My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 344: Tibetan surrender

Tibetan show fairy house, mecha array!

The two elders Han Xuan and Qing Qiu had returned to the Tibetan Xiuxian Palace. The Tibetan Xiuxian Palace itself was like Shushan. The four elders of the Taishang sent three war demon one after the other. After being killed by Anyang, Hanxuan and Qingqiu chose to submit to surrender. Only one Taishang sitting in Xianfu could not control the common will of Hanxuan and Qingqiu. They could only choose to submit to the Daan system.

What's more, they can't resist, and they are very pale and powerless in the face of the mighty Mecha Legion.

Anyang promised Han Xuan and Qing Qiu to let go of the Tibetan show, but it does not mean that he would let go completely. Such a more perfect Xianshan cave house than the current Shushan, and better bullying, he is not anyway. Will let it slip away from his own hands.

No one can stop their own plans!

What's more, he doesn't need to use iron-blooded means for Tibetan show. After all, Tibetan show is not Shushan, not so strong and unyielding, so stubborn, even if there is no spin and green autumn, he can easily conquer Tibetan show fairy palace even with a little pressure.

It ’s just simpler now.

Han Xuan and Qing Qiu quickly came to Anyang on the light yarn, respectfully saluted him, and greeted him into the Tibetan show fairy palace, naturally, followed by the Mecha Legion not belonging to this world, following Shushan After the faction, set foot in this world's second holy shrine!

In the hall is a woman wearing a palace dress, yes, it is a woman, looks much younger than Han Xuan and Qing Qiu, if Han Xuan and Qing Qiu are ripe fruits, then this woman It is the flower of the age.

Of course, it ’s not that she is prettier or more attractive than Han Xuan and Qing Qiu, but that the two styles are different, one is mature and attractive, and every inch of the body is full of coveted and fragrant fragrance, which makes you want to be drunk. In them, this woman is the most beautiful moment for a woman. Just a good moment, it will not be pityed by the greenness, nor the charm of a mature woman who raises her hand and throws her feet. She has her own beauty and is there. Every move, every smile and confidence.

Anyang stepped forward, and her eyes stopped immediately, frowning slightly.

He would n’t be blinded by the woman ’s appearance. He knows that, like this kind of famous elders, there is more than a hundred years of morality, and like the officialdom of the previous life, it requires qualifications and experience, even if This woman is a once-in-a-lifetime genius. I'm afraid it will take at least a hundred years to sit in the position of an elder.

If I thought about it, the woman stood up and bowed to him, gestured to him, and gestured for him to sit down on the other side of the low table, before lifting up her colorful sleeves, twisting the teapot, and pouring a small cup of tea. The cup can only take a sip, at least in the eyes of Anyang.

"Little girl, Zitong, has seen Anyang Senior."

"Senior Anyang, please sit down first. This is the best floating leaf planted in Lingquan, Xianxiu Mansion. How about the taste? Why, why are Sister Hanxuan and Sister Qingqiu standing like you are guests, You are not the elder elders of Immortal Mansion. In this way, others still say that I am impressed by the Immortal Mansion in Tibet. Ha ha. "

The woman said with a smile, the palace dress just rightly set off a proud figure, except for the whiteness on her chest, she showed nothing but gentleness, which was a bit like Xiao Qian, beautiful and elegant, always smiling Yan Yan. But it is different, at least that water-like temperament is what Xiaoqian does not have, and the tenderness and delicacy between the eyes like dew peach blossoms.

Anyang frowned, and he could hear from the words that this line seemed to have unexpected obstacles.

This woman should be the "young and strong" among the elders of the Tibetan Emperor Xianfu. Like this kind of faction, it is probably more aggressive than the "conservative" in some cases. Qiu didn't seem to complete the task well, or that the two Taishang elders did not overwhelm the woman.

Anyang couldn't help but looked at the two of them, and they just saw their unnatural eyes with their heads down, like a child who made a mistake, instead of like two monks with a hundred years of monastic power, or living like Soul in such a mature and attractive body.

Wanting to come to Zitong yesterday, she already saw that the two were not right, but she still did not directly submit to her today, and even teased the two, so her power in the Tibetan House of Immortals was certainly extraordinary. As for her being so fearless, maybe she is really fearless, maybe she feels that Han Xuan and Qingqiu have gotten something from him before she can be so surrendered, so she also wants to use threats to get her own share, or even more many!

Qingqiu and Hanxuan did n’t dare to sit up with Anyang, just like his maid ’s follower, standing behind him, attracting Zitong ’s sideways look, his eyes shining with strange luster, and turned to the young man in front of him more curiously , With a calm smile in the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that Anyang looked at the teacup in front of her and did not speak, she spoke first, but at this time there was no uneasy breath.

"I heard that my predecessors came to me to hide the Xiuxianxian Mansion. Is there something to discuss with me?

Anyang smiled abruptly and nodded, "Yes, I have something to discuss with you, but I prefer another way, like discussing with Shushan!"

Zitong smiled sideways, very gentle, and it is a kind that can arouse the favor of men: "What kind of way is it to Shushan? I think Xianfu is also useful to seniors. Seniors should not be like that on the battlefield. In general, kill me to hide the Xiuxian Palace? "

"Why not, you may not yet know that when Shushan submitted to me, there were more than 600 people left, and for the Tibetan show fairy palace, I do n’t think I need to do it so thoroughly, I just need to kill you alone. Enough, what do you say? "

Zitong's complexion immediately changed, and he smiled stiffly: "Senior would really joke."

Anyang stood up coldly, too lazy to talk to her, and the legion ’s assistance was only three days long, which was precious. He did n’t want to waste this kind of trivial matter, so he directly used the watch to let the soldiers outside the hall directly Come in.

The dull footsteps, the metal streamer's body, and the heroic warrior's shape almost touched the height of the top of the hall. When I walked in quickly, it seemed to shake the mountain, and finally let Zitong completely change color.

Until the laser gun that was colder than her head was aimed at her body, she calmed down from the moment she spoke, and was destroyed in a short while.

This is the Heavenly Soldier and Magic Tool that killed Shushan Da Neng and Shui Qing Sister?

She thought so.

She thought that if Anyang wanted to control the Tibetan show fairy house, she must set up a spokesperson in the Tibetan show fairy house. She could grasp this and earn more for herself, but she never expected that Anyang had a more direct and effective means.


A cyan badge fell on a low table in dark red sandalwood, overturning the precious tea cup of purple sand, and the spirit tea named "Fu Ye" was immediately poured on the table, raising a burst of tea fragrance, which was more popular than before. It is more fragrant when it is in the cup.

"There is a badge here, how to use it, I think Han Xuan and Qing Qiu will tell you, you think for yourself, when the tea scattered on the table no longer heats up, then you have no satisfactory answer, I Will order an attack! "

"No, the two sisters have told me what to do."

Zitong was threatened, and so tough, there was a trace of helplessness on his face, but he forced himself to make a decision faster, but instead he was less nervous, looked up and glanced at the six-meter-tall mech of holy light, piercing Anyang Smiled and picked up the badge.

Anyang left enough badges to give the high-ranking staff of the Tibetan show fairy palace, and left.

Han Xuan and Zi Tong stayed in the hall to deal with badges, and it was considered to be a check and balance. Qingqiu followed, fearing that he would misunderstand himself and Han Xuan ’s strength, and explained while walking: "It ’s like this, General, I Elder Hehanxuan and Elder Shuiqing originally held the most elite group of disciples in Xianfu and had great rights. However, in the battle of the demons, almost all of the disciples died in battle. How much right to speak, the rest are Zitong's people, resulting in her rights almost being overridden by her ... "

Anyang just nodded his head and expressed understanding. Without much talk, he stepped up and walked out.

Although this is still my fault!

Zangxiu Xianfu will be resolved soon!

Thousands of elite disciples have also been killed in battle in the Tibetan show Immortal Mansion ~ ~ It is considered a great loss of strength, but the three elders are all intact, and the magic circle is also there. Who dare to come up with the idea of ​​Tibetan Xiuxianfu, so Anyang did not leave an energy cannon for them, but told them that they must support Shushan at a critical moment to ensure the safety of Shushan.

The three of them naturally promised, let alone his orders, even if they did not, with Shushan and Tibetan Xiu generations making good friends, it would be impossible for Tibetan Xiuxian House to sit and watch Shushan being deceived by Xiao Xiao.

In the end, Qingqiu volunteered to lead a thousand disciples to sit in the mountains of Shushan, where the only elders were heavily armed, leaving Han Xuan and Zitong to manage the Tibetan immortal palace. Anyang was completely relieved.

The Celestial Army left the Tibetan show fairy house quickly, but headed south all the way to the legendary Yunding fairy mountain.

The Genting Fairy Mountain covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers, much larger than the Everest of 33,810 square kilometers, and has an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. It can be regarded as a dead zone for ordinary people, especially there is a mysterious force that blocks The approach of dishonest people.

It is said that when Kunlun was at its peak, Zeng was able to come out and failed to break the ban on Yunding Fairy Mountain. Anyang also explored it, but it still came back with a feather. Now that the Mecha Legion is in hand, he will inevitably rise There was a crazy idea to go to the detective again.

Perhaps Genting Immortal can restrain his armor, but he ca n’t restrain the more powerful Sky Corps or even ruling the mech. Perhaps Yunding Mountain ’s prohibition is the same as Shushan ’s streamer sword array, as long as the firepower is concentrated. Can coverage bombardment create a road to heaven?

He always wants to see if there are any fairies in this world!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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