My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 336: Evil spirit

? Anyang and Huang Lan are seizing the time, every minute and every second is competing.

They flew all the way and fought for so long. During this period, they also evaded several siege of the evil demon king and many evil things. Naturally, they knew the defensive situation of this demon deep mountain. Perhaps it can be called crisis-ridden, and it can cause considerable damage to the disciples of the Xianshan Cave House, but it is difficult to resist this group of people in the right way.

Perhaps it wo n’t take long for the disciples of the Shushan School to attack here. At that time, they did n’t get the demon so easily.

The reason why Anyang promised to come here so cheerfully is not because of Jin Dan?

It was already dark at this time. In the face of this group of demons with evil spirits and occupying the home field, the difficulty increased unintentionally.

Is like now--

"Stop it!"

A demon is like a cloud of smoke that swept in. The whole person has no entity, ignoring the bullet passing through the smoke, ignoring the explosion caused by the energy bombardment on the ground below, making the smoke turbulent and rushing towards Anyang.

However, a figure came running wildly, but blocked his only way.

The figure is tall and slender, the ratio is more perfect than the international supermodel, big breasts, exquisite clavicle, long legs and slim waist, but there is a strong sense of explosive power and strength hidden everywhere. But look carefully, her double pupils are sharp and belligerent like a beast, two tiger teeth are unconsciously much longer than usual, and the fingers are sharp like scimitar claws, the whole person has a strange sense of monster and wild beauty .


Huang Lan shouted, and countless fierce spirits and ghosts returned to their homes instantly, forming a group of tough bodies to block the black mist.

Anyang raised his hand, and the energy gun fired a light blue shell, whistling and hitting an unusually large evil object, exploding his chest into pieces.


Then he looked at Huang Lan, and the energy in his hand was turned into a heavy machine gun. First, a flare forced the eager demons to retreat, and then a wave of pinch was printed, and a golden light flew out.

Fo Guang Punishment Technique!

The smoke transformed by the demon was swept away by the golden light, and disappeared immediately, and there was a scream of nothingness in it.

This is not a supernatural power built by the Six Poisonous Devil or Black Armor, but the demon itself is transformed by smoke, and there is no entity. Therefore, to eliminate the smoke is to kill itself.

Anyang is preparing to continue to shoot, looking up, under the action of eyesight, I can see that the sky's evil spirit quickly gathers, and it gradually turns into a huge and evil face. As the facial features become clearer, you can see this The gaze of the face was staring at them.

"Not good, Huang Lan, this demon king has come up again!"

Obviously, this face is not the first time to deal with them.

Huang Lan was also very simple. A long fire dragon spewed out of his mouth to force the smoke in front of him, turned and flew over, grabbed Anyang like a human-shaped armor, and did not drag the mud.

"I'm firm!"

Anyang glanced under his eyes, and countless demons were rushing to die, obviously getting orders.

Including the smoke evil just now.

He jumped up abruptly and jumped several meters high with Huang Lan on his back, followed by a brush, the sole of the armor suddenly emitted a light blue light, driving the armor into the sky, the speed of the eruption will almost be Huang Lan dumped.

When many demons rushed up, the figure covered in silver and white armor like a **** of heaven and soldiers had flown to a height of hundreds of meters and hurried away. Only a few **** of smoke continued to appear on the ground, like a black The lacquered metal muskmelon is lovely but gives a strong sense of danger.

"No good, run!"

The voice just fell-


The huge fire flashed away, driving thick smoke and dust, leaves and flesh and blood splashed, swallowed everything around in the blink of an eye.

The aftermath of the explosion is still sweeping, flying the demon farther away, or pushing it back and forth.

The evil face in the sky was finally formed. The fierce light flashed in my eyes, but I saw the tragedy on the ground, and the distant figure like a meteor, and only a faint light blue light spot was visible.

"Damn, you were run away again. If I were caught, I would have to peel your skin alive!"

Anyang ignored him and quickly moved away from the area.

At the same time, he did not find that, hundreds of meters behind the place where he had previously fought, the middle-aged man did not know when he would come back.

"Wonderful and powerful hidden implements and powerful implements seem to be similar to the implements, wearing a pair of silver-white armor, can fly at high speed, and can explode orbs."

"Fun, interesting."

"Unfortunately, this person's self-cultivation is not high, these things are like a waste in your hands."

"If I could get these from Shushan, wouldn't it be possible to unify the divine state, or ... to wipe out all the demons in the world?"

"Bless the people, benefit the people!"

Middle-aged man said to himself, but suddenly his face changed slightly, and he turned his head to look, and saw that the evil face that was thousands of kilometers away had turned around, staring coldly at himself.

"not good!"

The middle-aged man sacrificed an ancient sword and stepped on it, and immediately turned into a sword and left.

Has no war intentions!

Not long after, Anyang and Huang Lan had already landed.

From the place just now, they have at least tens of miles away.

The demon king ’s way is terrifying. I ’m afraid he ’s not inferior to the Kunlun Mountain. When it comes to combat power, he may be even worse. He may be able to fight one of them with various high-tech weapons, but it does n’t make much sense to fight the demon king alone. It might as well take advantage of the collection of more demon pill now, wait for the masters of the major fairy caves to come, and then join them to kill this demon king.

Gradually, the night is getting late, and the yin in the mountains is getting stronger and more disturbing.

There were vague swords across the sky, but the tracks were hidden. A layer of mist covered the whole body. Even the small armor radar and infrared detection did not find him close.

Shushan belongs to the genre that has the most dealings with monsters. Naturally, some monsters can emit sound waves to detect enemies and obstacles, some monsters can detect prey by heat, some monsters have extraordinary vision, and some monsters can hear movements thousands of kilometers away. For thousands of years, If they have no targeted hidden spells, they may not have the upper hand in fighting the monsters.

The technical content of the armor is not high enough, and it is normal to find that this middle-aged man with a profound sense of morality is not.

Of course, there are also reasons why the middle-aged people are not close enough. He is only quietly spying on Anyang, his eyes are dazzling, but he is not close, nor does he actively try.

In the middle of the night, a fierce swordman's flash in the depths of the jungle, like a new moon, cut off the head of a demon.

Standing on the spot was a disciple of Kunlun dressed in a white robe, with a handsome face and a serious expression. He did not have the pride of just killing a little demon. He stood with a sword, and he was a handsome and handsome. Even the sword took the demon away The movement of the corpse looking around to find the demon is so cold and charming.

But he didn't realize it, a hook appeared quietly behind him, and suddenly stabbed forward at an explosive speed.


Blood blooms quietly at night, ordinary people may not see clearly, but in the eyes of the demon, it is a bright **** flower.

Is just a few meters long tentacles, with a curved barbed hook at the top, directly penetrated the disciple's chest, pierced from his back, pierced from the front chest, and blood soon stained the red and white robe. With a forcible tentacle, the disciple was lifted up and shaken like a corpse hanging in the wind.

The disciple who was just handsome and handsome just made a hoarse voice, spitting out blood, and inserted his long sword into his body with his backhand. He bit his teeth and pronounced a spell, then closed his eyes gray and closed his eyes. In a moment, the shadow disappeared, and with the corpses getting drier, the blood in the body was being quickly absorbed by this tentacle.

And the effect of his spell just now will be reflected.



A cluster of bright yellow flames poured out from this disciple, blinked on the tentacles, and continued to spread back, no matter how whip the tentacles on the ground can not be extinguished.

But in a moment, there was a scream of scream in the forest.

But no matter what, the disciples of Shushan had already attacked.

It was also at this time that the demon began to gather the defensive circle, gathered at the highest point of the deep mountain, relying on the magic circle, and using the terrain as a barrier, rather die half a step back.

Of course, they have no retreat. There are too many harms. No one wants to surrender. No one accepts them. It is always a dead end. It is better to fight hard and earn a life.

Anyang and Huang Lan looked at each other helplessly, turned and walked out of the jungle.

But there is no regret, their harvest is rich enough, even if you eat Yaodan as a meal, you can eat several times. Even if Jindan is not much, Anyang is very satisfied.

At this time, it was late at night, with strong yin and strong attack on the top of the mountain where the demons gathered. It was tantamount to increasing casualties. The cost was too high, and it was better to be under siege to repair. The mountains are surrounded by water, and there is no fear that these demons will escape.

In fact, from beginning to end, the demon here is just the turtle in the urn.

Anyang and Huang Lan returned to the Kunlun Mountain camp to prepare for a rest, but he did not see that on the top of the hill in the distance, Shushan sent a group of disciples dressed in **** white robe, a middle-aged man with a negative sword was staring closely. he. But at this time his eyes are no longer like a sword, not as bright and upright as a sword, but hidden, but still sharp, like the assassin's dagger, insidious and silent.

Sleep overnight.

Early the next morning, all the disciples were radiant.

The head of Kunlun is going to talk with the principals of the Xianshan Cave House about the strategy of this trip. It is well known that the demons are fierce. At this time, they are desperate, and it is inevitable that they will fight each other. Evil demon king.

Kunlun Lao Dao is with the old immortal of Mianfeng Feng ~ ~ The place is deep and ruined, and the process is mysterious and mysterious, and Anyang does not quite understand it.

He only cares about the evil pill of the evil demon king.

He briefly fought with the demon king, and then he chose to escape, knowing that this is a demon king who is not much more than the six filthy demon in the peak period hundreds of years ago, and this demon is naturally precious. It is more precious than Jin Dan, who is a powerful monk. He had to get it, even if he could n’t take it home to give Xiao Qian a taste, to see if it was salty or sweet, in short, he could n’t give in.

There is no doubt that countless people are staring at this demon pill. If he wants to get it, other people will not give up easily, and they will inevitably conflict with their ideas. This is the most difficult to solve.

Well, as for this evil demon king, fate seems to have been destined a few days ago.

None of the six filthy demon could escape, could he still escape?

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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