My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 602: Cousin, loyal to me

[Forgot to modify in time, sorry! 】

It was two days when I came, and it took a total of four days to go back.

In fact, the detour is only half the way, mainly because Anyang deliberately procrastinated on the road.

Of course, this certainly can't hide the people who have doubts about Master Ain, only some people have their eyes closed, and some people have not said his qualifications. Lydia came to ask him at night, but he was fooled by him.

Anyang knows that at present everyone is only guessing his purpose, and he has not yet imagined his identity.

And the delay of this route is not in vain.

Before arriving at the baron's collar, his demon body was finally completely repressed, which is an immortal body for the knight unit. In addition, his physical quality also returned to about 1.51, which is equivalent to the noble youths such as Bishuya and Nirat.

Although this is still a thousand miles away from his peak, at least Anyang can breathe a sigh of relief temporarily.

The knight apprentices guarded the carriage and quickly entered the castle.

The baron who usually greeted Ain's return at the gate of the castle was not there. Anyang asked him to know that the baron had brought out the troops of the territory as early as the day he left, and the targets seemed to be the Anthers and Ute.

Replacing the baron to greet him was a very enchanting and voluptuous woman about thirty years old.

"Good day, Master Ain."

"Well, thank you Mrs. Marina."

"It looks like Master Ain is much better than before."

"Thank you Madam for your concern."

Mrs. Marina is a baron's concubine. Although she is only one of the baron ’s many concubines, she has been favored by the baron in recent years due to her enchanting body and gorgeous appearance. gap.

The two politely gave a few words, even if they were finished.

Anyang looked behind Mrs. Marina, and some half-brothers and sisters smiled and saluted him.

He also saluted one by one, but it was less formal.

Although these brothers and sisters are also barons, the baroness and the offspring are too many. Compared with the eldest son Mickey and the most beloved Ayn, his status is not high. It is common for him to salute him.

Then there are some cousins ​​in distant houses, mainly cousins ​​and cousins, and people who are not inferior in the castle.

The distant cousins ​​naturally include Lunan and Misha.

"Brother Ain, you are finally back."

"Yes, Misha misses you so much."


Anyang just nodded.

But this immediately caused Lunan's dissatisfaction, puffing up and bulging his chest: "Brother Ain doesn't want Lunan?"

Anyang greeted Lydia's warning eyes and really dared not talk nonsense, so she nodded: "I'm a little tired."

"That's it!"

Lunan bowed his head and thought for a while, then took his arm very cleverly: "I'll take Brother Ain back to rest!"

"I also want!"

Misha unwillingly took the other hand weakly.

Their delicate and hot **** were squeezed and kneaded on his arm, and there was a shocking touch.

Behind is Lydia's cold and gloomy face.

These two are the two cousins ​​of the far away who are most favored by Ain before. They look pretty, will be coquettish and cute, and will show their girly figure in front of Ain if there is nothing. bump.

If it was n’t for the baron who thought Ain had warned him a little, the two girl cousins ​​would have been eaten long ago.

When they reached the room, the two were still attentive to him.

One said to squeeze his shoulder for him, and one to beat his leg for him.

Lunan has a slender figure, but her **** are not small, and she has been deliberately dressed. Even the civilian clothing has been changed by her to show her own advantages. The waist and bust are tightened to make the figure more prominent, and the skirt is cut very short. A pair of straight legs are wrapped with black opaque leg socks, making people want to press their hands up and stroke them hard.

Misha is more symmetrical and looks sweeter, mainly in a well-behaved style.

She also wore clothes similar to a maid outfit, with black and white, but no stockings on her legs. The shapely slender thighs and snowy white skin were exposed to the air in this way, and her waist and legs were full of grip.

"Brother Ain, are you comfortable?"

Lunan squeezed his shoulders behind his back, and the girl ’s well-developed **** deliberately rubbed against his back.

Anyang nodded.

After his physical fitness had declined, Anyang felt that his control of his body had also decreased, and he could not hold back.

Misha also asked, "Do you need more effort?"

She squatted next to Anyang and pinched her legs. The neckline was very open, from which she could see Bai Nen's full breasts. At the same time, she kept moving upwards, pinching closer and closer to Anyang's legs, naked temptation.

The two girls waited ‘attentively’.

Anyang simply closed his eyes and thought.

He only has a demon body and a physique of about 1.15, and Qiankun's borrowing method that is still suppressed. It seems that he can only be beaten, but this does not mean that he has no way to protect himself.

Anyang opened his eyes and looked at Lunan and Misha.

These two people have good control, but their IQ is not enough.

After thinking for a while, Anyang waved his hand: "You go down, yes, by the way, call cousin Shirley."

The two were startled, and then showed nothing.

"Brother Ain!"

"Why can't Misha compare to Cousin Shelley?"

Anyang frowned, revealing a little majesty unconsciously: "I just have something to do with Courier Sheryl."

Lunan and Misha were a little panicked. This kind of majesty was undoubtedly something they had never experienced in Ain, so they retreated obediently in the face of Anyang ’s undoubted expression, leaving behind two delicate girls.

After a long time, there was a knock on the door.

"Is it Shirley's cousin?"

"it's me!"

Lidia's voice was clearly dissatisfied.

"Sister Lydia, please come in soon."

"Ian, how are you feeling?"

"How do you feel?"

"The cousin like those two goblins has been lingering for so long, and the blood relationship will definitely make you more excited, and they are two girls who were only 15 or 16 years old and did not hold a ceremony. I really do n’t know where you got bad habit!"

"Dear cousin, you misunderstood. I was just tired on the road. The two cousins ​​massaged me."


Lydia sneered: "You can talk more and more!"

Anyang said quietly: "Sister, do you have anything to see me at this time?"

"Did you disturb your date with cousin Shirley?"

Lydia asked back.

Anyang was a little embarrassed by this, but he was not the young, ignorant, cowardly and timid Ain in front of his cousin. He was still able to deal with this female knight, and the baron was not there, and he was able to protect himself. .

"Of course not. I'm very happy to see my cousin."

"Oh, is it?"

Anyang sighed: "What I said is true, but for so many years the cousin and father are the same. Every time I come to me because of something, so I always feel that the cousin must come to me. What's the matter "

Lydia frowned and thought for a moment, it seemed to be the case, and she bowed her head to reveal a little self-blame.

"Sorry, I should care more about you."

"Sister cousin, please don't say that."

"I have something to tell you."

"It's okay, please tell me, my cousin and father are my closest people in this world."

"Are you sincere about this sentence?"


Lydia replied a little in the depressed mood these days, hesitatingly said: "Uncle left, the purpose is to exhale for you, he is afraid that you will be resentful because you are seriously injured by the heirs of Anthers and Ute, and at the same time Also angry. "

"So the main purpose of this troop dispatch was to take revenge on the two barons. I heard Mrs. Marina said that he had returned the day before yesterday and cut off a business road led by Ances, but also suffered some injuries. Bring Mickey ... "

Anyang showed the moving color.

No wonder I did n’t see Ian ’s brother, and he went to fight with the baron. This battle will undoubtedly strengthen his status as the heir to the baron, and surpass Ian. This is also related to Ain ’s recent poor performance. .

He was severely injured and was slightly amnestic ...

The baron must be disappointed with Ain.

Lydia was very satisfied with his touch and continued: "Uncle loves you so much, but you hide him so much, and if you don't take any measures, uncle will pass the title to Mickey even if he loves you again. "

Anyang immediately became more embarrassed.

This woman is obviously still coaxing him as a child ...

But he had to say respectfully: "Yes, thank you cousin for reminding me, I know what to do."

Lydia nodded and wanted to turn away, but thinking of what he said before, she sat down and chatted with him again.

Before leaving, she left a sentence: "Before the uncle was away, the castle has been managed by the Enke butler. It is said that the uncle gave it to Mickey after the Enke butler left a few days ago. But now Mickey also left, although Enke The housekeeper is back, I still hope you can take advantage of this opportunity to do something, if someone hinders you, you can tell me. "

Anyang had some pain, but he nodded and agreed, although it did not mean he would do so.

It took about ten more minutes for Shirley to arrive.

"are you looking for me?"

Shirrel has a weak blood relationship with him, and is two years older. If she is tall enough, she can call Ain's name directly, or she can be a little distant from her cousin Ain. But she obviously had no such rights, and she did not want to call him Master Ain like other cousins ​​and cousins, so she skipped the title every time.

Anyang said: "You are late."

Shirley frowned slightly: "I rushed over as soon as I received the news. At most one blame here."

Chi blame is the unit of time here, about one quarter of an hour

Anyang immediately wanted to understand the reason, nodded, and then stood up: "Sister Shirley, if I want your allegiance, will you support me as a baron in the days to come? I will give you what you want. everything of!"

Shirley was surprised, and it seemed that Ain would have such a serious look, but soon she nodded.

"of course."

Anyang smiled helplessly: "You promised too quickly, I hope you can think about it."

Shirley said coldly: "I have been thinking for a few years. Everyone knows that I have been on your side for a few years. Do you think I can turn around and support Mickey? If you fail, I will Become nothing! "

"What do you want me to get from here?"

"I can do everything for you, and I just hope you can make my brother live better."

Do you give everything ...

Anyang shook his head, which seemed to be the convention in this world: "It's very simple, are you sure you want to think about it?"

"I am sure."

Anyang nodded and found a cyan badge: "Do what I said, stare at it and relax your body."

Shirley showed a stunned look on his face, and then looked at Anyang with a fool's gaze, shaking his head secretly. She had just thought that Ain had turned, but she never thought it was so naive, but she laughed with him ...

Anyang's face was slightly heavy, revealing a little dignity: "Are you paying loyalty to me like this?"

Shirley woke up suddenly, and he was a little timid in front of him.

She remembered what her father said, and he could n’t do that day ’s battle, which shocked her, because the repair card knight was almost the strongest force under the baron, how could Ain master the fighting skills that he could not even reach?

"……what is this?"

"You just have to do what I said."

"What if I did?"

Shirley had a numb scalp, remembering some unfriendly legends about the mystery that he had heard since childhood.

Anyang said lightly: "You will become strong."

Shirley was more afraid, which was similar to what I had heard when I was a child, like an obvious temptation trap.

"Can I go back and think about it?"

"Dear cousin Shirley, I have given you the opportunity to consider before, and you refused. Now, since you have seen it, you can only choose here. If you change your mind, you know ... … "

Anyang shook his head while holding a cross sword.

Shirley's combat power is estimated to be similar to that of Bishua and others. Before that, he was not afraid, not to mention now, with the weapon in his hand, he can definitely stay here. If he changed Lydia or the repair card knight, he couldn't do it.

Shirley looked at him coldly, reaching for the badge.

Soon, a burst of bright blue light bloomed!

Shirley stood stunned while standing at the same place ~ ~ Anyang was relieved, and she loosened her hand holding the cross sword handle. After she recovered slightly, she waved her hand.

"Don't mention anything to anyone today."


Until she left, Anyang still looked at her tall back. Fortunately, there was no failure in this process. During his recovery, the system seemed to be in a state of dullness. He spent a whole day on this badge.

"System, how long will the private army mark be."

"Not sure, about fifteen hours to wait."

Anyang nodded, and it was soon.

Improve each physical quality of Shirley to three points, plus strong combat skills and talents, you can protect yourself even if there is a conflict with the baron collar, plus there is a repair on the side of Shirley Card knight.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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