My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 395: Do n’t do that, your goblin will think about it.

When those figures slowly disappeared in the door of the deep space, the huge hollow with mysterious light disappeared.

At this time, all talents reacted.

"Give Your Majesty!"

Strong and heavy voices sounded at the same time, spreading along a flat new square!

Just like a meteorite burning and falling into the calm lake, it immediately set off an uproar and slammed into the distance!

It was at this time--

Around the ground covered with white jade slabs, everywhere in the clear and translucent sky, blue arcs began to flash, one after another, thick and mighty, or beautiful streamlined figures emerged from the sky, some stood upright, and some jetted flames volley While standing, immediately caused a wave of exclamation like a tide.

This is the Shenwumen altar built in the east of the imperial city of Shenzhou. It is mainly used as a large-scale event of the empire. At this time, the civil and military officials gathered here. After opening the grand sire's farewell ceremony to return to "Tianting", the people of the imperial capital You can stand and watch from a distance, but the guard is very strict!

There is no doubt that all the audience was shocked.

Whether it is the civil and military officials who are served by the original people of this world, armed guards, or the audience civilians of the imperial capital, or the monks and demon spirits who already possess extraordinary powers, they are the doors of this huge space. Astonished, there is also this group of armored troops that were originally hidden in silence but suddenly appeared after Anyang left.

It is conceivable that this stunning picture will surely cause an uproar in the imperial capital, and then it will be spread ten and ten, and everyone will tell about the magical scene when His Majesty returns to heaven after tea and dinner, and maybe there will be poets rendering ink, and then Sing and sing all over the Empire from north to south at a very fast speed!

The huge door of space, the guardian guardian ...

This is also a propaganda plan planned by the Imperial Propaganda Department. It will give a booster to everyone who already believes that the imperial power is the sect of the fairy sect, so that they will have no doubt about it from now on, and the subsequent promotion of technology and Taoism will also need to be done. Change and rendering, at least to make these linked to immortals, the essential political education, ideological education is one of the compulsory courses that will be included in the popularization of education!

The other emperors disseminated the theory of monarchical power. He undoubtedly did it more thoroughly, directly proclaimed that he was a god, and produced a strong proof, and wrote it into the textbook to provide compulsory education for the people of the world.


When returning to the real world at night, Anyang turned his head and glanced, and the curtains were drawn tightly.

The three female goblins also came back together, mainly because rabbit spirits could not bear him, and Xiao Chan was also inseparable from him. Huang Lan had already developed a good relationship with rabbit spirits and Xiao Chan, and it did n’t make sense to stay alone in China. , And then came at random.

They looked around from left to right and didn't come back for a few months. They used to live in the classical royal palace. Looking at this modern villa, they felt very new.

Anyang frowned twice, and suddenly turned around, then he was relieved.

Xiaoqian was wearing a silk pajamas. I do n’t know when to appear behind him. He was holding a glass of water. He looked at him quietly and seemed to want to drink. He just stopped touching the red lips and stopped. A soft smile: "Your Majesty is back?"

This pajama is a blue classical dress with very light fabrics. The white chest is raised high, and only a little groove is exposed. In the pajamas, which is an elegant dress, it is considered to be conservative, but it is very short. The skirt has a pair of white and straight thighs, adding a little temptation. The pajamas are covered with a thin layer of silk shawl. The modern flavor reveals the classic flavor, and also reveals the temperament of her ancient ladies.

Anyang touched her nose, passed the water on her hand, took a sip, and said, "You laugh at me again. If your majesty, you are the queen!"

Comrade Xiao Qian smiled shallowly, and looked at the water glass in his hand and did not speak, but his eyes were slightly different.

Anyang couldn't see what she thought. She picked up the cup and drank the water inside. She could still feel a little bit of lipstick between her lips. Then she said to Comrade Xiaoqian: "When the basic transformation of the empire comes to an end, Let ’s go to the Shenzhou Empire again and let you pass the Queen ’s addiction! ”

Comrade Xiao Qian's brilliant eyes narrowed slightly, and Wen Wan smiled: "Well, okay."

She has undoubtedly been to the Divine World in these days. More than once, these experiences like playing and inspecting made her very impressed by the huge empire that spans the world, especially the imminent coexistence of shemales, technology and Taoism. The world style of Zhenghui makes her feel very different.

If you can take the position of the empress of the Divine Empire under the condition that the husband is the emperor, that moment is definitely my dream!

Although she is a thousand-year-old female ghost, she was born as an emperor of the eight classics. The nature she aspires to is not the same as the real-world woman. It is also different from the female goblins such as Huang Lan. Like the status of the queen, in her time Even the women in the world yearn for it, it seems that they are very close to people who love each other. In her time, in fact, it was already a luxury.

The power and wealth that she has come into contact with may be worthy of the envy of the vast majority of men and women in this world, but after all, it is not her time. Her sense of belonging in this world is always lacking, and her worldview is also different. It's just that her husband is here, and she will stay here with peace of mind. Her husband's industrial power is here, and she will pass the time when she is bored, but what she can really yearn for is still what the ancient woman pursued.

Even the modern president's wife is different from the ancient queen!

It ’s not status, nor the size of rights, nor her covetous vanity, but the dragon robe and phoenix robe, governing the world and mother ’s world, the emperor and the queen of a country, etc. These words were given in her era. The meaning of being too dreamy is almost engraved in the depths of the woman's soul.

What she wanted to pursue was probably the illusory meaning behind these words, which was recognized by the people in the world as the meaning of their husband and wife relationship, and the unique feelings brought about by wearing the phoenix robe that he could only wear. Similar to the little daughter's emotions, the desire to be recognized is made public.

If you change to a modern woman, it is estimated that many people will think that the Deep Palace compound has no freedom, is tied to the king and has no feminism, and has spent a lifetime serving a man around the man's joys and sorrows, which will make him lose himself. But she does not know that if this man happens to be her own love, she is willing to stay by his side quietly for a lifetime.

If the three female goblins were changed, it is estimated that they could not understand the meaning of the word queen, and the monarchy was worthless in their eyes. They could not even correctly measure how amazing the rights and wealth that Anyang now brings to them. But it is precisely because of this that they can accept so calmly, without any psychological burden, after all, in their values, these things outside are not valuable at all.

Even Huang Lan, who is more sensible, can eat Anyang comfortably, those who use Anyang, and those who live in Anyang. Probably in her heart, only Anyang directs her spells to her greatest friendship!

Needless to say, the rabbit essence, she does n’t understand anything silly, but Xiao Chan understands the world and the worldly fame and fortune, but I do n’t know whether it is her special experience or the talent of the fox spirit. She can understand what Anyang brings to them. How rare. Therefore, she is also the most embarrassed of the three female elves. When faced with the generosity of Xiaoqian and Anyang, she will always be embarrassed, and then double the role of the maidservant. Do everything well to do well. , As if selling yourself for glory.

It ’s just that regardless of whether it ’s Comrade Xiaoqian or the three female goblins, once you have been in a world for a long time, you will be affected by culture and world affairs, and your sense of belonging to this world will gradually increase with your daily life. Will slowly approach people in this world.

Xiaoqian's eyes regained their usual gentleness, leaving those thoughts behind.

Regardless of whether he can be his empress in that empire, with him now, in fact, it is not much different from the empress!

Then she looked at the three female elves behind her and greeted with a smile: "Do you want to drink water, I'll get it for you!"

Huang Lan immediately waved his thanks, and then politely refused, showing that he knew Shu Dali, Xiao Chan was also timid and did not speak. Only the rabbit essence thought about it seriously, and then found that he really did not want to drink water, then shook his head and refused.

Xiao Qian didn't say much. Sometimes, it's not good to deliberately emphasize the position of her master. To be casual with them will make them a lot easier.

Anyang only noticed that Comrade Xiaoqian's hair was a little wet. It should have just been bathed and watched the time. It was also time for a break, but for this thousand-year-old female ghost, when the husband was at home Accompany husband to sleep, but if husband is not at home, he will cultivate himself ...

Think about it, if you did n’t come back today, Xiaoqian should be half lying on the tatami on the window sill, holding the book she gave to her while facing the night of this hilltop villa so quiet that even the street lights owe it. Look at the spell books quietly.

Anyang chatted with her a few words before talking about his return to his hometown.

"Don't you promise my parents to go home a few days ago, and haven't been back to see them for a long time, I have been in the Shenzhou world for more than ten days, and I don't know when I will perform the next task. You and me tomorrow Come back together? "

There was a glimmer of light in Xiaoqian's eyes, but he was startled, covered his mouth, smiled, pointed to the room upstairs, and said, "You took me back alone, but left your" friends "here , Guess what they think? "

Anyang also realized this and said, "This is really a problem"

He was afraid that the three female goblins were not happy. If it were all Huang Lan, it was easy to handle, and his temperament was straightforward. No matter how you arranged her, she would not be confused. , Xiao Chan must be a little uneasy in this strange place alone.


Xiao Qian looked at him with a smirk and said, "You can't take all three fairies to your uncle and aunt?"

Anyang touched his nose and asked, "What should I do?"

Xiao Qian held the glass and shook the water inside and said, "It's very simple. I stay here to accompany them. You don't take anyone with you. When you go back alone, they won't think about it. I will become familiar with them later. They will go home with you again and they won't say anything. "

Anyang froze for a moment, and said subconsciously: "How can I do that, my parents can talk about you for a long time."

Comrade Xiaoqian hesitated. Obviously she also wanted to go back with Anyang. The fact of seeing her in-laws is of great significance even in modern times. It is an affirmation and recognition of the relationship. After seeing the parents, she also looked at this more A piece of love is tantamount to an extra layer of protection.

"So what do you say?"

"I do not know either!"

The two looked at each other ~ ~ but they were helpless.

"It's almost summer vacation soon, anyway, it should be reasonable to say that I should be working at this time. Wouldn't it be strange to go back to your uncle and aunt with you?"

"I'm a teacher's family, and my parents know how to read books, and I wouldn't be surprised!"

"That's good, I'll go back with you when the summer vacation is free, but ..."

Halfway through the talk, Xiaoqian said nothing.

Anyang subconsciously asked: "But what?"

Xiao Qian's mouth twitched a touch of arc, and looked at him with a smile: "But if you feel lonely when you go back alone, I can take a few days off for Miss Weiwei's department, let her go back with you, anyway It ’s all a building! "

Anyang's mouth suddenly smoked!

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