My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 363: Rose Garden

The BMW x5 is moving slowly along the way, no one is blocking it, and even the pedestrians ca n’t see the roadside, but occasionally a car passes by, some are solemn and luxurious luxury cars, some are gorgeous and cool supercars, you can know at a glance The owner's worth is extraordinary. By comparison, this x5, which is considered a good car by many people, looks shabby.

At the end of the road is a small castle, very delicate and very flavorful, like a reduced version of a classical castle. The atmosphere is far inferior to the Dracula castle in "Fan Helsing", but it is enough in the eyes of ordinary people. Shocked, especially the little girls like An You and Xiao Xueer who still have longing for Western romance.

This small castle has a combination of fence style and open garden style. The white body is elegant and clean. There is a garden with a neat lawn in the middle. A strange fountain is in front. A red carpet stands in front of it. Row of blond welcome girls.

As soon as the car drove over, a blonde waiter came over and took the car key. There was no expression other than respect on the face, and it would not be taken lightly by the car's "unqualified".

In fact, the membership card of Rose Garden has never been available for purchase. In many cases, it is a symbol of identity. Getting this membership card is already a pass for you to enter the upper-class society of Yizhou. As for what car you drive It doesn't matter, it's important to know that many important people are not suitable for driving luxury cars.

The welcoming girl is tall and exquisite, but she is not exposed. She is a very conservative maid outfit, not a **** uniform, but she can still see the snowy gully in the neckline when bowing.

A young waiter with a big back on his head and meticulous care came over, also blonde, but again asked them to check the membership card in standard Mandarin and asked if there was an appointment. Of course, all of this came to an abrupt halt after the platinum VIP card was taken out. The young waiter took them directly to the private room reserved for the real big guys, all in accordance with the highest specifications.

And the expression of surprise on Anyou's face never stopped. The buildings and decorations along the way showed a strong French taste, and even the aristocratic style that she could distinguish. The etiquette and clothing of the waiters, the standing posture of the welcoming girl, and their physical appearance are all demanding to the extreme. If you can't feel the grade of this place, you will be blind.

After all, she is still an 18-year-old girl in the flower season. Walking in such a place, she actually feels embarrassed and embarrassed!

Even Xueer by her side was a little restrained, and it was obvious that she had never been to such a place, which made Anyou feel a little balanced, but then looking at his waste brother Anyang, he was so calm and calm, Looking forward without squinting, it seems that everything is taken for granted.

Her emotions suddenly fell back, and then she was deeply puzzled.

This shouldn't be!

She didn't have much idea about the right to enter here. The only thing she can think about is how long it takes ordinary people to pay for a meal in such a place! A month? Two months? Still a year? Two years?

Where is the money in Anyang!

Won't he have money to pay after eating?

An You suddenly raised this idea, but she even felt ridiculous. Even if she hated for so many years of living together, she still knew something about Anyang and could not do such a ridiculous thing. And in recent times, Anyang seems to have changed a lot. It was just that she had n’t thought about it before and did n’t have many concepts. This led to the sudden realization of Anyang when she suddenly woke up!

Until she entered the large reserved room, she was still uneasy, looking left and right, her face stiff and unreasonable, just like a dumpling entering the city. Fortunately, the wait staff were extremely qualified, did not look at her sideways, and did not even look at her more, only to do things by themselves, to avoid her becoming more embarrassed.

The waiter motioned for the three to be seated and came over with the menu.

The decoration in the private room is luxurious and elegant, with a splendid decoration style, soft sofas, oil paintings hung on the walls, imitating the style of castles, chiseled closets, hanging axe and celebrity portraits, the ground and the tabletops are light, worthy A mirror seems to pick out all the unnatural and indecent behaviors of people at this time, making Anyou more restrained.

Xiao Xueer is a little better. After all, she has received a good etiquette education, but her family has not reached the point of hundreds of millions of dollars. Naturally, she is not exposed to such aristocratic luxury, and it is hidden in the centuries of gold and the crowded city center. Such a big French castle garden was so shocking that she didn't get a little refreshed at this time, so she had to sit as gracefully as possible, but her mind was already empty.

Anyang did n’t eat French food very much and did n’t understand the French food culture, so he ordered the waiter to follow the VIP specifications. After the waiter bowed down, he waved in front of the two girls and said: "Why did you froze, talk?"

An You woke up suddenly, blushing a little, embarrassed and said: "Ah?"

Anyang had no choice but to wave her hand for gestures. She turned and listened to a beautiful woman in the bead curtain next to her playing the violin. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, she could hear her piano playing well and feel it. Very young, maybe a student. Can not help but sigh that the bureaucrats of the peace era will indeed enjoy, this elegant environment, soothing music, can be much better than the symphony of artillery and roar.

The Rose Garden is not for the mass consumers, so there is no hall, only private boxes of different specifications, but in fact the private boxes of the entire garden are similar, but artificially stipulate that certain private boxes are only for specific VIPs, in order to highlight, distinguish grades and identities .

Of course, when your strength reaches a certain level, these complicated regulations will have no meaning.

In the private room, the three are intimate and naturally need not obey those French dining etiquettes, how comfortable and how they can come, but the order of serving French cuisine is what they can only follow, which is also a kind of torture for food, or A test of the quality of foodies.

The menu of French cuisine is very simple. There are more than ten kinds of main dishes, but they are all beautifully made and the order is very strict.

Perhaps the average French restaurant ca n’t find such strict etiquette, but here, it is undoubtedly to be followed. After all, the people here and there are extraordinary people, no matter whether they have such qualities, they must be pretended. In order to improve one's composure.

The first dish is usually cold dish or soup. Although there are many varieties of “first dish” on the menu, you can only choose one. Before serving, the waiter serves a bread filled with caviar, which is crystal-clear Shine, remove the plate after eating, and then serve.

The waiters here paired them with seafood, rose salmon with caviar, and black truffle tomato with oysters and fresh oysters. Those who do not eat Western food often may not get used to it, but Anyang and Anyou both eat it. There is no taboo, no taboo smell, sweet and sour, bitter and spicy, even if you have n’t eaten it, you will automatically understand the tasting skills. It is a natural aristocrat who eats goods, and naturally does n’t feel anything.

Xiao Xueer didn't resist, but she ate very elegantly. She could see that she should often eat seafood and other foods in her house.

When the waiter served three glasses of "Xiao Xuan" made with champagne, they started to continue.

The second dish is soup, not common, but one for each person. Anyang is a thick broth. Perhaps to care for the lady, An You and Xiao Xue'er are lighter vegetable soup and delicious seafood, respectively. The soup is served with black truffles from the Perigord region in southwestern France to enhance the flavor, and the tongue should be swallowed in one bite.

An You leaned back on the seat very relaxed, Bai Shengsheng's legs were also placed casually, and there would be a little noise when drinking soup, no matter what it looked like, it was not like the sister of a person with a heavy weight.

On the other hand, Xiao Xue'er will be much more elegant, her slender waist is straight, and her bulging tender **** are especially prominent ~ ~ Legs are side by side and leaned aside, it looks more slender, mainly for dining The etiquette is very standard.

But Anyang does n’t care much. It ’s good to be able to follow the etiquette that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Even if it ’s not good, it will be pleasing to the eye, but it ca n’t be done. If he wants, he can be the creator of the rules, so why should he follow it? What about people's regulations?

Not to mention these French etiquettes, France is not the world ’s first, a country that is insignificant except for its fame, its etiquette is not elegant and complicated enough to be a reason for the real masters to deliberately learn.

Just like the waiter in front of him, he would n’t look at the dining style of several people and whether the sitting position was standard. He only made his own, and even his eyes would not be squinted. He knew that the VIPs in this box His identity, no matter what he does, should not interfere.

He was only responsible for changing the next dish in time when the three had finished a dish, and matched different drinks and drinks with each dish.

The third course is the main course of a meal, and it is also one of the most standard and French style dishes in French cuisine. The chef of Rose Garden made it very delicate and exquisite, which is worthy of the environment here. It is worthy of so many extraordinary customers.

The main dish is based on the foie gras steak, supplemented with fried foie gras and red wine, plus the previous meal, it is basically full.

An You said nothing, silently finished the steak very quickly, and began to use her elbows to support her head on the table, using a fork to fork the foie gras to eat, while listening to Xiao Xueer and Anyang whispered Sneering from time to time, but did not interrupt aloud.

"The caviar here tastes good, and it breaks up with a light squeeze. The aroma is strong. You try it, brother Anyang."

"Like I get a card for you, come over and eat if you have anything, everything will be counted on my account."

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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