My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 697: Apocalypse is coming

Chapter 597 The Revelation Comes

[The chapter just published an error, the starting point was repeated, and now the editor is not going to work. Although the readers have been reminded that the masters do not repeat subscriptions, but gold still found that many masters have subscribed. Write a chapter to compensate readers! 】


The elder woman knocked down the gunman who was guarding the electric gate with an elbow, and she immediately opened the gate and pulled down the gate!

It was at this time that several metal pieces flew at high speed. (Product @ 书 ¥ 网)!

"Rui! Rin! Rin! ..."

The gunmen were knocked down one by one, and the iron pieces easily penetrated their heads and brought up a cluster of blood.

An upgraded version of throwing, second-order technique-control flying! It is similar to the way the Magneto killed people in the plot, but the difference is that this spell can not only control metals, but also control any small objects and kill the enemy at high speed.

When the demon-shaped girl turned back, there was a riot in the field.

"Oh! What happened!"

"The guard is dead! Who did this!"

"I feel a little bit bad!"

Some spectators got up and wanted to leave, but others were more excited and seemed completely afraid of death.

The blue demons and angels in the cage also looked dull.

More guards with guns rushed out of the side tunnel and blocked the gate for the first time. It seemed to be preparing to investigate the murderer, but a few small metal pieces penetrated their heads like ghosts, and they could not be guarded in the dark.

"Puff puff!……"

As blood splashed, the guards fell one after another!

The angel glanced coldly at his opponent. The short contact just now proved that he couldn't beat this abominable kid, and this ring only had the theory of life and death. At this moment, when the high voltage of the cage was cut off, he immediately opened the iron gate and rushed Go out.

There is only one way to stay here!

But just stepping out of the cage, he was still glad that the guard was dead, but suddenly found a figure standing in front of him.

"Keep off!" The angel shouted coldly.

Anyang looked calm, and a purple tassel appeared in the air in front of him. Suddenly, he flew forward and passed the angel at a very high speed on the cage behind him.

Silent, but glorious.

The angel looked back, and his body suddenly stiffened.

Obviously it was just a thin line with a light spot, but a terrible energy erupted, destroying half of the cage once!

Anyang said lightly: "You can run, but I promise you will become a dead bird, you can try it if you don't believe it."

"You, what do you want?"

"Follow me." Anyang finished and went to the ring.

The angel looked at the exit that was close at hand, and suddenly a thin fuchsia light flashed in front of him, without a sound, but a huge gap was blown out from the wall next to it. He shuddered.

This is a naked warning!

Anyang walked to the blue demon and used a zero-order technique to make a tracking mark on him before saying: "The hot girl next to the street is good. Do you want to play with me?"

The honest blue demon suddenly froze.

Suddenly, a **** figure appeared on the ring.

The first is a long leg wrapped in black silk, a purple **** tight-fitting hip skirt, long golden hair curled, and bright red lip gloss on her lips. She stood in the middle of the ring and looked at Anyang quietly. , With vigilance in his eyes.

"Who are you?" The devil-shaped woman asked coldly.

"Hello, Ruiwen, my name is Anyang."

"How do you know who I am?"


"What are you doing here?"

"Same purpose as you."

"How do you know my purpose?"

"It doesn't make sense. I have a very interesting thing to tell you. Are you interested in sitting down with me?"

"No!" The demon-shaped girl answered very simply.

This time, Anyang was slightly startled: "Well, this matter may involve Magneto, Professor Charles, and the teammates you are familiar with. I would have guessed that you would be very interested, but it turns out that this time I guessed wrong. "

The magic-shaped woman frowned: "What is it?"

Anyang grinned: "It seems I guessed right."

"What do you want to do?"

"Follow me, you will know." Anyang turned and walked through the crowd, and just a few more guards came, but they all shrank in the corner, even the muzzle did not dare to lift it up. Apparently the misery on the ground let them know Anyang It's not that they can provoke.

"The boy with long wings, I know you can fly, but you can't fly out of the palm of my hand. And the boy with long tail, you better take away your teleport ability, I planted a mark on you, It ’s useless wherever you go. If you do n’t believe it, you can look at the pattern on your arm. Of course, you can also try it, but this process will not be very pleasant. "

The angel consciously followed behind Anyang, and the Blue Devil lifted his sleeve and looked at his hand. After a moment of terror, he finally walked out of the arena with his fate. The magic-shaped woman did not hesitate for too long, and directly followed Anyang to leave.

In the hotel booked by Anyang——

The magical woman first looked at the room, and then looked at him: "How are you going to treat these two little guys?"

"not so good."

"Do you want them to work for you?"

"I'm not interested in this."

"Then why do you force them to follow you?"

"I have my own use!"

The magic-shaped woman pursed her lips and stopped talking.

The angel also asked, "What does self-use mean? Are you not going to tell us?"

"You will know."

"Do you have money?" The angel asked ironically.

Anyang only gave him a cold look, but did not answer.

The magic-shaped girl said: "You just said something to tell me, now that I have come, you can say it!"

Anyang sat on the sofa, and a cup flew over from a short distance and was held by him, filled with white water: "Have you read the Revelation of the Bible? Which chapter of the Doomsday Judgment?"

"What does this have to do with what you want to say?"

Anyang smiled and waved, and a thick book fell on the coffee table, which was the Christian Bible.

"At the end of the world, a lamb will unravel the seven seals of the scroll and call for knights riding on four horses of white, red, black, and gray, respectively, to bring plague, war, famine, and death to the final judge. At that time, human beings will be out of balance, and the sun and the moon will change color. This is apocalypse. "

"What do you mean?"

"Sleeping in Egypt is an ancient and powerful mutant who claimed to be a **** and once ruled the world. You can think of him as the ancestor of the mutant, or you can think of him as a versatile mutant, and his name is just Call it Tianqi. "

The three in the room were a little stunned.

For a long time, the magic-shaped woman asked: "Do you want to say that he is the end of the judgment that brings destruction to the world in the Bible?"

"It doesn't matter if it is so. He ruled the world for many years, and eventually fell asleep because of the betrayal of mortals. If he wakes up in this era, he will destroy the order established by mortals. From a certain perspective, he is the end!"

"This ... this is a little ridiculous!"

"Listen to me slowly." Anyang smiled and looked at the demon girl, and drank. "Since the mutants have appeared, there have been many fanatics. They regard the mutants as signs of God's reproduction. The CIA is tracking these. Believers, some of whom call themselves Ahir En Shaba Nur, are the apocalypse I just said, an ancient mutant, and these believers believe that he is the first mutant in history and believe that he is ultimately One day will come again! "

After a pause, Anyang said, "It is Moira Magtagot who is responsible for tracing this incident!"

Moira Magtagorte, the predecessor of Professor Charles, now serves on the CIA.

The demon-shaped woman digested what he said before saying, "So you found me because of this void legend?"

"There is no wind in the hole, since I found you, it proves that these are true. Moira is looking for the place where the apocalypse sleeps in Egypt, and as long as he sees the sun, this powerful mutant will wake up and will be It was a disaster! "


"Besides, it is foreseeing the future."

"Foresee the future?"

"Apocalypse is always accompanied by four knights, this is what the Bible says, and when he wakes up, he will look for four powerful mutants as his guardian at the first time, Magneto is definitely one of them. If you Starting now can at least stop Moira from unintentionally awakening the apocalypse, and perhaps killing the apocalypse before he wakes up. "Anyang sat on the sofa with a soft voice, as if to say something unrelated to himself," the rest Maybe time is running out. "

"You gave me the task of saving the world?"

"You are a hero!"

"How do I believe what you say."

"It doesn't take you much time to prove."

"Egypt is not close!"

"You can go to Professor Charles."

The magic-shaped woman was silent.

In a moment, she asked: "How do you know?"

"You can also believe it."

The magic-shaped girl was silent again, and after a long time, she stared at Anyang: "Will you stay here all the time?"

"Probably ~ ~ Then I will come back to find you!"

"Well, goodbye. Is it convenient to leave a drop of blood?"

"What do you want to do?"

"forget it."

After the demon-shaped girl left, Anyang turned to blue demon and angel with a smile: "Come, come here."

The two subconsciously shivered.

At this moment, the earth trembling suddenly!

Anyang felt a wave of majestic energy wafting along the ground, like an earthquake. The lights in the house flickered suddenly, and the water in the glass stirred up waves, and the angel and the blue demon almost stood unsteady. The energy wave is still spreading farther.

Without testing the instrument, he can sense it clearly.

Anyang's expression changed slightly, and finally said lightly: "It seems that he has woken up, well, it is really negligent."

The two of them heard him muttering a bit ugly.

It did n’t take long for the demon to walk back: "What happened just now?"

Blue Devil weakly said: "Earthquake ..."

The demon-shaped goddess looked stern: "Not so simple!"

Anyang said lightly: "He is awake."

The magic-shaped girl was immediately surprised: "Who? Was the ancient mutant you just mentioned? Apocalypse?"

Anyang nodded.

The magic woman immediately turned around: "I want to tell Charles."

"If I were you, I would immediately rush to Poland to find Magneto. He may be a bit troublesome now. If not handled properly, it will bring a lot of disaster to the world."


"Yes, I will go with you, and this long-tailed little blue guy, let him take us."

Somehow, Anyang was excited when he said this.

What the **** is the end of the world, research is the right thing!

Magneto! Magneto! Apocalypse, apocalypse!

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