My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 686: You are not qualified

In a very ordinary roadside coffee house, Anyang and Comrade Xiaoqian sat opposite each other, and the traffic flowed through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Both men just need a cup of milk tea and talk in a low voice.

"It's really easy without that rabbit!"

"Fun Jun really stood up and talked without back pain, seduced by the appearance of the bunny, I don't know how many people dreamed of having a kiss with Fang Ze, but Fu Jun even thought she was too sticky."

"It's good to use, but it can't be eaten."

"Concubine didn't let her husband not eat ..."

"Ah? How cruel!"

"..." Xiao Qian suddenly speechless.

At this moment, Anyang frowned, and saw two figures walking into the coffee house, one of them was Tang Xinduo.

There was also a middle-aged man who looked a little bit like Tang Xinduo. Several bodyguards followed them, but the bodyguard stopped at the door only, and the remaining two came straight towards him.

"What's wrong, husband?"

Comrade Xiaoqian saw his expression change slightly, turned around and followed his gaze: "These two are?"

At the same time, Tang Xinduo also saw Xiaoqian, his eyes straightened suddenly, and even a slight pause in his footsteps.

At this time, Comrade Xiaoqian was dressed coolly and dressed up deliberately. The white loose dress was very fashionable, and at his feet was a pair of exquisite flat lace sandals. From the back, I only felt that the long-haired shawl and the beautiful figure on the back, revealing the quiet intellectual beauty, when she looked back, the face with light makeup was like a fairy in the world, and she didn't eat fireworks, and it was gentle.

Only when you get closer can you find that the snowy and slender legs are close together and the curves are round and well-proportioned, which is especially attractive.

Tang Xinduo breathed a little, swallowing.

The cold light flashed in Anyang's eyes, and he withdrew his gaze, and ignored it: "Did I not tell you the other day, this is the black second generation who blindly saw Anyou."

Xiaoqian covered her mouth and chuckled. The moment of style was enough to make the whole coffee shop lose its color. Many people sitting in the distance were amazed, and even some girls were slightly lost.

"Husband is blind, Xiaoyou looks beautiful, her personality is cheerful and lively, and she is also good enough, which is not flattering, and it is normal for many pursuers."

"Don't say that, if the girl accidentally heard it, her tail wouldn't lift to the sky!"

"Then she will like me very much!"

During the laugh, the father and son of Tang Xinduo also came in front of them and stood facing them. Tang Xinduo's gaze still looked at Xiao Qian if there was nothing, and Tang Qiang piled a smile on his face.

"Two, what are you talking about?"

Xiaoqian glanced at Anyang's expression, and then coldly glanced at Tang Xinduo, and the lingering coldness burst out.


Tang Xinduoton felt a tingling in his eyes, and quickly rubbed his eyes, tears running down his cheeks uncontrollably, but he didn't think much about it, but felt that his eyes hurt inexplicably.

Is this the legendary dazzling beauty ...!

Xiao Qian asked lightly: "Do we know?"

Tang Qiang still smiled: "You may not know it, but this gentleman next to you must know. The dog son Xinduo and Lingmei are studying together at Yizhou University, and they have a good relationship, and they have a very close relationship. See you and see if you are dissatisfied with Xinduo. It is considered to meet the parents in advance. We came with sincerity! "

Comrade Xiaoqian was angry and smiled. She could hear Anyang make it very clear that night. The person's face was too thick.

"So are you here today to test our reality? The reason is too inferior, based on your son, what qualifications are you with Xiaoyou?"

"Girl, you are ..." Tang Qiang's face was slightly gloomy.

The purpose of his coming here is not to see the parents, but to explore the reality of Anyang. If it really comes from the behemoth, then Liu Changan ’s disappearance can only be tolerated. You can even meet the parents and talk about Tang Xinduo and An You. After all, as long as he catches the behemoth, even if it is just a sideline, he can worry about it!

If Anyang does not have a deep background, but just accidentally killed Liu Changan, or Liu Changan ’s disappearance has other hidden reasons, then he will have to calculate this account!

But I didn't expect that Xiaozheng had beaten him back without any politeness or face-saving before the Lord had spoken.

If Tang Qiang got into the biggest skill in this step, it was that he should be patient, smile and bow his head, and then wait for the opportunity to bite the meat that he can deal with, so he was not angry and still looked at the smile Qian, waiting for a reply.

However, Xiao Qian didn't even take care of him, and took a milk tea and drank lightly, gathered her hair, and had a variety of styles.

After a while, Tang Qiang smiled stiffly and said, "I'm also one of the three Tang families, and I'm sincere to talk about the children's affairs. The two of them are too faceless!"

Xiaoqian covered her mouth and chuckled again: "Are there three families in the fish pond? Are fish farms so profitable now ..."

Obviously, when she remembered that Anyang told her about that night, An You once listened to Yang Yutang as a fish pond, and that night Anyang had made this whole thing a joke.

Tang Qiang's complexion was a bit ugly.

This line can sometimes whisper, don't face, but the most important thing is this face and name!

The so-called head and face, with this face and fame, will only continue to follow him to work for him.

After all, this line is not entirely based on salary and salaries, but also depends on many other things, and Xiao Qian undoubtedly ridiculed him in public, and trampled the entire Yang family.

"Girl, it's too much to say, even if you look down on the dog, but this hit me in the Tang family's face nakedly, and what did you mean by insulting the Tang family?"

"Literally." Xiao Qian smiled beautifully.

Tang Qiang took a deep breath, and he hadn't been in such a breath for many years. Even when he was with his own umbrella, he was polite to each other. How could it be!

Tang Xinduo couldn't help it anymore, but he didn't aim at Xiao Qian who surprised him, but looked at Anyang with a somber face: "Anyang, are you still a man, hiding silently, all relying on a woman and We deal with each other, if you accidentally say the wrong thing, you will be responsible for the consequences! "

Tang Qiang glared at him as soon as he spoke.

The situation is not yet clear. Even if he speaks, he is very serious. If Tang Xinduo is not so good at speaking, if others really have power, this can easily lead to disaster!

But Tang Qiang hadn't had time to apologize. Comrade Xiaoqian had frowned, and an extremely cold breath emanated from her, mixed with hostility, which was chilling.

"I remember what you just said!"

Tang Xinduo shuddered, somewhat dazed.

This woman's good momentum!

At this moment, Anyang spoke, and he directly crossed Tang Xinduo and faced Tang Qiang: "What is your name?"

Tang Qiang's eyes flickered: "My surname is Tang, the Tang Dynasty Tang is called Tang Qiang, and in Yizhou it's a bogus name. There is a little friendship between upper and lower.

Anyang is very straightforward: "No."

Tang Qiang's eyes were slightly cold, and he took a deep breath, then shook his hand and shook him: "Then the two sit down slowly, and I will go with the dog first. Please think about what happened just now."

Tang Xinduo was reluctant to give Xiao Qian a glance, but also looked at Anyang coldly before leaving Tang Qiang.

Xiao Qian lowered her head and chuckled, "Husband really can play."

"playing what?"

"It's nothing. Husband plays slowly."

"What do you mean ..."

Xiao Qian smiled without a word, bowed her head and drank water.


By the road, the two boarded a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

Tang Xinduo immediately looked at Tang Qiang nervously: "Dad, do you think they will be the people behind An's Group?"

Tang Qiang gave him a cold look, because of his understanding of his son, where did he not know that his son was tempted by the woman just now, this is so urgent.

"It's hard to tell!"

"It's hard to say, our Tang family is not bad, even if the politicians have asked for our heads, they haven't even heard your name. In my opinion, they are at most people with a small background who don't know the heights And the background is still on the woman. I checked Anyou ’s family, his brother is definitely not a big man! "

"How many times have I told you? First, the high-ranking officials in the province did not ask for our heads, but let us do something for us! Second, give awe to everything, even a small person Maybe you brought a knife to kill you on your way home! "

"As for the two people, their temperament is so outstanding, especially the man, definitely not an ordinary person!"

"Why aren't they ordinary people?"

"That woman, don't say you, the top son in the province can't hold it when you see it. What do you think the average person can do with her? You really disappoint me!"

"But in case, isn't the An's group always the surname Shen? What if their temperament is just pretending? There are too many of these people, have you seen fewer dads in these years?"

Tang Qiang frowned: "So it is necessary to test!"

After a pause, he said again: "As for the surname of An's, no one really knows this, and I just guess, if the bet is right ~ ~ you don't need to worry in your life!"

"Our family is so well informed that we can't find out this point, it is estimated that there is no such thing!" Tang Xinduo still remembers Xiao Qian, regardless of Tang Qiang's words.

"Mouse eyes! Arrogant! Do you really think our family is amazing! Well-informed is just gossip, what the real people want to let us know, we can know that the country set up so many secret departments a year, you know a few ? I really spoiled you and let you take over the business of our family in the future, I am afraid it will not take long! "

"Yes, I knew it was wrong."

"You have to try!"

"If we try again, I will go in person to see where Uncle Liu has gone, I do n’t know?"

"If something goes wrong, you are done!"

"But there is no other way. We can hide some, bring more people, and be more gentle. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake, it's a big apology!"

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