My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 335: Tianbing mech is rushing to the battlefield

Yuqing stepped on the ancient sword and walked along the ground at low altitude, avoiding the repulsive circle, the defensive circle, the heavy killer and the air. It also propped up the protective spell against the bombardment of the magic from the right way and the demon. The attitude of the person is chic and calm.

Swordsmanship is also one of the flying spells dreamed by countless practitioners.

Yu Qing knew that he didn't necessarily have to get Anyang, especially at this time, it was at a time when he was confronting the demon head-on. If he had no other choice, he wouldn't be able to shoot out. And Anyang is also fighting against demons, but the methods used are too powerful, and the disciples of Shushan rushed to the forefront, even connecting with the demons, saying that the accidental injury is far-fetched, but it makes sense.

"Retreat, Shushan disciples, all retreat!"

Yuqing finally approached the front line and shouted loudly.

In fact, it did n’t matter if he did n’t shout. He watched countless blue cannonballs larger than the bowl mouth roaring in a row. He continued to explode in his own camp. He slaughtered the demon and did not know how many torn the same door. In pieces, this group of disciples of Shushan who were not stupid naturally knew to retreat.

In the same way, they also know who is the culprit in the killing of their fellow students. These days are not only the battle between Anyang and Yuqing. As disciples of Shushan, they have also had a lot of dealings with Anyang, and they have almost led by Yuqing several times. The next battle is to kill Anyang. They are naturally familiar with this high-speed flying blue light bulb, but today it seems much more horrible than usual.

"By killing my disciples of Shushan by attacking demons, this hatred is not common!"

A group of Shushan disciples began to retreat with hateful gaze, each biting their teeth.

Yu Qing pinched the sword tactics, so that the ancient sword under his feet was divided into two, and he held it in one hand. He actually missed a spell. After reading the spell, he slashed the sword forward, and a transparent sword wave immediately stirred Go out.


The earth seemed to be cut into a ditch by this sword, at least tens of meters long, and all the demons that were chasing behind the disciples of Shushan were chopped into minced meat and fell on the ground.

This blow may be nothing in the world of fantasy and fairy tales, but in this world of pure monasticism and even infrequently focusing on lethality, it is remarkable to be able to cut out such power alone.

The disciples looked firm, and they only looked back, and then stopped paying attention. They just ran forward and back like swords, so as not to waste the perfect retreat time that the ancestors fought for them.

Yu Qing suddenly raised her eyebrows, feeling a faint sense of crisis, looking up instinctively, and saw a cluster of pure Yangmen's sky fire mixed with the demon's bone-etching red light falling down, coming fiercely.

But he was inexplicably relieved, only holding the sword upward, a bright white sword awn rose into the sky.


Skyfire hit the invisible defensive circle of the demon, just like a bottle of red ink poured on transparent glass. The hot flame spread out, following the shape of the defensive circle, but the red light It was not blocked by the magic circle, and suddenly fell down, collided with the countermand upward, adding a deep crimson in the firelight.

This is the power of Shushan and the derivative of fighting consciousness and experience. In fact, the power of this swordman's sword is far less than that of red light, and Yu Qing has no plan to counteract the power of red light, but just violently erodes the red light. Detonation is as simple as that, with the least spell output to achieve the maximum confrontation effect, which is one of the reasons why Shushan chose to repair the sword.

Yuqing stood up with his sword, knowing that this group of skyfire was an indiscriminate attack, and the disciples of Chunyangmen could not control it specifically, so even if that group of skyfire fell down, it was really just a mistake, and he would not be angry.

But why, the palpitations have not stopped?

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he saw the aftermath of the skyfire and the erosion of red light, but behind it was a series of blue energy shells that almost connected in a line whistling toward him, already close at hand!

Yu Qing was shocked for a while, this is the rhythm to kill him here!

He had no doubt that if he was hit by so many blue light balls, that would be the iron body, the fairy, and the violent flames and explosion waves.

"Sword Shadow Doppelganger!"

"Tiangang Qianjian Excalibur!"

Yu Qing bit his tongue, knowing that he would not be desperate to be a dead end. Thanks to a hundred years of fighting experience, he instantly desperately used the secret of Shushan, which can greatly increase his strength in a short period of time, even if the sequela of the secret law is very serious. Difficulty is also taken care of.

I saw his Daoxing greatly increased, with a wave of his sword, the body turned into a nine-fold phantom, each phantom standing on the nine sides with his sword, and then held a sword across the circle several times in front of him, as if moving Namely sword dance, thousands of sword lights suddenly appeared in front of him, flashing tremendously.

"go with!"

There was a scream in the air, and Jianguang had pierced the sky like electricity, and was facing the energy cannon.

"Boom ..."

The energy cannon collided with the sword light and exploded continuously in the air. The colors without spells were gorgeous, but it was more violent and fierce. The violent and blazing flames stretched in the air as if the sky had burned, and the shock wave was stirred with a huge muffled sound. At all times, they are challenging the limits of the demon ’s defensive circle.

After all, the power of Jianguang is far inferior to that of energy cannonballs, even thousands of miles away. Once the energy cannonball explodes, the swordlight that is within the scope of a large explosion will be annihilated into ashes, but as mentioned before, swordlight does not necessarily have to be compared. With an energy cannon, it suffices if it can detonate an energy cannon so that it cannot be approached.

This feeling is very suffocating, like a cannon hitting mosquitoes, but it's not even hit.

Anyang looked cold, pulling the trigger in the direction of Yuqing, but the other hand increased the rate of fire to the maximum. The blue energy shell was fired at a faster speed, as if to blow that place to gray, but They were all detonated in mid-air.

As the sword repairing power of the Shushan School, Yu Qing is undoubtedly very capable!

But no matter how much sword light there is, how can it be comparable to the constantly raging energy cannon, and how can sword repair be fierce, how can it be comparable to the violent energy cannonball?

In the eyes of the people of this world, the energy cannons, like the power of punishment, continued to pour, and soon Yuqing was forced to the edge of retreat.

"Boom ..."

The explosion continued, and the righteous disciples around them were dumbfounded. While sighing at this great power, they could not understand why Anyang aimed such a violent and powerful attack at only one place. In just a few moments, hundreds of demons were smashed into scum!

Only a few people could see the sword light shining through the dust blown by the violent flames and explosion waves.

The right way and the demon broke off the frontal contact with the fierce energy rapid-fire cannon, and at this time, even the gorgeous spells of the sky crisscrossed seemed to be stagnant, because this seemed to be able to tear the air into the air.

It was this little time that Yuqing caught the opportunity to get out.

In other words, it is more appropriate to escape. No one can save himself in the face of such an attack except for the strange side door means, which is why he really used the "sword shadow avatar" in the critical moment. This Shushan supreme spell can not only increase the number of attacks, the biggest role is also to get out of the emergency, not as weird as the grass-changing technique, but the effect is not far away.

"To bully too much!"

Yu Qing shouted, the sword tactics turned around, and many sword lights that had been unable to maintain were fired immediately, detonating a large energy shell, but Jian Guang was also torn into pieces by the wild explosion. The nine phantom figures at the bottom are shot outwards at a very fast speed, and they are divided into nine directions. That speed may be much faster than the overloaded flight speed of the armor.

The rest of the energy cannon hit the ground immediately, one after another, like tearing this piece of land into pieces, the raging fire raging across everything, the blast wave passing by and even touching To the afterimage of the nine rapid departure.

"Boom ..."

The earth trembles like an earthquake. When the flames disperse and the dust falls, the ground has been continuously blasted out of a deep pit. It is inevitable that if the continuous explosion just now was not in the air, it might be half a month ago. Has the Yu Martial Demon King been smashed into scum?

Around the top of the high mountain, among the disciples of the Tibetan show fairy palace, the nine more obscure shadows suddenly overlapped together, staring into Cheng Yuqing's negative sword, but he was very embarrassed at this time, and his white robe was extremely black. , Tattered, the hair that had been holding the bun was also burned by the flame for most of the time, the grace was gone, and his face was pale, and he clutched his chest tightly.


Yu Qing opened his mouth and spurted out a sip of blood.

Not only because of the sequelae of the Shushan mystery technique, but also the final impact of the explosion wave, although it was only for a moment, and it was far away, it still caused him a lot of harm, otherwise he did not need to hide in the disciples of Tibetan show fairy In the camp.

He fears!

He is afraid that if he orders again, Anyang will bomb again, he will not be able to bear it.

There was a trace of regret in Anyang's eyes, and he found an excellent opportunity, but he did not expect to be evaded by him.

Taoism is really mysterious. Technology is too stiff compared to it. Even if the power gap is so large, he still ca n’t kill him. 'S main gun could not bomb him to death.

Soon, his complexion returned to normal.

Although the assassination was unsuccessful, at least Yu Qing ’s cards were not forced, and so many Shushan disciples were killed. The more mysterious and strange the Taoist method, the more fruit he would harvest by then.

Facing a disciple of Shushan who came up with a famous sword, every face was ashamed, as if facing an enemy with blood and vendetta, Anyang let go of the fort slowly and steadily, instead of being nervous, he smiled slightly, carrying It's like looking at the eyes of a group of children.

"Sorry, my hand slipped again."

"Senior Anyang, take advantage of Yuqing Qing's grandfather and us to fight against the demon and attack in the back. Are you too despicable and too deceptive!"

A long sword with a gleaming silver light pointed at him, and the sword-bearer's mana was introverted. It was not like other monks who would show a faint glory on the weapon, but it was even more terrifying.

Hand slip!

This is the excuse most used by Anyang and Yuqing in so many sudden attacks. Everyone knows that it is an excuse, but it just needs to be reluctant to maintain their faces. Now Anyang suddenly sacrificed a massacre, so many disciples of Shushan died, and Yu Qing was seriously injured. This time, it is a bit unreasonable to just slip the hand in two words!

"Yeah, I'm mean, I'm so deceiving, do you still remember who shot me first?" Anyang snorted, and a light blue flame flared at the bottom of his feet, not enough to support him to fly, but Enough to make him take off faster when he is in a critical situation, "I'm so deceiving, so what can you Shushan School do?"

The disciples of Shushan were trembling with anger, and they all looked to the head of Shushan. As soon as a command was given, they could immediately join forces to cast spells and form an array, slashing this wandering Taoist who dared to challenge Shushan.

Many disciples, wandering Taoists, and righteous monsters are fighting against demons with full strength, some close combat, and some magical confrontations. The movements on the battlefield are not as powerful as modern wars, but they are equally fierce.

Only Shushan and Anyang faced off!

Suddenly, Yuqing stepped on his sword and came to rest among the disciples of Shushan, gazing at the iron monster on Anyang.

Almost at the same time, Kunlun Lao Tao and a large number of monks who had not joined the battlefield also came, watching the sword between them, suddenly a little bit wondering how to persuade.

Yu Qing stepped on the sword and didn't divide the sword into two. He just held it in his hand. He had blood on the corner of his mouth, but Jian Xiu's fierce momentum did not diminish. He glanced coldly around:

"You don't have to persuade anymore. At this step, my disciples of Shushan died thousands of times. There is nothing to say between us. If this person doesn't die today, then my disciples of Shushan will all die here!"


"It's nothing, I said, if he didn't die, it would be the death of all of Shushan!"

"Alas, Dao Yuqing and Dao Anyang are now at a critical time in the world. All the people in the right way are fighting against demons. I still hope that you can put down your personal disputes and focus on eliminating the security and safety of the world. Do n’t be at this time. Infighting."

At this time, it was a woman with a beautiful grace, who seemed to be the head of the Tibetan show fairy palace, and she was very popular, but she was closely related to Shushan. It is said that there are at least nine Taoist disciples among the ten Shushan disciples who are separated from single dogs. From Tibetan show fairy house.

"Bingshu Daoyou is very true, and looking at all the disciples in the front, the righteous middleman, and even the demon that your Shushan is not good at, they are all fighting against the evil demons, while the nobles and Anyang Taoists are all fighting. How can the demon's main force fight inside? "

This is the head of the Changge Cave House. It is usually uncontested, unrelenting, and will not blush with anyone.

Yu Qing's face is getting colder and colder.

"Huh, care about the world, if he wants to destroy the demons, how could he kill me thousands of disciples, and still strike me at this time, if I am now focusing on the world, where should the souls of my thousand disciples of Shushan go? "

"And, in my opinion, he clearly did it on purpose, just like when he first confronted the Yu Tatian King, he clearly arrived in the sky early, but he was not in a hurry to shoot, and he also laughed with the Yu Ta Yao King, plus his means The violent and unrelenting, unheard of, are definitely the devil's spy! "

Anyang smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he did not object.

He has advanced the world's unrest by ten years, and the road is ready for haste. If such a group of righteous people can't stop it, then this war is not necessary to fight down, and it is good to surrender directly.

The fight with the Shushan faction was just what he wanted. If Yu Qing really did not want to be dissuaded by the factions at this time, he would also summon the Tianbing troops to wash the Shushan blood, and also be famous, so as not to cause other martial arts too. A big disgust will not conflict with other schools too quickly.

After all, the legionary assistance is only valid for three days, and I have to stay in this world for three months.

Even if you want to invade the world in a big way in the future, you have to wait for the task to be completed and the doors of space to open, and then clean up one by one to achieve the maximum effect with the least energy.

Seeing that Yu Qing's intention had been decided, the monks of the monastery sighed and retreated.

This also includes the Kunlun Road.

Anyang watched them leave, faintly expressionless, but quietly opened the missile compartment on the armor.

Yu Qing laughed with his head up and stared down at Anyang with his head down. The usual indifference and calmness had long disappeared. The blood on the corner of his mouth and the hair disheveled appeared even more grim. He gritted his teeth and said, "No one can save you now. , Promise my conditions, I will leave you with a whole body and a soul to reincarnate, how?

Although he was ruthless, he was not stupid. With a wave of his sword, he waved a few sword lights in the air. With the sword formation led by the disciples of Shushan, who led the disciples hurriedly, it was already unstoppable. The flight path of Anyang died.

The battle is on the verge.


A sharp sword light flew over, and the target was the barrel of the energy rapid-fire gun above the tank. It seemed that Yu Qing was very clever, knowing that he had to destroy this big weapon first ~ ~ Otherwise, the disciples of Shushan would suffer numerous casualties.

But at the moment when Jianguang flew past, a huge tank had disappeared out of thin air, and Jianguang easily crossed over, and a brush would cut off a jujube tree not far away.

Anyang's soles shone brightly, and the missiles on his shoulders and arms shot out at the same time, blasting through the sword light pierced by him in the sky, and screaming through the explosion and rushing out.

Yuqing's complexion changed, and he hurriedly stepped up to catch up.

"You are waiting in line."


All the disciples began to form battles, mainly from the head of Shushan, and began to throw their swords in their hands, supporting the operation with vast mana. The original situation of Wan Jian ’s return to the sect again appeared even more terrifying.

No matter how fast Yuqing is, how can it be compared to the armor, he was quickly thrown away, and Anyang also slowed down the speed and hanged him carelessly, making him tremble with anger. I was injured and my blood was turbulent again. At this time, I almost fell unsteadily.

"Shameless villain, will you just run, there is a kind of decisive battle!"

Anyang sneered, made a circle in the air, drawn a beautiful arc, and flew back to the camp of the Shushan faction. He dropped the only cluster bomb before they had responded, and couldn't hide it with thunder. It is about to start.

At the same time, looking at the spectators on the sidelines, some people wanted to dissuade, but after all they did not come, maybe some people helped Shushan, but after all did not make a shot, and there was a bodybuilder slender figure standing in the distance looking up at him Out of the phone.

"System, use the" Legacy Support "props ability to summon the Legion selected half a month ago!"

(This chapter seems to be a bit long, longer than many authors' two chapters, well, it's a kind of addition.)

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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