My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 468: Tea House Listening

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

The end of the world is now the end of winter, but Pingnan City belongs to the south and is not covered with snow.

Anyang came here from the real world of midsummer. He only wore a long trench coat outside, so he didn't wear any more clothes.

He himself is not afraid of this bitter cold, so he also wears it to make himself look normal, so that he will not become a focus when he goes out.

But the result made him a little disappointed, he did not hear some news he wanted to hear.

Whether it ’s singing meritorious deeds or criticizing resistance, after all, it is the ordinary people ’s evaluation of the Huaibei base policy. He can use this as a microcosm to make policy improvements to the Huaibei base and even the Shenzhou Empire. This is what the world is talking about.

It took more than two and a half years for the cataclysm to erupt, and the Huaibei base was also established for a long time. In this city with the An emblem, everything seems like a peaceful era.

In the past, people who were clean and well-dressed were quite rare. The general external conditions of the people were slightly lacking. It is normal to show their appearance. But now almost everyone has recovered the spirit before the cataclysm and the clothes are as they once were. A man in a trench coat is not too striking.

There were young people talking at the next table:

"A month of monasticism, do you feel that your body has become stronger?"

"No, I can't even feel the air, we are far worse than those in the army!"

"I ca n’t say that. It ’s still related to personal qualifications. We have individuals in our school. Last week, we took the lead in practicing mana. It took almost a day to rub out the flames with the technique of igniting. At that time, everyone in the class It was the first time I saw a spell and I was so excited! "

"It's Chen Guanming's senior, I have heard about it, but they were received by the Education Bureau!"

"Isn't it? At this critical juncture, such a qualified student can be trained as a national idol!"

"It's a genius among civilians, but in the military, this kind of situation is quite common. It is everywhere faster than him. It's just that those super soldiers are not representative of the civilians, and they don't play an incentive role. It ’s just not publicized! ”

A group of young people secretly uttered their tongues, hoping that they would be able to reach the summit by spells and leap to the top.


Perhaps I heard the discussion of this group of energetic students, and there was a group of people who were also talking about it, but they would have more depth.

One person put down the tea cup, and the bottom of the cup made a crisp collision with the tabletop, with some emotion in his eyes.

"Huh, when it comes to this legal education, it is really an incredible thing!"

Another person gave him a white glance: "The nonsense, whoever thought about it before then, is something that is only in myths and legends!"

"It ’s nothing weird. At our Huaibei base, weird things have appeared. You usually pay attention to the idea. Those army armored soldiers ride the dark blue scale-shaped mutant warhorse. It's faster than a car, and has strong endurance. Armored warriors carrying hundreds of pounds and supplies have no pressure, which has long exceeded the physiological range of horses. [Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ Net WwW.AiQu] My army My friend said that this is better than a heavy-duty off-road motorcycle for military use. At the beginning of development, only officers were qualified to equip. Now that the technology is mature, it can be popularized in the military, but it is also very popular!

"That's the base's biotechnology, and zombies have appeared, and I think it's not incomprehensible!"

"Yes, but how do you explain those super fighters?"

The man was speechless just now.

Now that the base construction is in full swing, except for students who can sit here and drink tea, there are only a few people who mix well. They are not the group of ignorant students who can still live in the ivory tower in this era. Naturally, they know that the soldiers in the army are not so simple.

Some people have doubled their physique, one hits ten, and the single-shot impact on the zombies can be explained by biological reinforcement.

In the blink of an eye, they changed from ordinary people to horrible war machines, mastered the fascinating ability to use firearms, and possessed a strong personal combat level. These can also be explained by the data implantation in some science fiction movies. , But it always falls into the category of technology.

And the special abilities that some officers have erupted, it is not a sentence that biotechnology can cover!


"It makes sense to say that the army was first formed to bring powerful scientific and technological weapons to make the Huaibei base stand upright, and then biotechnology. Now there is a universal education of civil law law, and even we are in military supplies. People who eat a lot of food must also learn. Speaking of which, our life is now given by the base. If there is no top officer, we estimate that we are either in the zombie belly or on the way to the zombie belly. "

"Dare you say you don't want to learn?"

"Who doesn't want to be a fairy?"

"I can't guarantee if I can become an immortal. The propaganda of our civilians has been rudimentary. Anyway, as long as the word spell is thrown out, some basic benefits will be mentioned. Basically all the people in the base will practice. You really want to understand the Taoist law system. Ah, then you have to look at the introduction of the army, then it is called a detailed one! "

Someone frowned: "Can you read the military propaganda?"

The man said decisively, "Yes! It's not a high secret. It's just that you are different in class. You don't see it. The army does not hide it. As long as you have a way, just find a friend to borrow this book. You can't see other Taoist teaching materials. , But the introduction of Taoism is no problem! There is nothing to hide from this stuff ... "

"I have no friends in the army. Since you have, what are you talking about?"

"I think about some special spells, no matter how far you run, you can quietly take your life. Some spells can fly to the sky and lead to thunder and fire, just like in mythological novels and those big-making movies, and 'S spells can summon ghosts and spirits and turn spirits into spirits. "

The man opened his eyes, full of longing, and nodded and said, "It sounds mysterious!"

"Why, don't you believe it?"

"Believe, why don't you believe, with the highest chief present, I believe everything!"

"Haha, these words are honest! But these spells are too powerful, that is, military weapons, such as guns and ammunition, are absolutely prohibited. We civilians are estimated to be unable to learn, and almost have to control the level of knives. Do n’t mess with it, otherwise the Ministry of Public Security will come to you for tea! "

"You think so much, it's just now at this level, it's already very good to be able to keep fit and prolong life!"

"Fat, I heard that Taoism education is divided into military, political officials, special and civilians. We can only contact the harmless civilian version. This law is said to be able to practice to a high level. With bare hands, you can wear the Aeolus armor completely. Armed, armored soldiers with ample ammunition to fight down! "

"It's a bit exaggerated, but I really believe in the group of monks who don't know where they come from!"

Speaking of which, the whole tea house is very quiet, and almost everyone is listening to them.

From time to time, some people opened their eyes as they talked about some topics that ordinary people did not know. While sighing with their wide channels, they also lamented the mysterious power of Taoism popularization education and the benefits it might bring to themselves. Some people even started I imagined that I had succeeded in cultivating.

The group of young people at the neighboring table had been silent for a long time, listening to each other with ears and wishing to sit down.

The man smiled indifferently, turned around, and looked at the group of students as elders: "The supreme chief is right, although you are not on the battlefield, you are not fighting for the base to open up territory, you have to spend a lot of time a day in class , And can't make much contribution to the base, but you are the future of the base. "

A young student said: "That uncle, you tell us about the situation of Fa-fa, many of us are still confused."

The man was very good at talking and took a sip of water: "It's normal to get confused. I heard that the order of the Supreme Chief was terrified, and the Ministry of Education was also in a hurry. If you pay attention to politics, you know that the Special Control Department has not yet been formed. The Taoist Law Propaganda Department is in place, and the civilian version of the teaching materials is simple. As a result, many people, except the army and senior political officials, only know Taoism and practice, but they do n’t know the specifics of Taoism. "

Someone refuted there: "Old Hu, you can't talk so much, the propaganda on the military side is in place, but there is no movement on the civilian side. Can't you just say that the Ministry of Education is not in place, but now it is Taoism education? It ’s just started, and the senior people want to go step by step, step by step, and we are the first group of practitioners. There are no people who practice Taoism in front of you as a reference. This group of students do n’t have as many ways as you do to understand. Think about it, you Does the first grade of elementary school know what subjects to study in junior high school? "

The person called Lao Hu laughed: "Haha, this is the reason!"

After a while, he said to the group of students: "Although the base implements universal monasticism, everyone must practice, but for us, that is, the level of popularization of Chinese characters, the base wants to pick out the Taoism Qualified people come to carry the girders, and you still have the students. You are the one who learned knowledge from the eight classics. It is also you who come out with the most "scientists". Even if we have monks, it is also Noluzi. It ’s incomparable to those of you in the sciences. After all, there are more scientists from famous universities than private scientists who are self-taught. ”

A group of young people had a little burn on their faces, but thought his metaphor was interesting and appropriate, and nodded.

This is a very level person!

This level has nothing to do with his monastic qualifications and has little to do with his cultural level, but lies in his understanding of things and his own opinions.

"Remember that the practice of Taoism is fundamental, the practice of Taoism is the foundation of everything. When you have a little foundation, you will be exposed to different avenues. It ’s also limited, it does n’t matter if you choose the wrong one, just change it. ”


A young man showed doubts.

Most of the four-week lectures are also confused.

"Well, do n’t look at the group of monks who are your teachers. They both have two eyes and both practice Taoism, but their avenue directions are different. It ’s the pursuit of truth, and I ’m also confused. ”

"It turns out there is such a saying."

"After that, there seems to be a Taoism bias, I don't know the specifics."


The middle-aged man named Lao Hu talked eloquently, and the people around him listened like a myth.

Finally, a young man couldn't help but wonder, and asked, "Uncle, what are you doing? How do you know so much inside information?"

Old Hu smiled and said: "I am the one who supplies the army, and do some official business to eat a meal!"

When the young man wanted to ask more clearly, he just laughed and said nothing.

Soon, the teapot bottomed out.

Old Hu raised his hand and looked at his watch. He said to his friends: "It's almost time. Recently, the base has somehow increased its population. The army may use this to open up the territory of the base, waiting for the top chief to sign and agree. You have to pull the list, don't let anyone grab it! "

Everyone expressed their understanding and said a few words of congratulations to him for making a fortune without saving him too much.

Lao Hu said a few words to let them continue to play, quietly went to the counter to settle the bill, and left.

Only then did one of his friends smile and say, "Laohu's uncle is now a real officer of the army!"

Suddenly, the young people stopped asking more about it and turned to emotion.

At present, apart from the arms such as the Air Force, the Tank Armored Force, etc., the rest of the individual soldiers are armored soldiers, whether it is the army's iron-blooded armor or the Air Force's Fengshen armor, even artillery, long-range missile forces and other arms that manipulate large weapons Equipped with armor, the army ’s real power officers almost have enough military power to set off huge waves in the once peaceful times, which ca n’t be underestimated!

Next, many people began to discuss what Lao Hu left when he finally left.

The base army may open up territory again!

This is not a secret. Spreading does not damage the interests of the base. What Lao Hu said does not mean anything. After all, he is only a small person. This sentence can only be counted as rumor at most, but this rumor has caused a lot of People's discussions, and began to be regarded as the truth by many people.

It is true that the base has inexplicably increased a large number of people recently. Most of these people are wearing weird clothes and did not live with the base civilians. Instead, they were first sent to a special area to gather teachers for education and popularization. It is rumored that these people and the group of monks come from The same place is the result of the immigration of the Chief Executive.

How strong the base is now, I am afraid most people have no specific concept.

But one thing they know, not to mention those new fighter planes, new military technology, and heavy weapons with unprecedented faces, but only 30,000 armored soldiers can sweep through the former central empire, even if the zombies evolved faster In the face of the base army, it can only be reduced to a whetstone.

Although they didn't know, the base also controlled a group of zombies headed by the empress, making it easier to kill the zombies!

Judging from various battle reports ~ ~ The base army has never stopped the war except stationing in the Quartet.

But this group of belligerent and powerful guys has not opened up new territory for a long time. Those zombies-filled cities that are regarded as **** by other survivors and deeply feared by other survivors are like bases. The training ground, practicing the combat skills of the army, will take away a lot of useful scientific and technological resources and rescue many survivors every time the army goes deeper, but the army has never occupied these lands and will withdraw no matter how many results it has achieved.

The reason for this is almost clear to everyone.

The base has never lacked combat power, only the population is lacking. Compared with the lack of population, it does not make much sense to develop territory. Even if the entire central empire is recovered, there are not enough humans to govern and control these territories. Substantial return to the base.

But now, the population already has.

When the discussion was very lively, they naturally would not have noticed that a man sitting alone went to check out and left peacefully.

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