My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 389: Cabinet Order

When He Zhiping finished speaking, it was already afternoon.

Facts have proved that in many cases, political meetings are not lengthy, but the Huaibei base should have been so long. The Huaibei base at that time, because the regime was established under the environment of zombies, the organization is very efficient, and basically there will be no meetings to move. There is no such thing as a meeting to play, let alone to report the conquest of the war to the Supreme Chief, He Zhiping did not dare to drink too much, and did not dare to say a nonsense.

In fact, there are too many things, and the government affairs are too busy, which makes the meeting extremely long, but not complicated, but rather very compact.

To conquer and control an empire's regime, but also to lay the groundwork and make preparations for the future major reform policies, it will involve all aspects, as small as the people's livelihood and people's livelihood, improve the lives of the people of the world, make people live and work in peace, to politics. The military, the mechanism reform, and the control of the armed forces are countless in detail ...

Fortunately, a lot of things have already been planned by the major officials of the Huabei base's government department, and they have provided a sufficient political framework. You only need to follow them, otherwise it sounds like so many things. It's terrifying to think about making decisions and issuing government orders in such a short time.

By this time, everyone had not been hungry, except for the military and political officials from the Huaibei base, all of them had not recovered, and the new terms and new government orders they contacted made them look embarrassed.

What is hybrid rice and how is it possible to produce 1,500 catties per mu per season!

Could it be a fairy of heaven?

What is a radio communication system and how can it be possible to communicate everywhere in the world!

Is it a **** of heaven?

What other construction team can quickly raise the building on the ground, does this come from the heaven? What breeding plan can supply meat for the whole country? Why is it so vigorous to promote trade and encourage business, is it impossible to gather all the world's property in the hands of individuals? Or is it to subvert the status of the agricultural, commercial and industrial ranks? What does the meticulous "Equality in the world, regardless of origin, regardless of race" decree mean?

Could it be that in the future, the peasants in the market will sit with the nobility of the prince? Street merchants can point the finger at the government, and beggars can also criticize the emperor?

Or is it that the weak scholars will be in the same room with the monsters and demons? Will human children go to school and study together with quizzical sprites, get along with each other, even get married and have children?

The ancients were actually not as foolish as imagined, and many modern ideas are not enough to give the modern people a sense of superiority in front of the ancients. For example, everyone knows the importance of doing business and trade, comprehensively governing the country according to law, and the importance of knowledge popularization. This is not done completely, but it does not mean that they are foolish. Ordinary ancients may not know that because they lived in such an era, they could not surpass them, and they did not have enough knowledge and cultural accomplishment, but many high-ranking people were well-educated, lived high, and even were doomed to rule from birth Or, they know these things, but they are not implemented for some reason!

Or selfishness, or world trends, or class resistance, or the degree of civilization of the world, etc ...

As a chestnut, in ancient times, there was a serious class system. Truth and knowledge were often in the hands of aristocratic families. These clans often formed a national military and political system. Looking back at the court, the vast majority of civilian military commanders were from a certain clan. Representing the rise and fall of a clan, or simply being a spokesperson introduced by a clan, the Hanmenzi are really pitiful, and they are very unattractive. Many clans even held many important positions in the court. When committing major crimes, they moved the whole body. One person had a lot of support. When he was healed, he united with each other and expanded his power very quickly.

Anyone who likes history knows that the Qin dynasty was severe at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the monarchs were faint, the people did not talk about life, and the army was gradually corrupt. Finally, Shandong Haojun and the Qin people died. Once these clan heroes revolted, they took away most of the power of the Qin Dynasty, and finally reversed the royal family, which led to the demise of a large empire. It must be clear to those who have seen the Three Kingdoms, how many of those so-called famous generals are not from famous families? Especially those who brought their reputation as an army when they played, most of them represented the power of a clan, but were only launched to assist the Mingjun to fight the world and stay for the clan for fame and fortune. This is equivalent to the venture capital investment of the big players, the victory is the glory of the clan, the sudden rise, and the defeat is nothing but silence. This also leads to many times when the world changes its lord and changes its dynasty. The royal family also depends on the clan to govern the world.

In such a situation, the emperor is helpless. The court is full of clan officials, and the place is ruled by the clan. It is not so much that the country is in the hands of the kings, but it is in the hands of these clan. The biggest ruler. But the various decrees heard at this time clearly demonstrated the determination of this **** king to destroy the clan, not to destroy a certain clan, nor to destroy the existing clan, but to classify these classes for thousands of years. Destroy it completely!

Perhaps, from now on, for generations, there will no longer be a clan!

Emperor Chongjia knew this. Without the clan, the world would be completely in the hands of the king, and the decree would not encounter resistance. The policy would not be persecuted without worrying about the damage to the interests of the clan. With one eye closed and one eye closed, the world is much easier to manage.

But how easy it is!

Everyone knows that the world is all scholars, and the country will prosper, but those clans who rely on knowledge to rule the world can agree?

Everyone shouted that the emperor had committed the same crime as the common people, but those clans were not on the same territory as the emperor?

Many emperors Chongjia knew about the decree to improve the people ’s livelihood, but these decrees were indeed beneficial to the people, but not to the clan. He would undoubtedly have to work against these clan. In this era when fame and clan are everywhere, he How easy is it to carry out these decrees in the name of "the world"? Therefore, he is reusing Hanmen's children, so he formed Hanmen soldiers to expand the territory, so he appointed the national teacher and the monster ...

But now it seems that these methods are no longer used.

In this population named He Zhiping, he had seen the day when the clan class was destroyed. Anyone who dared to resist would be destroyed by the same punishment as the punishment.

This army will not be merciless.

The Emperor Chongjia was deeply aware of this when he knew their purpose.

He also finally understood why the **** king was sending troops to fight on all sides while he was in the government royal family. Almost every city and military town suffered a military disaster, either surrendered or destroyed, and finally left a nail. there.

It turned out that it was not a superfluous move, but a bigger conspiracy. The king did not want to enter the world from the beginning. He wanted to really control the world and completely control it!

Representatives from various cultivating forces are similar. It is ridiculous to cultivate the whole world. What damages the status of all monks, and damages the ancestors ’ideas at that time. They did n’t think about it, but they taught the greatness of the world. Thought is what many people have thought about. From the point that most people who practice monks now no longer disdain monsters, it can be seen that every time they want to completely accept the spirits of heaven and earth, there are always stubborn monastic holy places. The objection has led to the fact that the holy place of human cultivation today still belongs to human beings. Kunlun Mountain's outreach to monsters is already out of touch with the apostasy. To make monsters and spirits completely the same as others, it was a joke before.

But now ...

Probably the group of stubborn and old-fashioned people will succumb to the strong crush of this army, or simply die, and defend their beliefs with their own lives. Oh, it sounds great!

The monastic masters thought so, but they were silent.

Anyang, who was sitting at the top, thought silently, tapping his fingers on the armrests of the seat with a single click, and there was a sudden silence in the hall.

Finally, he raised his brows and said, "I think it is possible to set up a superb control department, selected by the best among the monks, and then participate with senior officials to manage the scheduling of monastic shrines, Xianshan Cave House, and control the monks The direction of the development of the forces, controlling the monsters and spirits, currently formulating rules for limiting extraordinary abilities and those with extraordinary abilities, after the popularization of Taoism, it is used to plan Taoism policies, monitor the safety of Taoism, and prevent anyone from using Taoism Undermine the stability and unity of society, or integrate some non-human and human relations, etc ... "

He Zhiping thought a little, then looked up and said: "This is a direction and an inevitable trend. We need such a department."

Anyang nodded: "That's it. When I call Zhou Mingyuan and other government ministers, let's discuss it carefully and finalize the framework and responsibilities of this department!"

He Zhiping nodded quickly, and other officials and monks secretly thought about it.

This new transcendent management department is a brand-new power institution, which undoubtedly means greater vacancies and rights, and directly control the people who are above the monks!

After that, it was Chen Yafei, An Qi, Zhai Liying and other supplementary speeches.

They are more direct and use the mecha to directly move the portable 3d projection device to act as a display ~ ~ to give a speech with video combined with documents.

This magical imaging technology undoubtedly stunned the earth buns of the Divine World.

Chen Yafei stepped forward, looked around, stopped his eyes on a banshee for hundreds of years, and continued to talk.

However, most of what he said was about reporting results, no new orders were issued, and there was no need to ask for advice. After all, with so much technology leading the world, the army ’s combat power is far beyond this era, basically it is ruined, nothing happened. To resist, just push it in the past. What is being said now is just where the army is fighting and where it is fighting.

It wasn't until Zhai Liying, the top chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, stepped forward that she had some talk.

After all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs to control all the armed forces in the government area. It must also control the public security and internal and external defense forces, and supervise the senior military and political officials. It is much more complicated than the military's simple war.

In this way, in this journey of conquest, the easiest thing is the army, not even **** sacrifices. (To be continued.)


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