My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 684: Fish pond

An You felt wrong when she heard the door sound. When she heard An Yang's voice, her face instantly became black!

As soon as he turned around, he saw that the boy stretched out his hand and held it with Anyang, as if he hadn't figured it out yet.

"Anyang!" There is a killer in Anyou's voice!

Anyang turned his head: "What's wrong? Xiaoyou."

An You's face is cold and cold: "What do you want to do?"

"Why don't you do it?" Anyang paused with a harmless smile from humans and animals. He also pointed at the boy and said, "Your classmates are very good. Please introduce me to me!"

The boy finally relieved himself, and he didn't know where he had misunderstood. He immediately said to Anyang with excitement, "Good brother, my name is Wang Luyang, a classmate of Xiaoyou!"

Seeing this, An You couldn't help but smoke.

"It's just as much as you like, shut me up!" She said, she turned around with a cold face, and was about to enter the dormitory building.

Anyang didn't care either. She didn't even look at her. Instead, she smiled and said to Wang Luyang: "I think your face is related to my old home, why don't we find a place to talk?"

Wang Luyang's excitement: "Good ... good!"

An You, who had stepped into the gate of the dormitory, stiffened, turned around without hesitation, and walked back to Anyang.

"What the **** do you want to do?"

Anyang's gaze drifted away, but his expression was so calm that Gujing wasn't waved: "I'm bored, find someone to chat ..."

"Go home and talk to your family Xiaoqian!"

"I saw this little friend as before ..."

"If you're still a fart, don't go back!" Anyou said, she reached out and pushed Anyang, trying to push him into the car.

However, no matter how hard she tried, Anyang would not move!

"I don't want to go back ..."

"You said you're disgusting ... how heavy are you guys!" An You has exerted her strength to breastfeed, but Anyang is standing there like a mountain, immobile.

Even Anyang ignored her directly and looked at Wang Luyang with a smile that made her goose bumps: "How old are you guys, what is your family doing?"

Wang Luyang had already wiped out the depression and disappointment just now, and instead talked with excitement and said unfavorable: "Me, me and Xiaoyou are in the same year, they are already nineteen, my family ... My family is a company There are also hundreds of millions of assets, but you can rest assured that my parents were free and loving at the beginning, and they started to work together, so I am also very attentive ... "

In his view, to be able to get the "appreciation" of the "future uncle", one step closer to success!

"Actually, this girl had a hukou for a year in the morning, and she was only 18 this year. But it's better to be older, and boys will take care of girls when they are more mature, which is also in compliance with the marriage law!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Wang Luyang nodded in excitement, feeling like she had met a confidant.

And Anyou is still pushing Anyang ...

After a while, she finally gave up and turned her teeth to look at Anyang: "Shut up!"

Obviously, Anyang ignored it directly.

Seeing this nizi eating deflated, he suffocated along the way and the smoke disappeared, and his mood was a good one. He talked with Wang Luyang very well and talked about marriage.

"Actually, I do n’t think my family has anything to do with it, and hundreds of millions are just numbers. The two are together. The main thing is whether the other ’s family is clean or not, whether you know Shu Li, will you treat my sister well in the future? There wo n’t be a ties of inconsistent mother-in-law and so on. "

"As for more money and less money, this is just an embellishment that cannot be ignored, but it is not the main reference."

"Yes, yes, Brother Anyang, you are right!"

An You's face was extremely ugly.

Has the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law been involved so quickly ...

Anyang still wanted to say something, but Anyou had gnashed her teeth, and both hands covered his mouth.

"Enough is enough, no more!"

"Hmm ..."

Anyang only called twice and stopped.

Because he saw a Ferrari not far away from here, the body was black, but it was not low-key, but it was everywhere. There was a young man sitting in the car. The man's eyes had been looking at Wang Luyang indiscriminately. Most of the other time, he stopped on Anyou. Anyang suddenly knew why the young man came.

"Huh, this girl is also very attractive!"


The wheels rubbed against the ground with a harsh sound, and Ferrari stopped in front of them, and nearly hit Wang Luyang.

Anyang frowned, but said nothing.

Wang Luyang's face was a bit ugly, not only frightened, but also because he knew the car and the owner of the car.

The door of the sports car opens upwards. The design of this gull-wing door makes it easy for the little girl to feel very tall. Inside is a tall young man with a bit of shame on his face.

At this time, An You was still covering An Yang's mouth, and the two were very close, as if they were hugging together!

The young man glanced coldly at Anyang, then turned his attention to Wang Luyang and said, "Wang Luyang, I warned you several times, don't appear in front of Xiaoyou again!"

Wang Luyang said in a deep voice: "Tang Xinduo!"

The young man glanced coldly at him: "If you insist on toasting instead of eating fines, then I have to teach you a lesson. I don't think you want to be a problem for the rest of your life?"

Wang Luyang's face was pale, obviously obviously afraid, but glancing at An You and An Yang, he still clenched his teeth and said: "Tang Xinduo, what do you want to do, I'm not afraid of you!"

Tang Xinduo sneered abruptly and said ironically: "I still want to succeed, you don't have to measure your skills! The company in your home has barely hundreds of millions of assets and no backstage. It can only scare ordinary poor ghosts, but If you do n’t know what to do, just give me a swallow! "

At this time, An You had already released An Yang, standing with him, the disgust that could not be concealed on his face.

Anyang was also a little stunned, looking at the young man carefully, and he just thought he was a big breath!

Wang Luyang paled and dared not speak.

Obviously, although he likes Anyou, he does not want to cause such a great disaster to his parents.

This proves that he is still a brained person, and also proves that Tang Xinduo really has the ability to destroy his company.

Tang Xinduo sneered again: "Why, I counseled?"

Wang Luyang still didn't speak, but his fists were tight.

His family can be considered rich, but frustrated by the lack of power, Tang Xinduo's family background is just the nemesis of his company, so he really does not want to mess with Tang Xinduo.

Tang Xinduo knew that he would not leave easily, so he did not press tightly, only looked at him coldly, then turned to Anyang, his face deeper: "Xiaoyou, is this?"

An You first turned around to warn An Yang not to speak, and then looked at Tang Xinduo with a cold eye: "Call me by name, thank you!"

Tang Xinduo did not reply, still staring at Anyang.

Anyang only smiled lightly.

Tang Xinduo's eyes flashed immediately: "What are you laughing at?"

He naturally did not know that even if the dispute between him and Wang Luyang had escalated to the point where a company with hundreds of millions of assets would be wiped out, in Anyang ’s eyes, it was still fighting for jealousy. It was Anyou, and Anyang just felt funny.

An Youyu felt that he was going to talk nonsense again and threatened quickly: "You are not allowed to speak, you must dare to speak, and I will tell Xueer what you did as a child and what was under the bed!"

Anyang froze for a moment, embarrassed on his face, but he knew he could not be soft, if soft, it would be equivalent to being gripped by this nizi. Such threats will certainly not be less in the future.

So he calmed down: "If you want to say it, just say, who hasn't passed puberty, is it abnormal?"

An You's face instantly turned red: "You ... you are shameless!"

Tang Xinduo, who seemed to have heard something from their conversation, had originally seen the two of them ‘sexually’ in front of him.

Until Anyang faced him: "My name is Anyang."

This sentence is far worse than Wang Luyang's treatment.

Tang Xinduo's eyes suddenly widened, and his gloomy face instantly changed into a hearty smile: "It turns out to be a big uncle. I have just offended him. I don't know, please forgive me."

Anyou has an elder brother named Anyang. This is not a secret and no investigation is required. Just ask her roommate to know.

Because of this, Anyang also looked as usual, only waved his hand: "The eight characters haven't been swept away yet. It's better to avoid screaming. It's not too late to wait for the future."

Tang Xinduo grinned: "The trouble comes from the mouth!"

This word was always used by him to warn others, but it was unexpectedly used by others to warn himself one day.

But he didn't say anything, knowing that Anyang didn't treat him very much, nor asked him to be bored, and soon resigned: "Uncle, Xiaoyou, I suddenly had something wrong, so I left."

Just after turning around, his face sank.

"Really think of yourself as a character and drive a broken car of more than one million. If you don't have a good sister, you don't even have the qualifications to speak to me! The same woman Anyou, wait for me to get you After that, see how crazy you are! "

He didn't say these words, only turned the steering wheel and turned his head on the spot, stepped on the accelerator, and left quickly.

At this time, An You dared to look at An Yang: "Actually speaking in that tone, what do you decide me, and there is no one-character, and both are not related to you!"

Anyang pretends to be ignorant: "What tone?"

"Of course the tone of the parents!"

"Oh ... Elder brother is like a father."

"……To shut up!"

Anyang shrugged and asked again: "What's the matter with Tang Xinduo? Is it also the rich son who was fascinated by you?"

"... I'm not a vixen!"

"What about you ~ ~ Answer well."

"I don't know, I don't know him ... what kind of tone do you have, why do you have to answer me when you ask!"

Anyang looked helpless and looked at Wang Luyang again.

Wang Luyang said: "His family is Yang Yutang's Tang family."

An You suddenly froze for a moment: "A fish pond?"

"Cough ..." Anyang was anxious.

Wang Luyang fell silent, and said, "Yang Yutang is a family involved in ... gray, with surnames Yang, Yu and Tang respectively."

"Gray family?"

"Well, they basically controlled the gray forces in Yizhou Province, and some officials were sheltering them, so even some large companies did not dare to provoke them, because even if they were targeted, they were easily used. Various means collapsed and were swallowed by this group of evil spirits. "

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