My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 461: Pajamas and daydreams

The waitress had just left, Xiao Xueer took a sip of his coffee and kept his eyes on Anyang opposite.

Her eyes bent like a crescent moon, she seemed to have a shallow smile at any moment, but this shallow smile was what her classmates and suitors thought I dare not think that even her roommate has not seen it so far, and at most she has only seen her smile.

Whether that smile is polite or sincere, it is clearly far from being as sweet as sugar at the moment.

Anyou next to him adjusted her sitting position slightly, and felt a little awkward to sit here.

Xiao Xue'er looked around, and his eyes were originally full of concern, but now he has a little more doubt.

She had planned to hand tissues to wipe Anyang's sweat, but when she looked at it, she didn't see the sweat on Anyang's face.

"Brother Anyang is hot outside?"

"Okay, it's not the hottest time yet."

"But everyone says that July is a flash of fire."

"Yeah, the fire broke out in July, but the hottest in Jinguan City seemed to be August and September, when it was the hottest."

"So this is ah."

Xiao Xueer nodded, a little disappointed, but still a little puzzled.

She could not help glancing outwards, even though she was sitting under the air conditioner, she could still feel the blazing sunlight through the glass.

In such weather, as long as you take two steps in the sun, will you sweat soon? They just walked from the street where they got off to the store door, which was already too hot, not to mention men who sweat more easily ...

Anyang glanced at the slightly uncomfortable Anyou next to him, and continued to express emotion to Xiao Xueer: "When I used to study at Yizhou University, there was no air conditioning in both male and female dormitories at that time, and the conditions for male dormitories were worse than that for female dormitories. In the summer, one of the two broken fans does not turn, and the other only knows that the buzzing noise makes people unable to sleep. The wind is almost negligible. The body is greasy and greasy every day, and it is uncomfortable! "

Xiao Xueer's sweet smile hung on the corner of her mouth, and she obediently echoed: "Fortunately, Xiaoyou's dormitory has air-conditioning, which is barely enough in summer, but the power of the air-conditioning is too small, and there are always problems, and the quality is poor. Now, sometimes I live in their dormitory. When two people sleep in a bed, they are squeezed. When they fall asleep in the middle of the night, they wake up awake, and they realize that the air conditioner turns off automatically ... "

"It may be saving you electricity bills."


There is a little depression next to Anyou, feeling that they can't plug in at all!

This makes her a little irritable, always feel that as long as three people are together, she must be the neglected party.


From my own perspective, I was the proud daughter of heaven since I was a child. I said that when I was in Yancheng Middle School, I was top-notch in my study and physical arts, even because of my good grades. There are not many people who are concerned about body development. They are much more popular than Cher. Many people who want to talk to themselves still dare not step forward because of inferiority. When have they been ignored!

This is even more true when I go to university, because I am more cheerful and not as cold as Cher. There are no fewer people pursuing myself than Cher. If I set up the communication software to prohibit everyone from adding it, I refuse to apply for friends every day. It will take a long time.

In terms of Anyang, even if he grew up together because they have the same parents, he has been tired of seeing himself for a long time, and his great attraction for other boys is not worth it in his eyes. Mention it, but at least in terms of blood, they are relatives and sisters. Is there any brother who only cares about other girls when he is with his sister?

Well, although he doesn't bother to have such a brother, but he can ignore him, what qualifications he has to ignore him ...

From the perspective of Xueer, she is her girlfriend and the same table she was in high school. Although they were very good at the time, they were often brought together by classmates for comparison. Girls seem to compare, but this does not affect their relationship at all.

Until now, they are still the best girlfriends, there is no one, except in class, as long as the holiday will be inseparable.

For example, summer vacation workers, in fact, Xiao Xueer ’s family situation, she did n’t need to go out to find a part-time job in summer. After all, her living standards were too high for her parents, but she still stayed with her for two consecutive years. This was the case last year, and it is the same this year. Among them, even if Xiao Xueer wants to make money on his own, or to achieve the purpose of exercising himself and experiencing life, the relationship between the two is indeed a major reason.

An You just couldn't figure it out, why she ignored her completely once she was with An Yang!

What's so good about this little brother who didn't make a fuss, is it that she saved her once?

An You actually asked Xiao Xue'er the reason, and had studied it seriously, but Xiao Xueer almost effortlessly stated a lot of reasons, including the various advantages of Anyang, she was surprised Suddenly, his face was dumbfounded, and when the reaction came over, embarrassment was almost committed.

If you don't mention these, you have to commit embarrassment.

The most not-to-be-neglected and the most annoying thing is that the encounter between the two can be said to be contributed by her. Without her, the two would not even know each other. As mentioned earlier, one is her blood brother and the other is her best girlfriend. It should be said that even if the two have an ambiguous relationship, she should be an inseparable bond in it, but the fact is quite the opposite. Now as long as the two are together, she is completely redundant.

This feeling really made her helpless and unable to talk!

At this moment, the conversation between Anyang and Xiao Xueer got involved in the part-time job, and An You finally came a little interested.

At least it's not boring, you don't want to listen at all, and you can't talk about it anymore!

Anyang felt Anyou ’s gaze thrown over here, so he paused, turned his head slightly, and asked Anyou: "Xiaoyou, what kind of summer part-time job do you want to find?"

An You froze for a while, and said, "I thought you had already found it. Listening to what you said means, haven't you found it yet?"

Anyang touched his nose and did not care about her. He continued: "This is not difficult. I have found it. I just want to ask you what you mean. If you do n’t meet your conditions, you can change it anyway. , It ’s not so easy after work. "

An You pouted and said, "Speaking so boldly, don't you just want to show that your energy is great, and the relationship is very wide, helping us find a summer part-time job can be done casually for you Looks like, ah, I do n’t know I thought you started a company. "

Anyang's eyes twitched, only to feel an egg pain.

Xiao Xueer smiled and looked at the two siblings, and assisted Anyang in time: "I know, Xiaoyou said when she slept with me last night. She wanted to find a job with ease, high salary, and learn a lot. Social experience work! "

This time, the corners of Anyou's eyes twitched. The appearance, regardless of the movement or frequency of the twitching, was almost the same as that of Anyang before.

Anyang immediately filled out the picture of the two of them sleeping together, and the two beautiful girls were lying on the bed, maybe they had to make some noise.

With Xiao Xueer's tall figure, An You, who is still in the "little girl" stage, knows how to dress better, and wears clothes to set off her beautiful character. When she is wearing light pajamas and the skirt shows Bai Shengsheng's delicate slender legs The young girl's tender skin is looming, and the temptation must be unmatched.

However, the styles of pajamas are not much different, and girls are either cute or princess, or tempting.

Although An You did n’t grow up as Xiao Xueer was tall, and her body development was not so good, the girl ’s delicate posture was still there, and she was very white. She looked like she was wearing pajamas at home. Yes, it's just that he has watched it for more than ten years ...

It is also possible that they will not wear pajamas ...

Anyang feels that she is only slightly reminiscent, and has already imagined the picture vividly and vividly, every trace of the details is vivid, even the complete plot and the slapstick movement between the two beautiful girls, even the slender waist of the girl The little spring light that emerged from the twisting was outlined.

He quickly yelled his guilt and stopped thinking about it, feeling that he had just swam around on the edge of humans and beasts.

Come to think of it, this should be the effect of brain improvement.

But why did his brain improve, not the first to be reflected in scientific calculations, not really reflected in planning strategies, nor effectively reflected in speculation or reasoning and judgment, and doing things for others, but it was reflected in such unscrupulous places .

Just like buying a high-performance computer, the processing performance is extremely powerful, but you use it all day to watch small movies!

So Anyang was speechless at the moment.

When did you become so uncomfortable?

In the end, it can only be blamed on getting along with the two girls and bringing their mindset to youth.

But his thoughts soon ~ ~ complete this series of struggles only between electric flint.

When Anyou responded, she quickly said in a bad tone: "Xue'er, what are you talking about, I didn't say that!"

Work is easy, the salary is high, and you can learn a lot of social experience. Is n’t that a daydream, will the pie fall from the sky? Since I said it when I was sleeping, anyone knows that this is just boring thoughts and jokes. Now, is n’t it just annoying Anyang jokes?

Anyang is such an annoying person, even if he knows that he is joking, he will be treated as if he does n’t know, he will laugh to himself!

Sure enough, seeing the delicate expression on Anyang's face, Anyou felt that her dignity had disappeared!

The culprit is undoubtedly her girlfriends. She is betraying herself without any psychological burden, and she is betraying it so naturally, like there is no guilt at all, she does nothing wrong, making herself seem No reason to blame her!

No, she is simply unforgivable!

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