My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 663: Anyang tutor

In a fulfilling life, a month passes in a flash.

"Boom Boom ..."

The door of the room was knocked rhythmically.

Anyang waved his hand and the door opened automatically, revealing the figures of Shirley and a trainee.

Several people bowed their heads and did not look directly at Anyang. Only Lydia did not worry about them. They stood at the door and straightened up, looking silently inside. From her point of view, she could see a figure of a woman lying on a bed inside, slender and tall, and a pair of white legs slender and straight, which made her breathing suddenly heavy.

"Today is your first day of class ..."

"I know."

"An hour before the lecture, I prepared the carriage for you. You need to prepare as soon as possible."

"I will come out after changing clothes."

"Then we are waiting for you below."


Shirley bowed to him, and then turned away with the sword, but Yu and Martin quickly followed.

Poor trainee who is specifically responsible for informing Anyang. This was his job originally, and he could even get a little tip from it, but all the words were finished by Shirley.

Anyang looked at Lidia, who was standing still at the door, and smiled a little, and said, "Cousin, come in and sit down."

Lidia didn't move, just looked at the door coldly, she was tall and tall, and she could directly cross Anyang with a little tiptoe.

"Who is that?"

It was just then that Eve had a coughing sound.

"Cough ..."

Anyang turned to look at Eve before turning back and said helplessly, "This is the mission prize for the mission to hunt down Dona last month, a moon elf. You know that many academics have their own experimental assistants, which happens to be I do n’t have any students who can help me, and the races such as the moon elves are the best candidates for laboratory assistants, so she stayed behind. ”

"I'm too lazy to care about you!"

Lydia said coldly, turned around and left.

Pride is heaven ...

Anyang looked helpless, so he walked back to the house and picked up a clean robe to change clothes.

Eve lay straight on the bed, with a pair of beautiful eyes, but looked at the ceiling with no god, no one knew what she was thinking, and occasionally coughed painfully.

This month, the elf and Anyang have become familiar with each other. With a strong adaptability, she quickly accepted the master-slave status of the two and learned some things to do in the experiment. But a few days ago, when she was helping Anyang to conduct an experiment, she was lying in bed for several days due to the energy radiation caused by the failure of the experiment. These days are all in this state.

Anyang quickly changed clothes and came out, walked in front of her to cast an accelerated recovery technique, took out a tube of medicine from the side, walked up to the bed to support her, and fed her to drink.

"Take a good rest and you will get better soon."


Eve made a vague murmur, straightened up with the force, and opened his mouth to drink the potion.

Anyang's expression is guilty.

If the mana is still good, so many curative spells will make Eve quickly get better. It is also very simple to get rid of the negative radiation effects on her, but it is a pity ...

In fact, the energy radiation of the experiment was very high a few days ago. If you change to an ordinary person as an experimental assistant, you may be directly killed. Only a few races or trainees such as elves can survive. However, Anyang, who has always had a smooth wind in the experiment, failed, and the chaotic energy radiation that erupted in an instant could not bear even the elven tribe.

The cause of this situation is basically Anyang's fault ...

But it was also an unintentional move.

Eve turned hard and looked out the window with his eyes open, still not speaking, showing loneliness and helplessness.

Anyang glanced at her silently, and ignored it, picked up a stack of paper and turned to go outside.

Several people below have been waiting for him for a long time.

Sherri and others were used to waiting. Lidia stood still and didn't know what she was thinking. Another trainee didn't dare to speak, and only secretly looked at Lidia's profile.

Seeing him coming, Shirley lifted the curtain.

Anyang got on the carriage and waited for a while. When he saw that there was no movement outside, he asked again: "Sister Lydia, won't you come?"

Lydia was expressionless and silently walked into the carriage.

Anyang's mouth twitched: "Let's go."


Snapped, Shirley waved a whip, and the frightened Matt trot forward.

The atmosphere in the carriage was habitually silent.

Lidia looked at Anyang, and Anyang also looked at Lidia, but neither of them spoke. It seemed that Lidia's feelings no longer existed when Lidia was holding a snack to talk to him at night.

Eventually Anyang opened his mouth to break the silence: "I heard that you are already preparing to hit the threshold of academics?"

Lidia nodded and looked at him again: "So what? You are already a second-order academic!"

I mean, my speed is still not as good as you.

Anyang knew that his advancement process was more like restoring strength, but he did n’t want to argue or explain with Lydia, and asked, "Are your natal methods ready?"


"Is Lord Yidi giving you?"

"There is also a way I got it myself."

"Oh ..." Anyang nodded and took out a thick stack of paper from his arms. "I don't know what kind of technique Master Yidi gave you and how you got it yourself, but I prepared three for you. This is a good first-order technique. You can take it back and take a look. If appropriate, you can consider changing it. "

Lidia swept the technique in his hand, and immediately refused without hesitation: "No, I prepared the technique very well, and my knowledge is so precious ..."

Anyang felt a bit of a pain for the pride of this cheap cousin, but said quickly: "There is no preciousness between you and me, I just want to do something for you."

Lidia fell silent, and seemed a little moved.

Anyang's mouth twitched again, and while he was hot, he punched the paper with the recording technique into her hand and stopped talking.

The nature recorded above is the three natal methods he uses now, purple tassels, ancient summons, and unreal blows. All three methods are absolutely top-level. Any one can use the advanced control array to create one. The genius-style scholars of the Griezian style, not to mention that Lidia and others are geniuses, and these techniques are even more icing on the cake.

Anyang doesn't care about the spread of these precious techniques. After all, Lidia and others are not outsiders.

And he also felt faintly that after reaching the third-level academics, although the status of the technique control array is still important, it is difficult for the academics to play a role in determining life. This is probably due to the limited knowledge and resources that most high-level academics have access to when they are trainees, and the choice of natal methods is not very good.

At this time, academics need more knowledge and means to enrich themselves. Of course, if you can choose a natal method with sufficiently high development potential, it is naturally better.

"Oh, if you don't want to be known by Lord Eddie, come to me to activate the control line for you."

"I know."

Lydia said murmuringly, clenching these pieces of paper.

From Anyang's words, she still can't feel the preciousness of these techniques. Originally, she didn't want her cousin to help herself, but she couldn't refuse it for some reason.

Lidia glanced down at the paper without expression.

"Purple Tassel ..."

The carriage quickly reached an ancient tower. This is where Anyang will teach today. It can basically be said that the silent tower has already belonged to him by default. This tower is used for teaching in Anyang except for the ground floor. Everything upstairs is empty and has complete facilities. If Anyang wants to, he can move in at any time and change the name to Ain Tower.

But he was reluctant to the resources of Lou Luo Tower ...

"Sir, please come down ..."

Sherrill opened the curtain for him.

Anyang stepped out of the car and someone specially answered at the door.

These trainees who are responsible for instructing lecture instructors and listeners are all working for the tower, because everyone ’s free courses are limited, and if you exceed them, you have to pay. For reception, you can pay for the class for free.

Anyang walked into the auditorium, which was already full of people, but he didn't expect that he was so popular, and he was slightly flustered.

Only later came back, probably because he was promoted to the second-tier academic so quickly, the limelight is strong, and his reputation has reached a peak, so everyone come to watch the fun ...

Maybe some people think they have any secrets!

"Welcome Master Ain!"

Behind a trainee shouted.

The midfielder immediately remembered a peaceful applause.

Behind them, Lydia and Shirley also found a place to sit down ~ ~ sat down and waited for him to give a lecture.

Anyang adjusted his clothes and walked to the stage.

This is his first lecture, but he is also a person who has been sitting in the hall. It is naturally impossible to be dazed, and he has knowledge in his stomach, and there will be no embarrassment to say nothing.

Looking down, there are many trainees who entered the tower in the same batch as him, but more of them were trainees who came to the tower before him. As he glanced over his eyes, he found that Natalie actually sat down below, saw him and smiled at him, and there were other first-tier academics, but it is estimated that most of them came to see the fun of.

Anyang cleared his throat, and the auditorium suddenly became quiet.

"Thank you for coming to my class. According to the usual practice, I should say the subject I am best at, but I have advanced too fast. To say what I am best at, I am not very clear."

Anyang has a modest smile on his face.

In fact, what he is good at, he with biochips and abnormal brain power, is estimated to be better at this subject than most second-level academics who study a certain subject.

"Then I will talk about some of the things that people care about most and are most important to an academic."

The people under suddenly made an uproar, and many people noticed that he was talking about academics, not trainees.

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