My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 597: Lacea

"While the data is being sorted, please select those who are waiting."

"Is your efficiency so low!"


The system went blank.

Anyang didn't care about its arrogance, looked at the quiet door, and said, "Show me my current data."

The system did not respond, and it was probably too lazy to take care of him. The data on the phone appeared line by line. Although it seemed to be much more detailed than the results of the bio-assist chip, it was actually the same, and it was useless.

The column of mastering skills is the most perfect. After all, it is knowledge. Only Kunlun, which has been skilled, is grayed out.

Except for the three space doors, the portable space and the two unused props are all gray.

Two other abilities, "Heaven and Earth Promise, Qiankun Borrowing Method" and "Demon Body", show the status as "Unpressing".

Physical fitness is shown as follows-

Physique: 075-108 (waiting for recovery)

Strength: 083-099 (waiting for recovery)

Speed: 079-092 (waiting for recovery)

Brainpower: 092-102 (waiting for recovery)

The former one indicates his current data, and the latter one indicates his peak data.

Anyang is a little speechless, and his brain power is the highest, but even so, it has not reached the average level of the earth.

The gap with the previous can be described as a world apart!

"What a body this is!"

Anyang felt as if he had instantly changed from an elephant to an ant. Not only did he lose mana and arcane energy, even the body itself was extremely weak, and the sense of discomfort caused him to stand even unsteady. .

"System, what is my recovery process?"

"The selected person can choose."

"Relieve the suppression of other abilities first, and the monster body takes priority, and then restore the props ability. You only need to carry space, and the rest can be temporarily ignored. Anyway, I can't use it. Physical quality, mana and arcane energy are synchronized.

Time passed by one minute and one second.

Anyang is full of black lines: "You're back to me!"

The system still ignored his preparation.

Anyang is tired!

After a long time, the screen suddenly turned on, the system said-

"The selection failed and the recovery process was unstable."


"Please select the person to prepare to receive the memory."

"A memory of this identity?"


"bring it on."

Anyang didn't have time to sigh that the system had to use memory transmission even for this little thing. Immediately, his mind was filled with waves of information, and the pain of the first skill transmission was hit again.

He simply fainted!

One second before he lost consciousness, he heard a heavy footstep coming from a distance, like a throbbing snare drum, estimated that the weight of the person was at least two hundred kilograms, accompanied by a dull and full of anger the sound of:

"I let you take good care of and protect Ain, but you can actually let him be unconscious when he is beaten. If he has any accidents, you are all responsible. In addition, let all the troops in the territory prepare, I want to let them ... "


When Anyang woke up, he realized that his current state was not just that his power was suppressed or separated.

It should be a combination of two methods!

Mana, arcane magic energy, and prop power are stripped, but the physical and soul powers are already a part of him. These two aspects are suppressed by some kind of power. He can sense it faintly, but he cannot mobilize it.

The purpose is simple, to make him weaker.

A tiger breaking into a human city will be easily discovered, captured, and even killed, but the ants will not.

The continent at his feet is called La Seya. This continent is obviously not the whole world of origin. The country where he is now is called the Federation of Mesoaran. In La Seya, he is only a medium country and has been in constant war.

This is a medieval society, but there are many differences, mainly reflected in the social system.

His current name is Ian Kofinori, and there is a father, Leah Koffinori, who is a baron, the man who just stepped on the heavy steps and made an angry voice. In addition, he has a large number of brothers and sisters.

He was injured not because of the struggle for power among the noble brothers, but because of the will of the young people.

It must be mentioned that he is now only seventeen years old.

This body is just what he looked like when he was seventeen.

It's just that Anyang couldn't understand why the system modified his appearance and the appearance of Ain in the memory of everyone around him, so that people in this world would treat him as younger now, but he didn't change his name.

There was a lot of noise in his ears, or the man's voice just now, proving that he was only unconscious for a moment.

"Are you sure you read it right?"

"It ’s not wrong, Master Baron, Master Ian I just saw must be lying in the middle of the bed!"

"So, Ian has just woken up, he has moved in the room, and then passed out! Damn it! Why don't you stay a little longer, what must he need to get up and walk around, drag me down for me! "

"Yes, Lord Baron!"

Then came the woman's screams and begs.

But Anyang still did not rush to open his eyes.

He could feel his tyrannical behavior and unabashed concern for Ain from the tone of this man, but it ’s a pity that the real Aion might have been wiped out as early as the moment he came. stranger.

And probably in order to prevent Ayn ’s entire memory from impacting him, or to prevent danger during transmission, the memory received by Anyang has cleared all the redundant parts, and some unnecessary memories have also been deleted, only saving him. Some useful information can't even be called memory, it can only be described as a detailed description of Ain.

The only advantage is that you do n’t have to read it yourself.

Prepared in his heart, Anyang opened his eyes.

In his eyes was a middle-aged man with a strong waist and a strong body, but he was only a little blessed. He was wearing a gorgeous and thick knight plate armor, facing away from him, facing a person being dragged by two guards Maid.

The maid was graceful, but her eyes were dim, and she seemed to be crying for the pain she was about to suffer, but immediately, she seemed to see a savior, and shouted at Anyang on the bed: "Wake up, Master Ain has woke up. "

The two bodyguards immediately released her.

The baron also quickly turned around and looked at Anyang lying on the bed with concern, his eyes numb his scalp!

"Ian, how are you?"

Anyang looked around blankly.

The baron frowned immediately and asked again: "Ian, can you hear me?"

Anyang finally looked at him, but his eyes were still blank.

Ain's face fell suddenly and gloomy, and turned to the maid behind to say, "Call Cebia!"

"Yes, Lord Baron!"

If the maid was forgiven, she ran away with tears.

The baron looked back again: "Ian, answer me when you hear it. Do you know who I am?"

"Male ... Baron."

The baron immediately dropped his face.

Should n’t Ain call his father!

Knowing that he was not Ain after all, Anyang was afraid of showing flaws in front of the baron and had to choose to be stupid, so even if he did not behave like Ain would reduce a lot of doubts, and he would also reduce his contact with others.

The situation is stronger than people, and now it is enough to protect themselves, and he has not been so useless for a long time!

Sebia was the doctor who had treated him before. Hearing the baron ’s call came quickly. After some examination, Sebia was surprised to find that Anyang was much better than he expected, but sadly Anyang seemed a bit Slight amnesia.

Yes, amnesia.

Disguising yourself as a perfect excuse for strangers.

But this caused the baron to be furious and sullenly said: "Damn Ances and Baron Nint, no matter what, your children even joined hands to fight my Ain like this, I will not let you go! "

The two bodyguards and a maid shuddered around.

The baron faced Anyang again, instructing him to take a rest and let the maid take good care of him before leaving with anger.

"Has the forces in the territory been assembled?"

After the baron left the door, the sound was still far away.

Anyang was relieved, and then looked at the maid beside him who was also relaxed. In order not to make himself suspicious, he had to close his eyes to recuperate, and at the same time lamented that he had fallen into a situation where even a maid had to be scrupulous .

There is still a month or so before he can recover his strength, and this time can be mixed in the territory.

Maybe it won't take so long, as long as you restore some strength or open up your personal space, it is enough to protect yourself. At that time, there will be no need to worry about this small baron collar. The so-called knight is just a flock in front of him.

But before that, you must ensure your safety.

In the afternoon, someone learned that he had been awake, and came to his room to visit him ~ ~ The first to arrive was the brother of this identity, Mickey Kofinori, Baron ’s The eldest son, the first heir to the knighthood, only because everyone in the territory knew that the baron was more fond of Ain, and he did not determine the specific knighthood.

"My dear brother, do you still recognize me?"

"M ... Mickey."

"You still remember me, this is really good, dear brother!"


"Ian, did you know that I was very happy to know that you woke up, and I am very sorry to learn that you have slight amnesia. During this time, you will rest in your own room, Bishah and Nilat I will teach them, if you want to relax in the castle, you must also be accompanied by the bodyguard and the maid, your body can't stand tossing! "

Mickey said a lot at once.

Anyang listened silently, without speaking.

In the high position, he could naturally see the hypocrisy in Mickey's eyes, but he didn't need to take it out.

Mickey later had two distant cousins, both of whom looked very good-looking, deliberately flattering their expressions.

Anyang made an unrememberable look, so little reason.

The two 15- and 16-year-old distant cousins ​​behaved a bit sad, as if abandoned by their love brother.

Then came a tall, long-legged cousin. She was more reserved than a deliberately cousin, but it was estimated that she really cared about Ain because of a certain interest. She was very happy to see him wake up.

Anyang can't help but sigh that the relationship in your circle is really chaotic!

The cousin casually asked after a few sentences and left, but the two cousins ​​refused to walk beside him. One was very clever and said that he would cut fruit for him, and the other said that he was afraid that he would be lonely. .

Until another extremely beautiful woman arrives.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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