My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 661: Moon elf

"Da da da……"

Anyang rode a bantam horse on the road!

The horse in the silent high tower had already been killed in his battle with Lou Luo. He bought this horse from a lord's palace, and it looked like a mule.

However, although this horse is shorter than ordinary war horses and can't run fast, it has a strong endurance. It can be run for more than 200 kilometers a day, and if it is assisted, it can reach more than 300 kilometers. The first choice for trekking.

Anyang missed the cavalier-level warhorse of the Federation and the specialty warhorse of the Silent Tower. The ordinary horse can't run both fast and far. Moreover, the mana and arcane magic energy in his body are now sealed, and even the space and abilities of Qiankun borrowing and demon body have not been spared. Only the mysterious energy is left.

About three days later, he successfully arrived at the beach. The ship of the Silent Tower has been waiting here for a long time.

The mark on the left hand got in touch with the responder on the boat as early as a few minutes ago. Anyang stood on the beach to untie the horse's reins and let it go free before he stepped on the boat.

He was greeted by the trainee who sent him.

"Adult, what about your warhorse?"

"Died in battle."

"Adults must be tired after long journeys. Please come here to rest. We have prepared hot water and food for you."


Anyang followed him to his room.

This ship is exclusively used by second-tier academics, and the level of luxury is naturally not comparable to that of the ship that caters to students. For example, there is a bath directly on the ground in the room of Anyang, and there are dozens of people who specialize in taking care of the tasks of the academics, so that the academics can enjoy very well even during the task, so as to focus In the task.

It's just that some people get out of the boat and never get on ...

Back in the room, Anyang froze for a moment.

The hot tub was filled with hot water, the heat was rising, the smoke was smoky, and two beautiful women were sitting beside the bath, wearing only a layer of gauze, obviously waiting for him to bathe.

Anyang frowned: "What's going on?"

The trainee replied: "This is the two twin girls attached to the tower's affiliated organizations when they provided supplies to the tower a few days ago. When they arrived, I just received your return information and made my own claim to serve. You are, if you are not satisfied I will call them down immediately. "

"Forget it, let them stay here."

"Okay, that won't disturb you anymore."

The trainee retreated with a smile and closed the door.

From beginning to end, he did not ask whether Anyang tracked Dona, nor did he ask whether his mission was successful or failed.

The two women bowed their heads and did not speak. They were not as enthusiastic or sweet as a professional maid, but from the face up, they did look very similar, and they were in good shape.

Anyang ignored them and took out a tube of purple and black medicine from her arms and placed it on the shelf of the room. She also put down the books she had brought in this line before she started to take off her clothes.

Until he stepped into the hot bath, soaked his body in hot water, he was relieved immediately, and the boring journey of the past few days was completely swept away: "You only need to see the medicine and These books will do. Do n’t worry about anything else. Let you stay to avoid being punished after you leave. Do you understand? "

The two women raised their heads in surprise, and from this angle their faces were even more delicately beautiful.

"I know ... I know."

The gauze they wear has been infiltrated by the water mist, which outlines a tempting curve, and the appearance of Ren Juncai can easily arouse the desire of men. It's just that most second-order academics are people who are devoted to knowledge and research. After so many years, their desires have long faded, and some even make themselves look like people.

The eyes of the two women escaped the catastrophe, and one of them really began to guard the medicine and books seriously, and the other was hesitant while sitting by the bath with the towel on her back.

"Big ... Master, do you need me to wipe your back?"

Anyang glanced at her and turned to lie on the edge of the bath: "Come on, get used to it first, you still have to learn how to survive here."

"Yes, sir."

The woman sitting next to the bath was wet with water, and the gauze was attached to two white and round legs. As she stepped into the bath, most of her body was wet, very attractive.

It took a long time for Anyang to get up and get dressed.

He went to the shelf, picked up the potion and shook it, put it back again, and sat by the window and started absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

This potion is a rough mental potion made of Dona ’s soul fragments as the main material. Generally, the trainee takes a lot of mental power, but the side effects are very large. The main significance here is to succeed as his mission Proof, he returned to the tower to use this potion to hand in the task.

Two days later, on the island of Gao Ta—

"You actually completed this task!"

The trainee in the task window was still the male. He opened his mouth wide at this time, and suddenly realized that he was so rude, he quickly anxiously apologized to Anyang.

"Sorry, please forgive me."

"It doesn't matter." Anyang replied lightly.

"This ... Congratulations, this task is the most difficult since the war with Smaller."

"I just made a coincidence, Dona was seriously injured."

"This is ... no wonder ... ah ... sorry, I don't mean that, don't be surprised!"

"... It doesn't matter." Anyang's face was dark.

"When the adult checks the soul information in the potion, then your task will be completed."

"no problem."

"Well, thank you for your understanding, but I still have to explain to you about this issue. We naturally give you full trust, but this is the process, so you can go back and wait for the news now. Your task rewards are delivered, please rest assured that if you have any questions, we will solve them for you. "


"Goodbye ... Master Ain."

The trainee was very excited to take the potion.

This is a precious potion of mental power. Based on his income and talent, it is estimated that no potion can be consumed in his lifetime. Moreover, it is made of the soul fragments of second-level scholars!

According to the regulations, once the rough potion is successfully verified, the tower mission will order destruction, but in fact they all fall into the hands of those who handle them, and some of the poor are sold to those talented trainees, Charging the high amount of magic stones they have worked so hard to save, and still not telling them how big the side effects are.

And the basic ten years made by second-order academics are rare to see. Who cares about the side effects of this medicine?

Anyang ignored him and went straight back to Lou Luo Tower.

And because Lou Luo went out to kill his students, not to go out for missions or visit inspections, he hid his whereabouts very well, and no one even knew he had left the tower.

It is common for academics to stay away for a month or two when they are obsessed with academics and research, especially for third-tier academics. Sometimes an experiment or research is a few months, and sometimes it takes time to go out and find experimental materials in person. several years. Yi Luo's qualifications are not even required for leave, all indicators can be ignored, and no one dares to blame him.

And as far as Anyang knows, the Silent Tower does not have the "soul lamp" technology of Smel Manor, so basically no one knows that this third-order scholar is dead.

Anyway, his personality is not much contact with him, no one will care about his whereabouts, at least one year or two no one thinks he is dead, most think he is going out. In this short period of time, Anyang can live in the tower in the name of Lou Luo, use his laboratory, read his various collections, and even get resources in his name.

In the afternoon, the reward for the task was delivered.

A fascinating dragon's blood flower, a beautiful moon elf, a hundred thousand magic stones, two music conchs ...

The whole table is full of treasures!

"Adult, please accept it!"

"No more acceptance, I can trust the tower."

"Then you sign here, we will leave."


Anyang signed, and several people left.

Darkness and tranquility regained in the room, and his eyes swept one by one, with a satisfied look.

Until I saw the moon elf.

This is a female moon elf with a height of more than one meter and seven, tall and uneven, and a pair of white long legs are not covered under the tempting costume and are tightly closed. Her face has the clear and beautiful dust peculiar to the elves. Her face is a standard melon seed face, her chin is sharp, her ears are sharp, and she has silvery white curly hair and green eyes.

Anyang looked at her carefully, and was curious about this race that looked like a human but was not a human.

From a scientific point of view, the elves may be judged as a human variant ~ ~ but from the perspective of mysterious biology, this is an independent race.

The female elf stood in a corner in panic, greeted him with his inspection, and looked at him uneasyly.

Anyang asked: "Do you speak federal language?"

There was a daze in the elf's eyes. She had heard of such things, so she was deeply uneasy about her destiny.

Anyang suddenly remembered the rabbit essence of Shenzhou World. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He asked another sentence in the common language of the coast elf opposite: "What is your name?"

"Yi ... Eve."


"Yes, Eve ..."

Eve's voice was shaking, but the language was a very tactful language, and the voice was very ethereal.

"Are you a moon elf?"


"I am very interested in your race."

Hearing this, Eve suddenly opened her eyes, full of panic, and shook her body even more.

Anyang's face softened: "Don't be afraid, I won't take you for the experiment, you will study hard in the future, and help me deal with small things when I do the experiment."

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