My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 340: Things that are not part of the monastic system

A group of Kunlun disciples poured into Yanxia Valley and began to collect Yaodan and Jindan in a long line.

They are undoubtedly very happy. Although there are closely guarded soldiers next to them, in addition to the demon pill and the golden pill, there are many treasures on these demons, such as the hard and indestructible claws and head angles, all of which are made of magic weapons and immortals The top grade, and some magical magic tools, are not so easily destroyed by shells.

Anyang quickly calmed down the emotions in his heart, whether it was the anger towards Yuqing and Shushan, or the anger and killing intent when he was just ordered, from this point of view, he already had the style of a ruler, not to mention the emperor's heart, at least There is also a big wind.

Turn around and look at the silver-white armor with two standard airborne electromagnetic rapid-fire guns. The fuselage is still new. It seems that Angel ’s habit of careful maintenance every time after the battle is still the only one. A ruling mecha, which is different from other mechas, is so different, but it is sitting among its original followers in Pallans, and is also his most trusted heavenly soldier.

Anyang clicked down the mask and knocked on the belly armor of the mech.

"Angel, long time no see!"

An Qi gave the order of martial law, and several mechas around immediately came to guard the safety of the Lord General, before she opened the outer armor of the cockpit, exposing the sweet and beautiful face, not as beautiful as ordinary people, Wearing a silver and white combat suit, the perfect figure was curvy, and he bowed his head and smiled gently and saluted him with grace.

"General, Angel hasn't seen you for half a year."

"You have worked hard for the past six months. You are in charge of the coordination of the Silver Moon Legion, but I have no choice. You have also seen it. This is another world different from Pallans and the Doomsday World. Leave, so ... fortunately you are here! "

Angie immediately straightened her waist and saluted her, especially highlighting the beautiful body curve and firm double chest. She firmly said: "It is an honor for Angel to work for the glory of the general and the glory of the Silvermoon Legion."

Anyang couldn't help laughing: "Okay, it's easy to summon you over to meet, let alone say that, have you been well for the past six months?"

"But ... An Qi is telling the truth." An Qi whispered, and left the cockpit and appeared beside Anyang in a flash. "Everything is fine except not seeing the general."

"That's good, that's good."

Anyang touched his nose. It seems that it has not been seen for a long time. Some people still have the attribute of "God will control".

"Additionally, after the development policy of Count Dracula and I, the size of the Silver Moon Corps has exceeded 5,000. With the addition of the Legion of the Admiral General, the military power controlled by our Silver Moon Corps has exceeded 30,000. The general has become a high general, and the city is under construction, that is to say, if you return to the general general now, you will find that you have become a high general! "

"This speed is really shocking!"

"It's all the credit of the generals. With the control of the badge, our power is almost like snowballing. A large film of gods will lead us to surrender. With the support of the affiliated gods, our Silver Moon Corps can develop so fast."

"Very good, what about the samurai transformation plan?"

"Technology has been acquired and is being researched, but you know the general, now Pallans is on the verge of breaking up, and the technology is desolate. It will take at least three months to restart this plan, and then it will be available to the generals and the army of the army. Stronger personal strength. "

"At least three months, probably next time I return to Pallans."

Anyang walked to the edge of the mountain, looking at the Kunlun disciples below and the mechas around him. An Qi quietly followed behind him, just like the woman who walked out of the science fiction war anime, but lowered her head slightly, with gentle sweetness and classic The coexisting temperament makes people feel unreal.

As for why it's not a science fiction movie, it's just because Angel is so perfect, whether it's her body or appearance, except for the image portrayed in the anime, people in reality are far from being able to imagine her.

The tight-fitting Tianbing combat uniform is tailored to her body shape, tightly attached to her body, and a perfect upper body curve is outlined. Underneath are two more slender stretched tight-fitting combat uniforms, round and straight, and there are no unsightly curved lines in the calf, and there is no gap between the legs when standing together, even a thin piece of paper is difficult Insert it.

To really count, no one can be more beautiful than Angel, except for the natural disasters such as the rabbit essence.

One is a natural perfect stunner. It was born to gather all the advantages and charms of the world, taking the world as a destiny. One is a man-made perfect weapon. Every bit of it is designed according to the best aesthetics of the person.

To compare, it is difficult to distinguish the appearance.

It was almost dark, and under the supervision and assistance of the Celestial Corps, the disciples of Kunlun finally searched all the demon princesses and golden pill. Deep down in the ground, they did nothing, anyway, they were almost full.

One mech began to return to the camp, and the disciples of Kunlun slowly returned. First, the air combat mechs flying in the sky roared, and then the strong and powerful land mechs came blasting, and the neat arrays stopped in An Behind Qi, she deserves to be an excellent weapon of war.

There was a bang.

A mech that is slightly taller than two floors takes a step forward, lowers the heavy laser cannon, and the door opens with a click, revealing Lina ’s big wavy hair and electric eyes, and her expression is charming and mature. Enchanting is exaggerated.

"General, I haven't seen you in such a long time. Have you missed me?"

Linna also left the cockpit in a flash, twisting her slender waist and plump and round, and swaying her plump and firm big dazzling breasts, she walked towards Anyang, and every move showed obvious charm. Anyang blinked.

An Qi narrowed her eyes and stepped forward, blocking the **** behind him.

"Linna, I haven't seen you for half a year. You're still hungry. I decided that you will be on duty tonight. You are not allowed to sleep. Anyway, you are a super-distance sniper arm. You just take on the reconnaissance mission and hit some prey by the way!"

"Ah, hello, Angel is acting as God ’s Master. You are in a communique. Let me be on duty at night. Anyway, seven or eight of my men came and let them watch the stars tonight, but you are sure to let I go hunting, I ’m not afraid that I lost my prey in one shot? "

"I'm sure it's getting dark now, go and execute it immediately, immediately, immediately!"

"Huh, I'm too lazy to care about you, General, remember to watch the stars with me at night!"

Linna threw a wink at the god, and ignored the gloomy acting **** general, twisting her waist and hips, and even wearing the natural soldier's combat uniform that was supposed to be brave Charming.

An Qi took a deep breath and stared at Linna who was leaving. Although she made full use of her own rights to direct her to leave, she did not have the victor of the victor, but looked sideways to look at the expression of God ’s Lord, fearing God. Lord Jiang will be tempted by this woman, and then really ran to see the stars with her. Fortunately, Lord God will have no expression, and should have been used to it for a long time.

Anqi was relieved, but when she remembered Linna just now, she was full of gas.

Damn, how could this woman be summoned! This woman is usually quite obedient. How can she lose her sense of sympathy as soon as she sees God Master, really want to pin her to death, or find a time to teach her!

But this woman is also the elder of the Silvermoon Legion, and belongs to the first lineage of Lord Admiral, and is also the guard of Lord Admiral, and now is the head of the Legion of the Holy Light. If it was n’t for Linna to make a big mistake, do n’t Saying to beat her, she couldn't find a reason to punish her.

Anyang smiled helplessly and ignored much.

The two women have reached the late stage of no cure.

When the bonfire was lit, the mech of the Holy Light was alerting in the distance, the mecha was guarding around, and the rest of the sky soldiers were preparing food. Only Angel had the honor of sitting with the Lord God, and the fire reflected her blush. The mountain breeze blows her hair.

However, Angel was a little wary, looking at the other side of the fire from time to time with cold eyes, because in addition to her, there was a person who shared the light and warmth of this bonfire with God and Lord Jiang. It was a woman who was one head taller than her. She was slender and powerful, with a slender and exaggerated proportion. It could be said to be sexy, but it was not hooked with the words of enchanting, but a wild beauty and bodybuilding. Beauty, at first glance, is not something ordinary people can possess, nor is it born to produce this look, so this woman's power is certainly extraordinary.

Although the woman sat silently eating the barbecue beside the fire, she said nothing but a dormant beast, but she could feel the dangerous breath from the woman.

Without the intervention of the demon, the Yanxia Valley began to fog again. It was still golden and red mist, which spread up one after another, like the red leaves of the golden autumn season, turning this huge valley into a lake, the mist was like water and stretched. Rippling.

An Qi finally couldn't help but wonder, took back her gaze left on Huang Lan, looked around the dotted camp lights ~ ~ asked: "General, what kind of world is this? ... I seem to see someone in Flying in the sky! "

At the exit of her interrogation, Huang Lan's eyes next to him jumped obviously, and he was startled before he continued to nibble the barbecue in his hand.

Anyang looked at Huoguang without blinking, and asked with a smile: "Don't you often fly in the sky too?"

"But that's not the same. I was in the mecha, and I could fly in the sky with the help of the mecha's power system and propellers. These people didn't have any equipment, so they flew like this. Our teleportation talent is a bit like. "

"Anyway, you have to get in touch later. It ’s okay to tell you first. This world is called the mainland of Shenzhou, and it ’s a mythological world. They have a kind of power beyond science and technology. This kind of power is called mana. This world is also called the world of monasticism. With this mana, you can cast a skill called spells. It is really like the abilities and talents I gave you. The reason why they can fly, and they can wave is wonderful. The ability to achieve all kinds of effects is because of spells. "

With his calm voice, Angel gradually frowned and fell into deep thought.

"Mainland China, monasticism, mana, magic ..."

She spit out these syllables, which are very obscure to her, but spoke very standard, and remembered them instantly.

Not only did she listen again, Huang Lan also silently listened, but she naturally listened not to the monastic practice she knew well, but to something revealed in the lines of Anyang that did not belong to the monastic system.

(The school will start in a few days, the baby has not enough manuscripts to save, the baby is easy, you have to make up the test after the school, you have to find a house, you have to ride a car, sign up or something, I do n’t know how much precious code time to waste The baby is more square.)

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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