My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 466: Insulated from mortals

Early the next morning.

Today's weather is a little darker than yesterday, and there is a yellow light between the world and the sky, like the evening, with a small wind blowing, it seems that it is going to rain.

But it just makes the temperature look cooler and much more comfortable than yesterday. Once you open the window, a slight cool breeze in. Whether you go out for a morning run, walk or stay on the roof or balcony, this is a rare summer. Cozy.

Xiaochan, the little fox, seized this rare opportunity and ran to the top of the building to practice hard and diligently.

Under the cool temperature, a road was coiled in the distance. Outside the villa was a whole mountain of forest. The branches were bowed by the wind.

Xiao Chan was sitting cross-legged in a trumpet pajamas, her lips closed and her eyes closed. Bai Jing's delicate face was full of concentration. Her long hair danced with the wind, which was inconsistent with the small body sitting motionless. Feel, this feels like a serious kid who justifies you.

The rabbit is sitting on the edge of the railing on the top of the building, and she will fall one step forward, but she is unaware of it. She looks at the distant mountains and valleys without blinking. A pair of straight and symmetrical legs hang in the air, regardless of the thigh. Still the calf lines are so beautiful and round.

Perhaps she was thinking of going upstairs to play. She rarely wore a thin milk-white windbreaker outside the bunny exposed dress. When the wind blew, her hair flew like Xiao Chan, and the windbreaker wrapped the delicate and delicate Her figure and belt also flutter with the wind, and it is a beautiful example all the time.

Rabbit Jing tilted his head slightly, staring at Xiao Chan's eyes seriously, and then returned his gaze.

It was not comfortable to hit her face when her hair fluttered wildly, so she stretched out her hands to gather her hair. This should have been a feminine movement. The charm she made by her stupidity was not reduced, but because of her own charm. And more and more elegant and calm, this is probably the legendary natural disaster.

Looking further up, there is a sharp corner in the middle of the terrace garden on the top of the building, which is the highest point of the villa.

Huang Jing, the tiger essence, sat on it, neither sitting cross-legged nor the golden sword of Malaysia, but sitting casually, legs stretched forward, gently stretching his tall and exaggerated body, His face was lazy and wild, and his gaze glanced down.

There is a lot of domineering to examine the territory, and there is also a kind of tranquility to look at his homeland.

She did not practice, but enjoyed the soothing weather quietly.

A thunder quickly rang, declaring all this stopped.

Xiao Chan opened his eyes calmly, revealing a pair of clear and smart eyes, black and white, but did not reveal any emotion.

She stood up so lightly, didn't say a word to anyone, didn't watch the weather change, patted the dust and fallen leaves on her body, and walked back.

Rabbit Jing looked puzzledly at her side, suddenly turned and jumped off the railing, and followed her into the corridor.

"Fox, wait for me!"

As the two of them left the roof, as if it were the best coincidence, raindrops began to fall one by one.

Huang Lan, who was at the top, lowered his head and looked at the large and small figures down the escalator, revealing a disdainful expression.

She pinched a fingerprint in her hand, muttered a string of spells, and continued to sit there, staring blankly at the scenery below.

The spring rain is long, and the summer rain is usually violent, and it falls in a blink of an eye.

Bean-shaped raindrops slammed down, and the famous strains of plants planted on the roof tremble, and the freshly bloomed flowers sway with the branches and leaves in the wind and rain. A slight layer of water mist, each frame of the picture is so fine and beautiful.

Of course, this beauty is not appreciated by ordinary people's eyesight. It is shorter than Tanhua by countless times and countless times faster. For ordinary people, only with the help of high-performance camera equipment can they capture the images captured by the cameraman. It was amazing to see this ordinary but never seen before.

Huang Lan looked at the ground calmly, slender and sullen, with bright yellow eyes in her eyes.

Everything in the world seemed to be a slow-motion in her eyes, showing the picture of the continuous explosion of water splashes, and the petals gradually detached and fell into the wind.

The thunder became more and more dull, the world was darkened by the dark clouds, and the lightning flashed across the sky from time to time, reflecting a slight loneliness in her figure. The rain slammed on the ground, getting bigger and bigger, but consciously avoided her two meters away, as if all of them had turned. Even the water that began to gather on the red tile channel could not approach her, but it made her look so elegant. Calmly ignore the rain and hit everything, with a gesture of detached world.

This scene, this gesture, is insulated from mortals.

With a sudden movement in Huang Lan's heart, he looked at the flowers that had been scattered by the rain, and his fingerprints changed.

The rain in this narrow world immediately softened, as if it was affected by a certain force at low altitude.

After coming to the real world for so long, both Yaodan and Jindan are enough. This tigress's cultivation is getting deeper and deeper!

At this moment, the rabbit ran up with a transparent little umbrella, and the first glance was to look at the flowers and plants on the top of the building. Among these lush plants, in addition to the original famous rare species, but There are a lot of wild grasses she planted, but can't let the rain kill!

Naturally, she was a little dull looking at the calm of the rooftop that did not match her imagination.

But she still carefully inspected the flowers and plants to make sure that the damage was not serious. She was relieved and then looked at Huang Lan, who was at the top.

Even if the IQ belongs to a window closed by God, she still didn't understand where she saw this picture, which was all due to Huang Lan.

While admiring her eyes, she suddenly remembered that she had another purpose!

Well, a little embarrassing!

Rabbit Jing raised his hand and carefully looked at the other small umbrella he was holding. He looked up and looked at Huang Lan with a calm face. He still decided to hide this folding umbrella behind him. With an umbrella, Lan hurried down the stairs again.

Huang Lan glanced back slightly, shook his head and sighed, and also got up and jumped from the top.


Anyang closed the window in the room with both hands, and the sound of rain immediately became much calmer, but seemed extremely peaceful.

This is undoubtedly a place away from the hustle and bustle of the city, deep in the woods on the top of the hillside, the villa that is the only building here is very quiet, you can't hear the whistle in the city, there is no turbulent traffic and neon flashes, even down the mountain The road has always been quiet.

On this rainy day, there was almost only the sound of rain.

Anyang sat on the edge of the bed, and Xiao Qian quickly came over and sat across his lap, facing him face to face.

The rounded thighs were silky, delicate, and lustrous, and had intimate contact with his body, and the two were already accustomed to it.

"Fujun, I have been learning the magic of Shenzhou World these days, but I do n’t understand many of them. I wanted to ask Huang Lan ’s sister, but because the spells I learned are very different from human monsters, she knows a little. , Some are not very clear. "

"It sounds like you are upset ..."

"Seriously speaking, I am serious!" Xiao Qian looked at him with a serious face.

Some of Anyang ’s minds are like a horse, holding her waist in one hand and resting it on her mellow and cool thigh: “Well, Huang Lan ’s spells are all taught by me. You can tell me, but I ca n’t guarantee to know ! "

Xiao Qian put his arms around his neck, with intimacy and dependence.

"Well, it's raining today anyway, so there's no way to go out. Why not teach me spells at home?"

This posture is wonderful, and Comrade Xiaoqian is not short at all, causing Anyang to bow her head a little and bury her face in her chest.

"I thought you were going to say that it rained today anyway, and there was no way to go out. Why not just roll the sheets at home!"


"Good, get serious!"

"Then you don't take your hands away!"

Anyang touched Comrade Xiaoqian's thigh with a hand, feeling cool and silky, and feeling smooth, like touching a good silk.

"I can be serious without taking it away! Well, I am serious now."

"Husband, I feel that I don't have to read spells for many spells!"

"Uh, is that what you said? You are showing off ..."

Comrade Xiao Qian said for a while: "How can I, I, think so, the question hasn't had time to ask!"


When Anyang reluctantly pushed open the door of the room and lay on the sofa in the living room to rest, the rabbit juggler who had been idle all day long quickly clung to it.

Anyang made an exception to allow the rabbit to curl up in his arms without tangling whether Xiao Qian would be jealous or unhappy, and whether it would be wrong to do so by herself.

He spread his arms on the backrest of the sofa, stretched his body, and leaned his head on the sofa, closed his eyes to relax, and by the way felt the softness of the rabbit's delicate and attractive body, and occasionally reached out to touch her. Soft ears, long ears sag when touched.

He is now more open.

Pets, even tempting pets!

Near the end of the afternoon, the rain stopped, but there was no rainbow.

Anyang stepped up to the top of the building step by step, carried a recliner, took out a book in his hand and read it.

He spent most of the day explaining to Xiaoqian those spells that he could not practice. Now he finally has time to read the book by himself, learn some spells he can learn, or practice the Shushan School's sword control and imperial swordsmanship, or Is to expand his theoretical knowledge.

Whether it is the Taoist law system of the Divine World or Azeroth ’s arcane magic system, it is actually not the tool described in many novels. It is simply a tool for fighting and killing and pursuing power, but a more complete system, involving and Technology has overlapping aspects but not exactly the same.

So not only those with great power have lofty status ~ ~ Scholars with rich knowledge are also respected.

Power is important, but wisdom and knowledge are also indispensable. It is the best way to have the "cultural heritage" in the system.

This is probably like a professional class and a cultural class.

Just like a modern society, a qualified high-ranking person in a noble circle is not only required to have unique insights and abilities in a certain line, but also to have the ability to call for storms in his own field. Many books can understand history and allusions in order to be able to be the center of conversation no matter where they are, to be able to cope with whatever topic they are talking about, and to remain calm no matter what situation they face.

The same is true of a qualified monk and mage, who must be proficient in their field and have an understanding of the roads that they have not involved. It is best to know a little or two about their own specialization. To be broad, other theories are to know as much as possible.

In short, practitioners are not just as simple as practicing power!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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