My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 600: 2 difficult times

Early the next morning, Anyang was awakened by Lydia.

The condition of the Boer City Hotel was much better than that of the aristocratic guesthouse last night, so he slept soundly.

Because there was no accompanying maid, Lydia came in and dressed him in a more formal noble outfit.

When she went out, she just met her cousin, Shirley, and came out from the opposite room. She replaced the light steel armor with a lighter and more flexible leather armor, which is more defensive but also more sexy. Exhaustive.

It is not difficult to see from this that the location distribution of the room is obviously also deliberately arranged by the repair card knight.

It was just that last night Lidia still kept Anyang tightly. Shiril didn't find a chance to get close, and this coquettish cousin obviously didn't really want to have an intimate relationship with the slightly dull Ain.

Anyang and Shirley greeted each other, looked at Lidia, still wrapped in light armor, and shook her head.

Although the cousin's figure did not stand out from the eye, it was also well-proportioned, and because of the long-term exercise, the proportion in many places was very good, and the skin was very tight, but he was too undressed.

They are all Ain ’s sisters, but they are very different!

The Enke butler prepared food on the first floor of the hotel, some were provided by the hotel, some were brought by themselves, and some were bought by the old butler in the city early in the morning. When he came down, he stood aside respectfully. .

"Master Ain, have you finished washing?"


"Then please dine!"


Anyang sat down lightly to enjoy breakfast.

Lydia is still at the same table with him, as well as the knight who is responsible for protecting him, and the old housekeeper has already eaten it.

At the same time, because of the blood relationship, today's breakfast was also prepared extraordinarily rich, and the three of them could not finish the meal, so Xuelier, who was a cousin, also had the right to eat with him at the same table, and other knight apprentices did not have this honor.

After having breakfast, the Enke butler asked his opinion and began to lead him to Esrabi College.

Anyang happened to stroll around the main city led by the marquis.

Compared to a baron collar with only one castle as a military fortress, the marquis collar is undoubtedly unprecedentedly strong. Neither the streets of Boer nor the houses on both sides are comparable to the villages and low houses of baron. The prosperity is far beyond.

This can be seen from the expressions of the knight apprentices.

Many of them have been trained under the baron since they were young. They have never grown out of the baron's collar when they were so grown up. For the first time, they saw the prosperous scene of cities and people traveling differently from the villages in the territory.

However, Anyang recovered his gaze after only a moment of watching.

In his eyes, this is still a tattered city, ancient and backward.

Modern people who have experienced the impact of many novel nouns may think that Marquis collar is nothing, but it is actually very big.

Anyang remembered that after the Holy Roman Empire was divided into three in the real world, the Duke and Marquis of large and small split and became independent, resulting in the Principality and Marquis formed by the Duke and Marquis throughout Europe.

The city of Bohr is only the main city, and there are large territories directly under the marquis and territories that are subdivided to other nobles.

These include numerous Earl's Collars and Viscount Collars under the jurisdiction of the Earl's Collegiate, as well as the Baron Collars in the next layer of Viscount Collars. Therefore, as the heir to the baron, Ain can be unscrupulous in the baron's collar, but here it is nothing.

Soon to the Noble College of Islambi, they presented their identification and passed the entrance guard.

However, because of the strict management of the academy, so many heavily armed combat units were obviously inaccessible. Finally, the old housekeeper stuffed a gold coin to the porter before being allowed to let Lydia, Shirley, and the Knight of the Card Repairs accompany them.

Among them cousin Shiril is mainly due to the strong viewing effect.

There are a lot of contents about Aisi Rabbi College in Ain ’s memory, but most of them have happened and interpersonal interactions. It is still very strange to Anyang in this college. Fortunately, he only needs to follow behind the old butler .

The staff in the college was very cold. Obviously, the children of barons from remote areas were not taken into consideration. However, the group did not go through the withdrawal procedures without any obstruction, and only encountered trouble when they were about to leave the college.

Several young people stopped in front, their clothes were gorgeous, and the target was obviously him.

Anyang felt a little deep in his heart, knowing that it was probably caused by the harsh words and arrogant words released after Ain was beaten.

Among the few people, two skinny young people are familiar, one is a whiter one called Bishua Anthers, the other is a little yellowish and there is a pimple called Nilat Ute. The two who beat Ain hard.

Anyang noticed that there were a couple of men and women in the distance. The men wear unusually gorgeous and gorgeous aristocratic casual clothing, with a shoulder around the style that only the noble family above Earl can wear. The women are also very gorgeous. Even so far, they can still be seen as a rare beauty. The two stood side by side, as if watching and watching the show.

These things really have something to do with the grandson of the marquis!

The old housekeeper has gone to negotiate, but only a lot of ridicule and disdain is attracted, and a group of people are still rushing over. Lydia stepped in front of Anyang with her face down, and turned her head to ask, "Is the person hitting you in between them?"

Anyang didn't want the woman to come forward for him, even if it was only for the original Ain, she didn't speak.

This was obviously regarded as a default and cowardly performance by Lydia. There was a trace of helplessness in his eyes, and then he turned around and looked at the few young people in front of him with a dark face. .

Anyang immediately frowned and reminded: "This is an academy. As a foreigner, cousin you can't make trouble here, and they all have the status of noble heirs. The law of Boer City is strict. Please try to avoid conflicts with them.

Lydia gave him a surprised look and frowned.

Anyang immediately realized that what he had just done was a bit different from what Ain could have said.

But that ’s okay. Personalities can be explained by the personality changes after being stimulated. As long as he does n’t change all of Ain ’s original habitual action language, or immediately shows his habit, it ’s not easy to cause doubt.

The old housekeeper failed to discourage several noble youths, they insisted on teaching Ain and kept leaning in this direction.

The repair card knight frowned and stood up.

Anyang urged again: "Don't fight here!"

The repair card knight knew the advantages and disadvantages, but said firmly: "My task is to protect the safety of the young master!"

Anyang was also silent, feeling dilemma.

Several aristocratic youths are still approaching. If he does not block, he will be humiliated, and if he allows the Huka Knight or Lydia to shoot, it will violate the regulations of the college. The Esraby College was started by Marquis Aaron.

Moreover, neither the repair card knight nor Lydia is a noble, and the crime of the common people offending the noble in public is not trivial!

Especially here is the city of Bol!

Anyang can be ruthless about others, save him and compensate after a month, but he is afraid that he will be taken care of after breaking the law. After all, the young man standing with Conoco is not a decoration.

If it falls into the official hands of Boer, it will basically become the meat on the felt board of the grandson of the Marquis of Aaron.

This young boy can do everything when he is jealous!

At this time, Bishouha came over and mocked: "Ian, haven't seen you for a long time, have you got better?"

Nerat next to him also said, "Yeah, I still heard you said that you must seek revenge from us next time. I didn't expect to see you again when you were out of the college. When we heard the news, we immediately came with you. Farewell! "

There were also two noble youths around them, and they heard both Bishua and Nirat's mocking wide open.

"Yeah, let's send you the last trip!"

"Anyway, it's a friend, haha!"

Anyang was still not angry, Lydia's face was so gloomy that she could drip water, almost on the verge of runaway.

"Are they like this when they were in college?"

"It wasn't there before. Today, someone should be instructing them and supporting them."

Lydia also saw the two men and women in the distance looking calmly here, and immediately clenched their fists: "Damn, I knew that this would happen. I should have gone to Patrick when you and Conoco were engaged!" "

Anyang turned to look at her, and she felt chills in her heart.

Lydia pointed to several provocative youths again and said, "Are you going to endure their humiliation like this?"

Anyang said, "Otherwise?"

Lydia gritted her teeth: "I'll teach them, anyway, I said I want to protect you, even if you violate the noble laws and the regulations of this **** college, it's no big deal, my uncle will save me, just pay a little money!"

Anyang pulled her quickly, frowning and saying nothing.

This cousin coexisted with force and ingenuity. She couldn't see the role of the grandson of the marquis. This is just to deceive the idea of ​​'Ion'. If she is caught, the insults and tortures can be imagined.

In particular, he may also be convicted of an unnecessarily guilty conspiracy similar to "strict guarding."

At this moment, the four aristocratic youths glanced at each other, wondering why they were so indifferent to the other side ~ ~ This obviously did not match the nobility's honor and Ain's original character, so he continued to approach him tacitly.

"Ian, why don't you speak?"

"Aren't you saying that Miss Confi must be recaptured from Master Terry anyway?"

"Look, you are like a funeral dog now!"

Suddenly, a graceful figure moved forward, standing between them and Anyang, wearing leather armor, and a pair of long legs was the most conspicuous.

"Did you say enough?"

There was a slight anger in the cold voice.

Anyang was somewhat stunned, but she was actually cousin Shirley.

It's just that he didn't understand, what Shirley, who is worse than a knight apprentice, stepped forward to join in the excitement!

Seeing that Shirley stood up and fulfilled the oath to protect Anyang, and still stood here indifferently, a trace of anger flickered in Lidia's somber face, and finally stepped forward, preparing the knight's power to accumulate in the body .

But a person came out before her and waved a hand to stop her slightly, making her a little surprised.

"Pessia Anthers, Nilat Ute, Isaiah Wadhau, Mason Blu, I challenge you nobles in the name of Ian Kofinori, who among you Dare to accept this challenge? "

Anyang's tone was faint.

Only then did Lydia discover that the person who stopped her was not a repair card knight, but Anyang, or Ain.


She opened her eyes immediately.

Anyang turned around and gave her a reassuring look.

Lydia didn't believe him, but turned around to search for the repair card knight, but the repair card knight stood far away, and the knight apprentice outside the gate was just visible in his position, and this decision was obviously too radical.

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ps: Six hundred chapters, it's very emotional! (To be continued.)

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