My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 433: Opportunity comes

Nocturnal wind practice, the fire burning crackling softly.

The two officers had fallen asleep, making a slight snore.

Two huge stone giants stood on both sides of the cliff road. The huge body almost filled the three-meter-wide road. They looked around. Although some were stunned, the heavy and powerful body gave an unusual sense of security. Let people sleep peacefully.

Anyang narrowed his eyes, called up the last volume of paper puppetry, and thought about it.

This is a puppet called a soldier. According to the description, it should be about the size of a blue-faced ghost, far inferior to the two paper yakshas, ​​but it has a hard bow and arrow and a saber, because it is drawn from the air The more fragmented soul energy, the more intelligent it will be.

In addition, according to the difficulty of depicting the spell, the consumption of Reiki, the length of the spell, etc., its combat power should also be very strong!

The main point is that although the soldiers are evil, they are not afraid of the sun and can be active during the day.

Anyang thought quietly, probably because of the difficulty of its production because of these two points.

The complexity of the Soul Absorption module has been strengthened to absorb more wandering soul power, and at the same time merged into a relatively smart temporary intelligent soul, so that it can execute more complex commands and use weapons; a new spell module has been added , Mainly to resist the damage of the sun, and provide enough energy to be active during the day; there may be other things, but they are not very important, but the balance is enhanced ...

At least according to his understanding.

The egg pain conversations of several people next to them continued, and it was still a topic not suitable for children.

Garona looked at Lothar and asked dissatisfiedly: "What are you laughing at?"

Lotsa turned her head to look around, and finally stared at Garona in surprise, with the expression "Are you talking about me" in her eyes?

Garona frowned and said seriously: "I don't know how you humans survived doing such things. Without the protection of muscles, your fragile bones will break under those impacts!"

Even Khadgar couldn't help laughing now.

Lothar raised her eyebrows. "You don't look much different from us, nor do you have strong muscles, how did you survive?"

Khadgar also pretended to be very serious and said: "Magic tells me that everything is not absolute. The muscles of a thin person can also be very strong, and a small amount can also hide strong power. Just like the Prophet, I saw his arm with my own eyes. When the muscles were beating, the orc was pulled, making him unable to move. I have also seen him catch the warhammer thrown by the orc. Should a person like the prophet be able to withstand the impact of the impact? "

The little mage and the commander glanced at each other, and at the same time they burst into laughter.

Anyang opened his eyes slightly, looked helplessly at the two goods, and shook his head.

Who did he provoke, he was really shot while lying down!

Smile, smile, and see if you can laugh later!

Anyang thought, and closed his eyes again.

Everything is as he expected--

Garona looked calmly at the smiling couple, and then glanced halfway down at Anyang, who seemed to be pretending to sleep, and there was no wave in her eyes, saying, "After the bone is broken, re-healing will make it stronger. very strong."

When she said this, her tone did not fluctuate, but she was calm, as if narrating something unrelated to herself.

But the smile on the two faces stiffened immediately. From the calm words, they seemed to see the painful experience that Garona had suffered. The pain again and again made her accustomed to it, making her numb, and even not at this time. Say it with any emotion.

They couldn't understand it, and they couldn't imagine it. They could only face it in silence.

For a long time, Lothar lowered his head, glanced at Khadgar, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry."

Khadgar also quickly apologized: "I'm sorry too."

The atmosphere around seemed to be quiet and peaceful at once, with an inexplicable feeling spreading in the air.

"It's nothing." Garona said lightly. She was silent. "My name, Garona, means curse in the orc's language. My mother was burned alive because she gave me, so I have The ominous name. "

"But they still let you survive."

"It was Gul'dan who made me survive. He gave me my mother's teeth to remember her."

Lothar and Khadgar followed her hands and eyes and saw a fang hanging from the rope hanging around her neck, and the scars on her neck that had been pulled by brute force for a long time with a collar , But she was covered with a thin blanket in a blink of an eye.

Anyang's eyes twitched silently, and watched this rough hole turn into a hall of affection and nostalgia!

It has also become an important place for the main characters of these human parties to draw closer relations!

This atmosphere ...

It really made him unable to concentrate on learning puppetry!

Khadgar stared at Garona, stunned, and silent for a long time. He seemed to be infected by the atmosphere at this time, and said: "My parents handed me to Kirin Tor when I was six years old. See them, and ... all my siblings. "

Seemingly afraid that they could not understand his emotions, he paused and explained: "Giving children to Kirin Tor can bring glory to the family, so many parents long for the opportunity to send their son to Dalaran The floating city is trained by the most powerful mage on this continent ... "

"But if the child runs away, it's not so serious."

When talking about this, Khadgar opened his mouth and smiled, his eyes and face full of bitterness, and then he fell silent.

Lothar seemed a little touched, but in a flash he waved his hand and said, "Well, that sounds like Hepi!"

Garona looked at Anyang, who was asleep, and asked: "The Prophet, the little Master and I just said, do you know?"

Anyang opened his eyes with doubts, but he nodded slowly: "Yes."

Garona said lightly again: "I remember you said that you know more about me than me. I didn't believe it at first, but now ... I think, since you can know this, you can tell Who is my **** father? "

Anyang fell into silence and spoke for a long time: "You won't want to know."

Garona insisted: "I ask you now, it means I want to know."

Anyang pursed her lips: "Well, I don't want you to know."

Garona looked at him deeply and stopped talking.

The night passed quickly, and the early morning light first shone to the high place, but on the other side of the mountain, so they regretted passing by Chen Xi.

Packing up things and eating some dry food with fresh water as breakfast, they were ready to go again.

Anyang pinched a fingerprint and read a short syllable.

"Boom ..."

Two huge stone giants collapsed, their bodies spread out and turned into two huge piles of rubble!

Dust was everywhere, and many rubble fell under the cliff, and no echo could be heard.

Anyang turned over and mounted a war horse, reminding the sentence: "Don't be stunned, let's go!"

After crossing the hillside, the way down the mountain is much faster, and then the flat ground is quickened, and soon reached the orc camp in the western wilderness.

They are looking for the highest place, standing side by side, examining the orc camp below.

The trees in the distance have dried up and died, and no cyan can be seen. Only the places that are not touched by the orcs still maintain their lives. A whole tower of dense towers and tents occupy the land. The red-topped orc strategic points, and A huge stone gate built in the distance.

"Dark Gate!"

Lothar's eyes were very solemn.

This tens of meters of stone door is built from pure broken materials. It is not as delicate as the Arc de Triomphe. It is slightly rough in manufacturing, but there are not many relief patterns, just in line with the rough aesthetic of the orc. From a distance, it is an ancient thick and heavy The majestic feeling came across.

Although it has not been completely completed.

Lothar pointed to the cages one after the other: "These captives are they prepared to sacrifice?"

Anyang nodded: "Yes, they need human life as the energy of the Dark Portal to bring all the orcs!"

Losa immediately squeezed his fist: "All!"

Garona said: "This is just a war group. When the door is opened, Gul'dan will bring the whole tribe over."

Khadgar lamented, "It was a catastrophe!"

Lothar hammered **** the ground and said, "We should really destroy this door!"

Khadgar said with regret: "But we can't pass through the heavily guarded orc camp. Even if we arrive by accident, we don't have the power to destroy this gate. Only the guardian can do it, at least with our power. Such a building cannot be destroyed. "

Lothar was startled, and suddenly turned to look at Anyang.

Yes, this time he began to have confidence in Anyang again.

Anyang pursed his lips: "Long-range attacks are the foundation of the mage."

Lothar glanced at Khadgar.

Khadgar quickly said: "I can control spells, fireballs, and arcane ejections, but I can't hit this far, and I can't destroy such a big thing."

He gestured the distance from here to the gate of darkness.

Lothar continued to stare at Anyang: "Are you capable of destroying it?"

"Small meaning, but have you ever thought about it, we destroyed it once, and they will build it up again."

"Then destroy it again!"

"Commander, your wisdom is blinded, so the symptoms will not be cured."

"Then I will fight against them and kill them all!"

"You forgot, there were no orcs before Azeroth ~ ~ but they still came. So, regardless of whether Azeroth can win this war, even if you win, they will still Will come for the second time, the orc world has been destroyed, they have nowhere to go, they can only continue to attack Azeroth, if they cannot remove the root of the evil, they will continue to open the door of darkness, and attack again and again Azeroth, until this land is conquered and destroyed! "

"Oh? Prophet, how do you think the source should be removed, you are a prophet, then I ask you to tell me what the source is !!!"

Anyang frowned, feeling that Lothar was rioting again.

Could it be that Arathi's bloodline was so violent?

He hadn't had time to speak yet. There were some slight noises behind him, and the two officers stooped up and silently waited around.

At this time, Anyang also found something unusual, and the corner of his mouth suddenly raised a touch of arc: "Commander, don't you want to destroy this group of orcs, I hope you still remember what I said to you before, the opportunity has come ! "

Losa immediately frowned and asked, "What?"

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