My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 366: Playing a bit big

After everything was done, Xiao Qian couldn't help but have a hot cheek and a shy look.

But she is different from ordinary people after all, so she can suppress it deliberately, not let these messy emotions affect her, and try to make her voice more calm.

"Song Hanshan is a very capable person. She is much better than me in terms of business and more powerful than many men, so I consider lifting her up, which is equivalent to being my deputy. You can also control security with Shen Chaowen. What do you think, Fujun?

"I don't have any opinions, just have fun."

"Hate, I am obviously working for you!"

Xiaoqian said strangely, reaching up to his chest, grabbing the pair of hands that were kneading his full snow, and moving it away, laying it flat on his stomach.

"To tell you the truth!"

"There is no serious matter, in fact, you don't need to ask me these things, just decide for yourself!"

As Anyang said, he also withdrew his hand and lay on the soft bed with the back of his head, his eyes narrowed.

In his eyes, the seemingly huge An's Group is actually nothing, even if it collapses, it will not hurt, as long as Xiaoqian has fun.

But Xiaoqian obviously does not think so. In her heart, since her husband likes to trust her so much, and puts such a big family business into his hands, then he must manage it for him. Not so useless. As for what Anyang said to pass her time, she ignored it automatically.

The two chatted a few more words, and Anyang reached for a finger, put off the chandelier switch, prepared to sleep, and had to watch the drama tomorrow.

The next morning, he finished washing, sat in the roof garden for a while, absorbed the fresh air in the morning, then went downstairs for breakfast, and then sat down in front of the computer again.

Skillfully opened the video website, and really saw the video hanging on the home page, and was put on the home page rotation by the editor, and it was eye-catching headlines and very attractive introductions and news.

"A real mysterious mountain village falling dragon event, ultra-clear video reveals the existence of the Eastern Dragon! 》

"The Eastern Dragon dropped into an unidentified mountain village, and it took several hours to vacate. The clear video of the complete record is waiting for you!"

"Last night, the mysterious person's fall in the mountain village has been swept through the network. The technical staff of this site has not yet found the synthetic traces of the video, nor the address of the mysterious person. Only from this 1080 resolution video To this fallen Eastern Dragon, it has dark blue scales, and all its physical features are in line with the legend of the dragon, but the dragon, which has long been scientifically proven to be non-existent, has appeared in a mountain village. Does this sign any more? "

So make it mysterious!

But I have to admit that such words are very attractive.

Anyang's mouth twitched an arc, opened the video and watched a few times, and found that the comments and the barrage were only visible to registered users. He pulled out the keyboard and boarded his account registered with his mobile phone number several years ago, and suddenly saw a series of The barrage flew up, and there was a page of comments constantly refreshing below, all of which showed the excitement and shock of the viewers!

"Lying trough!"

"Lying trough!"

"Ouch lying down!"

"There are dragons in this world. The ancestors did not lie to us!"

"You find out, this dragon can fly without wings. This is a force beyond scientific understanding. Maybe there are more than dragons and gods in this world!"

"We have always said that we are the descendants of Yanhuang and Huang, who have the blood of a dragon, but he is so big, this is the first time I have seen a real dragon!"

"This video is so real and so clear, shouldn't it be fake?"

"Upstairs, I tell you from the professional's point of view that this video has no obvious traces of synthesis, and at the current level of special effects, to make short films that can't find flaws in this definition, the cost can be created An electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier, do you think someone will use a carrier to make fun of you? "

"Kneeling upstairs to the god!"

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling and watching the computer!"

"Upstairs, you tell your mother, you are worshipping God!"

I don't know when, Xiaoqian also came behind him, with one hand on his shoulder, the other hand covering his mouth with his fingers, smiling gently at the words on the screen.

"Let me go, I suddenly remembered that my grandfather who died a few years ago gave me a dream, saying that he did not have a quilt cover underneath, so cold, I was not serious at the time, I won't say it, please ask Taobao Which store does the paper quilt have better quality? I want to burn it to the warmth in the underworld. I will buy a box for my grandfather to burn it. "

"There is a shop called" Old Life Memorial Offerings "that sells well. They are all handmade. They are very warm and soft to cover. I have used them all the time!"

"Lying trough, upstairs 6666!"

"Upstairs +1, you never know that the opposite side of the network is a man or a ghost!"

"Brother, how about the speed of the underworld, how much megabit broadband, how much is a month?"

"I suddenly remembered that my grandfather also gave me a dream, as if it was a long string of numbers, I don't know if it is a lottery number, I have to try it."

"Good people upstairs have a safe life, please share the number, thank you!"

"Upstairs +1, a good person is safe all his life!"


Anyang looked ridiculous, and Xiaoqian also smiled with a frown, and she was full of mischief!

Of course, there are still doubters.

"This video is obviously fake. If there is a dragon in this world, then the **** of heaven can make the rocket go to heaven?"

"Huh, don't you say that I think it's a promotional video of which game, it's really realistic!"

"A group of two forced, elementary school has not graduated, do you believe this unscientific thing?"

"Betting on an ancient spicy bar, the company came out to clarify in less than three days, and then said that this is their promotional video, your fools are equivalent to playing free ads for them for a few days."

"The correct solution upstairs, Ben Wang decided to call and add a piece of Taiko Xuanmai!"

"This small mountain village in the dusk is so beautiful, the picture is so delicate, and any picture taken is a wallpaper, especially the dusk, it is love, no matter whether it is the promotion of movies or games, I have recognized it, and I will give it to me. I have sent so many beautiful wallpapers, as long as the news comes out, I will definitely support it in the end! "


Anyang watched it for a while, and then opened a video website, and found that there is still this video, and not only the video website, it also captured all major social networks, such as WeChat circle of friends, qq space, Weibo and even posted it, and even included The famous foreign websites such as K and Twitter have greatly swept the world. All the discussion on the Internet was about the news of this video. Even some girls who were not very interested in it, even knew it. clear.

Moreover, a lot of "informed persons" have been drawn from this, and all of them have made their own statements accordingly.

Some people say that this is a real dragon, they also saw it, or they were on the scene at the time, some people who claimed to be insiders said that they were made by a studio, and in order to open the market and the like, some professionals commented on this video Adopted a new technology, such technology will lead the development of special effects in the world, will push the level of special effects production to a new level ......

At the same time, it also triggered a wave of discussion about the Shenlong, and many people began to recall that they vowed that they had seen a winding shadow on a thunderstorm day, had also seen a big snake turning into a dragon, and had seen it in the summer when there was heavy water. After a dragon swims in the water, and overturns the bridge with his body, it drives the flood to devour the souls, or lowers Fuze, so that all the witnesses are glorious ...

Many people haven't thought of this perverted influence.

Xiaoqian smiled softly and said, "Fujun, you seem to be playing a bit too much."

Anyang didn't care: "No matter how big you play, it's fun, even if it attracts the attention of the country, the difficulty of this world has been left behind by my level."

Xiaoqian immediately took it seriously, but still chuckled: "Husband really doesn't know how to be humble ..."

Anyang suddenly thought of Song Hanshan, whom Xiao Qian talked about last night. He thought about it and said, "Actually, Song Hanshan you mentioned last night is good. You can bring her up. This person is very capable and has a good personality."

Xiao Qian was stunned and asked in surprise: "How did Hu Jun suddenly think of her?"

Anyang sighed and couldn't help but have a headache.

In fact, the relationship between the two is very weak, just ordinary friends, it is not worth doing this for the benefit.

However, when Anshi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. suddenly emerged, ~ had not clearly threatened the survival of Mingyang Group. At that time, Song Hanshan saw that Mingyang Group could not survive, so she simply took the sixth place. Gan gave him a call to test whether he was the helm of the Ans Group, and also asked him if he could open the Yang Group if the Ans Group was opened by his family.

At that time, Anyang did not answer, and he did n’t care much about the An ’s group. He just handed it to Shen Chaowen, and later let Xiao Qian intervene in all his rights in the real world to pass the boring time, but I never thought Xiao Qian directly used unconventional means, almost semi-competitively coerced the acquisition of Mingyang Group and became a part of Anshi Electronic Technology Company, which also made him a little embarrassed.

If I see Song Hanshan again as the head of the Ans Group in the future, I don't know what she should think ...

Anyang explained a few words to Xiaoqian at random, and she didn't think much, so she nodded and agreed.

In short, as long as Anyang puts forward, she will definitely do it, if not, then work hard for it.

Moreover, they did not feel that they owed Song Hanshan, nor did they owe it, but Song Hanshan did have this ability, and had enough identity and experience to afford this position, plus just a little bit with the behind-the-scenes control of the Ans Group. With friendship, she can take a little bit of consideration in consideration of some things, and she will be able to make a good rise.

Today Anyang still can't stay in the villa for a long time, and he wants to go farther, separated by a world barrier.

He spoke with Xiaoqian for a while, and casually discussed a few general directions of the An's system, more of which were some common things, and accompanied him for a while to sell cute rabbit puppets, along with Xiaochan, Huang Lan and others After having a meal at the table, he came to the basement of the villa and opened the door to the space.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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