My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 360: Almost got a misunderstanding (5,000 words

If the earth at night is compared to a huge shady screen, the Huaibei No. 1 base is the most dazzling one of the few bright pearls on this shady screen.

Looking at the world, probably no city can be as brightly lit as the Huaibei base and leisurely for pedestrians, right? There is no need for people to worry about food and clothing, not to fear the threat of zombies, or to fall asleep in a panic-stricken battle with a roar?

This is definitely the dream life of countless people living in this era, but the entire territory of the Central Empire is probably only achieved by the Huaibei base.

The doomsday world is at the beginning of spring at this time. As soon as you step out of the room at night, the cool air will pour in. You will see the sidewalk with tiles, the green belt on the side of the road, the neat street lights, and the distance like a stereo The building is lit up like a lattice. If at this time the survivors struggling to survive in the zombie group said that this building was not left before the cataclysm, but was built after the catastrophe, no one would believe it.

The scientific research area is not a residential area, especially since it is too late at this time, the pedestrians appear even less, and it seems to be empty. Only the sentries in the distant posts and the patrols passing by occasionally add a little anger to this place, and Not like a ghost dead city.

The dim light of the street lamp stretched the shadow of the man, and it hit the ground with a kind of peaceful and peaceful smell.

When walking to the gate of the scientific research area, there were only four soldiers in the Guards who followed Anyang. Two were wearing heavy guards of the Blood Guard and two were wearing heavy guards of the Wind God.

Although these two suits look far stronger than the standard ones, the higher cost and sophisticated design and meticulous craftsmanship allow them to enhance vitality and armor without affecting endurance and sensitivity. In particular, combined with the stronger physical fitness and comprehensive capabilities of the soldiers of the guard, this has become a very strong combination of individual combat capabilities.

Anyang suddenly stopped and turned to say, "Be careful."

The four guard soldiers nodded immediately, a few clicks on the soles of their feet, a plastic cushion appeared, and then a light blue arc flashed on the armor, which soon made them disappear under the street lamp. On the cold armor, ordinary people must not find that there are a few guard soldiers rarely seen at the base.

The optical stealth technology from Jagged Warriors perfectly hides them, and the precision-designed insole makes them walk silently.

Anyang sees that they have perfectly understood what they mean, so he doesn't say much, stepping out of the door of the scientific research area.

"Sir, go slowly!"

The sentinel at the door shouted loudly, but fortunately there were no people around, otherwise he would be very surprised.

Anyang nodded and stepped away into the distance.

At this time, the Huaibei No. 1 base was no longer the original Pingnan military area, but the Pingnan city recovered by the army, but it was strictly divided, in order to facilitate management and defense of mutants, and to reduce unnecessary resources. Attrition, the ministers of government cut a small piece of the city that can hold millions of people and use it for hundreds of thousands of people at the base, and can expand to other places at any time.

This has caused a small part of the city to be brightly lit, with bars, cabarets, restaurants, etc., and the traffic of people is generally the same as before the cataclysm. It is even more advanced in certain civil technologies and infrastructure. There is quite a sense of sight in the future world, but most of the rest of the steel forest is still dark, like a dead place abandoned by the world, silent.

In addition to the most central military and political center and the outermost defensive zone, the main base area is divided into five equal parts, namely scientific research area, industrial area, training test area, armed area and residential area. Anyang is now following the original flat The inner ring road of Nanshi crosses the industrial zone from the scientific research area, preparing to go to the residential area, and finally to the central military and political center.

His mansion and office are over there.

As soon as he reached the residential area, he knew that Zhou Mingyuan was indeed doing a good job. Regardless of this, just like the scene before the catastrophe, he could already see the prosperity of the Huaibei No. 1 base. More than ninety-nine percent of the survivors are only in the prosperous city before the cataclysm or in the midnight dream.

There is a food stall on the roadside, the fragrance is fragrant, behind is a restaurant, there are a few people dining, there are also places where men and women walk by hand, there are spiritual enjoyment products such as selling tobacco and alcohol, and there are entertainment venues, but like Before the cataclysm, there were not many massage and health care places. It can be seen that people just got rid of the tension, but did not let go of their hands to enjoy.

A battery car passed by quietly, and an electric car also roared past. It was still difficult for the roadside to escape a beggar.

But Anyang does not care about these stains. Compared with this world, there is a place for you to beg, it is already heaven.

Changed to another place, if you fall to the point of starvation, and lose the power to protect yourself, do n’t expect someone to rescue you and pity you, on the contrary, you need to worry that no one will kill you quietly, and then Make a pot of thick broth to fill your stomach!

The two soldiers of the patrol passed by, and the eyes and equipment that kept looking around indicated that they were not out shopping, but were patrolling regularly. They wore a straight uniform, a set of power-enhanced non-weapon anti-riot guns, an old gunpowder pistol on their waists, and a long sword on their backs, which was a great deterrent to ordinary people.

This seems to indicate that the security of the base is not as good as before the catastrophe.

But think about it and understand, after all, many of the residents here came out of the city where zombies are everywhere, and there are not a few who have dealt with zombies. Perhaps they have killed people, and they have seen **** pictures no matter how bad they are! The quiet and peaceful life of the base can dilute the hostility accumulated by most people, allowing most people to return to their lives before the cataclysm and exchange money for labor, but in the end, some people ca n’t wash it, and when they have nowhere to go Thinking about solving the problem through improper means, probably in their hearts, is it still a troubled world after all?

At this time, strict laws and patrols that constantly distribute deterrence are useful!

As if feeling his gaze, the two patrols turned their heads, opened their mouths in surprise, and stopped subconsciously, but they froze for a moment, and a little hesitation flashed in their eyes. It was still wise to look around for a few times. I chose to ignore it, passing by as if I hadn't seen him, without revealing his identity, and following the discipline.

Suddenly a loud horseshoe sounded, from far and near, from faint to clear, until it was as shocking as a dense drum, as if the earth was shaking.

This is a mutant warhorse covered with dark green scales, reflecting the glare under the street lamp, the mane of the neck is like a flaming flame, the head has a straight angle of attack, and **** eyes let it It looks like a magic unicorn. And its size is much taller and stronger than the heavy warhorse before the cataclysm. The huge body is full of muscles. The weight of more than two tons contains a powerful explosion. The roaring and outdated roadside leaves are blown up and displayed. With its strong power and unparalleled speed!

The horse was riding a young high-ranking military officer. He was dressed in a straight black military uniform, boots, and gloves. There was only an electromagnetic pistol on his body, a commanding sword hung from his waist, and his body was running at a high speed. The bumps were still quite straight, and they looked forward without squinting. Only when they saw Anyang standing still, they looked sideways in horror.

More than Anyang, the pedestrians who sparsely sparsely lay on the roadside because they were too late could not help casting envious eyes.

Riding a war horse on the street, it is probably only achieved by senior military officials, and this way of traveling is not only to pull the wind, but also a manifestation of identity!

Everyone knows that some special soldiers are also equipped with war horses. When ordinary troops perform missions in areas with complex terrain, they will also be equipped with temporary war horses. However, those who can use war horses as vehicles to the streets during non-expedition periods are all owned. Those with certain rights are like the commanding sword hung from the uniform of the officer and the waist. If this officer goes to the bar, it is estimated that it will attract women's attention than the Lamborghini key before the cataclysm.

Anyang shook his head and withdrew his gaze, knowing the urinary nature of this group of young men, he would not comment much, but some **** words could not help but spread into his ears.

"It's so handsome. I must find an officer to be a boyfriend in the future. It's more handsome than the soldier brother before the cataclysm!"

"I heard that the people in the army are all superhuman, and their physical qualities surpass that of ordinary people, not to mention what happens at night, even during the day, there is a strong sense of security!"

"It's nothing. If you see them passing by wearing the latest military armor, they are squatting and armored. It's like a future warrior in a science fiction movie. That's handsome!"

"My dear, why don't you join the army!"

"I want to think that there are so many people who want to join the army now, so strict requirements, which round will get me!"

Anyang continued to move forward, he could feel the four guard soldiers hidden around him, but his face was calm, and he could not help but sound the war horse that was equipped to him.

Now that biotechnology is developing so fast, the research on viruses is getting deeper and deeper. At that time, the best horse in the base should not be considered a big deal?

He went all the way, found a hotel with a more atmospheric decoration, walked in, prepared to fill his stomach, and tasted the food that the civilians could touch.

It ’s a hotel, but it ’s actually a restaurant, but it just used the lobby of a hotel in Pingnan City. Come and ask him how many people he has, whether he has a reservation, and then arrange his place carefully.

All this seems to indicate that the grade here is not low, especially in the base where the population is scarce, and it is indeed extravagant to have a good-looking woman as a welcome girl.

Anyang took the menu, ordered the highest mutant buffalo soup pot, randomly drew a few dishes, and returned the menu to the waiter.

From this point of view, this restaurant is not high in specifications. Although it occupies a large hotel, it is basically similar to the restaurant before the catastrophe. The number on the menu is not too rich. After all, it is limited to the consumption level of ordinary civilians and Food supply at the base. When he saw the waiter's surprised look, he knew that there were definitely a few people who ordered so many of them or such expensive things. This also shows that the wind of luxury in the base has not blown up.

Although the waiter was surprised, he didn't say much. Looking at Anyang's brand-new suit and the calm temperament on his body, he felt that this person didn't seem to be eating a king's meal. Then again, if there was business, who wouldn't do it. The money in front of them doesn't make any money. What's the point of their restaurant opening after ten o'clock in the evening?

Perhaps it was because at this point in time only he was still eating, and the dishes would soon be served.

There are fewer fresh vegetables, but there are still a lot of beef, and the taste is not bad. The chef is still a bit standard. Anyang can't eat the difference between the mutant buffalo's meat and ordinary beef, but vaguely remember that the mutant buffalo's body is very large. I can't help but think that such a big guy can kill enough to supply the hundreds of thousands of people in the base Well, after all, not many people can often eat beef.

After eating, wipe his mouth, he stood up.

"Waiter, checkout!"

Anyang unconsciously pulled out his wallet, his fingers twisting the corners of the hundred-dollar bills, but the light in the corners of his eyes just saw the strange expression of the waiter. He was stunned and reacted.

Oops, how did you forget this?

The Huaibei base of the Doomsday world is not open to paper money, not to mention the currency issued by Earth China!

Because of the strict and complete set of policies at the base, even gold is not universal here, everyone must use an integrated identification card, that is, something like an ID card, which records everyone ’s personal assets, everything is Pay with this card.

The waiter's face was a little ugly, but he walked over very politely and secretly gestured to the person behind him.

"Hello sir, a total of 160 points, please check out here, we will deduct from your ID card directly!"

The last sentence is actually not necessary at all, but there is an emphasis in his tone. It is like swiping a card in the real world. The waiter emphasizes that he will deduct money from your bank card. Everything you know is said in this tone, with a hint of warning and reminder.

And Anyang did not bring this thing!

At the beginning, Zhou Mingyuan handled it for him. He didn't know how to use it, so he threw it in the office. How could he know that he was so careless today?

I want to have a meeting for a day, including the reason why my brain is a bit slow ...

Anyang's face was a little embarrassed, but it wasn't impossible, but he turned to the corner of the side and said lightly:

"Come checkout!"

The waiter was stunned, and felt that Anyang was acting silly. He was clearly in front of him. He obviously shouted a checkout just now, and now it is ridiculous. It ’s ridiculous. Now that the laws of the base are so strict and tight, I think I can escape Has sanctions been taken, not everyone can eat overlord meal!

He glanced at Anyang's gaze, but he felt that the sentence was not shouting to himself. He was puzzled and couldn't help but want to glance back. He was afraid that this man would run away while he turned around. But thinking of his companion behind him, he turned his head, but at that moment, his pupil shrank suddenly!

A light blue arc flashed at the corner of no one. The scene was sci-fi and weird. A figure wearing silver and white armor gradually emerged. It was estimated that it was nearly two meters tall, strong, and sci-fi was all over him. Strong sense of strength. Especially the miniature ion cannon on the shoulders, the dense dark compartment gap on the body, the handheld ion cannon mounted on the back, and the big sword obliquely carried are already enough to make people feel soft. This is just a weapon that can be seen. I know what else I have n’t seen!

Under the horrified glances of two or three waiters, this figure walked over at a heavy pace, step by step, although silent, it seemed to step on their hearts ~ ~ They were sure, even if Among the army armored soldiers who occasionally walked and flew in the city, I did not see this silver-coated and thicker military armor. I could n’t help but look at Anyang differently. I began to carefully think about whether I had offended. This big man.

Until the guard soldiers stopped in front of them, he didn't see any action. The heavy armor on his chest opened with a cry, revealing a new tight combat uniform, and he reached into his pocket and drew out an identification card. This made the waiters relieved, at least the person really came to check out.

Fortunately, he didn't call the patrol team, otherwise this misunderstanding would become a big problem!

Anyang waited quietly by the side until the soldiers of the guards finished the checkout and disappeared in the blue arc before he went outside.

The waiter blinked at the back, clearly seeing a pool of water on the ground at the doorway suddenly splashing a wave of ripples, the splash splashed like a heavy object hitting down, and then again and again, again and again, whole He splashed four times before stopping, and the splash of water had already covered the floor tiles, and he could not help swallowing.

Who could have imagined that in this magnificent and bright hall, there were actually four heavily armed soldiers hiding?

Who would have thought that a person who eats casually will be guarded by such a force?

And almost misunderstood!

(Five thousand words in this chapter, thank you readers, by the way, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and reunion. And this book of gold is only one step away from the boutique, I hope everyone can support the genuine and help Golden will set foot on the boutique as soon as possible, and can also feel at ease during the festival, and eat happily when eating moon cakes!)

(Everyone is responsible for cracking down on genuine ones!)

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