My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 370: Empire Frost

Only when An Qi stood up and reported the results of Tianbing's operations did something happen.

"General, please see the suspended projection."

Anyang turned his head to the suspended projection in time, and saw a huge war scene, but it was a bit like a massacre.

A team of mechas flew in the sky, the huge steel body was invincible, airborne weapons and external weapons continued to roar, and a huge flame explosion was launched on the ground. But the people on the earth are not mortals. They gathered thousands of people to form a magic circle to resist the shells that screamed like a rain curtain. Some flew into the sky and rushed to the mechs. Some cast mysterious spells, and some escaped into the underground and river in.

Compared with mortals, they undoubtedly have more resistance and evasion ability, but it is only a delay in death. If it is not too much, there are too many puppets and summons used, they have been slaughtered out to fight against the watch. Although the mechanical creature-based Sky Soldier mech lacks a large-scale attack method, the single combat power and flexibility are not what they can challenge!

However, it was such a highly asymmetrical war that these people who practiced Taoism went forward and poured in, regardless of life and death.

The people in the hall have long been attracted to this war full of technology, blood and flame, full of personal courage and powerful destructive power.

For Emperor Chongjia and He, the projection technology alone was enough to amaze him, especially when he learned that this was a real scene that was happening thousands of miles away.

For high-ranking military and political officials at the base, Pallans ’mecha combat effectiveness is also incomparable. Some people even think that the mecha is an enlarged version of the individual armor. As long as some key technical problems are solved, it is not difficult to manufacture. However, only when they have truly seen the overall quality of the sky soldiers and the overall performance of the mechas can they truly experience that the technology contained in these mechas is far beyond the base. Even if the base receives the technology of deep space amnesia, or even the base accepts the various black technologies of Stark Industries of Marvel World, it is far from being able to manufacture such a sophisticated and powerful war machine.

For those in the monastic world, this picture is inevitably sad.

The monastic forces in the picture are being attacked by a mech formation. Haven't they experienced such an aggression scene? Let them watch this pain, such a cruel and one-sided war on other holy shrines, which should have been standing high, or the people who are far away from the world's conflicts are brutally slaughtered, not just to seduce memories, There is still sorrow!

Apart from these feelings, some people are still silent.

Undoubtedly, the monastic forces in the picture chose the deadly resistance. Even if they faced a force far exceeding their gods and soldiers, they still did not want to easily surrender, but the reason why most of the monastic forces on the scene are so fast They were conquered by Tianbing Mecha because many of them gave up resistance in a short time and surrendered voluntarily.

From now on, it is difficult to explain whether this is a wise choice or a manifestation of their cowardice.

Anyang listened to the sound in the holographic projection. Although it may be very slight due to the recording distance, there were also serious interference and noise, and it seemed very fuzzy, but it still made him frown more and more tightly.

Through the sky-rocketing artillery fire, he could hear the shouts of those who practiced Taoism.

"You demons, do not want us to submit!"

"Shenzhou belongs to us, the dignity of the right way cannot be trampled!"

"For the sake of the world, even if you kill us, we will not run for you!"


Anyang looked a little gloomy and looked at the picture without saying a word.

Undoubtedly, those who are brave and desperate for monasticism, who dare to resist the energy dormitory cannons of the Tianbing mecha, for the time being, regardless of other qualities, at least this is already called the word excellent, but no one is so incapable of facing The force of resistance is still daring to rush forward with the flesh and blood against the heavy artillery!

He saw a person hit by a frontal energy shell, immediately exploding the sky flames and sweeping air waves. When everything calmed down, there were only a few pieces of metal left in place.

He saw a hidden high man from the Taishang who was not inferior to the holy place of monastery soaring into the sky, trying to get close to the artillery force raged by the artillery, but he was locked by the light mech ambushed in the distant mountain. At that moment, the air seemed to be able to hear the laser The roar of the artillery, the unstoppable red light running through the sky took his life, and the two hundred years of Daoxing disappeared.

He saw a monk approaching the mech of the land warfare in the way of earth, crossing the airborne energy shield, and desperately put his hand on the cold armor on the surface of the mech, muttering the spell, some people failed and were The perceived mecha was powerfully bombarded, but after all, someone succeeded. The mysterious and mysterious spell exploded inside the mecha, or the invisible mana penetrated the fuselage and directly acted on the sky soldier.

It is a pity that Heavenly Soldiers are not ordinary people, and when designing Heavenly Armor, the temple considered high-intensity confrontation with countless mechanical creatures in the environment of lack of maintenance and supplies after the temple was destroyed, and the strength of the fuselage is far As they imagined, even the internal parts were not so fragile. The results achieved were not pleasant, the number of destroyed mechas was few, and more of them only caused some impact.

But for these pitiful losses, Anyang was enough to ponder.

He knew that if the spells of the Divine World were used properly, there would be a chance of killing the sky soldiers, but what he did not expect was that these monks had responded so quickly.

It seems not so simple!

Anyang looked around for a while. Most of the monks and monsters standing on the right side of the hall were touched, but he said nothing and continued to look at the projection.

Because he knows deeply that such a touch is unavoidable when hired from the badge badge, even the guard mark is unavoidable, because it does not depend on the stand of a person, not on who you are loyal to, but from The deepest soul of a person comes from your understanding of self, depends on whether a person's concept of life is perfect, depends on whether you will feel tragedy, admire heroes, and so on.

Undoubtedly, this is a weeping war. In order to defend justice and protect the lives, the cultivators of the rebellious decisively sacrifice their lives and choose to fight against such a force, even in a time when darkness is ruined. When the world of Mengchen was washed, the pearl began to shine. This is a heroic epic enough to spread through the ages.

It is a pity that it is not praising itself!

On the contrary, the army he leads still plays the role of a villain.

It's really people thinking about the significance of this aggression!

The picture was quickly suspended by Angel, and the intercepted picture was an old man wearing a robe.

Anyang's eyes suddenly sharpened, and the bored emotion just swept away, and asked, "What's going on with this matter?"

At this moment, he is just a powerful invader, and those heroes are just a group of ignorant rebels, yes, ignorance, ignorance to the general trend of the world can not see clearly, even ignorance to who I can't see any better changes to this world. I don't know what it takes to be foolish to this world.

An Qi greeted his gaze, and immediately understood the meaning of the master of his own god, patting his military uniform, quite straight.

"When we advanced to the west, we encountered a relatively large part of resistance. These people are not a certain monastic force, but several monastic holy places, monastery schools in Xianshan Cave House, and even a part of the combination of demon forces. There is a force of resistance, so the number is much larger than the troops encountered normally. "

"They seem to have been tempted by some, many rebels are desperate, and even death is reluctant, as if they are crazy. And they soon realized that they faced our advantage and seized our extreme for them. The subtle disadvantages have begun to cause substantial damage to our side, but these damages are too trivial to affect the overall situation. "

"The monkist in the picture has been captured alive. He is also the only one among those who are alive. He learned that this resistance force is mainly composed of a monkist force called Chunyangmen, and this People are one of Chunyangmen ’s monarchs. It ’s ridiculous that they have bewitched others, but they ca n’t persuade themselves to die generously, so they rarely see them in the battlefield ~ ~ Anyang sits On the seat, after thinking for a while, his eyes were gloomy and said to Angel:

"I remember that there are several troops of soldiers hunting down the remnants of demons in the west. Bring them together and go to Chunyangmen to take the culprit!"

"Yes, general!"

"Then don't rush to attack this group of monks, and order the troops to stand by. I will send some monastery holy places to help in the past. It is best to solve it with a gentle method like propaganda. If you can't change the image of our army, Ca n’t eradicate their stubbornness, it can also be supplemented by warfare, but it ca n’t be too killing. At present, there are very few people who practice monasticism, and we need a large number of monks in the early stage of our Taoist law promotion and education. unfortunately!"

"Yes, general!"

"In addition, when conquering these schools of monasticism, it is best to keep databases like Tibetan scriptures, bookstores, etc. under strict care. Even if the schools are extinct, their essence of Daoism must be preserved. Powerful spells, magic circles, and Fuzhuan ’s attainments are top-notch in the entire monastic world, and they must not be easily damaged, nor should they be destroyed! "

"Yes, general!"

Angel seemed to become a repeater all at once, only repeating this sentence.

Yes, in her mind, Lord God will always be right, and no one can question God ’s decision.

And in this "yes, general", it has already shown the demise of the pure Yangmen that has stood for thousands of years!


(Recommend a book, how to say, this book is really very good, called "90,000 years of compulsory comprehension", which is classified by fantasy, but can also be read as science fiction. The driver, plus the creation is really good, and it has received unanimous praise from the editor, it is worth reading!)

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