My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 647: Learning journey

Silent Tower does not know of any special enrollment channels. There are still many students recruited in various places, which is unthinkable.

In addition, the total number of students enrolled by the Metropolitan College in the federal colleges is as high as nearly 400 people. Apart from a small half of the dead on the road, there are still nearly 200 people.

Nearly two hundred people successfully arrived at the Silent Tower!

This number far exceeds Anyang's expectations, but it is not much more than in previous years, and even less and less each time.

Among them were seven first-class talents, and the first six were all on the itinerary with Flynn as the first group of students. Although they were attacked by Gree and Osoya, there were no casualties.

The remaining one heard that he was delayed because he did not arrive in time to Solanka, and rushed to the tower as the third batch.

Unlike the solo and proud indifference of first-rate talents in previous years, five of the seven first-rate talents this year are firmly united in a small circle centered on Anyang.

This surprised many people, but it is conceivable that as long as the small circle of five people can continue, it will inevitably be a force in the tower that cannot be underestimated. After all, academics are mostly obsessed with a variety of knowledge for different purposes, few of them are gang members, and the ordinary friendship is also very weak. The five are already a big group.

However, there are many people who have only heard about it and do not like them. They think that people form small groups every year when they enter the tower, but they gradually fade after they officially start learning.

At the same time, fifth-class talents such as Lisi are not alone.

The first group of students to arrive at the Silent Tower is undoubtedly the most advantageous, because there is enough time to choose, understand the mentor, to think, or to become familiar with the environment.

The person who arrived last is not so lucky.

Almost on the third day when all the students arrived, the tower only left three days of thinking time for the last batch of arriving students, and began the formal selection of the tutor.

Everyone went to the central area of ​​the Silent Tower and divided into five batches to grow into dragons and choose their mentors in front of the five windows.

Standing at the forefront of each team is one of Anyang ’s five. The remaining two first-class talents are weak and dare not compete with them. They can only silently rank second.

In the window is a very beautiful female trainee.

"Hello, which tutor do you want to choose?"

"Mr. Lou Luo."


The female trainee was surprised, and it took a moment for her to realize her gaffe. She quickly adjusted to it and apologized while choosing from the paper on the shelf next to it.

"I am sorry for my rudeness, please understand."

"Okay, I found it. This is Master Lou Luo's enrollment treaty. This is a pen. Please check it first and write Master Lou Luo's name here, and sign it here."

After a pause, she added a sentence: "Sign the full name!"

Nick, who was behind him at this time, wondered: "Master Ain, is your mentor Lord Lou Luo?"

Anyang turned around and nodded: "You too?"

Nick shook his head again and again: "No, no!"

After a pause, he stepped forward and whispered, "Did the other seniors not tell you that there is a curse on Lord Lou Luo? All of Lou Lou's students are dead!"

Anyang twitched his lips: "It doesn't."

Nick said rashly: "But since you have the best conditions, you have to think about choosing Lou Lou, then you must know something, so you want to be the only student of Lou Lou? I advise you to still Change your mind early. "

The beautiful female trainee also heard him, but she didn't say anything and probably didn't want to care about these things.

"... It doesn't matter, I don't mind."

Anyang shook his head. The curse spell of the Taoist law system was the most mature. How could he believe such a thing.

He took the paper and looked at it. The conditions and treatment including Lou Luo ’s personal introduction were very simple, and he did n’t need to read it. Anyway, the treatment was just an empty talk, and the price he was asked to pay was only a high amount of magic stone every month. There is no trap, and it is basically the same as written in the book.

Lou Luo's name on the top is a bit interesting.

Anyang needs to sign the full name, and Lou Luo's name written on the treaty is also the full name, but he can only see Lou Luo, and the last name is covered by a layer of mist.

"Is this also afraid of being seen?"

Anyang couldn't help laughing, and picked up the pen.

He first wrote Shangluo Luo on the top, and then wrote the full name of Ian Kofinoli below.

This pen is obviously qualitative, and it can resonate with the invisible marks on the left and right when writing. It is estimated that more detailed information can be retrieved from the marks, and it can also be compared.

But what he didn't expect was that when he wrote his full name, a layer of fog also appeared on the paper to cover up the surname behind, leaving only the word Ain. Anyang suddenly understood that this is not a prohibition designed by Lou Luo himself, but a means to silence the tower to protect the privacy of mentors and students. The main function is to hide the last name of the person.

Here he used a little trick, but he couldn't see through the fog, and he dared not continue to spy on it. After all, there are many people here, and it would be even worse if it was noticed by the silent tower.

"It's already signed."

Anyang handed out the treaty.

The female trainee checked: "Okay, no problem, do you need to choose another tutor? You can choose three as the second and third candidate tutors."

"no need."

"Then you can go back and check the information three days later. If you don't pass, you can also contact the instructor."


Anyang turned and left the long line.

At this time, the other four people also signed their names, joined him, and then walked around the tower before returning to the residence.

A few days ago, after successfully communicating with the mentor, several mentors gave some greetings for their situation, so these few people are studying these days, and they rarely go out on weekdays.

Lou Luo doesn't like complicated communication, but his shots are very generous. The book contains three types of control arrays, which is the most precious of the five people received the meeting.

This also makes him look forward to future resource quotas!

But these surgical control arrays are not enough. Anyang holds a biochip cheat device, which is also very special. If you use these ordinary surgical control arrays, it is too wasteful, so he wants more details about the surgical array control. Knowledge of principles, establish analysis models, tailor-made for yourself or optimized and improved a surgical array that is most suitable for you.

So he went to visit Lou Luo again.

Lou Luo was a skinny middle-aged man with a skinny body wrapped in a loose robe, and his face was like a skeleton, his body was cold and low.

He sat on the sofa, took out a treaty and handed it to Anyang, his voice was dry: "I have signed the treaty."

Anyang glanced and did sign.

"Thank you tutor."

Lou Luo waved his hand: "You are excellent, I signed you without losing money. I also understand your intentions. These are two principle books of spell control array. The angles are different. It needs to be verified by multiple parties. The price must be paid. After all, the spell control array is not so simple. This is the rule of the tower. Even if I do n’t help you get it privately. "

With a wave of his hand, a black smoke burst from the table.

Two heavy ancient books have appeared.

Lou Luo didn't think he was greedy, he took a book and wanted more. He didn't think he was diligent and hard-working. He gave it casually, giving people a feeling of responsiveness.

Anyang picked up two books from the table: "I know, thank you tutor, if I'm fine, I'll leave first."

Lou Luo did not speak.

Anyang then walked away.

These two books are not really authoritative. One book reads "Connorton Spell Control Array Insights" and the other book reads "Smeler Spell Control Array Basics". Connaughton seems to be the name of the leader of the tower. Needless to say another book, Anyang did not expect that there would be a book from Smeler Manor in the silent tower.

But it still takes effort to get more authoritative principles!

Three days later-

Everyone squeezed in the registration office to check the admission information, some people were happy and some were sad, but most people were still very smooth.

Anyang was admitted to Lou Luo without incident.

Martin was also accepted by Areira, Shirley was also admitted by Gakap, and Lydia reported to a female second-tier academic. With her talent, it was naturally passed by accident.

Scholars will not easily go back on their promises.

In recent days, Anyang has studied the three books about the operation of array control given by Luo Xi Luo, and has locked the direction.


A group of people from all over the north and south of the Federation settled down in the silent tower and began their respective studies and lives. No one knows where his future destiny will go.

Anyang originally had some friendships with several trainees who had met at the Metropolitan College before, but since the six of them left alone when they were ambushed by Gree and Osoya ~ ~ The others basically did not talk to each other He contacted. Only Wen Ni, who is seriously lacking in social relations, occasionally has contacts with him, but there are not many intersections, barely a friend.

After all, everyone is relatively busy coming to this new environment.

One month later-

Anyang has successively contributed several optimized zero-order spells to the tower, and obtained a large number of magic stones and resource exchanges.

The concise structure and excellent effect of these surgical techniques have amazed some academics in the tower, and even been regarded as a treasure by some academics specializing in this field, claiming that they may find some new optimized surgical model from them This method is undoubtedly epoch-making for the mysterious civilization in this area, and its value is immeasurable.

Anyang always said that he got it by accident.

Since he was a trainee before coming to the Tower of Silence, no one knew what kind of chances he had once, so this reason did not arouse the doubts of others. It just happens that academics take privacy very seriously, and no one in the silent tower will question him thoroughly.

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