My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 400: Fooling around with a man at night

Ang Guoshu's eyes widened in surprise.

Director Yang, this is the biggest official who came to congratulate him on his leadership today, and he came up personally!

You should know that in the education bureau of Yancheng, Yang Chongzheng has great power. He has a lot of entertainment every day, and he will come to him personally. face!

An Guoshu also knew that the reason why he was promoted to director was Yang Chongzheng's name when he visited Yancheng Middle School!

It's just that he didn't know the reason deeper.

As for other leaders, most of them heard some rumors, some obscure information, such as the hidden hints of the high-level leaders of their respective factions, and doubts. They just found a small staff member to send something, which was not worth it. There is no loss, and it's a meaning again.

In the final analysis, they actually do not know how much power this family has.

If Yang Chongzheng ’s itinerary is revealed today, I am afraid that they will regret it!


Ang Guoshu looked at Yang Chongzheng's sweat, followed by the ordinary-looking female secretary, quickly greeted with courtesy, shouted: "What is Director Yang doing at the door, come in and sit down, Anyang, put you Take the tea brought back to me and let me taste it with Director Yang! "

When Director Yang heard this sentence, he suddenly shuddered a bit, his face was pale, and there was a little cold sweat in the hot sweat.

Let Anyang pour tea for him, and don't dare to borrow his ten guts!

"No, no, I have something to do. I have to leave right away, so I won't bother."

"Well, how about you, Yang Bureau, take time out of your busy schedule, come from afar, on a hot day, and so on ... If such a high building climbs up, if someone doesn't drink a glass of water, what should others think of me!

"This, I really have something to do!"

Director Yang said, his eyes were inadvertently glanced back, anyway, Anyang had heard his name, and his purpose was almost achieved. Looking down at his watch, he decisively and strongly resigned to leave, not even the house. Dare to enter, for fear of disturbing Anyang, and then causing his disgust.

He is very decent, but Anguoshu is a bit ignorant, he can also regard Yang Chongzheng as his own music.

This elder brother ran over to give a gift, but he would leave without even sitting. Isn't that too weird?

It seems that his language teacher does not understand basic hospitality etiquette!

But the Anguo books are not good at these twists and turns, it can only be blamed that Yang Chong is really a very urgent matter, this trip is taken time, or Yang Bureau is too serious and resolute, and there are no official ones. People's corruption is for pleasure.

Director Yang is really a good leader!

Ang Guoshu kept sending him downstairs, only to come back with a red face, and for a time it was a spring breeze, and his face had a face!

Xie Yunqing was also surprised. Looking at what Yang Chongzheng sent, he sighed: "These things are not cheap. What do you mean by your luck? Being a small director allows Director Yang to personally give you a gift?"

Anguoshu felt that he could finally stand up in front of his daughter-in-law, and said, "What else can we do, our family is poor and poor, Yang Ju is a good director serving the people, and it must be my work that impressed him seriously!"

Anyang looked at him proudly and couldn't bear to take it down.

Anguoshu is also a more proud Chinese teacher in his bones. Fortunately, he was sour in his early years. Although his mind was awkward, his mouth was a poetic sentence, so he was abused by Xie Yunqing. He thinks that his work seriously touched the leadership and would be proud of it, but if he knows that he was promoted by his son's relationship, it must be difficult to accept. To know that he is the most disgusting is to go through the back door!

If he was willing to let go of his poor pride, even if it was only a gift to the leaders during the holidays, he would not be an ordinary teacher for half his life.

After thinking for some time, Anyang decided to go back and warn the bureaucratic people. It is still better for such things to happen today. The old couple in the family all like to be calm. Leisurely walking the birds to buy food and cooking is their life. Do n’t Unintentionally broken by this group of people.

Putting the buns you bought on the table, eating and chatting, until Ji Weiwei came, Xie Yunqing took two apron to cook.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Ji Weiwei is the daughter of Anjia. She spends more time in Anjia than in her own home, and it is very natural. When she comes, she cuts vegetables and cooks. Both An Guoshu and Anyang are used to her and Xie Yunqing. Working in the kitchen, no wonder everyone agrees that she is Anyang's wife.

Anyang sat on the sofa, took out a pot of Shenzhou World Fine Spirit Tea, and made a cup of An Guoshu for him to taste.

The fragrance is fragrant, with the white smoke spreading, but the fragrance of the tea is mostly very weak. Only when you are close can you smell the smell of flowers and honey. Those who do not understand tea will only feel bitter when drinking inferior tea, and drink good tea only It will quench your thirst, but a person who knows tea only needs a sip and feels the unwinding of the limbs.

Ang Guoshu is a person who has been drinking tea for half his life, but all drink very ordinary tea. I have n’t studied this stuff. I only smell the fragrance and look at the color. I think it is the same as that described in those articles, and even more. Well, I took a sip, swallowed it in my mouth for a long time, and then looked up at Anyang.

"Isn't this tea cheap?"

"They don't cost money from others."

Anyang is telling the truth, this is the "tribute tea" given to him by the Tibetan Xiu Xianfu, named Fu Ye, which really does not cost money.

The floating leaf itself is a good tea tree that grows on the edge of a thousand cliffs, and all the emperors are also asking for it. It was transplanted next to the Tibetan Spring Fairy House Spirit Spring, and it was nourished by the rich and nearly misty spirit from the time of germination. The effect of the body grows exponentially. If you drink it for a long time, you do n’t need to say that your white hair will turn black.

This tea is made by the process of post-fermentation, and it should be divided into one of black teas according to the type. It is famous for its sweet and fragrant fragrance. Speaking of tea, color and taste, even the few red robes on the Jiulongji On a par with each other, how can an extreme tea be as good as the best tea?

So what Anguoshu did n’t know is that the tea made from this pot of red blood and clear and translucent was a panacea in ancient times. It really ca n’t be used to measure its value. It ’s probably the only thing in the world that can take it for granted. Drink the water.

He also quickly discovered something strange.

The tea is exquisite, but it does not sink to the bottom of the pot, nor does it float on the surface, but floats in the middle of the tea soup. It drops as the water level drops. It does not sink to the bottom until a pot of tea is poured. He was astonishingly surprised.

Finally came to a conclusion.

This tea is not cheap!

Anyang also poured himself a glass to drink, but he was frustrated that he was the one who did n’t know much about tea. Except for thirst, he only knew that it was good to drink, so he did n’t want to waste the spirit tea that produced very little this year. He dropped his cup to watch TV, and occasionally looked back at the two busy figures in the kitchen.

It was mid-summer, and Ji Weiwei wore less, but she appeared more slender.

Put it in Anyang's eyes, this is thin!

Anyang was thinking when he was in college. It must have been Ji Daji and Ji Ma refused to give her good food when she was a child!

Ji Weiwei and Xie Yunqing cooperated in a tacit agreement, and quickly cooked the meal. While wiping their hands, they took off their apron. By the way, they called the two of them to dinner. As eye-catching as blood, he was stunned.

Black tea is the most eye-catching tea, especially the floating leaf, which is bright red, bloody, clear and transparent. It is packed in a white cup. It is difficult for anyone who has not seen the fine black tea to imagine it will be tea. , But more like a drink.

"what is this?"

"Black tea, nourishing the stomach and warm, good for girls, do you want to try it?"

Anyang quickly poured them a cup.

Ji Weiwei took the letter suspiciously and drank, frowning: "How does it taste different from Master Kang?"

Xie Yunqing was bored for half a cup, and also commented: "It smells very fragrant, but it's not too sweet!"

Ang Guoshu's eyes twitched, and then he naturally stood up and walked towards the dining table: "What kind of tea do you drink, and after eating, drinking tea will affect digestion!"

Ji Weiwei took another sip and frowned, not knowing how it felt, and then walked towards the dining table.

Yes, she ate at Anyang's house and did not mean to go home.

When Ji Weiwei was a kid, he first went to Anjia to hide as soon as he was beaten. Later, he ran to Anjia when he was okay. He ran to Anyang's room all day and night to find him to play. , But like to run to settle down.

At that time, Ji Daji and Ji Ma were too lazy to control her. Anyway, their daughter was also a loser in their minds. Someone who helped them would never lose money. Later, Ji Weiwei grew up and became more and more beautiful. Ji Mom realized that she could marry a good family and receive a large sum of money, but at this time, Ji Weiwei was used to running home all day long, and her personality became more and more independent. They are not controlled by them at all, making them helpless.


After dinner, it was lunch break. Anyang closed the door and sat on the bed for a while. Bored, he took out Yuqing ’s ancient sword and practiced Shushan ’s sword control in this small space. Ding Dong.

He froze for a moment, and he almost didn't react. When he recovered, he turned over the book and took out his phone.

"System, did you change the ringtone again?"

The screen is lit, but the phone is unresponsive, and it looks abnormally cold. Only a text message displayed above flashes Ji Weiwei's head--

"Let's go early tomorrow, remember, don't rely on the bed!"

Anyang only thought about it for a moment, and immediately understood what was going on.

It must be Ji Weiwei's mother who set the date for the blind date tomorrow.

So he replied: "You remember to get up early, just give me a call and I will get down immediately."

For a long time, Ji Weiwei returned: "Okay."

After thinking about it, Anyang said, "Come out with me at night. I will buy some food at the South Gate and bring it to Anyou."

Ji Weiwei replied in surprise: "You would buy Anyou for food. Oops. I got up late this morning and missed the sun from the west!"

Anyang touched his nose.

After dinner, he and Xie Yunqing spoke, sent a text message and went downstairs.

When he came to the door of Ji Weiwei's house, Ji Weiwei just opened the door, glanced at him, and stomped his feet to make the shoes more comfortable.

Anyang approached and found out that the door was still leaning on the ugly face of Ji Ma, as if waiting for him, but staring at Ji Weiwei all the time.

"It's so late. Where are you going? My dad and I are both teachers. Can you be orderly and run around at night, how do other people think of us? And you are not too young, you are all married, What's it like fooling around with a man all day? "

Ji Weiwei obviously didn't care about her, as if she didn't hear it, she came out carrying a small bag.

"I told you if you didn't hear it ..."


The door closed ~ ~ Ji Weiwei then looked up at Anyang, and turned his mouth down: "Let's go."

Anyang couldn't help laughing, nodded and walked down with her.

Suddenly the door opened again, and Mom Ji stood helplessly at the door: "Ji Weiwei, you'd better come back early for me, and you will have a blind date tomorrow!"

Ji Weiwei stepped in and turned around and said, "This is what you arranged, but I didn't agree. I won't care if you lose face!"

Ji Ma's eyes glared and said angrily: "You girl, I'm not for you!"

Ji Weiwei turned a deaf ear and turned downstairs without affecting her good mood.

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