My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 474: obsessed

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

After taking a bath, he changed into clean clothes before Anyang came to the top of the altar.

Compared with the former round altar that covers an area of ​​100 meters, the altar is now significantly larger and the shape of the building is more complicated. Up to a few hundred meters, it is like a religious center of magnificence, but it is full of dense The sense of science fiction and the complexity of the two make it seem sacred and inviolable.

Anyang held the heart of the spherical **** in his hand, placed it solemnly in the center of the altar, and controlled the altar to receive it.

Immediately, he left the top of the altar.

He didn't wait until he reached the end, he heard a boom.

The large altar shook violently, and a ray of light rose from the top to pierce the endless clouds.

Numerous civilians in Silver Moon City are looking forward to this moment!

Three days later.

Anyang was walking on the outer wall of the Silver Moon City, behind him were the Earl and An Qi who were following side by side.

A lot of heavy artillery is fixed on the city wall, mostly fast-firing cannons, surrounded by guard posts, turrets, and defensive fortresses. The gruesome appearance is daunting.

This is the newly established defensive layer of Yinyue City, and also the latest boundary between inside and outside of Yinyue City. On one side is a magnificent and magnificent city, on the other side is a white translucent protective mask and the endless wasteland outside the mask. I do n’t know. How many mechanical creatures are silently hiding among them.

One side is civilization, one side is wild, one side is life, one side is death!

There are still several lines in the defensive circle like this, which were once established but abandoned by expansion, but only getting bigger and bigger.

But the defensive circles that were gradually surrounded by the city with the expansion did not lose their function. They were only temporarily silent. If one day the mechanical creature frenzy broke through the city ’s mecha army and protective mask, the defensive layer of this circle would act Defense of mechanical creatures, the patron saint will be the important task of the altar!

Anyang walked calmly without even speaking with the two behind him.

Looking at these tall sentry towers, huge fortifications, and strong defensive fortresses, he could hardly imagine what could be broken.

The earl's footsteps are still elegant and calm, with a gentle and charming smile on his face, and he is also looking at it all.

Many craftsmen are a little shocked. They may not know the Silver Moon God General, but they will definitely not know An Qi.

This is the highest authority in Silvermoon City most of the time!

Only this "guardian knight" nature soldier followed behind a man, and the man's identity could be revealed.

The silver moon **** general who sees the dragon and misses the dragon!

Sitting on the army of tens of thousands of mechas, the **** general who created Silver Moon City is so young?

In the process of their disbelief, several people had already left, and they dared not lift their heads after only a glance.

Anyang said something softly, and the two of the rear responded calmly, whispering.

At this time, the two have changed dramatically than before. An Qi is no longer the ordinary adjudicating team. The Earl's own elegance is also a little more temperamental, but only now. With physical strength and extraordinary strength, he can no longer match Anyang.


Near the night, several satellites appeared rare in the sky, which is a rare visual feast in a year.

The luster full of exotic magical feelings sprinkled, and it looked even more beautiful.

Anyang came here also for the purpose of replenishing his weapons inventory, mainly weapons of mass destruction and heavy weapons.

After that, he used the channel of the altar that comes with the altar to talk with the gods of Pallans 'other giant cities, exchanged opinions on the decline of mechanical creatures and Pallans' human future, and formed an oral The alliance on the way, by the way, met the two who had been Morrowind and Xiyu.

Two days later, he opened the door of space and returned to the real world.

When Anyang came back, the villa was quiet. Xiaoqian didn't appear behind him, and there was no noise from playing games and movies in the living room.

He didn't care much either. Xiaoqian had her work to do, and the three female goblins were probably also practicing.

It is the right choice to "trust" the rabbit essence to Xiao Chan before coming, this guy really needs to be managed to be obedient!

Anyang took advantage of this time to travel to the apocalyptic world and bring troops and instructors who needed training to Shenzhou World.

When he came back again, the lively room had resumed.

The smell of meals spread from the kitchen, and Xiao Qian's slim figure was looming. 【Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ WwW.AiQu】

There is no nanny or chef in the villa, and she has always done it herself by cooking and cooking, but because she was originally from an ancient official family, she has enjoyed the education concept since she was young.

Huang Lan's body is full of laziness and wildness, like the king of the beasts taking a nap, lying on the sofa waiting for food ...

The rabbit essence is sitting upright, holding a potato chip in his hand, and stuffing it into his mouth rhythmically

Suddenly, she seemed to sense something, swiped her head and stared at Anyang, feeding her hands into the potato chip bag and not moving.

Anyang glanced at it, only to find that there was one small animal missing, he could not help asking, "How about Xiaochan?"

The rabbit's eyes blinked, and he tilted his head toward the kitchen.

Anyang turned around in amazement, only to see that Xiao Chan was busy with Xiaoqian in the kitchen, but she was so petite that she couldn't find it without looking carefully.

I do not know why, this big one and two small figures are busy living together, actually giving him a very harmonious feeling.

It's not surprising that Xiao Chan cooks. When she was in Shenzhou World, she played the role of Anyang's personal maid. She did all the cooking, cooking, and laundry. But what makes Anyang unimaginable is that she can follow Xiaoqian into the kitchen with her temperament, and she is still battling Xiaoqian. Does n’t she feel uncomfortable with Xiaoqian, a stranger?

Anyang ignored the rabbit essence staring at him and walked towards the kitchen step by step.

Xiaoqian obviously didn't turn around, and didn't have long eyes in the back of the head, but found him keenly.

"Fujun, you came back just right, the meal will be ready soon!"

"I'm just a little worried that Mrs. Xiaoqian didn't cook my meal!"

"Why do you think that, Jun? I've made a little bit more deliberately because I'm afraid that you won't be able to eat when you come back." Comrade Xiaoqian's tone was a little bit wronged by the misunderstanding of the ancient woman. Suddenly, the words changed suddenly. There are so many small animals on this mountain that the husband did not come back and was not afraid of waste. "

Anyang leaned against the door frame with a dark face: "Are you euphemistically saying that if I don't eat, I take it out and feed the wild cats and wild dogs in the mountains?"

The Xiaoqian model turned to look at him, and covered his mouth with a small smile: "Fujun, it's not good to be too smart."

Anyang touched his nose.

Xiao Chan also turned around and gave him a weak look, hesitating, as if thinking if he should stand here, he soon turned around and turned away.

Anyang Yuguang swept this figure slightly higher than the kitchen stove, and couldn't help feeling a little funny.

But he also knew that the little fox looked weak and timid, but in fact his self-esteem was strong.

Perhaps, she is stronger than Huang Lan, and she knows more about self-reliance and self-reliance than Huang Lan!

When he took her in the Shenzhou World, she consciously took all the majesty's work in exchange for his protection. Now she has been eating and drinking and living in the real world for so long. She must be uneasy about not doing what she can!

Of course, she can only do this little cooking.

At the dinner table, a human who is a mage and a monk, a thousand-year-old female ghost, and three female goblins are happy.

Xiao Qian handed Fan Shenghao to him: "Fujun, have you come back once this afternoon?"

Anyang froze, saying, "How do you know?"

Xiao Qian pointed to the side: "Sister Huang Lan said."

Anyang stunned and turned to Huang Lan, and finally said helplessly: "Huang Lan, you are a tiger, can you not use your nose as a dog ..."

Huang Lan shrugged indifferently: "You don't understand, always pay attention to the change in the breath of your position, this is the self-cultivation of top predators."

Anyang turned black: "You speak more and more well."

After a pause, he said again: "I will not be home when I come back in the afternoon. A few of them should be practicing upstairs, so I went to Shenzhou World."

Hearing the words of Shenzhou World, the three female goblins immediately came to spirit.

Xiao Qian smiled, "You guessed wrong, Jun, I took them to the supermarket to buy food!"


Anyang was shocked again.

Xiao Qian's mouth smiled more and more charming: "It is true, the rate of turning back several sisters is really high!"

Looking at her smile, Anyang instantly thought of the picture of them walking together in the supermarket to buy food.

Xiao Qian is full of classical and graceful beauty, rabbit essence born with disaster, tall and slender Huang Lan, who is like a goddess of fitness and full of wildness, and a little fox spirit whose name sounds unreasonable ...

"Let's go shopping after dinner!"

Anyang immediately suggested.

Xiao Qian seconded: "Okay."

Rabbit Jing didn't speak, but her eyes were already bright and she clearly agreed.

Xiao Chan doesn't often express his opinion, Huang Lan doesn't care, this matter is settled.

So, a few people went out and walked around at night, the night breeze was cool, but it was quite comfortable, especially Comrade Xiao Qian was holding it.

All the past experiences have been fermented into what they are today, and their feelings are long gone.


The next day.

Anyang put on a straight black suit and dressed it well.

Xiao Qian fastened the buttons for him, stood behind him and looked at him from the mirror for a few times, let him turn around to look around, then nodded in satisfaction.


She reached out to smooth out the folds that didn't exist on her collar, and with a little obsession in her eyes, she came to the front and stood side by side with him: "Fujun ~ ~ Actually you are really pretty and charming ! "

Anyang chuckled lightly and smiled calmly.

In the mirror is a man with a calm and calm temperament, and a beautiful woman in a white dress.

The custom-made suit just outlined his figure curve, which made him look particularly upright. The solemn color added a lot of majesty, and its own good temperament made it more difficult for people to look directly. There is a young and powerful iron-blooded master.

He had a banquet in Jinguan City today, which is undoubtedly his rare public opportunity in the real world.

Complaint: Recently, I have heard that some readers call me "Aunt Gold". I express a complaint and strongly complain! ! !

The complaint process is as follows: First, I expressed my dissatisfaction, and then I solemnly told you that this behavior of exposing my gender and age without my consent is a contempt of my personality. The baby is angry and the consequences are serious! ! !

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