My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 457: Anyou miserable by his girlfriend

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"Not found yet ..."

Xiao Xueer sent a downcast expression.

Just looking at the text messages recorded with Anyang, I ’m afraid anyone will think that this is a sweet and lovely little sister next door, but only those who know her know that she is actually not very close to anyone, always with a face on her face The faintly frosty little beautiful girl rejected countless good-suited suitors.

Even if she knows how to live with others, she is always very polite, and the conversation is just right. When she meets someone who greets her on the roadside, or occasionally meets acquaintances at the restaurant or dinner table, she will show a hint of smile. However, it is only because of the personal education cultivated from a good education environment and family factors, which can be regarded as a kind of politeness at most, and it can not change her arrogant and cold nature at all.

Anyang touched his nose and thought for a moment, and his fingers pressed like a fly on the screen.

"You and Xiaoyou are waiting. I will find a summer part-time job for you tomorrow."

After sending it, he sighed lightly.

In any case, An You, a Nizi, still has a blood relationship with herself, and has lived under an eave for more than ten years since she was a child. You can't be familiar with it anymore.

In my current status, it is really a bit of a pain to open up to two young girls who have just gone to college to find part-time jobs in summer.

I am afraid that only An You and Xiao Xueer will have this honor!

If I call the Anshi Group, I do n’t know how the group of people will look ...

Soon, Xiao Xueer replied that there was no doubt in the text of the text message, but only full of surprises: "Brother Anyang, you are so good ~"

Anyang replied: "Tomorrow I will call you out again. Recently, the sun outside is quite hot and very hot. You should not go out today and run around. The little girl with fine skin and tender flesh would avoid sunburn and don't believe those The same city recruitment website, there are many scammers, in case they are deceived, they will not be able to come. "

Xiao Xueer responded very well: "Well, I know, thank you Anyang brother!"

Anyang smiled and threw the phone aside.

After a short time, the phone rang again, or Xiao Xueer's message.

"Yesterday, Xiaoyou and I were almost deceived in the same city online. Fortunately, we are smart."

"The girl Anyou, everything is good, but lack of experience outside, it is too easy to believe people, you have to spend a lot of dim sum."

"Haha, Xiaoyou is sitting beside me!"

"Well, she must be very upset if she knew I said that!"

"She didn't see the news, she was still immersed in the joy of not having to travel around to find a part-time job in summer vacation!"

Anyang smiled dumbly, it seems that these days they are exhausted.

Also, the real world is midsummer. The weather is so hot. Anyou was born beautiful and pure. She has always been a proud girl in the school and her home. She has hardly suffered much. They were also embarrassed to run around looking for summer vacation workers.

Before he could reply, the phone rang again.

"Yeah, Xiaoyou saw what I said to you!"

In a flash, there was another one.

"Woo, Brother Anyang, she beat me!"

This cold flower goddess seems to love all sorts of words.

Anyang smiled at the corner of his mouth, as if they could feel their slapstick across so far.

Think about it, you chased me after the two beautiful girls were trembling with laughter, well, it seems very interesting!

I chatted with Xiao Xueer two more times, and it is certain that An You must have received his text message, but still did not reply.

Anyang said he understood very well, maybe it was embarrassing ...

After all, the relationship between the two has continued for so many years, and they have been deeply entrenched in their respective hearts. It is definitely not a major project that can be achieved overnight, and it may never be possible. Got along.

Putting down his phone, he narrowed his eyes and raised his mind.

But in a cold drink shop on a street in Jinguan City, the fight between two beautiful girls continued.

Although An You did not grow taller than Xiao Xueer and did not get slender with Xiao Xueer, she was stronger in all aspects since she was a child, so her personality was stronger than Xiao Xueer who was slightly cold She has always occupied a more dominant position in the relationship between the two.

In other words, she is more muddy, and Xiao Xueer is more humble!

So she used "force" to express her dissatisfaction to Xiao Xue'er, and then sat down to drink the iced lemon juice quietly.

She couldn't help biting the straw, but her eyes flashed a little, making Xiao Xueer, who wanted to take the opportunity to fight back, quiet down.

In a bit of historical internet language, Anyou is arrogant.

She has good grades and looks beautiful, which is enough to be loved, not to mention that she is also outstanding in other aspects, and she is very eye-catching in high school. She often visits the school's broadcast host. She has not run through the top three grades. Every evening or The performances organized by the school will go on stage even if she is not the host, and she has received many awards from all sides. What's more annoying is that she can even take the women's championship of sprinting, long-distance running, high jump and long jump at the sports meeting and went to university She is also very decisively mixed into the student union and club, and now has begun to take up positions, is preparing to launch a shock to the chairman and president.

In this way, she is naturally also proud of her qualifications, just like all beautiful girls who are proud of being held by thousands of people.

So she had a high eye in front of Anyang for a long time, but now she suddenly recalled that she changed a lot unconsciously.

She saw that her "brother who was not a good friend" counted her strengths and weaknesses in front of her best girlfriends and asked Xiao Xueer to take care of her. The tone was as natural as her elders, making her feel so painful and unacceptable.

But think about it, you really have been "unwilling" but "forced helplessly" to accept his help and care, this seems to be the most unacceptable and embarrassing point!

So her face was extremely tangled.

However, the most painful thing is that she clearly knows that she is not willing to let Anyang help her, which makes her feel that the two have reversed their positions, which makes her feel that she is not as good as this "unable brother", but often When the time came, she found that she could not refuse at all.

By now, she seemed to have taken it for granted.

This ... this is really terrible!

When did you become so cheeky, shameless, don't know how to refuse, and lost your dignity?

Actually think Anyang's help is taken for granted, should I shame myself? !

What's more, when I heard that Anyang was going to help myself and Xueer find a part-time job in summer, I actually felt quite happy. Finally, I didn't have to stare at the big sun, I was tired and ran around to see people's faces, and finally someone worried about myself. Now ...

Isn't it really shameful to be like this? ! !

What brother takes sister for granted is a matter of course, it's all gullible!

And what kind of elder brother is counted like Anyang, he doesn't want his help!

But to make myself refuse him like this, and feel a little bad to speak, and at this time, it is really difficult to go out to find a decent part-time job.

Thinking, An You stared at Xue Xueer next to him bitterly.

Sure enough, fire prevention, anti-theft and anti-girlfriends were all pitted by this unruly girlfriend. Whoever let her see her waste brother was empty of mind, and who let her agree so easily, it hurts herself so embarrassed, not accepting Well, it ’s not good not to accept it, and I ’m not in a mood to drink water!

That's right, I always followed Xueer, and it was all Xueer's problem!

An You gasped, relieved a little in her heart, glanced at her, but saw her girlfriends staring at her without blinking.

That look ... seems to be a little narrow in it.

make fun of!

That's right!

Hongguo teasing!

Deeply feeling that Anyou, who was miserable by his girlfriends, was suddenly unhappy, and gave Xiao Xueer a fierce glance, shouting, "Look what you look, you big-headed second-hand!"

Xiao Xueer was stunned, her eyes with beautiful eyelashes widened, looked down at her chest, then looked at Anyou ’s chest again, and blinked, as if she knew something, and did not provoke An at this time wisely Yo.

But in Anyou's eyes, this expression became "I understand your sufferings".

So An You became even more angry, but she bit her straw in her mouth and severely deformed it.

At this moment, Xiao Xueer's mobile phone rang, she gave up An You in an instant, put all her mind on the phone, opened her fingers quickly, glanced at it and immediately showed a sweet smile, to An You Shao Shake the screen: "Brother Anyang explained that the day invited us to drink coffee, and help us find a job by the way!"

An You snorted coldly: "Who wants him to help find a job!"

Xiao Xueer looked at her for a moment, then looked at her with open eyes and said, "Are you sure?"

"Uh ..." Anyou hesitated, and said toughly, "Yes, I can find it myself!"

Xiao Xueer blinked his eyes: "Are you going to distribute leaflets on the street? In such a hot day, it is estimated that your skin will become dark in a few days, and then you will not get flowers in your department. Title! "

An You was timid and stopped talking wisely.

Xiao Xueer also said lightly: "And the flyers are so tiring, and the salary is still low. If you really want to do it, the hardship of life is an experience, but you will not be able to achieve the purpose of learning at all. Think about last year at Mingyang Group. , So relaxed working environment, but also learn from so many excellent people ... "

An Youshen opened his mouth to refute, but quickly changed his mouth: "Who wants to drink coffee in such a hot day!"

Xiao Xueer smiled sweetly, did not answer, and did not know what she was laughing.

An You's eyes were biting her five fingers constantly flying on the screen, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Xiao Xue'er, what are you doing to Anyang?"

After talking about ~ ~ she immediately got up and reached out to grab a mobile phone.

But Xiao Xueer had expected that she swiped the phone away with a swipe, and more powerfully, her fingers never stopped during this process.

An You's face gloomed down: "Sure enough, you are an unreliable girlfriend, and you must tell him about me again!"

Xiao Xueer Yu Guang glanced at her without speaking.

Seems like she has no mind ...

This attitude undoubtedly made Anyou even more annoyed!

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