My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 668: Battle before leaving

Lorenka didn't see his expression. 【No Pop-up Novel Network】

"Let's talk somewhere else."

"it is good."

The two rose to the sky and headed to the middle of the desert island.

Gree was envious not far away. Soon after, he also rode a giant bird and flew into the sky, but he just left here.

Anyang took a sigh of relief in the distance and looked at Lorenka again: "This technique is so precious, then, in order to ensure our honesty and strict confidentiality of this matter, and for safety, we still take some measures Right. "

"Now that you have said it, then you have the final say."

"You just suggested that you have to be on the scene when I am changing the surgical technique, so in order to ensure that my means are not leaked, the communication between the island and the outside world must be closed during this period. And neither of us can leave this place before the transaction Block island, is n’t that too much? "

After thinking a little, Lorenka felt the sincerity expressed by Anyang: "This request is very reasonable, and it can also prevent one of us from asking the outside world for help."


"But first I want to check if there are any problems on this island and make sure that this deal is only for us!"

"Very reasonable request!"

It seems that Lorenka is also not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Both men checked the island to ensure that only two of them existed on the island, and in disguise to ensure that the transaction was fair and secret, and there were no traps.

So, in order to eliminate other scourges in the transaction, the two began to arrange and supervise each other.

Half a day later, a large isolation technique enveloped the island, cutting off the possibility of the island communicating with the outside world!

Then came the two large closed spell arrays that the two spent two days arranging, intertwined with each other, almost isolating the desert island into another space!

People inside cannot go out, nor can they enter outside!

There are also two keys to open the surgical array, which are held in the hands of the two of them, and the two entangled surgical arrays must be opened together to open this closed barrier! If it is not for the two to start together, even a third-level warlock will take a lot of effort to break it arbitrarily!

This undoubtedly greatly guarantees the "security" of the transaction!

But Lorenka naturally couldn't think of it. Anben is different from other mysterious people who trade for learning. The main purpose of his coming here is actually to take his life!

"Sir Lorenka, I need to summon an assistant to help me optimize and perfect the technique, is that all right?"

"Of course, no problem. When I heard that you could optimize a technique so quickly, I guessed that you must have some means to help you share some necessary work."

"You guessed it."

Anyang smiled and complimented, suddenly read a short spell, instantly activated the ancient summoning technique.

At the same time, the Unreal Strike also works silently.

"Boom ..."

The huge mysterious energy spewed out from the spell control array, and even the veteran third-order warlock Lorenka was shocked, and could not help guessing Anyang's strength.

The mystery has an advantage over arcane mages and monks, that is, they often permanently imprint all the learned models of the spell in their minds. Once they are used, they only need to infuse energy into the models to instantaneously Activated and stimulated, only a few require the cooperation of spells, eliminating the lengthy spell construction process and guidance process.

Especially the natal method!

However, the Arcane Mage needs a wealth of proficiency, and those who practice the Tao also need a deep path to achieve this.

"Hoo ..."

The gusty wind swept through the sky, and a black whirlpool was suddenly formed, up to tens of meters wide, with the red gloss looming from the inside, like the big mouth of the blood basin opened by the earth!

Lorenka's breath was a little dignified.

The guiding process of the ancient summoning is the longest in the single operation style Anyang has seen, but it is only completed in a few seconds. The speed from the hurricane to the vortex is extremely fast! Immediately followed by a glare of light exploding in the vortex, like a nuclear explosion, it made people unable to open their eyes, and at the same time burst out a thick breath and transformed huge energy!


The light dissipated, the vortex ceased, and the hurricane stopped.

"It's ... an ancient breath, and it's a bit too irritable!" Lorenka's face was dark and uncertain, staring at a deep hole appearing on the ground in front of him.

The hole is about fifty meters in diameter, dark and deep, but the breath shows a creepy feeling, as if an ancient fierce beast is hidden inside!

Lorenka's eyes were already alert.

Even though Anyang had greeted him in advance, this spell was indeed a summoning spell, but the activation process and certain characteristics of the spell after activation still made this well-known third-order sorcerer unacceptable. Don't be alert!

But he could not allow him to consider--


A sharp and outrageous voice came from the black hole, which made Anyang and Lorenka close their ears!

Then with a loud bang, a huge figure rushed out of the deep hole, directly rushed into the sky, and fluttered a few times with its wide wings, before falling to the ground again.

Anyang opened his eyes and looked at him.

This is an insect-like summoning creature, but its size is a bit outrageous and terrifying!

At least 40 meters long and 20 meters tall, the body is much larger than a bungalow. With two large jaws about the size of the mouth, it can undoubtedly easily destroy a house. Eight are as strong as a giant. The legs of the column, two large pliers with a diameter of nearly 20 meters, and a shiny carapace ...

From the cast to the present, within ten seconds, he has summoned such a behemoth, and he can clearly feel the power contained in this fierce beast, which is close to the third-order scholar!

Anyang is very satisfied with the effect of the ancient call.

By this time, Lorenka's expression had sunk to the extreme.

He put down his hand covering his ears, which was already covered with blood, and his face was very pale, he could not help even coughing violently, and flushed his face.

Lorenka doubted that Anyang was intentional!

He is not a near warrior!

Anyang immediately showed an interesting smile and explained to him: "This is the ancient evil insect that helped me optimize my surgical style. Although he has a fierce temperament, he has a very strong computing power!"

"It is precisely because of its abominable noise, so I usually don't call it in front of others. If it offends you, please forgive me. This is a necessary job."

Lorenka nodded to understand, lowered her head to wipe away the blood stains on her hand, and looked at the huge but imposing ancient rogue, his expression finally softened slightly.

"I don't have much research in ancient creatures, and I'm very new to your technique. I hope it doesn't disgust you."

"No, I know you are good at curses."

"Have you laughed, can you start now?"


Anyang smiled and waved towards the ancient evil insects.


Another sharp voice came out, almost shocking Lorenka standing unsteadily, and then the wings under the ancient carapace's carapace fluttered open and flew into the sky, rushing towards Lorenka.


There was a tremendous loud noise.

The huge body of the ancient rogue insect collided with Lorenka's defensive technique and instantly exploded the blue flames!

When the flames and dust fell to the ground, there was no Lorenka in the distance, only a deep pit in the beach, ancient worms and a bigger impact mark than the basketball court.

"Boom! Buzz ..."

A beam of light rose in the sky!

Then there were countless tiny flying insects flying out of the deep pit, forming a figure of Lorenka in the distance, looking pale and yet deeply angry with Anyang.

"Master Ain, what do you mean?"

Anyang waved his hand, and the ancient worms also spread their wings and flew up, facing off against Lorenka.

"Master Lorenka, have you heard Sadr?"


"It was the third-order scholar who came out of the Silent Tower more than thirty years ago. Should you still be a second-order scholar?"

"Of course I have heard, what is your relationship with him?"

"I am also the one who silences the tower!"

"You're the silent tower!" Lorenka's expression immediately became exquisite, "I didn't expect Grie ... No, Grie certainly didn't know, you're so good at it!"

"Overwhelming, Lord Lorenka."

"Then you are Sadr's student?"

"No, I just follow Sadr."

"Imitate Sadr!"

Lorenka's expression instantly became unsightly.

Anyang said to imitate Sadr. On the one hand, Sadr never went back, and on the other hand, Sadr killed a third-level warlock before he left.

In Lorenka's eyes, there is naturally only the last one.

"Okay! Okay! Then come ..."

Lorenka waved his hand, and a beam of light suddenly rose into the sky from under the ancient evil insect, directly knocking it over in the air.



The ancient rogue roared and slammed Lorenka into blood, almost falling from the sky.


Lorenka's beard was shaking with anger!

Anyang remained silent and continued to pronounce short mantras, and the mysterious energy in his body madly poured into the ancient summoning part of the surgical control array, just like the rolling river!

Vortexes appear one after another in the air!

"Call! Call! Call! ..."

The hurricane blew the trees so that they could not stand upright!


The ground was suddenly knocked open, and a giant python nearly 200 meters long was drilled out of the earth and stone splashes. The upper body stood upright and opened the blood basin to demonstrate against Lorenka!

Then came a grisly ancient blood crocodile. Its size was not much larger than the ordinary crocodile. It was completely smaller than the previous two behemoths, but the majestic energy contained in its body and the **** smoke rising from the surface Qi is proving its extraordinary!

A monster with eight arms ...


The ancient summoning was originally a top-level technique with purple-red tassels. The power improved by Anyang is nothing short of that, plus the addition of the metamorphic control array ...

Lorenka's expression became more and more dignified.

I saw him aiming at the ground, and it was a burst of gray smoke, but the effect was not great.

After three minutes--

Anyang floated in the air with open arms, looking at the **** Lorenka underneath. There were thousands of fuchsia streamers floating beside him, which contained horror energy.

"Master Lorenka, give up resistance."


Lorenka gasped and gritted her teeth.


Stones, sand, trees on the ground and even the sea water near the beach were all influenced by him to float.

Anyang was not far behind, and a wave of purple tassels flew beside him with a wave of his hand.

"Boom ..."

Lorenka made a series of violent explosions in front of him.

The purple-red tassels made by Gree are still so terrifying. Anyang is now a third-order academic. The power of purple-red tassels is naturally different. Almost every soft silk thread and the light spot in front contain power that is not inferior to howitzers, and how many tassels he releases at a time now, I am afraid that few people can count it!

If this attack and defense natal technique is fully released, how powerful is it ... I do n’t know if anyone has seen many cluster bombs covering the ground.

Fortunately, it was released against Lorenka. If it is a saturated attack on the ground, I am afraid that the vast area below must be flattened by countless tassels!

Lorenka is clearly showing decline!

Anyang himself carefully selected opponents. His purpose in taking Lorrenka ’s life was on one hand to thank the tower for his cultivation and inclined resources. After all, he did not intend to return; on the other hand, in order to let the tower leave when he left And after not returning, she still takes care of the four of Shirley, and a third-order warlock who kills the opponent of the tower is paid.

Now that he has shot, he must definitely achieve his goal!

In the absence of spells and magic, Anyang was not sure that he could beat the warlike veteran third-order warlocks in Smel Manor, so he chose Lorenka. A third-order warlock who had just been promoted more than 20 years ago is also a rare warlock in Smeler Manor who is not good at frontal combat. The main thing is that Anyang can restrain him everywhere.

Lorenka's curse is basically useless for Anyang ~ ~ Lorenka's defensive technique is also a reactive defense, and it is useless to Anyang's many means, and it is difficult to resist giant attacks.

And Anyang also set up various strategies!

If Lorenka could leave here alive, Anyang really had nothing to say.

After about half an hour-


An ancient beast with wings on it once again hit Lorenka's life-defense technique, exploding a large blue flame in the air, but also successfully broke through his defense.

Lorenka was directly knocked out.

The reason why he hasn't died yet is because he used other defensive means, but the rupture of the life-defense technique basically predicted his defeat or even death!

The reason why he hasn't died yet is because he used other defensive means, but the rupture of the life-defense technique basically predicted his defeat or even death!

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