My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 702: During the war

"I am grateful to you for the matter of Qin ..."

"You're welcome."

"Your method is wonderful. I have not seen this ability in any mutants. At the same time, this is also a very useful means for all mutants in the world. Time, we may be able to discuss it."

"Of course, this is my honor, Professor."

"Actually, we still have one more thing for you this time." The professor's expression dimmed, "About the Apocalypse."

"Please say." Anyang wiped his hands.

"Apocalypse and his followers carried out a massacre in the Alhambra this morning. A total of at least 200,000 people were killed by his followers. The reason is only that the person was waiting here. Tortured. "

"Did you attack?"

"Yes, Eric is already on the way."

"Notify me at that time."

"Ok! We just want to ask your opinion. According to the data, the apocalypse is too strong, and we speculate that he also has a ability to make followers more powerful. There were not so many powerful people in the world! "

"He does have this ability. Or he is a versatile mutant." Anyang paused. "Do you have relevant information about the mutant who slaughtered 200,000 people? Do I have to do it? Well prepared for the battle. "

"Almighty mutant?" The professor was a little surprised. "Some information, Ruiwen, you used to get it!"

"Okay!" The demon-shaped girl turned and left.

Anyang nodded to the professor and said, "This is also the reason why Tianqi lived for so many years. He can transfer his strength and will to other mutants before he dies, so as to obtain the ability and lifespan of the transferred person."

"It turns out this way." The professor suddenly realized, "but how can you be so clear about these things?"


The professor smiled gently: "Everyone has a secret. If you don't want to say, no one will force you."

Not long after, Ruiwen brought the information.

"This is Thomas's profile!"

"Thomas? Thank you."

Anyang took it and looked carefully.

Now that he has promised to deal with the four followers, he will not be afraid of war. Even if he hears that this follower has a horrible record of killing more than 200,000 people, he just asks for information and makes sufficient preparations. I thought about flinching.

After all, he was reluctant to participate in the battle between them and Apocalypse because there was no reward and the risk was not low!

Just a moment, he knew he was worried.

"The Plague Knight?" Anyang put down the information.

It means that he has almost seen powerful variants with famous names in this world, where is such a ruthless character!

This mutant's ability is like casting a toxin. The toxicity of this toxin is strong or weak, weak or weak. Compared to the supernatural world like the place of origin and the Shenzhou World, it is naturally Xuanke, but for ordinary people But it is difficult. In particular, this toxin can be spread through the air in a wide range, just like the plague cast by heaven, let alone lethal damage!

This is a bit like the plague knight of one of the four knights of the apocalypse in the Bible.

As for his personal combat strength, it is not strong.

After seeing Anyang so quickly, he put down the information, and the witch-shaped female frowned and reminded: "There are still many behind. Thomas used to poison others before, even if the toxin was not so powerful at that time, you can learn from it."

Anyang waved his hand slightly: "No need, these are enough, anyway, he will be dead right away."

This remark is extremely rampant, which makes a bit of contempt in the corner of the mouth of the magic-shaped woman: "You are really too arrogant."

The professor said: "His personal combat strength is indeed not strong, but we have to consider his threat to ordinary people, especially the protection of the three other followers. If he is allowed to make a large-scale anti-virus, then it must be It ’s difficult for me to let Ruiwen and Hank cooperate with you. If necessary, Eric can also shoot. I must get rid of him first! "

"Relax, I can do it."

"Are you sure?" Professor Charles frowned tightly. "There is no room for error in this matter."

"As you please." Anyang didn't bother to explain.

"Well, we will start as soon as Eric arrives!"

"Well." Anyang nodded. "Yes, Shockwave has a brother named Scott. He also awakened. If nothing else, he will be a stronger mutant than Shockwave. If he has his help, he will win. Will be much larger. "

"Brother of Shockwave? Scott?"

"Well, I met him in Ohio. He was unable to control his ability because he was injured in a plane crash. I saw him at that time and seemed to be very distressed. I helped him. If there is no accident, his ability is still good. Imprisoned by me. "

"It turns out that it's true. It's no wonder that my brother who didn't hear Shockwave awakened his ability." The professor looked solemn. "I'll let people do it right away, but now the time is a little tight and I don't know if it is too late. You should have said it earlier."

"I forgot." Anyang said indifferently.

The professor's complexion became a little strange.

The Magic Girl quickly went out: "I want this person to rush to Fort Worth before the battle!"

After two inclines, Magneto arrived.

Hanke walked proudly in the fighter research room in the college, stroking the silver-grey fuselage of the fighter with one hand. The cold touch on it made him proud: "Supersonic speed, invisibility, and explosion-proof devices are our hard work. Crystallization! "

The demon-shaped woman exclaimed: "You actually built a fighter jet here | How to take off?"

Hank smiled: "Removable roof."

After a pause, he said aloud: "Now everyone is ready to board the plane, there are flight suits."

A group of people immediately ran to wear a flight suit.

Among them are Qin who has difficulty controlling his own power, Professor Charles, Hank, Blue Demon, Angel, Shockwave, Magneto and investigator Moira, who has no useful relationship except for the professor who had a little bit of pornography.

Anyang got on the plane and found a seat.

Hank frowned and walked over to the driver's seat while turning his head to stare at him: "Aren't you wearing a flight suit?"

Anyang glanced at the leather clothes that outlined the figure tightly, and shivered: "No."

"Flight suit is necessary!"

"I don't have to rely on this stuff to attract the audience"

"Which audience?"

"It's nothing."

Shockwave shouted: "Hurry up!"

Hank turned around, somewhat inexplicably, but he quickly started the plane and pulled the joystick to taxi forward.

A minute later, the slender body rose into the sky!

Anyang sat calmly and pulled the corner of his mouth.

This thing is not as fast as he wears armor

Fort Worth is a commercial and industrial city located in Texas, USA. He is far less striking than his later generations, but he has some kind of momentum to become a taxpayer in Texas. I do n’t know why. Apocalypse is now in this city.

This has deviated from the original plot.

The plane burst downward obliquely through the clouds, and the height suddenly fell. There was a slight sense of weightlessness, but it didn't matter.

Soon, the plane landed smoothly.

Magic Girl and Scott are already waiting here.

"Hey, Mr. Anyang!"

"Far away, not familiar with you."

Professor Charles was originally not involved in the war, but this time the situation is special, he came under the advice of Anyang. At the same time, he can also serve as the commander of all people. Under his guidance, the people are divided into two teams and go to the sky.

Anyang was followed by the four of them: the Magic Girl, the Nightcrawler, the Angel, and the Hank. They were all warriors without exception. The professor might feel that they were not needed for the battle with the Apocalypse. .



A fuchsia semi-circular mask appeared out of thin air, with five figures vaguely visible inside, until the mask was dispersed, and the picture suddenly became clear. One of them was wearing an old and strange costume, and his skin was blue to black. It was the apocalypse.

"Are you looking for me?" Tianqi's voice was hoarse, with a faint echo, and once heard it was the villain boss.

Professor Charles moved out: "Your Holocaust in Alhambra has been spurned by all mankind, you must be punished for such atrocities, and the time for the ancient awakeners to belong to you has passed ~ www. ~ Apocalypse stared at him, and he didn't know where this was for trouble, but he said in a deep voice: "My child, you should have stood on top of this group of mortals to enjoy glory and rights, but you Raise your fist to resist my heart, I will forgive your eyes blinded by the world, as long as you fight with me now, we can create a new world, a new world that belongs to the mutant! "

The professor rubbed his head: "It can only be beaten."

The two sides only talked one sentence, and it was declared broken.

The first thing that came out was the Magneto, who had stood on the opposite side of all mankind. He had worn back his former armor, but the helmet used to defend the mind was no longer there. As soon as he raised his hand, several cars parked on the roadside flew out of thin air!


The car suddenly crashed into the sky!

The shockwave was no nonsense, he directly punched a punch in the direction of the apocalypse, and a red ring-shaped shockwave was suddenly shot by his arm towards the apocalypse!

And all this was blocked by the transparent steel shield next to Tianqi, as if it wouldn't hurt him at all.

The four knights of the apocalypse also spread out and acted one after another.

The magical female poses in a fighting pose: "Now it's time for us to perform, kill them!"

Hank nodded and suddenly turned blue.

Now he is like a humanoid beast!

The angel also flapped his wings excitedly, only the blue demon was a little nervous, but there was no sign of retreat.

Anyang glanced at them faintly, and took out the ancient jade sword out of thin air, murmured the spell, added several aggressive bu to himself and the sword with Taoist methods and spells, and took a sword flower in his hand. It became a black mist.


In the astonishment of everyone, the black mist rose to the sky!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued)

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