday It is the wars that are the real creatures. I do n’t know how many survivors who have been hit by catastrophes and who are extremely unfortunate but very lucky died under his command.

Like this, he killed hundreds of demons, nothing.

Disciples of Kunlun only wanted to understand **** the six filthy demon by his way, and could not help but respectfully, arched his hand to him, then quietly withdrew 100 meters away, and settled in place to rest.

Anyang glanced at them, took a deep breath, closed his eyes against the wagon of the carriage.

Before long, he vaguely felt a shadow standing in front of him, and it seemed to bend down, just to observe him closely, the familiar faint body fragrance was very hooky, as if the natural love potion incense, and that breath The faint frequency is also so familiar.

Anyang didn't open his eyes, he didn't have to think about it, he must be able to do this kind of thing.

I do n’t know what the rabbit essence is looking at and thinking about. In short, she looked back, straightened up, and turned to sit down beside him. This exquisite body is full of softness and warmth, squeezing him at the same time He also leaned on him, moved his ears a little, and slept quietly.

The next day.

Wang Tianyu only told them individually, and left in his carriage without even eating breakfast.

The disciples in Kunlun held a large pot with noodles that they could n’t find from somewhere, and they were steaming hot, but they did n’t seem to have prepared rich seasonings. They only had a little salt at best. Anyang, equipped with a small kitchen, is no match.

Xiao Chan woke up before dawn, took the venison prepared yesterday and boiled a large pot of broth, which is the kind of boiled meat, and pinched the remaining meat and starch The pot meatballs are full of fragrance without too much seasoning. After all, there is a cheater called chicken essence, and the venison itself is also very fresh. Slightly suppress the flavour with some **** slices, and add a little spice to it.

Xiao Chan could not have been a cook, at most the two physical tasks of cooking soup and roasting meat, but she could n’t stand her cleverness. You can learn it by watching Anyang once, and can make it intact the next time, even pepper Remember to use ingredients such as powder and salt.

In order for Anyang to protect her and teach her spells, she was also very painstaking, not to mention her own personality cautious, at least in the matter of carrying the little maid, she did her best.

I just don't know whether she regards the labor as a reward or an exchange, or whatever.

The rabbit essence also came back, holding a handful of alfalfa and dandelion in her hand, which had ripped off the rhizome and washed it cleanly. She stood in front of the carriage while watching them drinking meat broth in the pot and eating meatballs , While lifting up the sleeves, carefully wipe the water drops on the grass in your hands.

Waiting for the water droplets on the blades of grass to be gone, she put it back in the carriage and waited to eat it tomorrow, and took out the dandelion that was prepared yesterday before she began to nibble.

Although she still stays in the hobby of rabbits in eating, she doesn't get close to others, but our rabbit essence is still very particular.

As a female rabbit essence, how can you not prepare food delicately?

After Huang Lan killed half of the pot of broth and meatballs by himself, the group finally ended the breakfast and began to ride in a carriage toward Kunlun Mountain.

Without Wang Tianyu, there was only one carriage left for the four. In addition to Xiao Chan who was used to sitting outside the carriage, this small carriage had to sit for three people. Fortunately, both were female. Although Huang Lan was tall, But it is definitely not in contact with Zhuang or fat. It belongs to the category of bulging body with bulging forward and backward curls. The rabbit essence does not occupy much width, so it is not crowded.

This is just right. Huang Lan used to come to Anyang to ask for spells, but now it is more convenient.

It's just that the rabbit essence is very afraid of Huang Lan's breath. After all, a fierce tiger essence is obviously more threatening to her than a little fox spirit who has not grown up, so she naturally regards Anyang as the only backer. Anyway, Anyang did not protect her once or twice, but at this time, she leaned closer to him and stuck with him.

Huang Lan's eyes were ambiguous, but not broken, but started her questioning journey.

"Anyang Taoist, can you know how the technique of water prohibition works?"

"This will work, but if you want me to say, you have to wait for me to sort out my thoughts."

"Anyang Daoyou is really smart, and the little girl admires it very much."

"You have won the prize, Xinxi. I have learned a lot about the technique of water prohibition recently. I can barely say that I understand it. If I have n’t left Kunlun Mountain, I can only use it at most. If you ask me, I say no. come out."

"Anyang Daoyou is humble. This technique of water prohibition is complicated. The lecturer of Kunlun Mountain also spoke for a whole day, and it is not detailed. Many of my companions and I ca n’t use it or ca n’t understand it. He did n’t even remember it, and Anyang Daoyou can use it after hearing it once. If it ’s not a profound skill, then this talent is really terrifying. "


Anyang quietly sorted his thoughts, Huang Lan looked at him expectantly.

The car was quiet for a while.

Rabbit Jing looked left and right, and it seemed that he felt a threat from Huang Lan's eyes. Although he felt a little dazed, he immediately clung to Anyang's arm and seemed to declare his sovereignty.

Huang Lan smiled lightly, ignoring this silly little guy.

Suddenly, Anyang opened his eyes, just in front of Huang Lan's looking.

He couldn't help but touch his nose.

"Are you learning this technique of water forbidden to dive underwater to catch fish to eat?"

This time changed Huang Lan stunned, she stiffly put away the look in her eyes, her face gradually darkened.

"I don't know if other tigers like to eat fish, in short, I don't like it very much."

Did this guy think of himself as a cat!


Anyang nodded, but he was a little puzzled.

Isn't the tiger a feline, why not love fish?

Well, it seems that in the animal world I saw before, tigers don't eat fish very much, it seems that it is because they are hard to catch, the fish are too small to eat, but the bear has a kind of obsession with fish.

In the afternoon.

Anyang has compiled a comprehensive popularization tutorial of the technique of water prohibition through the analysis and calculation of biological assisted chips and his own understanding. He began to explain to Huang Lan in detail, and tried his best to slow down the speed of speech, so that he can speak more clearly, because He knew that Xiao Chan sitting outside the car must be listening, even if she couldn't use this kind of spell now, she would stubbornly write down this spell with her temperament.

"The technique of water forbidden should theoretically belong to the category of Shinto spells, not substantive spells, because it does not have the power to construct components with water-repellent functions, nor does it simulate fish organs. It uses a mystery. The power to block water pressure and draw oxygen for us in deep water, so as not to be trapped by water. "

"So when using this spell, we'd better focus on the habit of using Shinto spells, which is conducive to the initial practice. I have told you about the specific habit of using it ten days ago, and I will not add it now. Well, this spell was also troublesome. "

"The so-called Shinto spells are more focused on spells and fingerprints, and the state and state of mind when casting. The output structure and method of mana are not as demanding as the substantive spells, but you are monsters. Focus on practice in the state of mind. I will tell you some scripture scriptures, which can help you calm down and pursue piety. "


Huang Lan in the carriage was very serious and asked two questions from time to time. Xiao Chan outside the carriage also listened quietly and remembered silently.

They are accustomed to the new nouns that are constantly pouring out of Anyang ’s mouth, and they understand the meaning of these nouns. At most, they are only novelty, and they will not understand it. This is also a tacit understanding of their long-time spell teaching and listening. If you change your mind, you must be confused about many words.

For example, the rabbit essence, she can't understand anything, only to look around, sometimes staring at Anyang, sometimes staring at other places in a daze.

Anyang will also be very detailed. After all, Huang Lan is okay. If you have any questions, I will ask. Xiaochan outside must not be brave enough to ask him ~ ~ So he can only try to make himself speak Everything is done so as not to leave the little girl with doubts, but it is also a good intention.

By the way, I passed a handful of addiction.

The lectures in Kunlun Mountain ’s outer hall have been very vague, and it ’s not that geniuses basically do n’t understand it. Many places are ambiguous, and you have to keep experimenting to get the results. It ’s all about speaking for a whole day. Anyang wants to give these two thoroughly The monster explained this spell, but it would take at least two or three days.

Huang Lan's cultivation level is higher, and he should be able to use it earlier, and Xiao Chan is smarter and understands faster than stupid Huang Lan.

At this time, it is when Anyang gains adoration, whether it is Huang Lan, who is grumpy and cold-blooded, and he is careless, Xiao Chan, who is cautious and cautious in doing everything, is the same. Not to mention, that is to say, the classification of spells is not something that someone with profound and unique insights will never come up with.

Anyang talked for a while, and felt that his mouth was dry. He could not help but stop to drink a sip of water, and rested by the way, leaving the tigress and the little fox with a gap for thinking.

Xiaochan was sitting on the wooden frame in front of the carriage, his legs dangling with the bumps, waving the horsewhip while thinking.

The horse's speed is getting faster and faster, almost trotting forward, driving the bells tinkling.

All the way to Kunlun Mountain.

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