My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 472: Forced rabbit

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Anyu is the little princess of Ans Group! \\ r

Anyang was so painful that he couldn't help it, and he found himself speechless. \\ r

In terms of blood, he created this business empire, saying that Anyou is the little princess of the Ans group is indeed not an exaggeration. \\ r

I just don't know if Nizi will hurt even more than he knows the truth! \\ r

Maybe not, after all, she is a woman. \\ r

But Xiao Xueer didn't know his wonderful expression, and she would not associate a commercial ship like Anshi with Anyang or Anguo Shu. She just felt funny because of this. \\ r

"Maybe because we went through the back door, but the people in the company didn't know that, we just felt that we enjoyed special treatment, and since they were valued, they were sent to a good position, plus Xiaoyou just happened to be An It was guessed that he was the daughter of the Ans Group boss. "\\ r

The daughter, daughter, daughter of An's Group boss ... \\ r

Anyang's nerves were twitching, and even the rabbit spirit next to him could see his abnormality. \\ r

He said stiffly: "How do you know that the boss of An's Group and his father are the same age?" \\ r

Xiao Xueer wondered: "Huh? The boss of such a big company, shouldn't he be young?" \\ r

Anyang wisely doesn't struggle with this topic. It's enough to know that they are doing well. \\ r

As for the group who could not fully understand the meaning of "summer part-time job" and he was "committed" to two girls, he was too lazy to manage it. He himself sent his own sister to work in An's group. Things are quite misunderstood, and it is not surprising that those people see the wrong signal. \\ r

"Today the manager asked me to help her with the company ’s earnings report. It ’s very nervous. Looking at each table is a long list of numbers, I ’m afraid I ’m wrong." \\ r

"Be afraid of anything, do it bravely!" \\ r

"But if I accidentally lost a single digit, An's group pursued it and couldn't afford to sell my whole family!" \\ r

Xiao Xueer said terrifyingly, but her tone has always been sweet and quite calm. \\ r

"It seems that your manager is quite at ease with you." \\ r

Anyang has no sense of the length of those figures. \\ r

"Yeah, the manager has been teaching me!" \\ r

"You are now in the Department of Economics and Management!" \\ r

"Xiaoyou is the management department of Chengjing University. The general manager has taken care of her these days, as if training her juniors." \\ r

"Is it ..." \\ r

Anyang couldn't help starting to hear the picture of Xiao Nizi messing around in the office. \\ r

The little princess of the Ans Group ... \\ r

It seems that she accidentally added another laughing stock! \\ r

Hanging up the phone and throwing away the phone, he lay on the sofa for a while. \\ r

She got up and rubbed the head of the rabbit spirit on the opposite side. Her face was straight and she was confused. \\ r

"How about Xiao Chan and Huang Lan?" \\ r

The rabbit stared at his hand alertly, and slowly pointed upstairs. \\ r

"What are they doing on the roof?" \\ r

The rabbit thought for a long time and felt that the problem could not be expressed with gestures and expressions. \\ r

"Cultivation, cultivation." \\ r

"So what are you doing?" \\ r

The rabbit's face remained unchanged, but his long ears drooped slightly, and his eyes blinked at him. \\ r

"Play with you." \\ r

"Who's playing with you, I'm obviously calling. You said you, even Xiaochan knows hard work, you are so lazy!" \\ r

"The fox is older than me ..." \\ r

Rabbit Jing looked up at him on the sofa, and his pitiful appearance was especially pitiful. \\ r

But her full and round double peaks squeezed out a thin groove, her white and symmetrical legs were on the sofa, the calves were graceful and round, the meat was squeezed together, and the pure appearance was only endless temptations. She wanted to ravage her fiercely. \\ r

Anyang was stunned and speechless again. \\ r

On the age of Xiao Chan is indeed bigger than the rabbit essence, on the psychology is also far more mature than her. \\ r

But ... \\ r

Anyang's face was a little heavy, and the rabbit was stunned, his long ears drooped instantly. \\ r

"You dare to talk back, you look at you, even now a spell will not!" \\ r

"I, I will be three ..." \\ r

The rabbit erected three fingers weakly, but it quickly reacted and quickly retracted his fingers back, pulling at the corner of his clothes to show a pleasing expression. \\ r

Anyang naturally only knows what she just wanted to say, but she was helpless for a while, but in the end she said: "It seems that I will let Xiao Chan take you with me every time I practice next time. Xiao Chan does not You wo n’t listen, so wait for the hard times! ”\\ r

Rabbit Jing's eyes widened, and a pleading look appeared on his face, pitiful. \\ r

"Don't do that, I won't be in your ecstasy, no matter how pitiful I will not be softhearted!" \\ r

The rabbit dropped his head weakly, as if appointed. \\ r

But her figure is still perfect, this soft and weak helpless look gives people an urge to occupy her fiercely! \\ r

Anyang looked at her expression and couldn't help but want to laugh, rubbed her head again, straightened the mess of her long hair, and then stopped in her dissatisfaction. \\ r

"Hurry up and practice, you see what you do, like what!" \\ r

The rabbit said weakly: "But I want you to take me out to play." \\ r

"Don't you often let Xiaochan take you out to play?" \\ r

Rabbit whispered in a whisper: "I took the fox out to play." \\ r

"Really? But why are you always following Xiao Chan, like a little classmate." \\ r

The rabbit froze for a moment, then said: "I'm afraid that the fox will be lost, so I have to look at her, and I can't see it in front of me." \\ r

"..." \\ r

Anyang couldn't help but squeeze her face and said, "Who did you learn from, such a good face, and not blushing by lying!" \\ r

The rabbit was a little guilty and simply stopped talking. \\ r

The lies were taken apart, embarrassing her. \\ r

Then Anyang ignored her pitiful eyes and drove her to the top of the building to practice with Xiao Chan. \\ r

"Give me, do n’t be lazy. I will take you out to play alone when you improve your behavior. You can go wherever you want, but if you are not serious, I will call Xiao Chan into a fox and eat you!" \ r

Xiao Chan sitting next to him moved his eyes and dared not speak. \\ r

Anyang explained to Xiaochan the obligation to supervise the cultivation of rabbits, and he turned around and resolutely left. \\ r

He knows that most beautiful fairies in the Divine World have deceptive skills. For example, the vixen is a race that develops the deceptive talent to the limit. The rabbit is a kind of stunned destiny in the heavenly numerology. If it really pulls his clothes corner He doesn't have to be cruel to sell him cute. \\ r

But having said that, it seems that this little fox has never seen the deceptive means! \\ r

Even the change and illusions that the vixen is good at have not been seen by her. Only when she used the painful technique of attracting clouds. \\ r

In fact, it is not an egg pain, after all, it has attracted several penny! \\ r

Anyang returned to the living room, found a sofa near the floor-to-ceiling window, sat down, took a glass of water, and took out an ancient book to read. \\ r

Because the villa is located in the upper half of the hill, you can see the dense woods, and the road in the distance, the scenery is not rough. A camphor tree is planted outside the glass window that replaces the entire wall. Fine sunlight sprinkles through the gap between the branches and leaves. This picture is full of book gas. \\ r

The name of the book in Anyang's hand is "Analysis of the Basic Construction Principles of Spell Models and the Use of Spiritual Power", which is regarded as an introductory book of magic. \\ r

He has mastered the idea of ​​meditation, and he can skip some steps of meditation in a short period of time. He does not lack mental force. What hinders him is only the control of mental energy and the storage of his own magic energy That's it. \\ r

The construction of the spell model is not difficult for him, I believe that it will not take long before he can start to cast simple magic. \\ r

Reading Taoist books in the morning and reading magic books in the afternoon, along with some practice and thinking, this is his most recent spiritual arrangement. \\ r

After spending three quiet days at home, he had to leave Xiao Qian's tenderness. \\ r

Pallans, the Silver Moon will come again. \\ r

For the time flow rate of this world, every time he leaves is calculated in a few months, so every time he returns here, the Silver Moon collar will change dramatically, and the development speed of the Silver Moon Legion shall be The word terror is measured. \\ r

Anyang, accompanied by An Qi, stood at the top of this magnificent and magnificent white castle, overlooking the city. \\ r

The buildings of various styles do not have the height and rigidity of the steel city of the modern city, but they are also not blocked by various high-rise buildings. Standing on this 100-meter high castle, you can sweep the entire huge city at a glance and let Here shows the shock that the modern city does not have. \\ r

Castles, houses, fortresses, outposts, forts ... \\ r

On the edge of the city, defensive circles and buildings have been built, and the scale is constantly expanding. \\ r

In fact, for the current Yinyue City, it is not the armed forces in the city, nor the population, prosperity, and taxation that limit its size, but the industrial level of this broken world, which is simply the speed of building the city. Can't keep up with the expansion of the city! \\ r

Ever since Anyang sent the Earl as the commander to gather other gods together with iron-blooded means, the Silver Moon leader has developed at a super-high speed, because this solid inner core is strengthened by the support of many **** generals as the periphery. \\ r

And many gods will unite ~ ~ The army formed by the Silver Moon Legion has always been invincible in the process of fighting against mechanical creatures, which has caused the decline of the original mechanical creatures to become more obvious. Many people I have seen the dawn of victory. \\ r

The mechanical mother nest of the watchmen is almost unable to stop the human gods! \\ r

The current Silver Moon collar is a rising giant city. Even if the number of its own soldiers is not enough, other giant cities can't be enemies, because this is a top force that will be surrounded by countless gods, it is gradually Become the absolute power of human resistance to mechanical creatures. \\ r

Of course, the waves of Taoism here are undoubtedly the biggest! \\ r

The time flow here is very fast. It has been more than half a year since the last departure of Anyang, and the soldiers have banned them. As long as their gods gave the adults the order to popularize Daoism, they will carry out meticulous efforts and their body construction is almost Perfect, strong body, can be described as a good qualification! \\ r

These have led to the rapid spread of Taoism among the heavenly soldiers under his control! \\ r

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