My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 411: Threats and advice

For a relatively peaceful era, Stormwind City is also a time of prosperity. Suddenly someone stood up and said that he foresees a disaster that swept the world. It is undoubtedly a ridiculous thing. If this person is a highly respected guardian, it is better to say that this person is just an unidentified person who claims to be a traveling mage from another world.

In the original movie plot, the orcs have attacked a garrison outside Stormwind City, and Khadgar (the disciple of the original guardian Medivh, who later chose to abandon honor because of faith) has also found traces of evil energy. When Khadgar brought him to King Lane, he still could not believe that the orcs came from another world. If Anyang and the old man in this village told this news, it would be highly likely to be regarded as a joke.

The elder ’s insight and wisdom are only relative to this group of villagers. It is not enough to stand in front of the well-educated nobles. His insights are still insignificant in this kind of great war that affects Azeroth. In this position, the desirability of his proposal is not great.

So Anyang is ready to go directly to Losa, known as the Lion of Azeroth, after exploring the movements of the Orc Army. This brave and promising future Regent of Azeroth and the Supreme Commander of the Alliance will believe He, by the way, will help him convince the wise King Lane!

After asking the elders about the specific location of the Black Swamp, Stormwind City, and Ironforge, he was ready to go out.

The elder went out with him, regardless of whether the matter was true or false, he thought that even if it was just a prank by this mysterious mage, he must notify all the villagers and let all the villagers decide to stay together, not by He came to judge their fate.

But as soon as he stepped out of the gate, he saw two soldiers in silver armor walking past the lake in front, and the footsteps were heavy and neat.

Anyang looked at the two soldiers very seriously and felt that his combat power was extremely powerful.

These two soldiers are all over one meter and nine in height, with high toes and strong momentum. They have undoubtedly received very strict military training and are of good fighting strength. Their armor is also very thick, sophisticated, and beautifully designed, making them more handsome. The armor covers the whole body, which is of great value at a glance, and the defense power is undoubtedly, but it is in line with the elite route of this world.

Yin Liang's big sword swayed around his waist, collided with the armor and made a jingle, which spread to the far away.

Is this what the elders say is equivalent to soldiers who patrol routinely?

Such heavy armor soldiers should be a nightmare for many legions in the ancient battlefield of the real world. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are invincible. However, Anyang remembers that in the movie plot, the strong orc can hit them with a hammer. Slap can transform this impressive heavy armor into a deformed shape. They are tall and strong among humans. They are like children in front of orcs, and it is difficult to compete with them.

The elder's murky eyes shrank, immediately raised his cane and waved over there, and began to shout.

This move quickly caught the attention of the two soldiers. They paused and seemed to be talking, and then came to this side.

Anyang frowned, watching them approaching, stopped in front of him, his eyes paused for a moment, and then moved to Lao Leiqi, who seemed to recognize his identity as an elder, and seemed to simply respect his age, In short, there is no slow attitude.

"Sir, do you have anything to say?"

The elder looked at Anyang without hesitation and said, "Soldier, this one beside me is a traveling wizard from another world. Master Master said that he foresees a disaster that swept through Azeroth. I hope you will Explain King King. "

Anyang's eyes twitched indistinctly.

This outspoken way of speaking is really very local!

The two soldiers turned their heads and looked at Anyang suspiciously, and Anyang could feel their suspicion through the metal mask.

"Are you a mage?"

"Yes, I am a mage, my name is Anyang."

Anyang had no choice but to pinch his fingerprints, cast a spell in a low voice, and cast a spell again, but this time it was not a simple method of igniting. In order to shock the two soldiers, he chose a igniting shape that seemed to have strong sound and light effects The art of dragon.


A ten-meter-long flame appeared out of thin air in the sky, turning into the image of a western dragon. The shape of a lizard and two pairs of spacious wings looked extremely large, much larger than the slender and powerful oriental dragon.

The two soldiers were tense for a while, and immediately took two steps back, holding the sword handle around their waists.

Anyang's face was calm, and he controlled the fire dragon flying in the air. The four people around the door circled in a circle. The fiery temperature came, and the dragon composed entirely of flames was more deterrent, but it was not at all annoying. To houses and soldiers.

The elder has almost froze.

He felt that he began to believe what Anyang said.

Then the two soldiers reacted, put their hands down from the hilt, and bowed their heads quickly to salute: "Master Master, we believe in your identity, but as you said, is it true that you foresee a disaster? ? "

"Yes, a great disaster." Anyang waved his hand, before the giant flame dragon disappeared.

The two soldiers hesitated and said, "Master Master, it is not that we question your predictions. It is really incredible. But we must be responsible for the people of the whole kingdom, so can you please join us? Going back to the Golden Town, I think the king will judge the truth! "

Anyang shook his head and said, "I have warned you of what is going to happen, whether you believe it or not, I will not go back with you, but I will come to you, Commander Lothar, and King Lane, but in Before that, I'm going to the Black Swamp to confirm the identity of the intruder. "

The two soldiers looked embarrassed, but they seemed helpless.

Just seeing the huge momentum just now shows that the mage in front of him is not a bully apprentice.

Although the "weak body" mage is very close to them, at most two or three steps, they are confident to rush to the mage before casting the spell, but this is not on the battlefield, nor is this humble-looking mage Their enemies, they cannot make rude actions.

Anyang smiled and didn't pay much attention to them, and directly pulled out the armor from the portable space.

"Two little boys, you can report this to your sir, and the most recent nobles, if they believe ..."

"Well, tell them not to send troops to defend the western wilderness, nor to strengthen defenses and vigilance, do n’t doubt, this is of no use, what is coming is a war enough to sweep the entire Azeroth, unless they can fight the Seven Kingdoms Unite with the dwarves and elves, otherwise there is no power to stop such an invasion. If they want to do something for the civilians, please evacuate the civilians in the western wilderness! "

After Anyang finished speaking, he turned his attention to the elders.

He raised his hands, murmured a short spell, slammed, flaming flames in one hand, and flashing violent electric lights in the other. This move not only made the two soldiers feel the pressure, but also made the elders clear Seeing the thick threat in his eyes!

"Mr. Leiqi, no matter whether the villagers trust me, no matter how you persuade them, I hope you will leave the western wilderness as soon as possible. And no matter where you will take them, you ca n’t stay here anyway. About half a day later, I will Back in the village, if you have n’t left then, I will have to use unnecessary methods to get you out of here. "

It seems that he feels that his attitude is too hard and threatening at this time. I'm sorry for the hospitality of the elders and villagers last night. He frowned, his expression softened again, and his momentum instantly collapsed. Flames and electric light also disappear.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Leiqi, I'm too radical, but please believe me, I'm helping and saving you, so go and inform the villagers and start packing now. If disaster comes early, I will You block for a while, but hopefully not. "

The elder opened his mouth, but said nothing, and his muddy eyes reflected the most mysterious picture he had ever seen in his life.

A layer of silver-white armor emerged from behind Anyang. It spread like a life on him, and began to be covered by the nano-level structure until it was combined into a drip-proof armor that wrapped his whole body, which perfectly outlined his whole body. He seemed to become a completely new metal race.

With a few clicks, the armor on his back opened the two weapon bays and extended two newly loaded special ion cannons. They lay flat with a click, then retracted in the click and retracted into the armored weapons bay. , Does not affect the overall streamline, nor does it stand on the shoulder like the Jagged Warrior.

The two soldiers were also dull.

This armor is undoubtedly different from the armor they wear! One is taking the technological armor route ~ ~ The whole body contains nanotechnology and various weapons. The sense of precision of science fiction comes out, and the cold streamlined body is also very beautiful. One is taking the cold weapon route, which does not fit the whole body, but has achieved the strongest defense within its reach, revealing a sense of rugged lines and a more primitive and natural sense of refinement.

Don't care about performance, just separate them by appearance.

Anyang nodded toward the three men with no expression, because they could not see his expression through the armor of the head. He bent his legs slightly, and the armor on the soles of the feet separated in a slight mechanical sound, exposing the jets connected to the thrusters of the Tianbing mechs, and suddenly emitted a light blue flame with his jump.


The three people still standing on the ground raised their heads, staring blankly at the silver and white figure dragging long flames, and soon disappeared into the sky, only the faint white line showed his flight path , For a while, like a god.

Zhang Tui: "Black Science and Technology Library", a very good book, let's go check it out.

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