My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 337: General, the mission is complete!

This is the line-up of Anyang specially prepared for the monks of mainland China.

Among the 100 mechas, there is only one ruling mecha. After all, the ruling mecha is the nemesis of technological weapons, and there is no scientific weapon in mainland China. The electromagnetic pulse gun of the ruling mecha cannot exert its maximum strength, but it is close Combat seems to waste this good performance again.

Thirty sharp-edged mechas, twenty air-strike mechas, one land battle, one air battle, are all fire-pouring mechs, all they have to do is wash the ground from both sides of the land and air;

Ten Sky Sword mechas, the main task is to intercept a few monks with flying ability, or mountain spirit monsters, or perform other tasks in the air;

Ten heavy hammer mechas, ten settler mechas, one six meters tall and one eight meters tall, undoubtedly behemoths, and all have heavy firepower, which can be huge and defend against super high monsters or heaven and earth Once the spirits are bombarded, the huge explosive force of the armor of the settler can also effectively destroy the magic circle and formation formed by the monks.

The rest are trial mechas and holy light mechas, good at single attack, mainly responsible for snipers among the powerful people.

The only mech is driven by An Qi. An Yang needs An Qi to control these mechas and arrange tactics. In addition, he and An Qi, the earliest guards who followed him, may not have been seen for a long time, just to meet at this opportunity.

These are the top arms of Pallans. The main target is fierce mechanical creatures. In ordinary battles, they can use bursting energy cannons to tens of meters in length, covered with eternal alloys and energy shields. Mechanical creatures bombarded into fragments, or an armor-piercing projectile pierced through the thick protective cover and armor of mechanical creatures, used to deal with these mortal monks, is simply slaughter.

Many of the bystanders of the monastery have not yet reacted, and the battle is over.

If I just made a cup of tea, I think it ’s still hot now.

But in this short moment, the Tibetan show fairy house pursuing a clean and quiet retreat, known as the beautiful fairy house in the monastery world, the Shushan school pursuing swordsmanship and combat killing, known as the singles fighting alone and invincible, it was so destroyed. Only two people were left, or the other person deliberately left.

What a horror!

The Shushan School is okay. After all, the enmity between Yuqing and Anyang is in everyone ’s eyes, and the struggle between the two lives is almost inevitable, and the Tibetan show fairy house only chose to help Shushan in the end, and suffered a disaster. It's breathtaking.

Those with a strong sense of crisis can't help thinking.

"These sky soldiers are so strong, but why haven't mortals ever seen them?"

"This is a devastating force, and so fierce. If they shoot at China, which monastic school can stop them?"

"If they swept the world, wouldn't it be more terrifying than the demon turmoil?"

The Celestial Corps ceased fire, and the explosion annihilated for a while. The mechas on the land began to gather in the direction of Anyang, just like a gallant metal knight. The mechas in the sky also circled and flew back, adjusting the power of the thruster to slowly drop vertically. The movement of the whole collection is full of oppression. The solid metal body, the lines are cold and smooth, the shape of the mighty Shenjun, the earth seems to tremble when moving.

A silver-and-white mech with a height of about three and five meters stepped forward, and a very beautiful female voice came out from it, but it was clanging and powerful.

"General, the mission has been completed."

Anyang nodded, took out the heart of the gods out of thin air, buckled it on his wrist, turned it into a watch, and transferred two Tianjian mechas, so that he would bring a disciple of Shushan and a disciple of Tibetan show who deliberately ordered it to Beside him.

The two disciples are very young and have not been baptized by artillery fire. Even the white robe on the disciple of Shushan is still clean. He shook his long sword in his hand and gritted his teeth to stand straight to Anyang.

He still remembers the words from the head when he started-

The disciples of Shushan ca n’t easily concede no matter whether they encounter any strong enemies, nor can they bend over. They can always hold the sword in their hands. Die.

But now he doesn't dare to act rashly.

Without him, the neat rows of people standing in a straight line all over the place gave me too much pressure, like a cold steel wall, especially if I had just seen their combat power, it seemed that the master of that sentence was already Dissipated like smoke in the sky.

But he still didn't fall to the ground.

By comparison, the disciples of the Tibetan show fairy palace are much weaker, but it is understandable, because this is a woman, a woman with a very classical and gentle temperament, more than nine points in appearance, a hair bun in a show, her body Loose plain clothes can't be seen clearly, but it won't be bad if you think about it. Such a woman naturally has a reason for pity, so even if she fell to the ground, her face was horrified, and a tear in her eyes seemed to be forgiving.

But Anyang will not understand, and the Celestial Corps will not have any mercy on her.

"The two of you, one of them took one, and sent them back to the Shushan School, and one to the Tibetan Xiuxian Palace. As for the location, they will tell you, if they don't tell you, then tell them, we will send Shushan and Zangxiu were leveled. "

"Yes, general."

The voice from the mech is a man and a woman, the gentleness of the man, the crispness of the woman, but they are so firm.

In the heavy footsteps, two three-meter high Tianjian mechas walked in front of the two disciples. The silver-white body was brand-new. The streamlined body design was painted with sky blue lines, and it was also covered. In the large and small dark cabins, various weapons were obviously mounted, and the two disciples were lifted up in this way.

The disciple of Shushan held a long sword, but he did not dare to move. He was not sure if he could cut through this silver body with a sword, but what he was sure was that if he did it, he might be affected by the whole Shushan school. As for the Tibetan show disciples, it was even more embarrassing. She opened her eyes wide, and only when the mech looked down at her, she tremblingly pointed in a direction, and then said nothing.

The two mechs rose into the sky and disappeared into the distance at a very fast speed.

The people below were stunned, as if they hadn't reacted yet.

It was at this time that nearly a hundred figures came one after another, all using flying methods, some used instruments, some used the clouds to fly the fog, and some were simply flying in the sky. The handsome guys and beautiful women of the Celestial Corps wrinkled. eyebrow.

This is not scientific!

However, what was even more shocking was this group of monastic powers from various schools.

They came to fight against the king among the demons, knowing that the beginning was a battle between ordinary monks, even if there was an evil king, the mighty representatives of various martial arts plus the masters of the hidden world were enough to cope, so they came It was late, but what they saw at this time was a weird scene like a truce.

Almost all the righteous alliances composed of the Daxianshan Cave House and the famous monasteries, the Taoist people and the righteous monsters are surrounded by the highlands around the Yanxia Valley, and the Yanxia Valley is a large army of demons. There are also many corpses in the chaotic aura, but the two did not go to war, but kept a tacit silence, and even the demon side was still quietly retreating.

They can see clearly that there are kings in the demons, but the expressions on the faces of the kings are full of dullness and panic, and there is no plan to fight against the righteous alliance, nor the legendary demons are brave and bloodthirsty. Lifelike temperament.

Someone finally discovered the anomaly.

"No, what about the disciples of the Shushan School and Tibetan Xiuxian Palace?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone hurriedly glanced around, but their face changed greatly.

Sure enough, there are no disciples of the Shushan School and Tibetan Xiuxian House.

It's impossible to finish all the battles, right?

This is the best disciple of the two factions!

Even if the disciples are all dead, what if the elders, the masters, or even the princes sit in the town?

It is impossible to die even if you are too high. Seeing that the other schools have not suffered heavy casualties, and even many of them still have complete compilations. Could it be that only the Shushan School and the Tibetan Show Immortal House were attacked by demons?

Several powerful men from the Shushan School and the Tibetan House of Immortals came down with gloom, but they all saw the empty space below.

This open space is extremely strange. Not only is it unoccupied, other disciples of the Xianshan Cave House also avoid it like fierce beasts, lest they will not be far away. The ground of the open space is several meters lower than other places. It is pitted and rugged. It seems to be shoveling out a piece of life, or it has been burnt by fire. The ground is full of burnt black, just like the collection of the most powerful large spells of all major schools. It must have been here for three days and three nights.

There was no flesh and clothes visible in the scorched earth, but the broken sword blade and the fragments of the magic weapon of the Tibetan show fairy house. Tell them that this is where the Fangcai Shushan school and Tibetan show fairy house stood.

And not far from the open space, rows of mechas stand upright, keeping their combat readiness, and guarding their gods and adults ~ ~ What are these silver-white giants, a steel puppet army? It ’s a pity that the military looks neat and magnificent, it ’s a pity that it seems that there is no weapon in hand, it is impossible to fight with the demon with a fist, Miaoran Daoyou, is this your masterpiece of Tianjifu? "

"Neither, nor do I have such a puppet in Tianji Mansion, but look at this marvelous, lustrous, extraordinary thing."

"The armor on the man in the middle seems to be familiar. Could it be that Anyang Taoist who lived in Kunlun Mountain a few days ago?"

With a bang, the power of Shushan School and Zangxiu Immortal Mansion had already flown, with anger and questioning on their faces, two of them were flying in the direction of other major schools, and two others were guided by intuition. Flying to Anyang's Mech Legion.

"Slap those two who stepped on swords!"

As Anyang said, his voice was cold.


Two blazing red lights flashed diagonally from the ground to the sky, the two powerful fighters of Shushan Yujian fell in response, and the laser was instantly penetrated by the hastily formed defense, and fell heavily to the ground for a hundred Yu Mingxiu Da Neng looked shocked and strict.

There are also two powerful men of Tibetan show fairy monarchs, who are stiff and suddenly look stupidly at the tall humanoid armor.

These are two monks of the same level as them, and even Shushan is better at fighting. It can be said that he has already stood on the peak of the Divine State, and he was killed in an instant. What kind of power can achieve this?

Da Luo fairy?

The Sky Corps did not even respond, and fired directly. Until a heavy smoke erupted from the barrel of the heavy laser gun, they turned back and said firmly:

"General, the mission is completed!"

Someone finally realized that their lives were like ants in the eyes of this group of people.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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