My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 450: End of World of Warcraft

It was almost night.

It has always been gloomy outside, without the magical clouds of the red sunset, no late sunset, only the birds and beasts flying home flying in the sky, but it seems so uneasy. There is also a night breeze blowing quietly, bringing the temperature of cold bones, and an upsetting atmosphere.

These birds and beasts just want to feel this kind of dead breath, so they seem so uneasy and anxious?

Three days have passed since Medivh's death, and Karazan's curse has become heavier and heavier.

The southern part of the Elvin Forest nearby has fallen into darkness due to the power of Medivh. This huge area covered by ancient vegetation is so insignificant under the power of the guardian ’s death. It will not take long for it to be used. It will be completely transformed into the twilight forest in the original book, not just the twilight forest in the mouth of the prophet Anyang. At that time, this place will become a paradise for evil monsters and dark creatures and become a cursed place.

The civilians below turned over ancient books for him day and night, earning huge commissions, and all the mechanical eyes he carried were running around the clock.

There is no need to activate the flight power device, and the mechanical eye charge, which is only responsible for taking pictures and transmitting information, can work continuously for a long time at a time, which increases the work load for the civilians again, and because Medivh ’s cursing power is getting stronger and stronger, there are already Many people cannot support it.

Some people fell because of fatigue, some people gradually became unsupported, some people became trance, and some people were frightened when they saw illusions at night.

These people who are only responsible for the rapid and continuous flipping of books have changed from batch to batch. Everyone cannot work continuously or stay here for too long, otherwise they will be affected by Medivh ’s curse, physical or mental disorders, or be The illusion of the night frightened.

Even so, because of the large amount of gold, people who come here still go on to succeed.

Just like here in the future, it will become a restricted area, but it is still like the adventurers who are rushing for treasure.

Anyang still sat at the window and looked at the "Erasti Notes", from time to time trying to stop to think and meditate.

The process of accumulating arcane magical energy is actually similar to the accumulation of mana, and they all absorb the power between heaven and earth, but the statement and the transformation process are different. Perhaps he can improve a method to combine the two, while absorbing heaven and earth aura, using biochips or continuous practice to generate instincts to control the inhalation, transformation and storage of different auras, so as to achieve one-time practice while accumulating mana and arcane Two energies of magic.

Of course, this is a very complicated matter and a very vast reform project. He must be difficult to complete by himself, and he does not have that energy and so much knowledge accumulation, or professional level. But magic will be introduced into his empire in the future, and magic and spells will compete on the same stage. Someone will definitely try this way. As for whether they can succeed, or this road simply does not work, it is something that is only known after trying.

After all, whether it is the development of technology or other knowledge, it requires constant imagination and courageous attempts, even if it fails.

Moreover, the structures and triggers and guidance of magic and spells can learn from each other. Even if the two methods of power accumulation cannot be combined, the spells can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses. In short, it is a good development trend.

However, this is also normal. Throughout history, no matter what kind of cultural contact and integration between civilizations, in addition to violent means such as war and destruction, the results brought by culture alone are beneficial.

The wind at night was a little cold. Even if Anyang was in good health, he could feel cold even if he didn't feel cold. He could not help tightening his loose robe.

There was a brisk footstep not far away, getting closer and closer, obviously Khadgar.

Sure enough, Khadgar's face with a mustache in the old solid wood appeared in front of him, saying: "Prophet, the latest battle report from the front line, the war between Stormwind City and the Orcs has ended, and both sides have suffered heavy casualties. Eventually King Lane rescued the captives of Stormwind and temporarily truce. "

Anyang closed the ancient book and frowned: "Is King Lane not dead?"

Khadgar stunned, and asked: "Will King Lane die in the original course?"

Anyang nodded and his voice was a little low: "It seems that I have changed too much, the time is now completely confused, I am too vague to see a clear future, but fortunately, the corrupt guardian The person has been eliminated. "

He was worried when he said this.

King Lane did not die, which meant that Lothar could not be regent, which changed the history of Azeroth too much.

But he knew that in addition to the "artificial" guardians such as Tirisfah passed down from generation to generation, Azeroth also had a group of guardians who were recognized by the "creation god" Titan and gave rights and responsibilities. It is a guardian dragon.

Among them, the bronze dragon has the power to shuttle time. It is responsible for maintaining the correctness of the timeline and correcting it when the timeline is disordered. I have changed so much time now. Dragon's "correction" ...

I have to admit that Medivh is very powerful and can tear apart the cracks of the two worlds with his own strength. On the other side, Gul'dan, the strongest shaman among the orcs, was controlled by Sargeras' adjutant Kil'jaeden to fall into a warlock. With the help of the Shadow Council, it is necessary to draw a lot of life as fuel to complete the docking with Medivh's Dark Portal. Compared with Gul'dan, Gul'dan is far from the same.

At the same time, Medivh was also deeply worried by the death wings of the strongest guardian dragon, the black dragon. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful creature of Azeroth, but the guardian dragon is also very powerful, which is definitely not Anyang. Can compete.

So he was tired ...

But Anyang also had some fluke.

It is possible that because of not coming from the future, but appearing suddenly, the future of Azeroth ’s timeline has not yet appeared, and he will not be considered a tamperer from the future back to the present timeline. On the contrary, the bronze dragon It is possible to think of yourself as part of the history of Azeroth, then the future you have changed is the correct future, and you will not be removed as a timeline tamper.

There is ...

Maybe the system did not create a guardian dragon out at all.

After a pause, he said to Khadgar: "You continue to say, what happened after this war."

Khadgar nodded: "During this war, Warlock Gul'dan was attacked by the Frostwolf clan and was seriously injured by Durotan and Orgrim, but Durotan and Gul'dan were not able to kill him, but were killed. He led the guard to escape, and later Durotan led his clan to pursue, while Orgrim stayed to seize the opportunity to control the tribe, and even other orc heroes were defeated by him. Now he is leading the storm with the commander City troops are facing each other. "

"Orgrim is a very powerful orc, wise and powerful, and orc supremacy, and has a strong desire for power, he masters the orc tribe sooner or later, he will become an orc in the original historical process The chieftain of the tribe. "Anyang said calmly, as if narrating a very sparse and ordinary story, and sighed again," There is no dark door to connect the two worlds. It seems that these orcs alone are difficult to hold. Ah, after all they will face the whole Azeroth. "

Khadgar frowned: "The letter says that the orcs who are going to attack other human kingdoms are withdrawing, probably countering Stormwind City, and King Lane promises to find a habitat for the orcs of the Frostwolf clan in Azeroth. "

Anyang waved his hand: "These have nothing to do with me. My purpose is only to eliminate evil energy. Now Medivh is dead, and Gul'dan is also fleeing. I just want to read Azeroth's magic knowledge quietly. I will find a time to leave quietly. As for the dispute between humans and orcs, I do n’t want to intervene too much, nor do I want to hurt the survival and future of any race. "

Khadgar's eyes flashed a little, and he couldn't help but glance behind him, but he saw nothing.

He remembered the following civilians who are constantly turning over the ancient books, and those "metal magic eyes" that replace the reading and memory of the prophet. Justice read the books at an unimaginable speed. The prophet seems to rely on these Knowledge is preserved.

If this can also be read ...

That is terrible!

Knowing that Anyang was frantically copying Azeroth's magic knowledge, he couldn't find a reason to block it, nor did he have the ability to refuse.

Fortunately, from the beginning to the present, this prophet has always been great, very upright, also kind and benevolent, broad-minded, and has been helping the people of Azeroth and Draenor to resist evil, as if any race is in him. All eyes are treated equally.

At least that's what he showed.

As for the deeper, or the prophet's occasional outcry and strong killing intention, Khadgar did not dare to think deeply.

He only expected the Prophet to leave as long as he said, and never touch Azeroth from now on.

Anyang came off the window sill, smiled at Khadgar, and returned to the room with a book.

The next day ~ ~ there is a visitor.

The magicians from the magic kingdom of Dalaran came. They heard about the corruption and death of Medivh and came to investigate.

Undoubtedly, their minds are like those of Sima Zhao, well-known to passers-by.

Khadgar first negotiated with them, and then there was a conflict. The young little mage did not fear and did not even ask Anyang for help. He almost directly dealt with this group of mage, but Anyang still heard the news and came in time to be strong. The means directly drove out this group of people.

The magicians are powerful, but if there is no chance to use magic, they are simply too fragile, much more fragile than the monks.

Even if Archmage Anthony Dass came in person, Anyang could take advantage of his unwillingness to kill him.

So he didn't care.

Then, the Stormwind human army led by Lothar played against the Orcish army led by Orgrim again.

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