My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 438: So, fight

Lothar raised his head again, looking at the sky that was covered with gray clouds, and his face could not help being gloomy.

"Where is the guardian!"

When he lowered his head, he still could not see Medivh's magic, but he saw an orc riding a black war wolf.

No matter the Frostwolf clan or the ambush ambushing in advance, all of them did not ride mounts, so this orc was so prominent in the battle group.

And his body is extremely tall, far stronger than ordinary orcs, even half a head taller than Durotan, and still stronger. He was wearing heavy orc plate armour, with two complete velociraptor bones on his back, a nose ring on his nose, and his eyes were full of war and intent!

Lothar recognized him instantly, and they had fought once, and the orc's left hand was interrupted by him.

As for now, the broken palm has been replaced by steel claws.

The black hand rode the black wolf and started to charge, galloping in the camp of human soldiers, easily harvesting his life. When his steel palm had been stained with blood, he stopped and looked across the narrow battlefield to the black stone path. In the distance, suddenly opened his mouth and let out a muffled roar.

As if responding to him, the earth began to tremble slightly, and the black smoke rising from the other side of the Black Stone Trail quickly and swiftly, as if a large army of unstoppable forces was coming.

Losa suddenly felt bad, he raised his head for the third time and shouted violently: "Medwin!"

Anyang suddenly appeared on his left, holding an Azeroth halberd in his hand, and slammed him to block a heavy blow from an orc.

His hands were still, but the halberd made of stainless steel was trembling because of the collision with the heavy hammer, as if telling what strength the arm, which did not seem strong, had just endured.

Immediately afterwards, a sword tip prodded from the orc's chest, it was Anyang's ancient sword.

"Don't shout, I can feel that Medivh's power is very unstable now, you will disturb him to concentrate!"

Lothar cleanly resolved an orc, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Unstable?"

Anyang nodded and did not speak.

Medivh's mind has been struggling against Sargeras' will, and he has never given up his efforts to regain his physical and mental freedom. This seemingly endless tug of war caused Medivh's cyclical personality repetition, sometimes peaceful and sober, sometimes crazy. From the outsider's point of view, he seems to make an incomprehensible decision without moving, and often completely overturns his previous views and opinions on something, and his strength occasionally makes mistakes.

Now he is in the battle between two wills. He is eager to protect human beings and fulfill the accusations of his guardian. He tries so hard to guide arcane magic energy, but the evil will continues to affect his Mindful, trying to stop him from helping the humans below, Sargeras ’soul seemed to prefer to see him spurned by humans for not participating in the war.

Even if he wins such a battle, the consequences will be very serious!

Anyang thought about it, looked up unconsciously, and then grasped the sword tactics with his left hand, intently controlling the ancient sword to rotate and flow around him, cooperating with the halberd held in his right hand to solve the orcs one by one , That looks like a lion walking in the flock of sheep.

At this time, the situation was critical, and Lothar no longer asked much, and only told him again: "Now it is up to you to protect the king!"

"I will." Anyang nodded and walked all the way to the edge of the mountain wall. He jumped up and jumped, and in the eyes of countless orcs and human soldiers, he stepped on the bumps of the mountain wall and climbed up. Spinning and moving, like walking on this vertical mountain wall.

And with this higher place than the battlefield, he also successfully saw a large army that shocked him.


Countless orcs riding on giant wolves came rushing, and their footsteps on the ground picked up a soaring black smoke and merged into a torrent. Originally Durotan and his Frostwolf clan fighters were only a few struggling to break through. When this torrent came, they were instantly overwhelmed in the distance.

What hurts the egg is that this unit is far larger than in the movie.

This is the chain reaction triggered by the "Prophet" and the sequelae of failure to persuade Orgrim to fail.

Because of his arrival, Stormwind City strengthened the guard force, and even sent a court mage. With Orgrim's ingenuity, he could not imagine this, so the orc side did not hesitate to strengthen its strength in order to guard against his prophet. and……

Anyang ignored the ordinary orc warriors in the torrent and looked at those special individuals.

They were not wearing thick plate armor, but wearing mail or leather armor, but no one could see their strength.

Some orcs hold a shield in one hand and a hammer in the other, like a barrier, and the whole body shines in azure blue light. Other orcs see them as if they see the hope of life; some orcs are covered with gems, holding huge wands, all around Reflecting the enchanting streamer, the whole body showed agility, making people feel the devastating horror of the natural elements; some orcs have a simple armor, but the speed is fast, and they are extremely agile. Kill the hero, like a ruthless and violent fighter.

"That's ... shaman?"

Anyang suddenly widened his eyes and felt that the waves were not good, he quickly summoned the armor.

He has never seen a shaman in the movie, so I did not expect to see it here!

These shaman equivalent to the orcs' mage and cheerleaders and nurses and predictors even sometimes can carry their own swords to do the shaman is not so good to deal with, at least for themselves, they undoubtedly have a certain threat.

Layers of nano-armor poured out from behind him, and soon covered his whole body, turning him into an armored humanoid.

Anyang stood still, staring at the troops approaching in the distance.

He had mobilized the shoulder gun and turned on the automatic defense system. Any orcs who attempted to rush into him would have a relentless blow by the ion cannon. Such a strong and fierce attack form is obviously not an ordinary orc can resist.

Therefore, although he stood still, the damage caused by the light blue light group whistling was far higher than before. Almost one after another, the orcs opened their eyes and looked at the light blue light in the sky. In a flash, tear the skin and flesh of his chest, or hit the thick plate armor into the hollow, and there are countless dense cracks.

The orc army is getting closer and closer, with the troops sent by Stormwind City, there is no doubt that they will make the balanced battle situation one-sided.

Blackhands should n’t be so smart, so Orgrim is really cautious!

Anyang looked gloomy, watching some shaman stop and sing, he realized that he had to stop them.

With a bang, the thruster was already on, driving him off the ground.

Then came the mechanical sound of khaka, the armor plates on the silver armor opened one after another, revealing the mini missile bay and micro missile honeycomb among them, all the weapon systems that came with them locked the group of forwards under the action of the fire control system The orc army, especially those special individuals.

"Aim, launch!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

Countless white smoke and flames continually rose from him, and large or small missiles dragged out a long tail flame and burst out, blinking like a meteor, striking the group of runners over a distance of hundreds of meters. On the front-most orc, a shocking explosion was suddenly triggered, and black dust rolled over!

His ion shoulder gun was not idle, and it continued to fire forward at maximum power and maximum rate of fire. The pale blue and nearly white ion light ball flew out of his shoulder and slammed in the air before hitting it. On those shamans.

The shaman is still an orc, unable to escape the body of flesh and blood. At this time, even the defense has not been assembled, and it is inevitable that the damage will be heavy.

Whether it is an orc or a human soldier, it seems to be shocked by the shocking explosion, watching the rapidly rising and extinguishing flame and the black dust that was blown up in the sky, the large and small pits on the ground, they looked at each other. To Anyang, who was floating in the air, this initiator.

Fireballs like meteors are no longer flying out, but the light blue light is still pouring and screaming in the air, constantly blasting from his body into the formation of orc reinforcements in the rear.

It was at this time that Medivh at the top of the mountain finally calmed down and prepared his spell.

His eyes glowed with pure blue light, and his hands suddenly gathered a strong vortex of arcane energy.

"Boom ..."

The dark clouds quickly swept up and continued to rotate, like a tornado forming a cirrus-like cloud on the top of the mountain. It was majestic, and the lightning was raging and tumbling, and there was also a long current in the clouds gathering toward the mountain to let Become clear.

This scene is like a miracle, especially shocking.



The strong and violent current chopped down, whether it is a human or an orc, as long as it is hit by the body, it will explode, showing strong power and majesty that cannot be violated.

The place where these currents bombarded separates the vast majority of humans and orcs like a line ~ ~ But after the current bombardment, it did not disperse, but gathered together an electric curtain to block the two sides, and the orcs and the front Most humans are separated.

Anyang opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene of the perfect score of this special effect, and scanned the battlefield again, but there was a chuckle in his heart.

He has been fighting deeply in the orc formation, separated by a lightning barrier is expected, but Losa also did not **** King Lane to leave because of the difference in the strength of the two sides. Instead, he personally fought against the orc ...

This is fine, not only the people in the original plot, such as Karen and the others, are separated by Medivh, even Lothar.

They have about twenty soldiers, but they will face all the enemies just now and the orc army that is coming to support them.

Anyang glanced unconsciously at the top of his head, and then lowered his head, his eyes were gone.

So, fight!

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