My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 428: Playing with female orcs

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Khadgar glanced around, and consciously approached Anyang. He found a corpse that had been drained of blood. He squatted down and touched it with his hands. He began to study carefully, and looked up from time to time. At a glance, chat with him about these orcs.

Garona was escorted by the soldiers and kept looking around, as if looking for an opportunity to escape.

She glanced at Anyang, and then at the officer riding a war horse, feeling that zìjǐ's escape was hopeless. After all, two legs could not run four legs.


She suddenly looked at Khadgar.

She feels that zìjǐ may be able to hold a person and escape from here!

These heavily armed soldiers are unlikely, and the mysterious man is even more unlikely.

And this little mage, who looks very wooden, seems to be a very good attack target!

So Garona found an opportunity, slammed away a soldier next to him, pulled a large sword from his waist, and ran towards Khadgar.

But Khadgar was only a magic apprentice at this time, but the reaction was quick, and he had already begun to take on the legendary Faye style.

I saw him turned his head for the first time, glanced at Anyang not far away, and seemed to want to ask for his help, but when he saw that Anyang did not show any shot, he took the opportunity to stand upright and put his hands flat on his chest He was holding a round ball and began to read the short spell aloud.

Khadgar's eyes glowed blue, his hands were surrounded by arcane energy, and a faint magic vortex appeared in his hands.

The guidance of this magic is not long, and Garona ’s running speed is not slow. At least the soldiers behind cannot catch up with her in a short time, but Khadgar finally completed the spell preparation before Garona rushed to him. , Pushing his hands forward abruptly, two magical energies flowed out of his five open fingers.

Crawling milk!

Arcane magic energy surged forward, slammed into Garona's upper body, knocked her out, and kept hitting an ancient tree before stopping.

The magic energy is very powerful, and she is constantly surging, pressing her deadly on the tree trunk at a place four or five meters above the ground, unable to move.

At this time, Garona was like Medivh who was pressed by magic on the bookshelf a few days ago, and Khadgar, who was torn, wanted to struggle and struggle, not to move, he could only be controlled by anyone !

This is simply the perfect magic for the girl!

I don't know if there was any faint humiliation in their hearts at that time ...

Several soldiers quickly came over, walked under the tree, looked up at Garona wrapped in turbulent blue energy, and then looked at Khadgar following the output of magic energy. They pulled out the big swords in their hands, holding The shield is waiting. On the other side, the officer also pulled the cage over.

Khadgar withdrew his hand violently, and Garona fell from a distance of four or five meters, and fell to the ground fiercely, making a grunt.

The soldiers immediately went up and detained her.

Soon after, Loza returned from riding a warhorse. He was holding another horse in his hand, and the horse seemed to be carrying a huge figure immediately.

Anyang glanced at him beside him.

Although the timeline changed, the brave and combative commander captured a captive and returned.

Lothar saw Garona in the cage at first glance. The appearance of the mixed-race made him aware of the anomaly, and immediately looked at Anyang: "This is the orc slave you can speak Azeroth language? "

Anyang nodded: "Yes, Khadgar caught it."

Lothar was somewhat stunned and looked at Khadgar again: "Have you caught it?"

Khadgar's expression was calm, but he was obviously very surprised by Lothar's surprise: "Yes, Commander."

Lothar asked again: "You got it all by yourself?"

Khadgar nodded: "Yes."

Lothar looked at Khadgar sideways, Zermatt walked away, and said to himself: "Weird."

He walked over to the cage and locked the extraordinarily orcish face with Garona, only with the shackles embedded in the cage on his hands and feet.

Anyang said to him lightly: "I told you that apart from this special captive, it doesn't make much sense to catch other orcs alive, they don't speak the language of Azeroth, and this time the commandos are all The warriors among the orcs, they have a lofty honor and reputation among the orcs, so they particularly value the honor of zìjǐ, even if you torture them in every way, you ca n’t ask anything from them.

Lothar pursed his lips, undecided, and Zema toured around, shouting: "Collect the formation and prepare to return to Stormwind City!"

Anyang swept the bodies of the orcs and human soldiers scattered around, and was about to leave.

Before leaving, Lothar stopped in front of Khadgar, who was standing under the tree and looking overwhelmed, frowning and asking, "What about your horse?"

Khadgar pointed to the path next to him: "Rid by them."

Lothar took a deep breath. Some hated iron but not steel, but instead of smiling, he looked down at him: "Really?"

Khadgar could naturally hear the laughter in his mouth, embarrassed, and simply stared at him silently.

Lothar shrugged: "This is really interesting!"


Despite Medivh's shots, this elite unit was still at least two-thirds dead, which made Lothar dissatisfied with Anyang.

At this time their horses were walking side by side, wagging all the way through the forest path.

"Prophet, why don't you fight against the enemy?"

"Ridiculous, how do you know that I have no resistance, the orcs I have killed are several times more than you have killed."

"But you have stronger power, you can kill them easily, and as a result, I only saw you passive self-protection, if you are willing to participate in the war, you will be able to turn the tide, so many people do not have to die, we are fully able to Beat them more easily! "

"Like the guardian?"

"I guess you must want to say that you are shooting with the guardian in děngdài."

"Yes, you guessed it. I shot the guardian in děngdài. After all, it is his duty to protect you. I ca n’t pass it at will. It ’s just that I did n’t know correctly. I thought the guardian would clean them up the first time. But the fact is not only that you are disappointed, I am also disappointed. "

Anyang calmly shirk his responsibilities, paused, and said, "Also, Commander, since you also know that I have a stronger power, it is best not to speak to me in this questioning tone. Thanks to you a lot, what you should do is thank me. "

"Well, I thank you, Lord Prophet!"

After Lothar finished speaking, Zerma walked forward, walking side by side with the cage holding Garona and the orc.

"What's your name, why did you invade our country?"

The orc lowered his head, his hands and feet were shackled, silent, and deaf to Lothar's words.

Lothar rolled his lips in anticipation and looked at Garona sitting on the other side of the cage: "Aren't you going to tell me something?"

Garona looked up in surprise: "How do you know that I can speak your language?"

Lothar pointed back with a sword: "Did you see the man in white robe, who was not tall, he was called Anyang, a prophet, he told me about you, shùnbiàn, we The main purpose of coming here is to capture the captives. In terms of nquè, it is to capture you. "

Anyang touched his nose in the distance, and obviously heard this sentence.

Not tall ...

Well, compared to humans in this world, his height is indeed not an adult.

But Anyang didn't care, he knew ānwèizìjǐ very well.

You have a thin giant bloodline, and I do n’t compare with those of you hybrids!

Garona raised her head in peace and looked at Lothar. Although she didn't speak, her eyes clearly showed her meaning—

Do I look stupid?

Lothar shrugged: "Do n’t look at me with that kind of look, not only you do n’t believe it, I did n’t believe it at first, but everything he said was fulfilled. Very good captive, we will catch you. "

Garona looked back at this moment and said fiercely: "This guy, dare to deceive me!"

She remembered that Fang Cai Anyang gave her the freedom to choose, and also cut off the chain for her. At that time, she even thought that this person really wanted to give her the right to freedom, but did not expect this person to predict the future ...

Doesn't it mean that he knew from the beginning that zìjǐ couldn't run away, he was teasing zìjǐ?

This way of treating her as an object of teasing and juggling really made Garona angry!

At this time, Lothar booed again to her: "Hey, what's your name, you haven't answered my question yet."

Garona looked at him before he could speak, and the other orc was angry.

"Slave, say one more sentence in their language, be careful I break your tongue!"

Garona glanced at him without fear, and she never regarded zìjǐ as a slave. Not to mention there is nothing terrible about an orc trapped in a cage with his hands and feet locked in shackles!

She continued to speak with Lothar, but did not disclose any information.

The orc was a little mad and screamed at the warning: "Damn slave, I won't say a second time!"

Garona glanced at his shackles and snorted, ignoring him, showing zìjǐ's contempt vividly.

The orc finally couldn't bear it, and began to roar. The gritty cheeks and the huge broken fangs on his mouth looked terrible. The shackles embedded in the cage underneath could not stand his great strength, and began to loosen a little.

Obviously, if he struggled like this, the shackle base that sneaked into the wooden cage would soon be torn off by him!

Garona stared at the loose shackled base, somewhat fearful, but without obvious fear.

Lothar frowned: "Tell him to stop or I will kill him."

Garona snorted: "You tell him."

Lothar understood the meaning of the woman, and he did not object, slowly raised the big sword in his hand.

But before he could stab it out, he saw Anyang Ce came forward and waved to stop him.

Anyang pinched his fingerprints and murmured a spell in his mouth ~ ~ cast a purification technique with the ability to exorcise and condense the gods, and immediately calmed down the violent orc, like a well-being Like a pupil.

Losa immediately cast a surprised look.

Khadgar, who was sitting in front of the cage, was also very surprised. He turned to lie on the cage and opened his eyes wide: "This spell is curious!"

Lothar turned his head to look at him: "How do you feel?"

Khadgar replied: "It's a novelty, never seen, at least in Azeroth there is no such magic, such an effect, there is no evil power, indicating that its essence is close to nature, it is really a magic spell System, if there is a chance, I really want to study it! "

Garona snorted: "This is more like an evil means of manipulating the heart!"

Anyang ignored their words, withdrew his hands and gently brushed the folds on the white robe, and looked at the only orc.

He has a plan.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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