My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 714: Blame that guy!

The stage lighting effect is good, the middle position of the front row is also very clear, and the vocal effect is also excellent.

In addition to three people at this table, there is also a very senior professor, an old man with a high status at first glance, the president of Yizhou University, and another noble old lady.

Those who should have seated eight people, but only these seven people.

Compared with the other four people, the three talents are out of place.

Ji Weiwei did not whisper to Anyang until Anyou walked into the curtain: "How did you get this position?"

Anyang also replied in a low voice: "The air of the king's domineering ..."

Ji Weiwei's hand quietly touched his waist.

"His ... Don't pinch, don't pinch!"

Ji Weiwei smiled and looked at the surrounding environment secretly, and then asked: "What is the domineering spirit?"

"Cough, joke, just a joke, the anger of Wang Ba is on your old man, how can I have!" Anyang hastily served softly, "That's it, I met a familiar old leader when I just went out I have dealt with him for the company, and have had a good relationship! He just left four vacancies here, which is just cheap for us! "

Ji Weiwei frowned: "Don't that leader sit?"

"Should ... not sit?"

"That's it. If you want to sit, you won't give you the position!" Ji Weiwei rolled her eyes and smacked her lips. "It's really stupid and stupid, I don't have such a blessing!"


"What are you, you are treacherous and cunning, and you are so embarrassed to say that you go to the toilet, but you secretly ran to get the camera! You just barely scared Xiaoyou out of words!"

"Huh, did you hear that too?"

"Nonsense! I'm Ji Genius!"

"Haha, this, hey ... The second show started, Ji Genius, let's watch the show!"


Ji Weiwei rolled his eyes again and ignored him.

Although the voices of the two were low, they were almost the only ones talking in front of them at this time. Fortunately, a few people at the table basically didn't hear them, and they seemed to have a good temper.

Only the old man sweated slightly on his forehead.

The second show is a jazz dance, which is a good type of performance for the opening. The female students wore black leather shorts, showing long and white thighs, and the upper body was a combination of a tube top and a leather jacket. The delicate and greasy waist and well-developed **** were all shown. Coupled with beautiful appearance, the dance is also very hot, and it can cater to the tastes of the public.

Anyang was not interested in it. He swept the stage at random, feeling bored, and then took out the program list and looked at it again.

An You participated in a total of four programs on top, plus the guest host, it can be described as very active. It seems that the high scholarship she receives every year is not in vain!

She is not the main character in the four programs, but she wants to come too. After all, she is only a person with limited energy, and it is impossible for the school to let her dominate so many performances. And even if Anyou Junior High School often participates in the performances of the school's major celebrations, it can be called talented, but Yizhou University has its own music department and dance department, but they are all professional!

Her first show was filmed in the fourth appearance. It was a two-person dance drama. She was ... a piano accompaniment.

Anyang chuckled a little, and it was only a few months before this girl played the piano, and she was able to take up the accompaniment position.

Looking down, sure enough--

There are three piano accompanists in total!

Anyang had to laugh bitterly.

He had only heard that college students would put a name on soy sauce when others were working on projects. He didn't think that Nizi would do even better, and a show could also put his name on it!

Just to exercise yourself ... credits?

The second show is a classical dance called Qing Si Huanxue, which is a very online and poetic name.

Anyang was not surprised by this. He had already experienced the versatility of Anyou when he was studying.

The third program is a sketch. The introduction is very general, and he doesn't see anything, so he didn't think much about it.

The fourth program is a song skewer, from children's songs to lyrical, it seems to show a student from small to large, from childish to mature process, which is somewhat related to education.

Anyang smiled slightly and returned the program list to the envelope.

Except for the opening words from the beginning by An You and the male student, the other two pairs of male and female students will be the hosts. These four people are obviously more professional. Anyang speculates that they should have been the top students in the field of broadcasting hosting. In contrast, although Anyou also has rich broadcasting hosting experience, it is slightly inferior and more like a soy sauce.

Soon, it was the turn of the dance drama.

The stage was darkened, the members of the student union moved up props and musical instruments under the cover of darkness, and a group of people walked up quietly, all of them came, and the dry ice spread along the table.

With a snap, a beam of light shone like the light of Jesus.

Standing in the middle is a man and a woman, maybe all from the dance department. The man is slender and strong, and the woman is tall and slim, and it looks very pleasing to the eye.

But the three young people who occupy the best viewing position are not looking at the two handsome men and women, but looking at the dim light behind them, a girl in a white dress sitting behind the upright piano on the left .

Anyou's hair style was obviously specially asked to be cleaned up for the performance. Her hair was draped over her back and she had a beautiful hair knot to reveal a clean and white forehead.

But at such a moment of confidence, she inadvertently glanced down the stage, but showed a trace of embarrassment, but also mixed with a little panic.

Anyang naturally caught her expression and couldn't help being speechless.

This at least proves that his previous guess is true. The mature temperament before An You was completely an illusion!

Anyang also knew what she was embarrassing.

One can see from the configuration of the three pianos that only the grand piano behind is the protagonist, and both the left and right are soy sauce. And in Anyou's mind, it is estimated that he is a very good person who plays the piano, right? Did she get an axe in front of herself?

Anyang shook his head and stopped talking.

Instead ... pick up the SLR!


An You played the wrong note!

It's just that this note is not far away from the correct one, and it's not a professional or a distant one who can't hear it.

Anyang smiled, he obviously saw Anyou blush a little, he quickly raised the camera, lengthened the focus, and a close-up on the red Anyou face with a click!

From his point of view, this dance drama is still ranked very well, probably showing the process of a team of lovers from falling in love to misunderstanding and finally separating, the ending is slightly sad. The whole emotion can be conveyed to the audience by means of music and Latin dance. In fact, as long as this point is reached, it is already very rare and excellent.

The main rhythm is controlled by the piano, but it is all played by the grand piano. An You and another classmate are only responsible for the occasional accompaniment of a small part of short syllables.

Hmm ... it's enough to press a few keys back and forth.

After the show, there was a round of applause.

Ji Weiwei and Xiao Xueer next to Anyang were a little touched by grief, and clapped hard and dedicated to the two dancers.

Xiao Xueer and the other two accompaniments also stepped forward and bowed with the two dancers, thanking the audience. The woman who played soy sauce with her was also a pretty girl, and the accompaniment was a little fat boy, wearing a tuxedo and a little nervous face. Both dancers' chests were undulating, with sweat on their faces, obviously tired.

The light was slightly dark, and no host took the stage and jumped directly to the next show, which was a martial arts performance.

After about twenty minutes, it was the turn of classical dance.

The stage was bleak, and about a dozen slim women stepped out of the background, followed by dry ice and elegant classical music.

Until the soft light comes on.

These ten female students are all very high-valued. They all wear slightly white classical clothes, show their waists and legs, and have a rich classical beauty. They dance with the music.

Anyang smiled when he remembered the singer she had seen in the Shenzhou World and the Painted Skin World.

However, under his gaze, Anyou, who has always been comfortable in rehearsal, was a little stiff and his expression was unnatural. This dress is obviously nothing. Isn't it normal that the girls dancing jazz are much more exposed than this, but why does she feel uncomfortable under the eyes of this guy, as if it's hard to be embarrassed?

Especially this awful guy is still holding that camera to shoot hard! When she waited to finish dancing, she must call the students of the two student unions to yell at him for making such a beat!

Under the embarrassment of nearly falling on the wrong pace and causing wrestling, the dance finally ended, and there was a wave of applause off the court. No one seemed to find her embarrassment.

The third sketch is a harlequin performed by An You.

The so-called harlequin. The harlequin in the drama refers to the funny role of gags. It is slightly different here, but it also plays the important role of funny, and it is more ugly than the harlequin of the drama.

Originally pretty, a little girl, she was turned into a faceless face by thick lipstick and thick makeup blush. It was a bit similar to the flowery, and the lines were crazy and silly.

I don't know what other people think. Anyway, Anyang wanted to laugh as soon as she saw this Nizi's dress, and the camera kept clicking.

Anyou glanced down from time to time on the stage, that was a piss! The right of portrait has been infringed on!

While she used to think it was very common to pretend to be stupid, and she could see it everywhere in the sketch, she felt extremely mentally retarded at the moment. I used to think that I could ignore whatever I wanted to perform, but now I do n’t know why, but I just feel the burning pain on my face, and I feel like I have lost my face! And she still had to cheer herself up, clenching her teeth to cooperate with her teammates to finish this sketch!

Anyang can see her uncomfortableness below.

The last show is a little better, but I think she has a soft voice. She is in charge of the children's song.

Ke Anyou found helplessly ~ ~ I was completely stunned today. I didn't feel embarrassed when I decided to sing children's songs, but now that guy is sitting under the stage ...

Blame that guy!

"The sun is in the sky, the flowers smile at me, and the bird said," Why do you carry a small schoolbag early? "

Anyou deliberately put her voice to childishness and sang.

Um, so shameful ...

Anyang didn't know what to say to Ji Weiwei and Xiao Xueer under the stage, and the three laughed together.

hateful! ! !

An You grew more embarrassed and angry, but she gritted her teeth and made no mistakes. After she had finished singing the whole paragraph, she stepped back a few steps and blushed for the singer below.

And the camera of the guy below has not stopped!

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