My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 691: Comrade Xiaoqian's strategy

After just picking a piece of meat, Anyou stopped again: "What the **** happened? Why am I here?"

Anyang asked: "What do you remember?"

"I remember ... I remember that Tang Qiang, you don't know anyway, even Tang Xinduo and his father, and then he took a few people to force me into the car ... Well, I don't know what happened, I fainted ,then……"

"Your expressive ability, Gee, perfect!"

"Pervert, tell you the right thing!"

"Okay." Anyang fell silent. "Your car had an accident on the road, so you fainted. When the police found out, it was an hour later. Fortunately, you were not injured. Then they called me. Phone. "

Xiao Qian gathered her hair and smiled.

An You frowned: "Why is your phone?"

"Probably because I called you two days ago. ... don't you think it's boring to struggle with these?"

An You was silent.

She clearly remembered that she fainted is a slow process similar to being sleepy, unlike an unexpected shock!

"What about Tang Qiang?"

"Come in, what else? What about kidnapping is not a trivial matter in our country's laws!"

"It seems that their family is very powerful."

"So many people have taken pictures of the incident, and the media has arrived. They have no power but there is no way. And now all the black forces in this society are paper tigers. Ordinary people think they are fierce and mature. In fact, it is the same."

"Is it……"


An You lowered her head and shaved the rice, chewing with her mouth moving, her eyes glancing back and forth on the dining table.

"Huh!" Anyang sighed with relief.

It seems that Nizi has at least calmed down.

That's also true, after all, I've been crying ...

But only a moment later, An You raised her head again: "You just said that the media has arrived, and someone else took a picture?"

Anyang twitched his lips and nodded, "Well."

"It's over, don't I want to become a celebrity!"

"I found someone to unblock the relationship, and the people behind Tang Qiang's family did not want this thing to be exposed. This matter has been suppressed at least in the media, so your dream of becoming an online celebrity may be It's going to burst for the time being. "

"Okay! That's good! Otherwise, you can't see anyone!"

"Huh." An Yang's expression was calm, but his heart was so painful. He had just said something casually without his brain, but he met An You, a true love character. In order not to leak, he almost used propaganda to send her Push into a celebrity!

After eating quietly for three minutes, Anyou raised her head again--

"No, why am I not in the hospital?"

"... I said you were not injured."

"That's what I said, but shouldn't I check in the hospital as usual at this time? It's the same on TV!"

"That's TV, you idiot!"

"You are an idiot! I'm just asking. In such a serious car accident, I didn't hurt at all."

"How do I know? Maybe I'm blessing you!"

"..." An You was speechless. She didn't notice the increasing smile on Xiao Qian's face, which was very interesting. "Then ... Then do I need to go to the police station to make a statement or something?"

"No ... I don't know. I will call you over there if needed."

"Is it ..." An You doubted deeply with her face.

Anyang turned black: "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

An You bowed her head and stopped talking.

I don't know why. She just held deep doubts about Anyang's words. The sources of such doubts were too many, and it would take a long time for her to list them carefully. But to make her think of a specific reason otherwise, she couldn't figure it out.

If it is really as Anyang said, then his luck is too good. The kidnapped happened to be in a car accident. They have passed out in a coma but are unscathed. When they are reported by the media, they are pressed down, thus avoiding the tragedy of becoming a net red.

There is also a sad reminder that obviously the hostess of the kidnapping incident, but not even the opportunity to make a statement to the police station.

Another point is ...

Hey, this dish tastes really good!

An You licked her mouth and looked at a dish in the center of the dining table, but she was somewhat restrained and did not stretch chopsticks one after another.

Upon seeing this, Comrade Xiaoqian got up and changed the dish.

"Thank you Xiaoqian's sister-in-law!" An You narrowed her eyes into a crescent shape, completely forgetting the doubt just now.

Xiao Qian glanced at Anyang with interest.

Anyang was helpless ...

What can he do? He can never say that all those people were killed by him, right? Or the Tang family has been wiped out? To blame only blame yourself for not paying much attention to the first sentence, underestimating the true degree of this nizi, leading to continuous lies!

Xiaoqian raised his eyebrows secretly at him, and he smiled with a smile on his face, and then looked down and asked whether Anyoucai had a taste.

With the help of Comrade Xiaoqian, Anyang Cai finally avoided the tragedy that An You kept asking about. At the end of a meal, although Anyou saw Comrade Xiaoqian's craft for the second time, but the dishes she ate were different, she was inevitably held up.

"Talk to your two siblings, I'll wash the dishes!"

"No, I'll wash it for you!" An You was very enthusiastic.

Comrade Xiaoqian smiled to stop her: "You are so full, just sit for a while, I'll be fine."

"OK then."

After being full, Anyou really didn't want to move.

Sitting back on the sofa, she glanced at Anyang with Yu Guang, but she couldn't help but snorted and stopped looking at him.

Thinking of what happened in the room today, she was so embarrassed that she had never been so embarrassed in her life!

After a while, she suddenly remembered something.

"Anyang?" Her voice was a little bad.

Anyang frowned and turned his head: "What's wrong?"

"You said there are still people behind Tang Xinduo's family. Those people will not come to trouble me again because of this matter?"

"No, the Tang family is gone!" Anyang said this with cold eyes. "Do n’t worry, the other people are different from the mice who are underground. The Tang family is also self-reliant. No one will. Revenge their hatred for them. "

Afterwards, Anyang analyzed the fundamental gap between the forces that the Tang family worked for and the Tang family.

An You finally let her mind down, but in this way, she had only one knot left in her heart: "In the car that day, Tang Xinduo's father said that Tang Xinduo came to me that night, but he died. He said that this matter must be You and I are related ... "

"What do you think?" Anyang hung a smile.

"I think it's impossible!"

"What do you think, this is what it is!"

"... like a **** stick."

The two siblings actually sat on the sofa and talked a lot.

The fall temperature in summer into the autumn is terrible, and it is only a little cool in the evening. The sunset outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is like fire and blood, and the projected light passes through the gap between the treetops, setting off the floor to a red color. Such a quiet beauty.

"This guy will enjoy it too!"

An You kept silent and looked at the living room quietly.

The decoration is very beautiful, the living room is large, and there is nothing to see in the room. Once you go out, you will find that it is different!

This is actually a villa!

Even though she had already seen the phantom collector ’s edition worth more than 10 million yuan, but because of the unique housing plot of the Chinese, she could n’t help but be shocked when she saw this beautiful villa, which was a deep Deep powerlessness.

An You curled herself into the soft sofa.

The simple and modern style of eye contact coexists, both elegant and modern, and the modern beauty of technology. Floor-to-ceiling windows occupying the entire wall coexist with the very charming mahogany stairs, and celebrity calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall ...

There are also sofas and hanging chairs in front of the window, as long as you sit there, you can watch the great scenery outside the window.

A thousand words, eventually turned into a sigh.


Comrade Xiaoqian just stepped out of the kitchen, wiping his hand on the apron and asking, "Are you happy, Xiaoyou?"

"Um! No ... nothing."

"I just heard you sighing."

"I just ... just eat too much!"

Xiaoqian smiled, and did not continue to ask.

As soon as she took off her apron, Anyou got up and said: "It's not too early now. I should go back. I have been missing at school for a whole day. It's anxious not to go back to my roommate."

She didn't say how she was accused.

Xiaoqian glanced at the sky outside: "Not in a hurry, it's not dark yet, it's the coolest time of the day, and it's full, so why don't we go out and go shopping together?"

"This ... okay." Anyou now has a short mouth. "I'll send a text message to my roommates and say hello to them!"


Anyang glanced at Comrade Xiaoqian with a smile, reading her thoughts at a glance, but it was not clear.

Xiaoqian returned his gaze.

Anyang only felt interesting for a while. Just now Xiao Qian made fun of him and kept covering up, looking at him with this kind of eyes, now ...

"Then go, go!"

Xiaoqian took Anyang's arm, Anyou also sorted out her clothes, and the three walked out of the room side by side.

"No ... don't you need to lock the door?"

"No lock."

"Okay ... okay."

The other villa outside the door was lit by stars.

Because it was three people, the small convertible was obviously not enough to sit. Anyang chose the SUV and banged out of the garage.

Anyou only found out when sitting in the car and galloping down ~ ~ This villa is actually located on the top of a hill! There is only one family on top of this mountain except this villa, which means that this small mountain road is completely prepared for them.


The only thing that makes Anyou feel relieved is that the other villa looks better than Anyang.

The car stopped quickly and the three of them started walking and shopping.

Comrade Xiao Qian undoubtedly came out with the idea of ​​pleasing the future little aunt. Although Anyang made fun of her, he also drove the car directly to Jinguan ’s famous shopping street. So this night, Anyou was basically destined to return with full load. .

It was just something that made Anyang feel depressed. At first, Comrade Xiaoqian was still holding himself, but he ran away soon.

Looking at the beautiful figure side by side, he had to secretly say to himself: "This is strategy ... strategy!"

At nine o'clock in the evening, he sent Anyou back to school.

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