My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 705: Rabbit essence: don't talk

With the knowledge and means of the four civilizations, these days Anyang has done some research on the power of mutants. network

Scott, Angel, Blue Devil, Qin, and Storm Girl and Jimmy are all excellent friends for friendly exchanges.

But after researching, he found that the system of mutants is simply too inconsistent, seemingly regular, but irregular, and very elusive.

Among them, only the ability of angels is barely determined by genes, including the wings that grow suddenly, the power of agility and recovery ability, and the healing ability in the blood will be another matter. . As for others, it is not so simple as genes.

This makes Anyang suspicious of life. In the plot, these are things that can be explained or even copied by genes.

The piano itself contains a very strong power, which can be called the power of the phoenix, and the official said that it is the power of the origin. But no matter what the nature of this power is, it will obviously not be caused by gene mutations. Including Scott's crimson energy, including the blue demon's teleportation, storm woman's wind and thunder ability, etc.

If genetic mutations can bring such strong power to the human body, then everyone is the illegitimate child of God.

There is no other explanation!

In the end, Anyang can only push everything to the bug.

It is also well-known that the Hollywood hero blockbuster has doubled. In order to make up for these bugs and make them more reasonable, the system only modified some settings.

It is precisely because of these unexplainable loopholes that Anyang no longer struggles with how the power of the mutants comes from. Anyway, the reproducibility is not great. He just wants to figure out the exciting way of the mutants' power. He has been keenly aware that some of these forces are hard to come by with the cultivation system!

For example, Qin's ability to read and recall, affects and even controls the ability of others. He has only seen it in some non-human species, such as the demon of Shenzhou World.

There is also the ability of Storm Girl and Jimmy. They are so easy to control the power. Feng Lei and the earth are like mud in their hands, and they can knead as much as they want, like a natural instinct. Anyang has only been seen in some non-human species who rely on talent to eat.

For example, the water spirit in the place of origin, a scorpion spirit that can manipulate water freely.

As for the blue demon's teleport, it is too abnormal.

Anyang believes that his knowledge is quite wide now, but he has only seen the teleportation ability in the system ’s space-time power system, which is far less than the Blue Devil ’s freedom, and the distance is not as short as the place he has seen or visited. Blue demon.

If he can understand the power stimulation method

Well, Anyang also feels a little mysterious.

After several days of research, he once again encountered trouble in the way the power does work.

Take Storm Girl as an example.

Anyang can indeed capture and capture the energy in the storm woman, which shows that the system did not break it away from the basic rules when establishing this world, but when he fully recorded the storm force's way of force, everything changed.

Anyang simulated the energy of the storm girl, and spent a lot of effort to replicate the exciting method with the most familiar spell model and spells. Finally, it cost a lot of effort to succeed, but only to stimulate the thick lightning of the chopsticks. Not to mention the huge thunder that I mean!

This makes him think that for the mutants, mobilizing power and controlling power may be two completely different aspects.

"There are also some parts of the force-excited way that cannot be simulated, and touch the law vaguely."

Anyang said to himself, frowning tightly.

Looking at the results recorded by the bio-assist chip, the various operating modes, energy structure and frequency details of the energy when the mutant is stimulated are displayed in the case. The main part is divided into two parts, which are marked with red and yellow colors, One part is simulable, that is, the structure of energy, and the other part is something elusive.

Only the first part is needed to simulate the ability, then there is no doubt that the latter part is the key to deciding the ability of these mutants can be pointed at will!

However, in this part, he had no way to get started, only faintly felt that there were some traces that were plausible to heaven's numerology.

As for the Blue Devil, it is even more complicated.

If he recorded that Storm Storm's ability to stimulate the way, the first part accounted for a majority, then in the Blue Devil's record, almost all of the latter.

The kind he didn't study well!

Another three days--


The water was flowing like a column, washing Anyang's hand.

Qin and Scott are in the laboratory, one sitting on the experimental table and dangling his legs, the other just touched the experimental instrument, and he was surprised when he heard what he said.

"You said you were leaving?"

"Well." Anyang nodded and shook the water dry.

"Where to go?" Qin asked, "Will you go back to China?"

"That's right."

"That's a shame, I still hope you can stay here to help me get rid of this awful trouble!"

"I prepared a full set of meditation symbols for you."

"Really? A full set?" Qin jumped off the experimental platform and stared at him excitedly.


"Great!" Qin seemed to feel a little sad now, and forced away the excitement on his face, "Uh, I mean, um, you know."


Scott asked: "Aren't you here to seek wisdom? Why did you suddenly want to go back, where is there a good place in China, isn't it a good stay?"

"Because the pursuit has been completed?" Anyang took it for granted, "the wife at home is waiting for me to warm the bed!"

"So fast!" Both expressed shock.

"Well." Anyang smiled bitterly.

In fact, he didn't understand it at all, or he knew that he had not reached that level. Instead of spending more time, it would be better to record it first, cough in the future, and talk about it later!

He can also vaguely guess that although the mutants are not strong, there are too many loopholes to withstand scrutiny. In order to make up for these loopholes, the system had to adopt other methods, a method that could override the basic game rules of the world, directly endow the rules, and implicate the mutant ’s Nengling rules to achieve various bug effects in the plot.

Many abilities only take effect in this world. If Anyang wants to copy it, he must first understand the laws of being in the world, and then modify it to make it effective.

And what he recorded can only be used as a reference.

"Wait!" Scott suddenly shouted, "You said your wife, do you even have a spouse?"

"Spouse" Anyang twitched his lips.

"No, it's nothing." Scott saw that his face was wrong, afraid of being cleaned up, and even grinning, "I just said that your wife is also a powerful mutant."

"That's right."

Comrade Xie has a thousand years of history!

It didn't take long for the two to go back.

In the evening, the professor who heard the news opened a farewell banquet for Anyang, and everyone arrived, a night.

The next day, Anyang left the world.

In addition to mission rewards, his only gain is to deepen the study of mysterious biology, which benefits from angels, and also a deeper understanding of the law.

The laws of the world are illusory, but there are traces to follow. The absolute control of a certain ability by the mutants is just the insignificance that the system gives them, which is insignificant, but to make up for the loopholes, it can reach the point of certain species in other worlds. If anyone can thoroughly understand this rule, if there is a modifier, everything is under control.

Like playing a game, everyone is in the rules, and for those who play the game, the rules are unfettered.

Anyang's eyes narrowed slightly and he couldn't help looking forward to that day.

Anyone is longing for absolute power.


A breath of white gas was spit out, condensing like an arrow but not scattered.

I do not know why, there are gusts of wind all around, there is a faint cry, a feeling of horror makes the body soft.

A pair of extraordinarily cold eyes opened, actually showing the bright yellow of some beasts, and then returned to normal after a while.

These eyes are so beautiful!


The owner of the eyes moaned comfortably and unfolded a graceful figure. The arms were slender, the waist was slender and powerful, and a pair of curvy, tightly stretched legs crossed together.

Not far away was sitting a small figure ~ ~ subconsciously shuddered, and opened his eyes, but a little afraid.

This figure is about seven or eight years old, with white and clear cheeks, black and white eyes, smart and beautiful, and sitting cross-legged meticulously ☆ What is noticeable is that her long and sharp contrast with the small body is already on the ground.

"Big rule!" Huang Lan unfolded his body, full of temptation, and there was another burst of terror in his body.

Zinc shivered again: "Congratulations, congratulations."


Huang Lan laughed and suddenly stagnated: "Hey, Daoist Anyang is back, let's go to join in the fun!"

Zinc looked white and expressionless, but stood up without hesitation, patting the dust and standing behind Huang Lan waiting for her to move first.

Only then did I see that there was a bamboo basket behind her, and when she sat down, she wrapped her head on the ground to avoid getting dirty. And when she stood up, she grew a little under the buttocks.

Anyang lay on the sand like an uncle!

The rabbit essence perfectly played a maidservant, handed him the washed fruit, his face full of seriousness.

These three fairies have been thanking this villa these days. Of course, rubbing rice is also an important factor, but it also largely solves the boredom of Xie Xianxian.

After all, Anyang built another house just to avoid their rootless guest thinking, not to let them move away.

It is best for everyone to be together, and life is more comfortable.

After taking the apple, he took a big bite, and the apple full of moisture made a clear voice. Anyang asked casually: "I haven't spot-checked you for a long time. How are you practicing recently?"

Rabbit Jing's hands stiffened, his expression dull.

In response, her eyes were serious and she scooped a spoonful of dragon fruit cut in half with a spoon and handed it to Anyang's mouth.

Come, eat fruit, don't talk!

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