My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 617: Wangdu Trail

Back in the room, Anyang was still studying the book.

Shirley prepared enough paper and ink for him on the writing desk, so that he could freely write and draw marks. At the same time, he also took it more seriously than when he was in the carriage, comparing the arcane magic and spell system from time to time. .

The black cat has been able to beat the ordinary knight in the state of becoming a black panther, which is obviously not an ordinary black panther. And if it is splashed by its acid, it is estimated that even the Grand Knight cannot bear it, but this possibility is too low.

In fact, the training method of the black cat is far less than the Xuanhu in the spell system and arcane magic system.

First of all, this cat is not an ordinary cat. According to the book, it is a sub-wisdom race that lives in the Howling Forest in the south. It is the talent of this race to become a black panther. What Burley did is to strengthen its power and Give it acidic organs.

From Anyang's point of view, it involves a lot.

First of all, there is pharmacology in the process of strengthening, to cherish the medicinal materials to make the black cat stronger and faster, and secondly, there are systems similar to genetic strong chemistry, and even surgical medicine, biological implantation, energy strong chemistry, etc. .

And this mysterious system also transplanted a new organ for the black cat without rejection, that is, the acid sac, and on this basis, the black cat was variously modified to integrate it with this new organ, or even ease-of-use.

This project is huge!

Burley, who can complete this series of transformations on his own, is a resounding biological engineer even when placed in the base.

Anyang gradually understood why Burley hadn't achieved anything for decades. Because this ‘spell’ is too complicated, it ’s estimated that he took 20 to 30 years of energy to study the experiment, but he had no other choice in the process.

And he hasn't learned the basic knowledge systematically, so it is such a complicated biological cultivation.

Anyang feels that even if he has not been exposed to the basic knowledge of biological cultivation of this mysterious system, it is not easy to master this "spell" quickly, and it is even more difficult to achieve success by this. Too.

Obviously, the narrowness of knowledge doomed Burley to be unable to enter the threshold of the true mystery.

Shirley stood behind him and watched him keep making notes. A stack of papers quickly came to an end, and he couldn't help but pick up the sword and walked out.

"I'm going out to buy some paper."



The next morning, they set off again.

Around afternoon, a group of people arrived at the Count of Clark Viscount, looking for the second trainee mystery named Ella.

Ella Biblio is much more low-key, and Clark's Viscount collar is not as prosperous as the white-eyed Earl's collar, but Youhe Mara spent most of the day to find her. Fortunately, she has a gentle temper and several people saw her very well calm.

This is a female trainee mystery who is as old as Burley, but has a natural awe to the distance. Hearing that several people learned her message from the marquis and came from afar, she immediately prepared tea and invited them to sit, with a very polite attitude .

Anyang also calmly chatted with her, drinking a sour and sour specialty tea from time to time.

"Is Lord Bailey led by the Earl of White Eyes?"


"I seemed to have seen him when I was young, and he was a very serious and learned man! At that time, he seemed to be studying ... to study how to give a new organ to an animal and strengthen it. It's amazing. I don't know if it is successful now!"

Ella seemed to be full of praise for the wretched old man.

Anyang said lightly: "It has been successful!"

Ella was immediately surprised: "Has it been successful?"

Anyang nodded: "He transplanted an acid capsule for a Chelis black cat, and transformed his mouth and other organs so that it can spray acid, which can corrode the steel armor, and that The black cat itself is also very strong. "

Ella shook her fist and said with some excitement: "I said Lord Boley will succeed!"

Anyang is a little bit cold, this expression and movement is really not something a 50- to 60-year-old woman can do! But after a little sip of tea, he still talked about the topic: "Master Ella, can we talk about some business?"

Ella's expression immediately became official: "Of course."

Anyang looked stern: "As a guest from afar, and also as a mystery who visits you, I hope to get some information from you to help me find the mystery here. What do you think?"

Ella opened her mouth in surprise, and looked at him a little uncertainly: "The mystery you mean is ..."

Anyang didn't respond, but murmured a few words, pinched his fingerprints to the outside of the balcony, and slammed, the sky exploded into a huge flame to form a monster, and his teeth were thrown at them, but they were a few meters apart. Time disappears without a trace.


Ella cried in surprise.

Anyang face pumped again.

After a long time, Ella sat down and still bowed deeply to him, "I'm sorry, I didn't neglect you because I didn't know that you were a mystery. I hope you won't be surprised, as you ask The problem……"

Ella paused, regaining her mood.

"Even if you don't say you are a mystery, I will tell you, after all, there are not many trainees in the southern part of the Federation, and there is no qualification for progress like me, just ... presumably you see Lord Burley Right? "

Anyang nodded, already knowing what she was going to say.

Sure enough, maybe it was older, and I looked down on many things, maybe it was not threatened by my life. Ella soon became more calm than Babel: "You are the first mysterious adult I have seen Over the years, I have heard of the existence of mysteries in some places, and there are organizations of trainee mysteries in some places, but I have not confirmed them. "


Anyang was immediately interested.

Ella said with a smile: "I heard that the Federation will occasionally show traces of the mysteries on the battlefield with the slaves. The purpose seems to be to suppress the mysteries in the slaves. When I went to the capital, I heard that there is the only organization in the Federation that can train mysteries, and I have also seen other trainees. It is said that there is also a force organized by many trainees in Wangdu, but I also Never seen it. "

Anyang immediately nodded: "Thank you for the clues."

Ella smiled: "It's okay."

Anyang chatted with her for a while, and learned that Ella ’s mysterious ability was also obtained by chance, and this ability did not have a substantial attack effect. Ella demonstrated that it can only urge some plants to grow quickly.

It is estimated that this is why her personality is so easy-going.

Anyang left on the third morning when he came to the Viscount leader.

After seven days-

The carriage stopped gradually on the road.

"Let's take a rest here, and rush off after lunch." Shirley's voice came from outside the carriage.

Anyang nodded lightly: "Well."

Shirley opened the curtain again: "The weather outside is very good. Do you want to come out to relax and relax?"

Anyang went out.

The weather outside is really good, the temperature is slightly cooler, but the warm sunshine is warm, the green grass and the blue sky are against each other, the low mountains in the distance are rolling, the sight of it makes people feel great Cool.

Shirley lowered her cross sword and stretched her body, making a particularly seductive movement similar to yoga.

Anyang looked up and felt that these worlds were too big, and that he didn't feel that he was another world at all. This kind of mood is probably similar to not knowing Lushan's true face. Only by calming down, can you realize how far you have gone.

There is a wandering homesick in ancient times. If he thinks about it, how far should the two worlds be?

Gongjuanjuan is just a luxury ...

It was at this time that his physique was completely restored!

Anyang showed a trace of helplessness.

Obviously, the system has gone wrong.

But the ensuing peak strength in his body made him feel very fulfilled and could not help taking a deep breath.

Not long after that, Shirley turned back and pointed to the distance: "There is a stream over there. I want to wash my face in the past."

Anyang nodded: "Go."

But Youhe Martin quickly put up a fire and iron pan, took out some mushrooms and dried meat, and quickly cooked a pot of broth. When Shirley came back, the steaming heat and the rich fragrance had diffused, The two also took out dry food such as white bread.

"Adult, you can start eating."

Anyang nodded, picked up a piece of white bread and a bowl of broth, and asked, "Is it easy to go this way?"

Sheryl frowned and said, "We have now left the core circle of influence of Lord Marquis. Like a large-scale thief in the territory of Lord Baron, Lord Marquis will also send troops to clean up. As for this side, I have asked before. There may be thieves of all sizes in the past, which is estimated to delay us a lot of time. "


Anyang pursed his lips.

There is nothing to worry about the two reserve knights, the big knight itself is the guarantee of strength ~ ~ General thieves will not be equipped with heavy bow and arrow regiments like the regular army, it is difficult to threaten to get the big knight, let alone a mystery Adult is here.

This is the existence that Lord Marquis dare not offend!

Two days later, they reached a beach.

Although it is a beach, it is not a sea, but a vast lake, but the area of ​​this lake is thousands of square kilometers, which is not enough for people to see. It is also a saltwater lake, and it is not much different from the sea. It is probably quite Yu Qinghai Lake.

Qinghai Lake is China's largest inland lake and inland lake, with an area equivalent to a smaller city.

The West Sea in the myth is Qinghai Lake.

As it happens, this lake has also become the sea.

Nora Sea!

The sea of ​​Nora was really out of sight, and it was about six to ten days in a carriage ride. The four people in Anyang searched for four days around the beach and the surrounding fishing villages. When they were about to give up, they finally found the marquis. The fisherman. (To be continued.)

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