My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 430: Warm the female orc

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Stormwind City, King's Hall.

Here are still standing heavily guarded by heavy armor, and their thick silver armor makes them extremely powerful and powerful. The tall, neat and tall posture, holding a halberd more than two and a half meters in length, is only as good as the visual deterrence of the armored soldiers at the base.

It also makes the atmosphere here so special.

King Lane stood at the top and stared down. In the middle of the hall stood several officers wearing heavy armor and big swords.

It looks like a military meeting about the destiny of the kingdom is being held here.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the magnificent armor but hanging child Lang when sitting on the back of the hall with a light smile on the stairs, and wearing a white robe but leaning against the wall and playing with the candlestick Anyang, and the bright neckband iron ring, but did not care Garona looking around, even walking around.

King Lane asked in a majestic and peaceful voice: "Do you have a name?"

Garona froze, looked back at him, her eyelids drooping, and walked toward him step by step with contempt.

An officer next to him frowned immediately, put his hand on the waist sword and walked towards Garona.

King Lion waved his hand to stop the officer and continued: "I will ask you again, do you have a name?"

Garona came to stop in front of King Lane, touched his fine clothes and accessories on the clothes, and continued to visit, sometimes touching the reliefs on the wall, sometimes crouching down and touching the metal lion statue Flicking its fangs.

This move did not take everyone in the hall into consideration.

Anyang chuckled and sat down next to Lothar, said lightly: "Garona, her name is Garona."

Garona immediately turned her head and looked at him in surprise.

King Lane also frowned and glanced at the calm and indifferent Anyang, and at Garona's expression again, and couldn't help but be surprised.

He knew that the prophet was right again.

King Lane said again: "You seem to be more like us than the orc corpses brought back, so what kind of existence do you have?"

Garona glanced at Anyang: "You let him tell you, he seems to know everything, doesn't he?"

King Lane looked at the prophet again.

Anyang chuckled, he naturally knew that Garona wanted to embarrass him, but this thing naturally did not fail him, and he would not let Garona think carefully.

After a pause, he said: "She is a mixed-race, I guess."

Lothar grinned and turned his head to look at Garona, revealing a white tooth, and next to the knife:

"He also said that you are not accepted by the orcs because of your special status, and you are a person who wants to be accepted by the collective. Unlike other orcs, you will probably tell us something for freedom and a sense of belonging. You are our most Good captive, eh, it ’s worth mentioning that while he was saying this, we were still on our way to Elwynn Forest, and I have n’t seen you! "

Garona's complexion finally changed, and she turned to stare at Anyang: "Why do you know so much?"

Anyang responded faintly: "I know far more than you think, so please don't test me. I know more about you than you!"

Garona stared at him, but her eyes narrowed, and there was a sense of silence in her body.

King Lane exited in time, interrupting their atmosphere at this time, and asked, "So, Garona, although the Prophet has told us a lot, but I still hope you confirm to me again, what the origin of the orcs are, What they want to do in our world. "

Garona said quietly, "They don't belong to this world, the orc world is destroyed, they came here and wanted to occupy this world."

King Lane took a deep breath, and the officers were in an uproar.

Because of such remarks, it is exactly the same as Anyang said a few days ago!

Anyang pursed his lips and looked at them calmly, just as he had faced their doubts before.

I do n’t know when Medivh appeared in the corner of the hall and asked, "How did you come to Azeroth?"

Garona turned around: "The Dark Portal, a deep passage to the ground, brings us here through magic."

Khadgar asked: "How can you speak our language?"

Garona turned her head and looked at him contemptuously: "I learned from them the captives captured by the orcs for the Dark Portal."

King Lane quickly asked, "What about our people, are they still alive?"

Garona nodded: "Yes, there are many."

Khadgar asked again: "Why?"

Garo said: "Gul'dan will use their lives to provide nourishment to the Dark Portal in order to bring the entire tribe to occupy your world.

The officers around were again in an uproar.

Anyang disdains their attitude.

He said these words to them a few days ago, but this group of people did not believe it.

Perhaps what he said from the mouth of his ethereal prophet did not sound shocking from the mouth of the orc captive, Garona?

Losa raised her head and raised her eyebrows: "Are you willing to help us?"

Garona turned to look at him with a sneer in the corner of her mouth: "Why should I help you?"

Lothar shrugged: "You seem to have no choice."

His tone is calm, but the threat in his eyes is full!

In the eyes of Garona, the sarcasm was more prosperous, and he walked over to Lothar step by step and squatted down to look at him sitting on the ground: "Do you think you are terrible, do you think you are strong? Are more terrible and more powerful than you. "

Anyang narrowed his eyes and said, "What about me, Garona?"

Garona turned her head from a slightly rough, but beautiful face to him: "You are stronger than him, the Prophet, and even you are strong, but can you fight the entire tribe alone, and we still have shamans , Warlock, we are not as weak as you think! "

Anyang raised his hand, opened and contracted his five fingers, and looked at the palm of zìjǐ: "Garona, your advance troops are not strong. I can single out all the advance orc warriors of one of the clan, but I still sit Talk to you so calmly here, you know the reason. "

Garona fell silent, and she no doubt remembered what Anyang said to Gurush while on the road.

"Well, I admit that you are a great person, at least you behave like this, strong and upright, but you can't change anything, and your purpose is different from them, you want to dispel evil, and they want to drive out the orcs, You must choose among them! "

"No, I don't need to choose people. The two do not conflict. The war with humans is an orc thing, but first we must destroy the evil, otherwise no matter whether humans or orcs will go into the abyss!"

At this time, King Lane next to him stood up and said: "Garona, we don't want to be intimidating, maybe we are not so powerful, we just try to protect our people, our homes and loved ones, if you help us, I will give you my oath. "

"What oath?" Garona asked back.

Anyang said lightly next to him, "You will be free."

King Lane nodded: "That's what he said."

Garona looked at them, but was silent, as if thinking.


In the end, Garona still didn't answer. He was ordered to be locked up by King Lane, in a cold and heavily guarded prison.

The night soon came.

Anyang used dinner in the storm stronghold, frowning when he saw that neither the queen nor Lothar had done anything.

There seems to be a difference from the plot.

Now, because of his intervention, Garona has been infected by his "brightness and greatness". He had a little idea of ​​helping humans in advance. He didn't want Garona to be frozen in prison for a night, and then changed his mind, resulting in this legend The thieves ended up in Stormwind Grand Prison.

Although zìjǐ promoted the progress of the plot in advance, it should be no less than touching for Garona.

So he thought about it and decided to give them a polite reminder.

Anyang had already come to the door, and suddenly stopped and turned to look at the queen who was eating, and said, "Queen, has Stormwind City been cold recently?"

The queen was stunned, but she was also a wise man. She glanced over the cold night outside Anyang, and immediately understood: "Yeah, although the weather is mild and the seasons are like spring, the night is still very cold, yes, Thank you for your reminder, I know what to do. "

Anyang immediately nodded to her with a smile, turned and pushed the door and went out.


Khadgar did not go to this dinner, he was addicted to learning and could not extricate himself.

When the door was suddenly pushed open, he held the ancient book from Karazhan in his hand and took it very seriously.

And the sound of the door obviously shocked him.

Anyang stepped in calmly and closed the door.

He did not feel guilty that zìjǐ disturbed others, nor did he think that there was anything wrong with zìjǐ not knocking on the door and allowed others to enter, but instead looked at Kadgar, who was hurriedly stuffing his hands into his clothes, corners of his mouth. Show a playful smile.

Khadgar hid the book close to himself and hurriedly sorted out his expression before asking: "Did you walk without sound?"

Anyang pointed to the faint prominence in his clothes and said, "Do you think it is naive to do such a thing in front of a prophet?"

Khadgar was a little embarrassed, but still tried hard to say quietly: "Prophet, I thought you should knock on the door before you come in."

Anyang chuckled, didn't take his word, and said to himself, "I guess it was the guidance from Alodi when I was in Karazhan."

Khadgar suddenly froze: "What?"

"That book, the book that Alodi guided you to look for, um, her name is Alodi, or maybe Aegwynn, who cares who she is, in short, I saw her first in Karazhan, Only then did you see her, she might want to give you some tips to go to Dalaran to find her. "

"Magic Kingdom of Dalaran? Also, is Aegwynn not Medivh's mother? Who is Alodi?"

"Alodi is the first guardian. It is said that he was a male half-human half-elf mage, but that day I saw a female mage, so I guess she might be Aegwynn. She is now in the floating city of Dalaran. Kirin Tor ’s six-person meeting room is kept in custody. ”

"Gosh, you really know everything!"

Anyang shrugged and said decently again: "Light comes from darkness, and darkness comes from light ..."

Khadgar froze for a moment, quickly opened his clothes, took out the book from inside, and turned to the page just now. Under the pattern of the huge dark door depicted in a hurry, such a sentence was recorded, exactly the same as Anyang Nian!

And there is a hint below the words-

Alodi notes!

"Wipe, this sentence is really clear!"

Khadgar suddenly raised his head and looked closely at Anyang. He felt as if he had found the key.

"What does this mean, Alodi, she wants to guide me to know something?"

Anyang also sat down with him ~ ~ on the floor, shùnbiàn cast a forbidden sound technique by reading the spell.

"Good question, you are a smart kid, so let's talk about the guardian Medivh?"


Khadgar suddenly opened his eyes and jumped in surprise!

PS: Because the title wants to be crooked, go to the wall!

[Recommend a book. It is a very popular food article recently. The name is "Super Food System". This is written by a girl who is super cute, super cute, super sound and beautiful. The book is very beautiful, from the perspective of a girl. , Male frequency, um, even if you do n’t read it, I beg the readers to click to collect and play. You can add author friends when you have time. The author ’s voice is sweet, and it ’s cute. 】

[Finally quietly tell you that the author's head picture below this book is me, na, please collect it! 】

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