My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 639: Arrival at Blackwater Pier

"Quak! Quack! Quack! Quack! ..."

The crows in the distance crowed.

Anyang glanced over there, and with his eyesight he could see the countless black crows flying over the woods and the fine tassels swimming towards the sky. The two sides collided and collided with each other.

The explosion is endless, black smoke and purple-red light are intertwined!

He is now more and more interested in this technique.

Not only can it be used for passive defense and active defense, but it can also be used as an active attack. Its power and practicality are undoubtedly far superior to other defensive spells. No wonder Flynn will be so daunting.

The color of this technique is a little too gorgeous.

Still a dreamy fuchsia ...

At this moment, a knight said: "Adults, mysteries have the ability to accelerate, they may be faster than us!"

"I have it too."

Anyang began to use spells to bless everyone.

About half an hour later, although they were still traveling in the forest for concealment, they had returned to the north course.

But suddenly-


A hoarse bird sound came from above.

Anyang looked up and frowned immediately.

"Blue Feather Falcon!"

"They are following us!"

The knights didn't hear his mumbling, but looked up his eyes, his expression was dignified.

"This bird is staring at us!"

One investigating mercenary said firmly and heavily.

"Shoot it down!"

"it is good!"

A war bow knight immediately bends his bow and shoots an arrow, aiming slightly, and soon an arrow will roar away from the string!

However, this eagle just escaped the arrow, which is obviously not an ordinary eagle, and it quickly flew higher and higher, gradually exceeding the range of the war bow, leaving only a small black spot.

The war bow knight took the bow and put it down, obviously helpless.

The rest of the knights began to panic: "Adult, please forgive me for being rude. Can your mysterious ability be any faster?"

Anyang was stunned and shook his head.

The spell bonus he used is obviously very large, not to mention the addition of several overlaps, the effect is definitely far beyond the spell!

It's just that the woods are dense, the foliage is lush, the grass is everywhere, and the knight can't raise the speed of the horse.

So the Cavaliers are still very worried.

"Then we better go straight!"


As soon as the voice fell, a long roar of the beast came!


The look of several people suddenly stiff!

"Damn, don't come early, don't come late, but at this time ..."

"War horses can't run them in the forest!"

"Don't worry, prepare to fight!"

The knights pulled out their weapons and waited.

Anyang signaled that several guardian knights were also ready to fight.

After about two minutes, several people were bathed in blood, and even Anyang also fought in the battle, but also quickly killed offending monsters!

"Remove the armor of the war horse and hurry up!"

"Throw away unnecessary things!"

Several knights yelled, and began to rush again.

But in the forest, there are many crises. They have been riding for ten years and they are not too small. Not only can they not speed up, but they are also easily blocked by monsters.

About three hours later, a river appeared in front.

The river was at least tens of meters wide, and it was bottomless. The group immediately panicked. Unless Anyang was willing to help them fly over, they obviously could not cross the river.

Unfortunately, Anyang is not willing.

Leading a knight to glance at the sky, the little black spot is still there, but the fly is too high, and some are not clear.

"Go along the river and find the shoal flowing over!"

"it is good!"

Several people immediately ran along the river.

During the period, a knight's warhorse fell into the river, and everyone did not waste time pulling him, only to **** the six people to escape, anyway, the two of them were not their targets.

Just looking for a shoal, ready to flow across the river, a knight looked back and suddenly exclaimed:


The group turned back and panicked immediately.

The enchanting Osoyia stood behind them on a thin black horse. The black horse walked briskly towards them, and the blue feather falcon in the sky began to fall. And Osoya's expression was very calm, holding the reins and looking at them faintly, as if teasing a hunter chasing prey.

"Why don't you run away?"

As soon as she raised her arm, she caught the falcon.

The knights looked at the shoal in front of them. This place was supposed to be able to cross the river. At this time, it became a dam of life.

"Master Flynn didn't stop them!"

"what should I do now?"

"Her horse is different, faster than us!"

"What else can you do, die if you die, be afraid of anything!"


Osoyah heard their words, and for a while it was ridiculous: "You still want to count on Flynn, Lord Gree has already shot, your dear Lord Flynn may be dead now!"

The knights were in an uproar again!

Anyang looked indifferent and began to recite spells.


He pointed his fingers at the knights.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

The knight and all the remaining talents fainted, fell from the horse immediately, and two others accidentally fell into the river.

"let's go!"

Anyang Cema jumped into the river.

The four immediately followed!

The rear corner of Osoya ’s mouth stiffly raised: "Strange technique, good effect, energy ... It seems a bit weird and worth studying. Do you want to use them to waste my time? Such a thought is a bit too naive Okay, but it ’s fun, it ’s worth cultivating! "

Osoya slapped the horse and jumped into the water immediately.

But the five in Anyang stopped in the middle of the shoal.

"Be careful, I interfere with her. Courier Shirley, you look for opportunities to attack. In order to avoid her force field, you must be close to her body, yes, just cut off your arm!"


Shirley turned and leaped off his horse, pulled out his sword in the air, and rose blue at the starting point of his ascent, suddenly rushing towards Osoyia.

She is lightning fast!

With a brush, she used a long sword to pick in the river, and a large slap pebble suddenly whistled away.


Osoya cut the cobblestones with a knife.

"The strength of the big knight is good. I haven't fought with the big knight in a long time! But if you want to fight hard, the big knight is a mortal after all, and the strength is not enough!"

Shirley didn't speak, and went to fight with her.

But You and Martin also drove to help.

The river water seems to have no effect on the four man-made!

In fact, Osoya ’s physical strength is the level of a big knight, and she is not as good as Shirley, but she still has the identity of a mystery, and her physical strength only accounts for the auxiliary. The combination of the two is not Shirley. Got it.

Anyang next to him had begun to recite spells.

"Boom ..."

The river water began to boil!

Suo Suya's face suddenly changed, two full moon scimitars quickly cut out a few breathtaking blades and forced three people back, turned their heads and looked here: "Which side of the mystery is this kind of energy ... so powerful Natural energy fluctuates, but I did n’t expect a mysterious person to be hidden among you, pretending to be a trainee and mixing into the silent tower to think ... Oops, you got caught in your trick! "

Osoya's spirit seemed to be a bit abnormal, and only after a murmur did she react, and immediately Zema ran back.

But it is too late!


The river behind her instantly surged upwards, and the water on both sides of the shoal quickly gathered towards this side, forming a tall water wall in the water area that only reached the calf! In a blink of an eye, this high water wall became a giant river with a height of more than ten meters. The whole body was like a high-rise building with five or six floors, and the face was lifelike.

"Wow la la ..."

The excess and accumulated river water flows continuously ...

The visual effects are amazing!

The three of Shirley opened their mouths, and Lydia, who was not in the battle, froze, and even Osoya was very surprised.

"Boom ..."

The giant of the river slowly reached out and took a picture of her!

Great momentum!

"Fuck it!"

Osoya cursed a sentence similar to this in unknown language, and slashed two knives upwards, turned around and tried to hide, but failed to escape, and the airflow cut into the water to no avail.


There was a loud bang against the shore.

This slap is bigger than a table. The weight of the water condensing together with the power of the river giant is estimated to exceed 100 tons. The chaotic force field is useless no matter how powerful it is!

But Shirley's figure disappeared somehow.

Anyang also broke the arms of the river giant in due course.

When the river was clean, there was only a figure kneeling on the ground, and the red blood stained the surrounding waters.

Shirley appeared behind Anyang and withdrew the sword.

"Sir, you're done!"

Anyang walked forward to Osoya, and looked at her from the top: "Unfortunately, it wasn't Lord Greta. I was very interested in the defensive technique of Lord Greta just now."

Osoya suddenly raised her head, staring at him coldly, completely ignoring her arm that had been cut off: "I don't know where you come from, but you are also a strong man in your place, but pretend to be a trainee Mixing in the Tower of Silence, is your purpose to gain our organization's knowledge for your organization? "

"Don't care about the silent tower, you should think about it, what should you use to redeem your life!"

"Oh, I am never afraid of death!"

"Then I might be able to use you to lead Glebe."

"Whimsical! Lord Gree is the most outstanding genius of our Smetuo Manor. He has always been very confident and he never thought I would fail. Most of them have gone back now!"

"Then your life is useless? You have to think about it, I know your arm can be renewed!"

"I have nothing to give you!"

Osoyah's expression is still tough.

She glanced at the blue feather falcon hovering above her head. The falcon suddenly snorted, flapping its wings and flying upward.

Anyang pursed his mouth and stretched out his fingers to open his fingers.

The art of photography!

"Uh! Uh! ..."

The falcon kept flapping its wings, struggling to yell, but after all it was no more than two hundred years of morality and was sucked into Anyang's hands.

"Are you stubborn now?"

"I still say that!"

Anyang shook his head, somewhat helpless.

He waited for a few hours in the same place, and Gree did not come.

"Kill her!"


Shirley pierced Osoa's chaos with a sword ~ ​​ ~ pierced her chest.

"Master, those knights?"

"Wake them up and tell them that Osoya was killed by someone, and we take Osoya's head to the Blackwater Pier. Forget it, let Cousin Lydia say, Cousin Lydia How can I make them understand! "


The knights were quickly awakened by several people. They were very happy for the rest of their lives and felt incredible.

A group of people quickly whip, thorny.

Two days later, the outline of the Blackwater Pier can be seen.

[After reaching the Tower of Silence, the rhythm will speed up a lot. ]

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